Incubus Phantom[NEW VERSION]

Bởi XUnicornStarX

3K 88 72

-REWRITTEN VERSION- Danny found and brought home an "injured" boy named Phantom, who turns out to be an Incub... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter Four

Chapter 3

668 18 40
Bởi XUnicornStarX

Writing is so much funnier and easier when you have a lovely proofreader!

Btw I made myself some fanart XD, since I'm my own biggest fan.

Chapter "warning" -  Slightly sexual stuff. (If you don't like that, just end the chapter after Danny Falls asleep.)


As we stepped inside the house, Phantom removed his arm from my shoulders to instead lean against the wall. He took off his shoes and I did the same.

I let my backpack and jacket fall off my shoulders. I hung my jacket on the coat rack that stood close to the door. I placed my backpack on the floor beside it.

Turning around I saw Phantom waiting for me, silently looking at me.

I really hope I choose the right thing to do. This is something my dad would've done. Which is not a good sign since I really don't want to be like him. No offense to my dad, but he's not the smartest so to speak. My mother, on the other hand, is smart.



So, me not being the brightest like my sister is not that surprising.

However, I'll just have to roll with it now. I can't recall why I'd thought this was a good idea. I do remember the doubts I had, but they just went away... Strange.

We both headed into the living room, which was pretty much connected with the entrance of the house.

Simple light blue walls and dark brown wood floors. The couch was dark gray and around 5 people could fit in it. In front of it was a small round table and on the wall hung a tv.

"Um, okay... " I mumbled and rubbed my neck.

"Heh... um, I don't really know where to go from here." I chuckled lightly and looked away. Phantom hadn't ones let go of his staring contest. Did the guy even blink? Ever?

"Are you sure we shouldn't call the cops?" I asked for what felt like thousands time.

For the first time, Phantom looked away.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just slightly hit my head when the.. um... the guys stole my bag." Phantom said and let out a deep breath.

"I'll be fine after some rest." He added and I just stood there, staring at him in shock. That was the first long, full sentence I'd heard from this guy yet.

"Oh, okay if you're sure..." I said and once again rubbing my neck. So after some rest, he will leave? Good, I guess. This dude could possibly kill me with just his eyes. This situation just gets weirder with every second that passes. I can't wait until he leaves. No offense of course.

"I will get you some water, and you can, um, sit down on the couch and rest," I said and pointed at the couch behind him.

He looked at where I pointed and then back at me with a neutral face, but then he headed over to the couch and took a seat.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I held. Who knew interacting with strangers could be so difficult and exhausting.

I didn't say anything before heading to the kitchen, doing my best not to sprint and escape the awkwardness thickening the air.

The kitchen was close to the living room. No doors separating them. So if Phantom lean slightly to his left, he could probably see me standing by the sink.

I don't know who picked the colors for the walls and -in this room- the kitchen cabinets, but what I do know is that that person needs to get fired.

The kitchen walls were light lime green, while the kitchen cabinets were pale yellow. Jazz and I have tried to convince my parents to repaint, but they'll just tell us how charming the color can be if you let them be. Which makes no sense.

However, the kitchen table looks pretty cool. Mom and dad made it from metal. So it looks futuristic. It also has matching chairs in the same metal color. The backrest of the chair is formed into a curved T shape. Which is not always that comfortable, but it is what it is.

I grabbed a glass from the wall cabinets over the sink and proceeded to fill it with water. I rested the glass on the worktop beside the sink, my hand still holding the glass.

I picked up my phone from my back pocket, scrolling down to my mom's number. My thumb hovering over the call button. Is Phantom really just a victim? Should I trust him?

I stared at my mom's number for a while before deciding not to call. Phantom hasn't done anything yet and he's had plenty of opportunities to do so.

I'll call mom after hearing Phantom's story.

With that, I decided to take a step back from the sink and head back to Phantom.

It looked like Phantom hadn't moved an inch since I left. Unlike other people, Phantom sat upright instead of leaning back on the couch. He almost looked uncomfortable, uptight.

"Here you go," I said and gave him the glass. Phantom took it with a small grateful smile, he then took a sip before setting it down on the coffee table.

"So, what happened to you dude? And how can I help?" I tried to ask the silent boy.

"Nothing big really, a group came at me, pushed me against the wall, took my bag and money." He answered and looked down at his hands, rubbing them together.

"Yikes, all your money?" I asked, a stupid question of course. I am me after all.

"Yes..." Phantom answered as he frowned. Not frowning at me, but more at himself, like he was getting frustrated.

"Sorry to hear that... "I said awkwardly.

Before I could say anything else, Phantom did.

"You said your name is Danny Fenton right?" Phantom suddenly asked.

"Um, Yeah?"

"So, your parents are Maddie and Jack Fenton?" Phantom asked and surprised me. Making my creep factor rise from zero to one hundred.

Before I could question him about how he knows, Phantom added. "My parents used to be friends with them."

Used? I thought. What does he mean by that? Why haven't I heard anything about them, or more specifically, about Phantom. My parents don't have many friends because of their hobby. So I know almost all of their friends. For example, a creepy man called Vlad Masters. That my parents would stay with the next few days. I don't really like Vlad. He looks at mom... weirdly. Almost like the way Tucker looks at girls in school, but more hidden and unobtrusive.

Mom and dad met Vlad when they were younger and went to college. Apparently there was an accident with one of their projects and Vlad got hurt in the process. I don't know the details since none of them want to talk about it. I even tried asking Vlad himself, but he only got mad from the memory and told me irritated, that it was my father's fault before stomping off. When I ask my parents they only look away guiltily before telling me it was a long time ago and they don't remember it clearly, which is a bunch of baloney if you ask me, but I let it slide. My parents hadn't really heard anything from Vlad since the accident, but one year ago he randomly showed up at our doorstep to say hi.

"What do you mean 'used to'?" I asked at last. If the stranger perhaps is not a stranger, then I need to know.

Phantom sighed.

"Long story, you can ask them when they come back, speaking of them, where are they anyway?"

Should I really tell him that they're out of town? Is it really smart to let him know that I'm alone for the next few days? Even though my parents may know his parents, it doesn't mean I know him and can put my trust on.

"They're visiting my sister a few cities away." I decided to say anyways. "My friends are checking on me regularly though." I quickly added, which made Phantom chuckle.

"Yeah I know, stranger danger right?" Phantom joked.

I laughed at that. Maybe this dude isn't that bad after all. I still totally should call mom to let her know about the situation and ask her about Phantom's parents and their connection with them. I'll do that later though.

Phantom reached out and reclaimed the glass of water from the table, but in the middle of drinking, he flinched and frowned.

"Um, are you okay dude?" I asked in concern. I took a seat beside him and thought about putting a hand on his back, but decided against it. The shy part of me just couldn't do it. I could do that in the alleyway, almost hugging him when he fell. However, putting a hand on his back to show emotion? Of course not. I wanted to shake my head at myself. Sometimes I am really pathetic...

Phantom leaned his head back to finish the water in a big gulp, and then put the glass back.

"Yeah, just some head pain... " He said more to himself, then took a moment before saying,

"Hey, I know you've done a lot for me already, but could I just rest my eyes for a few hours? Just a quick nap, then I will be on my way and leave you be."

A part of me just wanted to say 'sorry, but no'. I don't know if I would feel too happy about knowing he's still in the house when I do whatever I will do later. He doesn't seem like a bad guy any longer, but that's what every victim on the tv say they thought before being abused...

Even with those thoughts, I said.

"Yeah, sure. You can borrow our guest room if you want."

The concern on Phantom's face melted away and was replaced with a gentle smile.

"That's really not necessary, I can use the couch..."

"Nah, I insist," I said. If my parents find out that I let a 'guest' sleep on the couch, they would tear me apart, molecule by molecule.

I took a step back and motioned for him to follow. "This way." I said returning a smile.

It looked like he hesitated at first, but with a sigh and a smile, he stood up. Phantom's height still intimidating and everything, but I will just have to cope with it.

We went up the stairs and the first thing you'll see up here, facing the stairs, is the door to my room. There isn't a lot of space up here, outside the three bedrooms and one bathroom. Just one small hallway alongside the stairs. Beside my room was the bathroom and next door is Jazz's room with flower stickers on the door. Farthest away from where me and Phantom were standing, is the guest room. All the doors are colored cherry red, which made them stand out from the light blue walls similar to the living room. Like I said before, whoever lived here in this house before us, had issues. Green, blue and red? Just why?

"The guest room is the one that has the small black door sign." I said leading him. So, I admit, it wasn't really necessary to say that since I would lead him there anyway and also because of the fact that the sign said 'GUEST ROOM'. However, I just wanted to say something to prevent it from getting awkwardly silent again.

I opened the door to the guest room and Phantom stepped inside. The room wasn't too big, but not too small either. Just a normal standard size. The full xl bed stood in the center against the wall to the left of the room. Two small bedside tables on either side of the bed. This room is probably the most modern-looking one. It hasn't always been a guest room though, It used to be just a big closet where we stored all sorts of crap in. Recently mom thought it was a good idea to make it into what it is now. Thanks to Jazz, it turned out pretty good. Light grey walls, Black furnitures and some silver accessories here and there. Like for example the lamp and the two simple candle holders. That are standing on either side on the clothes cabinets that stood beside the window, directly opposite to the door. To the right of stood a simple black IKEA desk with a matching chair of wood. The room was still mostly empty since we didn't think it really mattered.

Phantom didn't wait a second before he took a seat on the bed covered in a navy blue cover and white pillows. He still looked really uptight as he looked at me, which made me feel uncomfortable and excited to leave him be.

"Um, I will be downstairs. If you need, the bathroom is beside the door with flower stickers on it." I said and looked down at the matching navy blue carpet on the floor.

"Thank you, Danny," Phantom said.

I nodded once in reply and gently closed the door. I headed down the stairs and tried not to think about what I could have said differently or how I could have handled the situation better, like I always did after speaking with other people. The only time I didn't act like a fool, was with Sam and Tuck. Along with my family of course.

That's kinda a lie tho, I do act like a fool with them too, but they know me and it's not the same thing then.

Speaking of family. I should call mom.

But first, unfortunately.


That's just what I did. With a random football match on TV, I sat in the corner of the couch in the living room. Feet on the seat cushion, Knees up and my math book resting on my thigh. Usually, I sit in the kitchen or in my room while doing homework, but since my parents are gone I can sit wherever. Of course, I can do that when they're home too. However, when they are running around in the house with different inventions they have created, it can get quite distracting. Especially when they want to use me as a guinea Pig. Like the time when I got sick from microwaving some mac and cheese in their homemade 'Fenton microwave'.

I puked for several days after. Fun time.

Getting tired of the wood taste of the pen after gnawing on it, I groaned and leaned my head back. I have been trying to solve the same math equation for what feels like an hour with no luck.

This is a Tuck kind of thing.

I could always call and ask him to explain it to me since he would surely be home by now. However I usually avoid asking him math questions due to the fact that asking Tuck about a problem, will lead to nothing. Tuck can be smart, but he sucks at explaining and teaching. That, ladies and gentlemen, is why Tucker will not be a teacher in the near future.

Well I can call my sister tomorrow and ask her. She is after all studying right now to become a teacher.

I decided to take a break. I put the math book down on the table and let my body slide down so I was laying on my side facing the tv screen. I picked up the TV remote and flipped through the channels. One of the movie channels were showing 'Venom' so I decided to watch it. I have seen it before at the cinema with Sam and Tuck. Tuck didn't really like it, but me and Sam had enjoyed it. I had actually almost taken hold of Sam's hand at that time. It didn't happen though. I chickened out... Like I always do.

I obviously like her, but I don't want to lose her as a friend. Which can happen if she doesn't feel the same about me. That or it will just be permanently awkward between us.

"Your world is not so ugly after all." Venom said with his deep growly voice in the movie and then added.

"I'm almost sorry to see it end.."

Knowing how the film will end, I smiled. Sometimes I wish that I was special. Some kind of superpower would be fun. What if I could fly? Then there would be no more running to get to school.

Yes, I do run sometimes, because sleep is apparently more important to me than a stress free morning.

I didn't realize how tired I was until my eyes fluttered closed. I blinked them open again, looking at the fight scene in the movie, Venom being a badass and everything.

Yeah, falling asleep with the -kinda- stranger sleeping upstairs, is maybe not the greatest idea.

How bad can it be though? He is probably already fast asleep. So just a small 30 minutes nap can't be harmful and then I will call mom to update her.

Yes, I can do that, I thought before letting my eyes close. Math can be really exhausting. Parents have to give us students more cred. Like seriously, equations are torture.

As I feel my consciousness ebbing away, as clear and concise as it was mere moments ago, it was coming to an end.

I fell asleep.


My dream is more weird than normal. That says a lot.

With a groggy mind and blurry sight on the sides, I saw Phantom looking down at me. Straddling my laying form. His wide eyes glowing plasma green.


Glowing. Like a freaking neon sign. And that's why I know this is a dream. Completely different to what I used to dream about. Probably thanks to the stress of course.

Phantom placed his hands onto my belly and took a heavier seat on my groin. I winced slightly, since being pressed there wasn't actually comfortable with jeans on. I always used to change pants to something more 'soft' immediately after coming home from school, a comfort thing.

Why did I not do that?

Ah, right, I have a guest.

The one who is currently groping and massaging my belly while slowly grinding his hips against mine...

My dreams are weird, man.

"Mmm, Phantom?" I murmured, deciding to play along with the dream and lazily rubbed my eyes.

Phantom didn't even look at my face anymore. Instead he was looking at my chest like it had the answer to solve the world's problems. His facial expressions were hard to read. He looked nothing like the boy I brought home. He almost looked hypnotized. Dull, wide eyes and mouth set in a thin line. He also had this concentrating look blending in. It didn't make sense, but neither did this dream.

Phantom's hands glided up and to the sides of my ribs. W̶h̶i̶c̶h̶ ̶f̶e̶l̶t̶ ̶a̶m̶a̶z̶i̶n̶g̶. My skin tingling and my eyes fluttering. Phantom looked up at my eyes and my mind got foggier than before.

Phantom's hands glided up further over my ribs, my shirt hitching up. Then his hands carried on over my chest and collarbone, until his hands left my body completely. His hands gliding over the surface of the couch, over my head, his body following down until his chest was aligned with mine and his face only centimeters away from mine. He planted both of his forearms on either side of my head as he moved his legs. His right knee pressing between mine, then he moved one of his hands to grip my thigh, lifting it up to his hips. He changes hands to do the same to my other leg until he was positioned between my legs. Under the time he did this, his eyes never left mine.

The moment he pressed towards me, I groaned.

Phantoms eyelids dropped slightly, eyes getting cloudy and his lips parting. Yet there was no sound from Phantom.

The boy's head leaned down to rest beside mine and his hand moved down to my hip. He gently squeezed it, his hand sliding under, to my lower back, only to press towards himself, making my back arch. So the next press he did with his hips made me moan. And, well, mini me or whatever you call it, got excited so to speak. I could feel that Phantom had the same thing going on. It was also after that Phantom for the first time, let out a sound from himself.

I didn't expect what I heard though.

It was a groan, it wasn't as simple as that though, no. The groan ended with a deep growl, and I could feel it too since our chests are pressed together. Apparently, I like that, because a shiver ran down my back.

His upper body was also heavily pressed against mine. I thought I would be one of the types who get claustrophobic by being this pressed down, but apparently not. It's more surprisingly like a turn on for me. This is after all only a dream, so what do I know. What's good about this strange dream though, is that I learn stuff about myself. I thought sarcastically.

'Yeah... This dream is getting weirder and weirder.' I then thought as Phantom started undulating his hips against mine in a deep hard motion. Making myself slightly move up on the couch, but Phantom's elbow resting over my shoulder stopped me from moving any  farther. There's also Phantom's hand still holding my hips up from the couch. Which should be tiring for him, but since this is a dream it doesn't have to make sense, As nothing else does. For example, I am not gay. I like girls, like Sam. So me enjoying this dream is just wrong. If Tuck knew this, he would tease me for the rest of my life. Since Tuck has earlier in our friendship multiply times, question my sexuality.

One time I wore tight jeans to school. The moment Tuck saw me, he grabbed my arm and ran into an empty classroom. It was almost as cringy as the birds and the bees talk. I had to try to convince him that, wearing tight pants, doesn't have to mean that you are gay. However I didn't make the same mistake again. Baggy pants it is.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my release buildup. With another thrust from Phantom, I was finally sent over the edge and I came.

Simple as that. It's been a while since I have had any 'me time', due to homework. So I came easily by just some pressing and thrusting through clothes, it's not that surprising.

I opened my eyes after realizing that I had pressed them closed. Phantom planted a gentle kiss on the side of my neck, then he sat up, still sitting between my legs.

Phantom looked completely relaxed and satisfied. I used to have the same look on my face after eating my favorite apple pie with ice cream.

I noticed a heaviness behind my eyes. Suddenly feeling tired all over again. Which is strange, since I'm already asleep.

However, before my eyelids could droop I noticed something behind Phantom grow? Hist shirt tightening on the front and stretching on the back. Then with a whoosh, the shirt ripped open in the back and a pair of large white leathery wings expanded behind him, fanning the air and ruffling my hair. Stretching to their full glory. Leaving me amazed. I got this weird urge to touch his wings, but couldn't. I felt that tired.

More abnormal things started to happen to Phantom, His hands started to darken on his pale fingertips and then the darkness crawled upwards his arms. It looked like his nails were growing, but I couldn't see more than that, since my eyes finally closed and I was once more slowly consumed by the darkness.

Sadly I would probably never know how this strange and supernatural dream ended.



Argghh I'm soooo rusty when it comes to smexy stuff. It has been a while. I still hope you like it though <3 

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