By -rosehearts

196K 5.8K 10.1K

โ ๐ˆ'๐Œ ๐Œ๐€๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ˆ๐“ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐“๐Ž ๐†๐„๐“ ๐‹/๐ ๐“๐Ž ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐Œ๐„, ๐๐Ž ๐Œ๐€๐“๐“๐„๐‘ ๐–๐‡๏ฟฝ... More

[two-not destined]
[six - vagarious]
[seven - my first love]
[eight - lucid dreaming]
[nine - rin]
[ten - big brother]
[eleven - genderbent]
[twelve - warmth]
[fourteen - vicissitude]
[fifteen - selcouth ]
[sixteen - witness]
[seventeen - latch]
[eighteen - wonderwall]
[nineteen - redamancy]
[twenty - yลซgen]

[thirteen - the growth of jealousy]

5.2K 169 211
By -rosehearts



work went by so easily today, y/n was amazed how fast the day went by. a relieved sigh escaped her lips as she finished up her document and closed her laptop. she glanced to the side of her and saw kunikida choking dazai for tricking him into writing down a false life hack. y/n narrowed her eyes slightly before looking back at her coffee placed on her table.

'its chilly outside but it's not gonna stop me from going to that sweet shop and go on a shopping spree! i should bring l/n-chan with me!"

y/n's breath hitched and she sensed ranpo's stare at her. wondering why he couldn't ask yosano, y/n mentally scoffed and prepared herself to decline ranpo's offer. as he reached her and patted her shoulder, y/n lazily looked up with a frown.

"hey. there's a huge sweet shop around town and everything's 30 percent off! we should go together!" ranpo beamed, brining up his fists. as much as y/n adored all kinds of sweets, y/n found it in her heart to decline politely and not brutally like she would normally do to anyone else. with a shook of her head and waved her hand dismissively. "can't today."'

ranpo pouted and crossed his arms. "fine. you're loss~!"

"hey. i should ask l/n if she wants to go to mall with me and naomi."

y/n's eyes twitched as ranpo walked away from her desk. she thought 'and witness some incest? no way.' y/n blew her bang out of her face and grunted. she needed the whole day to herself, resting at home and watching her favorite series. that's the main reason she finished her work early today. she stood up and starting packing her stuff quickly. not hesitant or nervous but carefully to not draw any attention since if she packed too fast, she would be questioned.

"l/n! naomi and i are going to the mall after work! it would be nice if you joined us! we could eat sweets over there!" tanizaki slid next to the woman and smiled a nice soft smile. y/n slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at tanizaki annoyingly before shaking her head a no. tanizaki's smile faltered to a sad frown and pout. "if you say so. how come

"a small home emergency. goodbye." y/n muttered before walking past tanizaki and towards the exit. finally, she was left alone.
y/n couldn't wait to get home and watch some [series] as she was left on a cliffhanger last night.


dazai walked towards his desk, holding the amusement park ticket close to his chest so no one saw it. everybody left somewhere else inside the agency, probably the cafe downstairs. dazai looked over at y/n's empty desk and sighed sadly. suddenly, a wind came gusting inside the office, blowing dazai's ticket for y/n out of his hand.

"oh no!" thankfully, he was fast enough to catch it as it reached out the window. "my my, it really is chilly." dazai sweat dropped with a chuckle and held back the blue ticket by his chest before glancing down.

'why does god hate me?!'

y/n thought to her self, looking to the side with a  comic expression of wide eyes and a smooch shape mouth. dazai blinked before yelling out of shock to find y/n holding onto the window still. the building was not huge but definitely a big jump to suicide.

once y/n sat down in the floor below the window and behind dazai's desk, he began to scold her. avoiding eye contact, y/n rolled her eyes. "what were you doing there?! if you fell, your death would have scarred me for life!" dazai childishly exclaimed, his hand right on his chest giving it a light squeeze.

"i can't loose someone special again..."

y/n gaped, face softening before glancing up at dazai who looked to the side bashfully and concerned. y/n thought if he meant that from the bottom of his heart and in a while, her heart experienced a small beat skip.
"but you know! you could have at least asked me to jump out with you!" dazai pouted, putting his hands on his hips. y/n's face went back to being monotonous.

dazai took in a deep breath before checking if no one was in the office or spying.

"well...there's no one around. here goes nothing!"

y/n looked at him neutrally. seeing him shy and nervous made her smile a bit as it did remind her how taichi used to be like. but of course, she would never dare to make dazai a replacement of taichi. that would be monstrous of her.

"l/n, i have an extra ticket for an amusement park that opened up not that long ago. and i heard it's a perfect date spot! so i would like for you to go with me." dazai smiled like a dork and brought out the blue and gold ticket as if he was giving her a box of chocolates.

y/n's eyes averted towards the paper, thinking if she'd decline, dazai would be an embarrassed wreck, acting gloomy all day. y/n would rather plumage to her death than going on a date with him but seeing him take his courage to ask his crush out was kind of....a charming sight. she secretly hated her weakness and took the ticket from his hands before standing up.

dazai's face lit up and his cheeks turned a much more visible shade of pink. y/n nodded once before walking off to get her bag. dazai slapped his cheeks and grinned brightly.

"she actually agreed! of course, she would! no one would have the mind to decline such a gorgeous man!"

y/n regretted her choice, slinging her bag over her shoulder. of course just because she agreed doesn't mean she agreed willingly. it was nothing new, she felt tired and a bit frustrated but internally, you could say she felt something she hadn't in years.


the sun lit her room bright but not too bright. y/n picked a simple outfit for her date she didn't plan but god threw it her way. she didn't want to put any effort in her clothes and she remembered that dazai will look good in almost anything so she couldn't show up with a plain shirt and jeans. unfortunately for y/n, risaki heard about her date and she quickly made her way over to the l/n residence.

"i don't need your help. can you leave now?"

risaki laughed it off and kept rummaging through y/n's wardrobes. "you have good fashion, y/n. and i'm an expert at matching so this will be fun!" risaki grinned, taking out a dark blue flannel and placing it neatly on y/n's comfy bed. the psychic watched with a small grudge, part of her wanted to stop and kick risaki out of the house but the other ironically found it amusing for risaki to be able to have a helpful side of her.

"why do you think dazai asked you on a date?! because he likes you! but i notice he doesn't want to accept that and rather turn the tables and make you fall in love!" risaki clapped her hands, gold eyes gleaming.

"i knew that, stupid."

"you were originally going to wear a hoodie and jeans, right? that would sent a bad message to dazai..." risaki huffed and y/n glanced at her with an embarrassed scowl. she flopped down her bed and softly clutched her teal colored shirt. thanks to her eager friend she felt a small lot of butterflies in her stomach. it wasn't suppose to be a date nor a big deal but now she considered it a step to love.

"finee...here you goo. somethin' simple!" risaki threw clothes on y/n's bed.

y/n snapped her fingers. and she was already wearing the outfit, looking at herself in her mirror. her unfazed blank look kept still, only indicating she wasn't all proud of having a date soon. (you can change the outfit if you want)

"you look great! thanks to me~!" risaki
victoriously smiled, flipping her hair jokingly.
y/n nodded before she teleported both of them downstairs to the kitchen. obviously after that, y/n knew she couldn't come alone or else dazai would make a huge move considering how sly he can be.

"well, goodbye now! have fun!" risaki bid her goodbye to y/n and her mom while heading out the door. at first y/n thought if she could bring risaki along but she could be a handful and y/n didn't want to deal with two childish knuckle heads. she wouldn't bring anyone else but kunikida if anything but he was busy at the agency. that left her with kotomi.

y/n's face lightly lit up at her plan. there's a really low percentage that she would be riding roller coasters and going through the love tinsel with dazai now.


     dazai stood patiently with a dainty smile. he had been waiting for this day with excitement.  -and him being the arrogant man he is, conceived himself that y/n was too hysterically mirthful for this date at the enchanting yokohama amusement park.

"i bet l/n's been counting down the days! i could just empathize with her joy!"

dazai looked in front of him and saw y/n walking towards him. he didn't care if she wore simple clothing, he thought she looked beautiful in any clothes. clearly he wouldn't want to admit it personally face to face.

"thanks for waiting. have you been standing here long?"

without being amusing to y/n, dazai didn't question why her tone sounded suspiciously young and brightly jubilant. she normally would sound bored and monotonous. "nope! it's fine, i got here a few minutes ago." dazai chirped. "all right, let's get our roll on, irenic!" kotomi exclaimed happily, clenching on her own hands cheery. dazai has just now noticed that y/n brought a kid along, and he knew she wasn't dumb enough to actually not think of this of a date.

"yeah! let's go!"

"you're heading to the lost kids area."


y/n's pov
i heard dazai whine inside his mind, keeping on a fake smile while walking around the amusement park looking for something we could all do.

'since when is it normal to bring a kid along on a date. in my original plan, i was gonna make her say 'oh wow!' three times on the roller coaster, six times in the haunted house and at least thirty times in the ferris wheel!'

i'm glad i brought kotomi with me. even with a kid, we are already drawing attention. i hope the small crowd ogling us doesn't get bigger, i think some alone time would be better than dealing with a small crowd. dazai kneeled down to kotomi's level.

"all right, kotomi. what do you do wanna do first? bumper cars?" dazai smiled. kotomi shook her head no, once. "ok. how about rea cups?" kotomi shook her head. "roller coaster, then?"  kotomi school her head once again.

'well then what are you doing here?!'

dazai tiredly but angrily thought. kotomi brought up a flyer she was holding based on one of her favorite hero tv show. which was none other than the one having irenic and bubbly elysian. "i wanna see this!"

today being that one day, kotomi brought us to the stage play she was dying to see. thank god for making everything on the same day.
when we got there, it already begun and the announcer was just doing the introductions . as kotomi cheered on with other kids and adults with their children, we managed to get towards the front.

i patted kotomi's head as she told me "i love mysterious beauty! ah...but i also love bubbly elysian..." i'm not offended, she's cute to get mad at despite being ridiculously annoying.

'wait! this means i can get some alone time with l/n!'

"hey, l/n-"


"listen to this. apparently this play is going to be a sneak peak for an upcoming super hero romance movie! it's about these two girls fighting over a man. isn't that pretty old?" kotomi excitedly rambled, jumping up and down. dazai nodded, not really paying attention to what the little girl is saying.

at last the show proceeded with the main villain. a women in a black bodysuit and black eye masks with high heel booys clicking with every step she took, walking down the stage to the audience.

"look out or else the sadistic queen will infect you with a lovesick potion." the announcer dramatically said, gesturing out a hand to the red head woman walking closer to the audience seemingly searching for something...well more like somebody. her eyes shone and a sparkly grin broke onto her face. kotomi pushed dazai, using him as a shield since she thought her least favorite villain was going after her.


dazai got dragged into the play by the red head villain. i'm not trying to get involve but out of all people why dazai? if they were looking for an attractive man to use, that sadistic queen should've looked harder. after all, couldn't she see me standing next to him.


"oh no! the sadistic queen took someone!" the announcer exclaimed. dazai looked helpless while the cosplayer smirked triumphantly. black eye mask bringing out her shiny orange eyes. there were whispers along the lines of questioning the show. like, was this even part
of the show. which i could be asking the same thing. the other half of the murmurs were about dazai's looks. none of them knowing he was here with a kid and a woman.

"flames! i'll surround you with flames!" the sadistic queen shouted proudly, clawing her hands in a gesture and brought them both up. the acting isn't as point but it's definitely relishable for kids under 15. dazai decided to be dramatic and play along. at least, that's what it seems to everyone around.

like a damsel in distress, he placed the back of left hand on his forehead, backed away and pleaded for mercy. "no, don't hurt me..."
it really looked like he was defenseless for a
moment. the redhead woman gaped, her draconian character and bold stance disturbed.
he fairly young woman blushed softly, looking to the side with an arm
rubbing the other embarrassingly. i deadpan

"ah...i'm sorry..."

no, don't stop.

"huh? why has the sadistic queen stop attacking?" the announcer confusedly questioned. the woman perked up and let out a noise of shocking realization. noting she broke character and immediately, greeted her teeth. she threw her hands out again and growled.

dazai's lips parted and he backed away again from the woman getting closer. "oh no! the sadistic queen is attacking the beautiful man, again!"
right as the redhead was about to attack, a superhero jumped to the stage. their black cape flowing from the salubrious wind passing by. along with her hair (most likely a wig provided). her lavender long locks bringing out her features more than the sadistic queen. precisely, she indeed looks like a an ideal superhero but i wouldn't be the one calling her all that.

"what have we here?" the announcer grinned.
"stop right there! looks like the game is over here, sadistic queen!" mysterious beauty
enthusiastically announced. she jumped up, launching herself towards the stunned red head who didn't have time to react. expectedly, mysterious's foot came in contact with sadistic's left cheek, on knocking her over and over with the same kick.

"damn it! you made me look like a fool i'm front of a gorgeous man!" the sadistic queen, well, more like the actress, exclaimed towards the super hero with a glare. her dirt scratches on her face and arms from hitting the ground repeatedly and stumbling. dazai watched, trying to look entertained. honestly i almost feels bad for him. kotomi watched in bewilderment, hands in fists and raised to her heart.

the actress must have misheard dazai, thinking that he was rooting for her instead of the mysterious beauty.

"he's rooting for me now?"

the sadistic queen jolted up and got riled up. seeing this type of fight isn't new. the announcer noticed how sadistic wouldn't give up at this point. the redhead kicked mysterious in the face. shockingly, that kick alone brought the woman down and knocked her to the ground. kotomi reacted alarmingly.

"oh no! irenic is in trouble! you need to help him, bubbly elysian!" kotomi pleases me,
shaking her fists. people heard and turned over to us, faces alerted. "are you really bubbly elysian! if you are then you should do something!"

how are adults being apart of this? they should be here only because their kids are in love with a kid's tv show. i'm not this judging but i'm starting to get severely tired with this crap of having to get something back in order.

"i'm not-hey let go of me!!"

that's how i found myself standing in stage with a mask on and a stupid hand made cape.
dazai glanced at me. slightly amazed that i was willingly up here. that's what he wanted to believe anyways.

"l/n, what are you doing up stage?"

you tell me..

"who the hell are you?!" sadistic queen yelled, going in for another attack. this time using her fists, and going in for a few punches. good grief.

i go i'm before she even landed a hit and lifted my leg to kick her in the face like she did to mysterious. i made sure i didn't kick way too hard but hard enough that she's knocked out for a good half an hour.

"wow! super hero bubbly elysian saves the day for mysterious beauty this time! absolutely admirable!" the announcer laughed, earning the crowd to cheer with her loudly. what i earned was something expected but somehow, catching me off guard.

"you're my hero, tehe~" dazai mocked, arms over my shoulders, chin on top of my head. i grunt, scowling lenitive. i can tell by that mocking tone that he is nonetheless very blithely moved by the turn of events.

when i dropped off kotomi with dazai, i got call from atsushi. not wanting to pick up but also not wanting to be rude. i'm face with a dilemma. fortunately, dazai was here next to me so i had no choice but to answer. on the other hand, i don't really have to pick up and dazai would snicker at it then question me why i didn't answer.

yet again, it could be an emergency.

"what is it?" i answer. "you forgot your laptop at work, y/n-neesan." atsushi chuckled on the other line. y/n stiffened, mentally scolding herself for forgetting one of her prized possessions. dazai saw the way she embarrassedly looked as her eyes widen and eyebrows furrowed. he smiled gently before silently snickering at her dumbfounded expression.

"i'll be waiting outside the agency." atsushi told her. "sure." y/n hung up and turned to dazai, already knowing that he had overhead the conversation. "i'll walk you to the agency." dazai offered. y/n didn't want to reject his kind suggestion so she let him, out of the goodness of her heart.

the walk was silent. a little too silent for dazai's comfort but enough for y/n's total satisfaction. the sky turned a burnt coral with a dashes of feldspar and moonlit mauve colors. y/n saw atsushi in the distance and jogged towards him. automatically smiling when seeing her laptop safe and sound i'm the arms of atsushi. the grey haired boy handed to her as she thanked him for making sure it's not destroyed by her chaotic colleagues.

"....y/n-neesan, fukuzawa wants to talk to you...he told me that it's really important. i guess he really trusts you and it's only been six months that you've been working here. that's amazing!" atsushi complimented with a closed eye green. y/n nodded, before bowing to dazai as a thanks for walking her here and her day today. she gave atsushi a pat on the head before walking inside the agency entrance.

since there were cameras around the entrance and elevators, especially inside. she took the stairs quickly to avoid any inconvenience.
atsushi and dazai walked off, knowing they're going to separate ways in a couple of streets.

"dazai, i know the agency jokes on you liking y/n-neesan romantically. so, they don't actually know you really like like her..." atsushi began, innocently. dazai looked to the side, comically whining. "why'd you have to bring that up, atsushiiiiiiiii???"

the were-tiger laughed. "do you actaully have a crush on, y/n-nee?"

dazai looked forward again and this time, he thought of it. wisely choosing his words than hiding his true feelings. after all, it's not like atsushi would go around telling everyone or else he would be dead.


atsushi surprisingly looked more startled and overwhelmed than dazai. it's no doubt that atsushi looks up at dazai and y/n. as one was his mentor and the other like a courteous but stoic big sister.

"i've never liked anyone like this before so i'm not hundred percent sure....at first, i didn't like how how she was never attracted to me. i was so angry with her that i couldn't stop thinking about her."

atsushi's lips parted but they formed a sweet smile, eyebrows raising. he felt rather special that dazai is acknowledging his feelings like this. it's a wonder. y/n didn't have much of an open personality and keeps her distance from her co-workers. yet, they love having her around. it's a miracle, really.

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