Ouran High School Host Club/C...

By daisys001

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It's in the title: Cinderella/OHSHC combined into a somewhat different story. Comment. Read. Do stuff. Thanks... More

1) Change is Coming
2) Curiosity
3) Seeing Double
4) Getting Ready
5) Reevaluating Everything
6) Tidying Up
7) How Did You Know?
9) Dance, Dance
10) Falling In All Sorts Of Ways
11) She Is Me
12) Will The Cleaning Ever End?
13) I Missed You
14) The Trilogy Masquerade: Part 2
15) Too Much
16) Fairy Godfather
17) Alone Together In The Maze- Or Not?
20) The Rescue
18) The Party's Over
19) Drizzel's Secrets

8) The Trilogy Masquarade: Part 1

414 18 6
By daisys001

You sit on your bed in your cramped room, waiting patiently for Haruhi to get back with your clothes. The first part of the Masquerade called for all eligible Bachelorettes to wear a dark, plum purple, along with a mask, the color being their choice.

Drizel lays on Haruhi's bed, rambling on about how amazing the party is going to be and how the three of them are going to "absolutely love it." You? You're still not sure whether you should go through with this or not.

Finally, the old door creaks open and Haruhi enters, looking a little nervous, holding a pile of clothes. "I- I got them," he chokes out, tossing the clothes onto your bed. "But, I counted and there were only two extra purple dresses, so I grabbed a dress coat too," he states, sifting through the pile of expensive clothing until he holds up the purple dress coat.

"How can there be a purple dress coat," says Drizel through gritted teeth, locking eyes with a nervous looking Haruhi. Obviously lost for words, Drizel speaks again, saying, "I'm not wearing that, I think one of the princesses brothers have also stayed there for the week so that's why it's in the wash in the first place."

Getting up, she snatches the pretty purple plum dress and announces that she'll be back in a few minutes, leaving Haruhi and yourself alone. "So," begins Haruhi, smoothing out the dress, "which one do you want?" 

Wouldn't be want the dress coat because he's a boy?, you think to yourself, giving Haruhi a strange look. Then again, he does seem to be a cross dresser since he does wear the girl's servant outfit so maybe he doesn't have a preference?

"Um, I'll take the dress," you say, and quickly add, "is that ok?" "I have no problem with it," says Haruhi happily, taking the boy's outfit and pulls out the changing curtain.

Getting up, you change out of your maid uniform and fold it gently on your bed with care, then slip on the princess' dress with little struggle. Looking in the mirror, you are stunned with how pretty you look:

The purple dress is sleeveless, a-line, a little tight, but overall it looks really pretty on you. Giving a little spin, the large skirt swirls around you, and for the first time you actually feel comfortable about the thought of attending the Masquarade. Tiny sparkles are on the top of the dress, as well as around your waist, which gives the dress the extra flair it needs.

Stepping out from behind the curtain, Haruhi looks handsome and gives you a smile. "Wow, y/n you look amazing," says Haruhi, smile widening. "You could actually pass for a real princess," he says, grabbing a hairbrush from the vanity. Releasing your hair from it's tight bun, it falls around your shoulders nicely and he begins to comb.

Hair becoming neater after a few minutes, he gives you a look of approval and grabs a comb, now brushing his own hair. The door swings open, and Drizzel walks in, hair pin straight, and she looks at you both.
"Y/n, pull up your dress, you look like a slut, and your hair is such a mess," is all she says, dismissively, and she strolls over to Haruhi and straightens his time.

"Well I think she looks great," spits out Haruhi, surprising you since he doesn't seem like the one to talk back to others. Crinkling her nose, Drizzel finishes and she says, "I guess you look fine, let's go or else we'll be late."

You all begin to walk out, whispering words of thanks to Haruhi, and then you realize something: "I don't have any shoes," you say, slightly panicked. "Well, that's your problem," says the nasty maid, continuing on without you.

"I'm so so so sorry," says Haruhi, genuinely apologizing, "I forgot, I remembered to grab guy's dress shoes but, ugh, I'm really sorry." "It-it's fine," you say, trying to remember any other pair of shoes you have that aren't your maid shoes. If you wear them, someone may notice that you really are not a princess, though you look like one.

The only thing on your feet are clean white socks, as white as snow, and, you see from walking out the door with Haruhi, Drizzel has a pretty pair of heels on her feet. Where could she possibly get those from?

"I'll just go in my socks, it's fine," you say, a little dissapointed. "Oh, alright, again, I'm really sorry," Haruhi says as you both speedwalk to catch up to Drizzel. At least they're clean and with a little lace around the top of the sock, you think, trying to remain positive.

"Oh wait, here are your masks," she says, not even looking back, and she tosses them on the floor. They're both white. At least the color matches my socks!
The Masquerade:
The prince with the left parted hair sits, terribly bored, drumming his fingers on the table, next to his brother.

"This is so boring," says Hikaru, sounding drowsy. "They're all wearing the same thing, all fake smiles," he says, obviously disappointed.

"I know," says Kaoru, glancing over to the servant's entrance where they're bringing out various drinks and finger foods. Noticing this, Hikaru says, "don't worry, I already checked, all the servants are required to be here tonight to help out with the festivities."

"Oh, ok," says Kaoru dismissively, and Hikaru smiles a little and teases, "I know you're looking for her." With that, he stands up and tells his brother that he's going to try and sneak them some champagne. "Stay here, maybe you'll see her," Hikaru says, already walking off. "But I'm not!," shouts Kaoru, but Hikaru has already disappeared into the crowd of eager girls.

Am I, I'm not, right? She's just a maid. I've barely talked to her and she's just a maid, he thinks, barely watching the entering princesses and higher ups again. But for some reason you are looking for her, says that deep dark part of his mind. Sighing, he takes a sip of water and continues watching the attendees.
Back to you, about to enter:
Nervously, you shift your weight back and forth from foot to foot as you wait and line for your entrance to be announced. "Now introducing princess Ella (make up a last name)," says the dignified announcer in a booming voice as you smile, looking down at the sea of purple below you.

Walking down the stairs, a little fast, in your socks, you soon join the ocean and excitedly walk around. Haruhi and Drizzel have already gone before you and they're lost, and suddenly it strikes you that you have nothing to do next.

Wandering over to a group of fancy looking princesses, you say hello and they give you a peculiar look. "Oh, hi," says one, obviously in form with her manners. "We were just chatting about which prince is cuter," she says, sounding dreamier, and the other two princesses, all holding fans, flutter them lightly towards their faces.

"Don't you have a fan?," says one of the other princesses, who must be at least a foot taller than you. "Yeah, take it out, aren't you flustered by how cute they are," says a ginger haired princess, face completely flushed in a color that matches her hair.

"Uh, oh no," you stutter, and the princess who talked first continues the conversation. "That's not good etiquette," she says, and then continues what must have been the conversation before you'd arrived. "I don't care which one I get, as long as I get one of them," she says, and all three of them sigh in synch.

"Who would you prefer though," she says, directing the question at you. "Prefer?," you say, obviously confused. "Well, yeah, aren't you here to court the princes?," says the ginger, giving you a look of equal confusion.

"Of- of course," you says nervously, and start to fan yourself with your hand. "What are you doing?," says the tall princess in disbelief. "Fanning myself?," you say, sounding like you're asking a question. "Didn't your mother or head maid ever teach you anything of use,?" sputters out the original, losing her composure.

Your mother. You were much younger when she died, so you never got to the age when she would teach you how to be a proper lady, whatever that is.

"My mother is dead," you say bluntly, finally stopping your atrocious fanning. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I offended you in any way," says the ginger, even more embarrassed and flustered than before.

"You," says the tall one, beginning to cry, "you are an amazing person," she says, and then she bursts into tears, mascara beginning to run down her cheeks. She buries her head in the original's shoulder, and the original gives you a meaningful look.

"Um, I'm fine, this really isn't necessary," you say, very embarrassed. "You deserve more than one dance with the princes," the original gushes, giving her friend a meaningful pat on the back.

Suddenly, the announcer from before shouts, with his booming voice, "all the royalty has entered, the single dances with now commence!"

"Single dances?," you say to yourself, confused, and the ginger overhears you. "Yeah, each prince dances with every one of us once in the night. Once everyone goes, the ball ends," she says, dreamy again, and it strikes you.

I don't know how to dance! Dance with the both of them? They'll know it's me!!!!

"And they won't know who each princess, or whomever, because we all have masks on," she says joyously. "By the way, who is cuter to you, I wish I could have both!," she says ecstatically, face lighting up.

"Well I barely know them and their physical appearance doesn't differ much," you say, trying to scoot away from these fan-princesses. "Oh!," says the tall one, continuing to sob, "the death of her mother has maid her wiser too!," and with that she crys harder.

"Um, it doesn't," you say defensively, and with that you make a run for it. "Wait, come back!," cries the original, but you're already too far gone.
Kaoru's Pov
Jesus Christ, this is so boring, thinks Kaoru as he twirls about the dance floor with another princess. It's been like this for the past hour, and it's been getting pretty boring. Hikaru is doing the same, in the same space. Get two princesses who haven't danced yet. Confirm this. Dance with one. Switch. Dance with the other. Repeat.

"So, what do you do with your free time?," says Kaoru, already knowing the answer. "Well, I practice what I did during my studies and do philanthropy work," says the princess, delicately and over polite, all while dancing perfectly.

Same answer as the rest, Kaoru thinks disappointedly, looking around for nearby maids. Where is she? I haven't seen Duchess all night, he thinks somberly.

"Now we have a five minute break until the dances continue," says the announcer, and Kaoru immediately bolts away from the girl, not even saying goodbye.

Hikaru meets with him, and the girls immediately swarm over to them, trying to talk. "Any of them interest you?," says Kaoru, breathing a little heavier than usual after dancing for a full hour straight. "Nope," says Hikaru sounding somber, "I'm going to try and get some water, want some?, he asks, and Kaoru nods no and decides to find Kyoya, completely ignoring the girls.

After a few minutes, maybe two, he finds Kyoya barking orders at some maids that the crackers being served are circular and not rectangular 'with perfect right angles' like he ordered.

Tapping him on the shoulder, a frustrated Kyoya turns to see the prince. "Oh, Prince Kaoru, enjoying yourself?," he says sounding significantly more contentedly than before.

"Is Dutchess supposed to be here?," Kaoru asks, surprising himself by sounding worried. Pushing up his glasses, Kyoya looks at his list and says, "yes, all the staff are, but her, Haruhi, and Drizzel are all missing. Don't worry, I'll make sure they suffer the consequences they deserve."

"No, don't do that," says Kaoru bitterly, looking out to the dance floor again. Is he actually looking for her?, thinks Kyoya, watching as the young prince scans the dance floor, obviously looking for her.

"I'll make sure that someone is send to look for the three of them," says Kyoya with a sight, "and please get back to the dance floor, at this rate you'll be late."

"Thank you!," says Kaoru, sounding more reassured and he goes back into the crowd.
Your POV:
Those princesses were a little dense, but I guess they were nice?, you think to yourself as you slow you pace from running away. Suddenly, you feel someone grab your arm and gasp, turning to see the announcer. "Have you danced get?," he questions, giving you a look that screams 'I could care less.'

"Uh, no," you say nervously before you can stop yourself, and then he responds, "well, ma'am, it's your turn next so please come along." This feels like I'm getting arrested, you think as you follow him to the dance floor. Pushing you onto it, you see another girl already, who's ginger, maybe the one from before?, already exchanging pleasantries with one of the princes.

"May I please introduce you to Prince Hikaru Hitachiin," he says, guiding you to where Hikaru is waiting, watching his brother. Turning, he sees his next guest and smiles politely. "Hello princess, it's nice to meet you," he says, super rehearsed, you note. At this point, the announcer has walked away.

Looking at him, you see his looking at your hand, which is locked tightly inside your other one. "Your hand, Princess?," he offers, sounding a little confused, and you hold it out to him.

Hm, first mistake of the night, Hikaru thinks to himself curiously as he takes your hand and puts the other around your waist.

Oh no oh no oh no I don't know how to dance! You think, panicked as he begins to step from side to side.

"You're quiet, aren't you," says Hikaru, trying to get you to move. He looks exhausted. He must be, he has to dance with every one of these princesses tonight, you think, and then you get a bright idea. "Do you need a break," you mention lightly, refusing to go along with him trying to get you to move faster.

"Really?," he says curiously, locking his eyes with you e/c ones. "Yeah, you must be tired and it looks like you have a lot to go," you say, giving a little smile. Please please work.

Stopping, Hikaru asks you if you're sure, and you respond, maybe too joyously, with yes. "I'm sorry, but you seem to be the only one who's noticed!," he says. "Next time, we'll dance, I promise, thank you princess, he says, taking a little bow and with that he walks away, leaving you to watch Kaoru twirling with the ginger on the dance floor.
Hikaru's Pov:

What was she thinking, who wouldn't want to dance with me?, he thinks, keeping his head down low in order to get to the drink area. Failing at getting champagne before, as well as failing at getting water for before has left him terribly thirsty.

Walking over, he finds a guy, dressed in purple which indicates that he's a guest, organizing the glasses of various drinks on the table. Am I going insane? First a princess who's okay with not dancing, and now a guest who's organizing the drinks and doing servants work.

"Can I help you?," Hikaru offers, sounding unsure. Turning, the guy, who's face is masked by a white mask, not purple, black or blue, first white one I've seen all night with the exception of that weird princess, looks at Hikaru.

"Oh, hello your majesty," he says, sounding a little shaky. Their voice sounds sort of familiar... "do I know you from somewhere?," says Hikaru, taking some unrecognizable bubbly liquid from the table.

"And aren't you too young to be drinking champagne?," offers the guest, already reaching out to take the glass from his hand.

"I'm the prince, I can do whatever I want," says Hikaru haughtily, glad to finally be having some sort of fun. "No, it does not, now please hand it over Prince Hikaru," he says sternly.

Reluctantly, Hikaru hands the glass over and watches as the peculiar guest delicately places the glass back down with the others. "And aren't you supposed to be dancing right now?," says the guest annoyed, and with that the prince's interest peaks.

"Do I know you from somewhere?," says Hikaru curiously, "and why are you dressed in purple if that's the color all the guests who are courting me and Kaoru are supposed to wear?," he asks, deciding to start messing up the drinks for fun.

"Uh, um, no you don't know me," says the guest quickly, starting to rearrange the drinks in their proper order again as Hikaru continues to mess them up."Stop it, that's disrespectful." Disrespectful? Disrespectful! How bluntly that was put.

"You understand that you just called a Prince, and one of the future Kings of Ouran disrespectful, right," he says, enjoying this a lot. "I'm sorry," says the guest passively as he finishes organizing.

"That's for the servants to take care of," he adds, reaching for another glass to remove from its place. Grabbing Hikaru's hand, the guest goes to pry it off, but just then something weird happens: an electric shock of some sort happens when their hands touch, and Hikaru immediately feels his face flush, which does not happen often.

Where's my confidence? What is this?!, he thinks panicked as he immediately lets go of the glass. Heart pounding rapidly, he looks at the guest again. Wow, they're so much shorter than me, pretty cute...

Panicking, which is pretty unfamiliar to the usually confident prince, Hikaru says, "Uh, please excuse me and please stop doing that!," he says, raising his voice even though the guest was currently doing nothing.

Rushing away, Hikaru pushes through the crowd, leaving the guest behind and terribly confused. What was that? Cute? Cute?! Being short isn't cute, right?!

But it is... but that was a guy! No no no what just happened?, thinks Hikaru confused and disturbed as he re-enters the dance floor as he sees his brother finish up and dismiss the ginger headed girl.

What was that? And I still didn't get to drink anything!
Hi! Thanks for reading this long chapter, it's gonna be continued so yeah. :)

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