A World Beneath

By kekeleigh

341 47 9

Alina Jones has been moved again and again by her mother, after her father's disappearance when she was eight... More

Chapter 1 - Another Move
Chapter 3 - The Note
Chapter 4 - Missing
Chapter 5 - Explanations
Chapter 6 - Vince and Torin
Chapter 7 - And the Search Begins
Chapter 8 - New Information
Chapter 9 - A Talk With Vince
Chapter 10 - The Three Dark Witches
Chapter 11 - A Choice
Chapter 12 - Change of Plans
Chapter 13 - Traveling to Deveraux's
Chapter 14 - On One Condition
Chapter 15 - Uncovered Past
Chapter 16 - Alina and Torin
Chapter 17 - Taken
Chapter 18 - Alina's Disappearance (Torin's POV)
Chapter 19 - One of the Last (Jet's POV)
Chapter 20 - Unimpressed (Cara's POV)
Chapter 21 - Almost There (Torin's POV)

Chapter 2 - Serenity

25 4 0
By kekeleigh

Serenity Highschool is the definition of creepy. Yeah, I said it.

When I walked in through the big oak doors of the main entrance, I was hit with the musty smell of dust, mold, and mildew. If I hadn't known better I would think that the school hadn't been cleaned in centuries.

But forget the way the school looked and smelled, it was my first encounter with the principal that nearly gave me a heart attack. I was looking around at all the old statues and portraits when I was startled by a voice.

"And how do you find the school?"

As I turned to the left I saw a woman who had not been there before. I couldn't believe that I had allowed her to creep up on me. She must have been at least six feet tall with the black heels she had on. In fact, she was dressed in all black, from head to toe. She had on a long-sleeved black blouse and black skirt and stockings. I couldn't tell how old she might've been. She could've been thirty or sixty, she had one of those unreadable faces.

"Ms. Alina Jones, isn't it?" She held out her hand. "I am Principal Keaton, but most students call me Miss K. "

I stood there in awe, looking into her black, depth-less eyes... Then I snapped out of it. I forgot to speak, and I didn't want to appear rude, especially to the principal.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Keaton." I took her hand, and I wasn't surprised to find that she had a firm grip.

She let go of my hand and began to walk with me. She handed me a paper.

"Alina, here is your schedule. From your records, I could tell that you were quite the scholar back in New York. Your grades are impressive and your attendance was nearly perfect. Also excellent conduct. I expect you to behave in the same manner at Serenity. Not, that I have any doubt."

Then she looked at me with a glint in her eye. I got the feeling that Ms. Keaton was only nice when she wanted to be.

She abruptly stopped walking right in front of the door to a classroom.

"This is your first period, English II with Ms. Brown. Have a good day and I hope you enjoy the school."

She turned to walk away. I was about enter the classroom, when Ms. Keaton quickly turned back.

"Oh, and Alina. Make friends, dear." And with that mysterious glint in her black eyes, Ms. Keaton walked down the hallway.


As soon as I walked in the class, every students eyes looked at me. All except one. A boy with short-cropped brown hair, expensive clothes, and a mean glare. All I could do was stare. He was good-looking, very good-looking. And I think he knew it.

A tall, willowy woman sitting at the desk in the front of the classroom stood and smiled at me.

"Hello, you must be our new student from New York. What's your name, Hun?"


"It's nice to meet you Alina, and welcome to Serenity. I'm Ms. Brown. Now, there aren't assigned seats, so you can take whatever one you like."

I smiled again at Ms. Brown. Well, at least my first period teacher seems nice. I started walking towards the back of the room, searching for as seat.

Then I felt eyes on me. It's him. I know it's him. The boy with the glaring problem. But I didn't turn and stare back. Why give him the satisfaction of letting him know how uncomfortable he's making me.

So I take an empty seat next to another boy in the back and pretend like everything's fine.

"Okay class, so for the first semester we'll take a look at Shakespeare...

The whole class groans and, that's when I start to daydream and doodle in my notebook.


I'm rudely interrupted from daydreaming when I fell myself grow cold. It's him again, the perpetual creeper. I'm really considering whether to stare back or ask him what his problem is, when the bell rings.

Okay, so I guess I won't be confronting him today. As I put my notebook back in my bag, the boy sitting next to me starts to speak.

"Hey." I turn my attention from glare-boy to the one that just spoke.

Wow. The guy has curly black hair, long lashes, and a cute smile.

"What's up?", I reply.

"Well... I just noticed that you have Algebra II next, and as it so happens, so do I."

I'm immediately suckered and charmed by him.

"And," he continues, " I was wondering if you would like an escort to your next class. I'm Vince, by the way. Vince Carter."

"Well, It's nice to meet you Vince."

"Pleasure's all mine", he said as we shook hands.


"So let's get going", he said. "Wouldn't want you to be late."

And with that I let him escort me out the classroom.


Alright, I hoped you enjoyed that. It took a while for me to figure out how this would play out. Okay, so comment and vote. Feel free to give constructive criticism and thank you for reading. :)

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