Forbidden Love

By Queen-Mystwalker

1.6K 77 12

Jellal has taken the throne and became the king of Edolas. He has ordered Knightwalker to become his personal... More

Chapter 2: Argument
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Bathing in Lies
Chapter 5: Rejection
Chapter 6: Agreement
Chapter 7: Wonder
Chapter 8: Meeting
Chapter 9: Thats the deal

Chapter 1: Idea

400 11 2
By Queen-Mystwalker

Okay, guys. 2019 is ending!! Thank god! This year has been horrible for me. I can't even. But I need to start on a new years resolution. I have to start taking care of myself. I've been not eating, skipping out on meals. Not taking care of my body, it's gonna stop. I need to get healthy. And with wattpad. I have to stop making stories up and then forgetting about them. I want to do better with you guys, cause I feel like I'm letting you guys down, big time. So, I'm gonna snap myself out of my stage of mind and start fresh. Here we go, please enjoy, sorry for the long intro.

Mystogan's Pov:

The sun was shinning brightly through my curtains of my private chambers as I laid on my bed. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to lighting in room.

I smiled as a new day has begun. A new day for my people to enjoy their lives.

I sat up in bed and stretched my arms above my head and heard my bones creak. I raised to my feet and walked towards my balcony and headed outside as I was greeted by the nice breeze against my face. I looked up at the bright skies of Edolas, and smiled again.

The birds were singing and everything was peaceful. Then I heard yelling in the distance. I smiled cause there's only one person I know who just loves yelling at any point of the day. It was Erza Knightwalker, my army captain for the first division. Only she could make me smiled with my cheeks blushing red.

I watched her from afar as she was training the soldiers. I'm glad though, since I'm so high up that she can't see me, but I could still see her. You can't miss the beautiful crimson hair, that I just love.

I headed back inside my chambers and closed the door to the balcony as I leaned against it. I inhaled and blushed as if thought of Erza more. Words can truly say that I have a huge crush on her. Just thinking about her making me happy and I don't know why. Most people are afraid of her, but not me.

But it's time to get the day started. I headed to my bathroom and began to water to shower. I stripped off all my cloths and began to shower.

It's been five months since I become king of Edolas and so far, I've barely been able to even talk to Erza privately. I've talked to her before, but couldn't work myself up to share my feeling with her. It should be easy though. I just have to say that I like her and hopefully she won't punch me in the face. I'm just to shy and I'm afraid what she'll say.

I sighed as my mind began to think about something else. The council has been complaining about me not having a bodyguard to protect and watch over me. I really don't want to though, because I don't want anyone to be breathing down my shoulder constantly. I don't like attention enough as it is. I'm just as so used to being alone, since that's how it was back in Earthland.

I stepped out of the showered and dried off as I got dressed in fine cloths fit for a king. I finished and went out of the chambers to my study to sadly work on some paper work. I honestly hate paper work. I enjoy adventures outside instead of being stuck inside.

I opened the door and sat down at my desk to look over some documents there.

After reading through so many of them. I took notice to a letter from another a country. It was from a princess named Jenny. Again, sadly. Some princesses write to me asking if we could marry and our countries could form an alliance, however I reject them all, another thing the council is complaining about, that I haven't gotten married yet and gave Edolas an heir to the throne.

I'm just not ready for marrying anyone yet, and if I do marry. I want to marry someone I love and who loves me just for me, not for my power and what I have. I do get a lot of women trying to flirt with me and trying to touch me to be sexual, however I brush it off and ignore them. I swear people properly think I'm gay. Which there's nothing wrong with that, but there's only one person who holds my heart and she doesn't even know.

I sighed, if only I had more time with Erza along and I could tell her how I feel.

Then it struck me like lightening! Wait, if Erza becomes my personal guard to watch over me and protect me? Then, I could tell her how I feel about her and everything is get better. She's be with me at all times and won't ever leave my side.

I smiled brightly as I jumped out of my seat and rushed over to the council room and inform the head chairman about my plans, however, they can't find out about my crush with Erza.

I quickly barged into the council room and saw the head chairman.

"Hey, chairman." I greeted with a bright smile.

"Oh, your majesty. You grace me with your presence and smile." He smiled back to me.

"I've been thinking a lot about what you said, with me having a personal guard to protect me. And I finally decided to have one." I announced.

"Excellent, your majesty. So, who did you choose?" He asked.

"Captain Knightwalker." I announced as I tried my fight back my blush for showing up on my cheeks.

"Oh, the captain. Any particular reason why?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, well, um. You see, captain Knightwalker. I know will protect me with her life, she won't let anything harm me. She's always alerts and aware of everything. She'll be perfect to protect me. After all you did make an excellent point with choosing someone who has ranking, who is strong enough to protect me." I quickly said. I laughed to myself I'm only doing this for I could talk to her more.

"Hm, you make a very good point your majesty. We will talk to captain knightwalker later on today and inform her about all this. And whether she likes it or not, you are right, she is the best person to look out for you. Good choice your majesty. Now that's off the list, now you just need to find a wife and give Edolas and heir." He said.

"Oh, um, yes. I'm working on that. Just please don't rush me, I just want to make sure Edolas will have a fine queen who I can have an heir with." I quickly made up.

"Of course your majesty, please take all the time you need, in the meantime. here." He handed my a stack of paper. I frowned as my face read kill me. "Work on these in the mean time. Have a lovely day." He said as he turned away from me.

I sighed and headed back to my study and began working on these documents.

Some of them were requests about these going on in the kingdom and how some people want change, but can we please be serous and stop with request on changing the appearances of the walls in the castle. So much pointless paper work, at least soon I'll have Erza be here watching over me alone and I can finally tell her how I feel.

I can't believe my idea is actually work.

I smiled as I thought of her and me being alone together and finally confessing my feelings.

To Be Continued:

Well, hope you guys like this so far. I'll try to update more, thank you so much for reading. Have a nice day!!

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