Hero Academy: Ticking Time

By Queen_Rainheart

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Crossover Fanfiction After finding out that Hawk Moth has escaped into the multiverse and found new allies, t... More

Quick Author Note
Chapter 1: A Miraculous Beginning
Chapter 2: Traveling to another world
Chapter 3: The first heavy assignment
Another Quick Author Note
Chapter 4: The first fight
Chapter 5: Getting to know each other
Chapter 6: Sword and Dine
Chapter X
Chapter 7: Who is Vlad?
Chapter 8: Party Crashers
Hiatus news!
Chapter 9: Vlad's secret
Chapter 10: Enough secrets
Chapter 11: Last Night
Chapter 12: Bloody Hell
Important Author's note
Chapter 13: The Beginning...
Chapter XX
Chapter 14:...Of the Pravus's fall
Chapter 15: Hawk Moth's first prey

Chapter 16: Delay

91 2 1
By Queen_Rainheart

The portal machine was surprisingly unguarded and unlock. Nino was pretty sure there were going to be a few faculty members that were going to be walking around the building, due to how big the machine was. But with this new information, this could help them get the team to their goal. However, there was no guarantee something else would happen.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Dipper asked as soon as they get to the control panel. Nino just rolled his eyes and nudged him closer to the panel.

"We already been through this. We don't have much of a choice."

"Now just do your nerd thing with the panel." Chloé scoff. Dipper rolled his eyes and muttered something along the line of 'bossy' and 'fake blonde'. Nino could slightly see him figuring out how to open a small portal from the giant machine.

"How's it going on your end guys?" Marinette said into her communicator.

"Everything is quiet but no one in sight yet." Iris voice echoed in the ear pieces.

"Alright. Let's make this quick." The small group nodded and got into position. Dipper at the panel, Peter and Akko close by the machine, and the Quintet having a quick chat. Most likely to talk about Vlad.

"Any last words or a message for Vlad before we get going?" Marinette asked while adjusting her small purse. Nino looked over at Alya, hoping she would say something. But she didn't speak up. So Chloé did instead.

"Make sure Vlad knows we're worried about him and we're sorry." Nino nodded and nudged Alya. She nodded and rubbed her arm sheepishly.

"We will. Just keep the teachers from finding us." Marinette said as soon as Dipper finished working on the panel. The machine started up but the doors were slowly opening. It wasn't big enough for them all to squeeze by.

"Dipper! Can you make it bigger?" Akko yelled as she ready her wand.

"I'm trying! This is as fast as it can go."

"Marinette!! Headmaster Max and someone else is heading to the portal machine!"

"Make sure you guys slow them down!" Marinette turned her attention to her team. "Get as close as you can to the machine. As soon as you can, get through but don't waste any magic or tools. We might need it for Vlad. Nino, Chloé, Alya, Dipper, you four need to go as soon as the portal closes after us."

Everyone nodded and Nino started to push the girls to the side where Dipper was working hard to make the machine opening faster. Nino had prayed nothing else would happen. Everyone was praying as well.

But it wasn't enough.

"Marinette!! They're still on their way!"

"What?! We need more time!" Dipper yelled over the sounds the portal made. Nino looked over at the portal that no bigger than some air vents back home. There was no way they could open it up any more at this pace.

"Forget making it bigger! Start crawling!" Everyone looked over at Nino. They were shock by what he had said. But this wasn't the time to start questioning him now. "Just go! We'll buy you more time!"

Nino then dragged Alya and Chloé out the building. They needed to be out of there in time for the distraction. And hopefully give the team enough time to get out.

The trio ran from the side of the building to the front, just in time to bump into Headmaster Max and his guest. Almost quite literal. Nino looked at the man and instantly felt afraid. The man was tall and had this aura that sent chills down Nino's spine. His dark eyes pierced through his soul and Nino couldn't breath. Is this now Alya felt when she saw Vlad's vampire side?

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't s-see you there." Nino mentally slap himself for stuttering. However, the man just smiled kindly.

"It's quite alright. I should be the one apologizing. I almost ran into you." He said in such an old fashion tone. He looked at Nino, then Chloé, and finally Alya. He smiled again, his teeth in full display. "Are you Vladimir's classmates?"

They nodded hesitantly. Did Vlad say anything or did the man just guess?

The man chuckled before saying. "Vladimir had sent a few letters to me about his time here. He mentioned a few students here and I just assumed you were them."

Nino could see Alya slightly rub her upper arm. He couldn't really tell what she was thinking but knew he had to say something about it later. For now, they had to distract.

"We are. I'm Nino Lahiffe. This is Alya Césaire and Chloé Bourgeois. We were wondering how Vlad was doing."

The man smiled kindly but his eyes had a hint of sadness in them. "Well hello you three. I'm Vladimir's uncle. Vladimir is doing alright. He is upset but more at himself than anyone. He didn't believe he would get caught for his mission but atlas he did. For now, he is at our dimension, waiting for his punishment."

"Will he-"

"He will come back in a few days. For now we are just finalizing on his punishment." Headmaster Max said, placing a hand on Nino's shoulder. It calmed him down but not for long. They still needed to keep them here.

"I'm very sorry for the rush, but I do need to head home. I can't be away for too long or else my brethren will start to get worry." He turned his attention back to Headmaster Max. "Thank you for calling me. I'll make sure to let Vladimir know when he can come back."

The man walked quickly around the trio, avoiding their worried glances. Nino knew he had to delay him a bit more. There was no telling if Dipper had already finished with the portal yet. So did the only thing he could.

"Wait! You know our names but we don't know yours!" The man turned back around and smiled. This somewhat ease Nino. It felt like his dad's smile whenever he did something great.

The man spoke but he didn't move this lips. Instead Nino, and maybe the girls, could hear it in his mind.

I'm sorry about that. My name is Otis Otis. It's a pleasure to have meet you three. I'm glad Vladimir has good company.

And just like that, Headmaster Max and Otis entered the portal building. The girls were about to run after them but Nino quickly spotted Dipper off to the side. He stopped the girls and tilted his head to Dipper's direction.

Now they just had to wait.

Chloé paced back and forth in the portal room. It had been three hours since the rescue team left. Only an hour left until night classes start.

Where were they?

"Ms. Chloé. Can you please stop pacing? You're making little old me a bit nervous." Gideon said as he messed with his bolo tie. Everyone was patiently (at least some of them were) waiting for Marinette, Adrien, Peter, and Akko to return.

"You don't get it. It usually takes Ladybug and Chat Noir about thirty minutes at most to deal with the akuma. Why are they taking so long?" Chloé bit her nails in between each sentence. If this was old Chloé, she would have whine about ruining her perfect nails and send someone to get them fix. But right now, she was more concern about her friends.

"Chloé. They're in a dimension they've never been to and they'll be facing Vlad. Which might I remind you, has more experience than any of us. It took all of us to push Vlad in a corner and even then, he still overpowered us." Diana said calmly, even tho she was gripping her sleeve a bit too hard.

"Still. They should have finished earlier."

"There's also the fact that we may not know if time works differently in Vlad's dimension. For all we know, twenty minutes may have already happen over there." Dipper said. He was standing at the control panel, waiting for a signal.

"They'll be fine. They're strong enough and Vlad wouldn't hurt them." Iris cheerfully said. Chloé, Nino, and Alya looked at each other, knowing the truth.

"You don't get it," Alya said, trying hard not to shake. "When you get akumatized, all you can feel is anger. Nothing in the world can stop an akumatized victim from reaching their goal."

"Whether it be finding the truth or getting rid of adults or trying to be better than someone else or anything really, there's no way to let them give up easily." Nino said as he played with one of many bracelets.

"An akumatized villain gains new powers and becomes much stronger. That's why it took Ladybug and Chat Noir so long to stop them before we stepped in." Chloé finished the speech. Everyone stared at them shocked by what they heard. There was silence in the room. No one spoke up. Not until...

"How do you three know how they felt?" Talia asked. The three looked down, not wanting to meet any of their classmates' eyes. However, Chloé did eventually spoke up.

"Because we've been akumatized before."

Before anyone else could say anything, a beeping echoed the room. Everyone turned their attention to the control panel that was flashing like crazy. Dipper leaned over for three seconds before he started pressing buttons. The machine started moving while everyone gathered around. Chloé wanted to run up and be the very first one but considering Marinette and her were still trying to be friends, that would be quite stupid. Instead, she let Nino and Alya take the lead.

Within seconds, the four-man team appeared, ready to pass out. They looked a little worn down but it wasn't as bad as Chloé had thought. Akko was the first one to fall. Nino did tried to stop her but he nearly fell with her. Akko moved her mouth but Chloé, or even anyone, could really understand her.

"He he. Sorry about that. During the mission, her communicator broke and we've been playing charades since. Just like...like...gosh what is a pop culture reference all of you can get? Anyway, you guys should go on a mission with these two. I mean they were amazing and I never seen two people work so well together. I mean there are the heroes from my world. But oh my god." Peter said really fast. Marinette and Adrien just smiled and tried to calm him down.

"Where you guys able to stop Vlad from doing anything bad?" Iris asked, cutting Peter off from his rambles. The trio just smiled and nodded. Everyone let out a sigh of relief that they didn't even know they were holding. "Well? What happened?"

Peter was about to say something but Marinette stopped him. "That's kinda a long story. How long do we have until class?"

Ahhhhhhhhh! This chapter!

I'm so sorry about the delay. I've been so busy and I've lost some motivation to write this story. But then you guys came and left so many comments that I pushed myself to finish!

Now usually only one character has a chapter to themselves but since I want to start working on the next chapter which will be what was happening with the rescue team from Marinette's point of view, I had to make Nino and Chloé share a chapter to keep my order.

Anyway, the next chapter will be worked on soon and out as fast as possible. See you guys very soon!


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