No Never Yes||Prinxiety||

By BadIdeasAreHere

510K 21.5K 36.4K

Virgil had his own life, his own group of mismatched, odd friends. Roman had his clique and his power. The tw... More

Reasons To Never Go To School- Virgil
Reasons To Always Go To School- Roman
I Make A Terrible Mistake- Virgil
My Tormentor Is Actually Cute- Roman
I Am Handed My Death Sentence- Virgil
I Wonder If I Lied To Him- Roman
I Wonder Why I'm Alive- Virgil
I Manage To Fluster Marilyn Morose- Roman
Enemies Aren't So Bad-Virgil
Sunshine Gets His Revenge- Roman
I Waltz With A Disney Prince- Virgil
Dreams Really Screw Me Over- Roman
I Make A Choice To Trust- Virgil
I Realize I Definitely Lied To Him- Roman
My Mind Takes A Sharp Turn- Virgil
I Comfort The Stormcloud- Roman
We Finally Kiss- Virgil
We Make Drunk Decisions- Roman
I Have A Screaming Match- Virgil
I Lose My Image- Roman
We Agree On Something- Virgil
I Almost Have To Ignore The Love Of My Life- Roman
I Have Semi-Decent Backup- Virgil
A/N (I Know I'm Sorry-)
I Fan The Flames- Roman
We Make Rules... Again- Virgil
Familiar Faces Come Home- Roman
I Mess With Roman For Fun- Virgil
We Dance Into A Relationship- Roman
I Meet The Parents- Virgil
I Get To Date The Cutest Emo- Roman
I'm Enough For Now- Virgil
I Calm My Angsty Love- Roman
We Fall More In Love- Virgil
We Tell The Friends- Roman
We Have A Sleepover- Virgil
I Fuck It All Up- Roman
We Are True Soulmates- Virgil


10.8K 564 1.2K
By BadIdeasAreHere

"Oh my God," Virgil stood at the front of the church trying not to dry heave. "This is not good."

"Virgil, calm down," Remus spoke from the side. "It's all going fine."

"Yeah," Dee, his best man, spoke up. "What's wrong?"

"Well, nothing yet. But it's only a matter of time. What if Roman leaves because his parents didn't show up? Or something happens or catches on fire?" Virgil rambled until he heard the wedding march play. "Oh, God."

The doors opened and there was Roman, looking absolutely impeccable in his suit. His parents had neglected to show up so Virgil's mother had stepped in to walk him down the aisle. Virgil felt tears in his eyes as he smiled. It was really happening. He was really here. 5 years after graduation and he was going to marry his soulmate.

"You okay now?" Dee asked when he saw Virgil's awestruck expression.

"Yeah. I'm good."

Roman kissed his soon-to-be mother-in-law's cheek and stood in front of Virgil, biting the inside of his lip to suppress his smile. Virgil looked absolutely stunning. His hair was swept back and his makeup was a more natural subdued looked.

"You ready to be stuck to me forever?" Virgil asked.

"I've never been more ready in my life."
__ __

Virgil and Roman sat at their table during the reception, just talking. In a day that was meant to be all about them, there was apparently very limited time for them to be alone together. Roman peppered kisses over Virgil's flustered face as he laughed.

"You're really my husband!" Roman giggled. "You're my husband and I'm your husband and we're husbands!"

"Yeah, Roman. That's kind of how marriage works." Virgil laughed but he was exactly the same. He could hardly believe that he would get to spend the rest of his life with Roman Princeton. Or Roman Sanders now.

"C'mon." Roman tugged Virgil to his feet and led him to the dance floor. The music changed as Roman put his hands around Virgil's waist. Virgil wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled as he heard the lyrics.

"Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you Oh, shall I stay, would it be a sin? Oh, if I can't help falling in love with you?"

"You're such a sap," Virgil sighed as they leaned their foreheads together.

"But you love that about me," Roman whispered back.

"Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you."

"Do you remember when we first met?" Roman asked with a smile.

"How could I forget punching you and the next day realizing I had the biggest crush on you?" Virgil closed his eyes.

"Oh, like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Oh, take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you.Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you."

The song trailed off as Roman kissed Virgil, holding him close. Applause came from all sides of the room but Virgil didn't notice. All he felt was his husband in his arms.
__ __

"Dad!" Emile walked back into the house, shuffling through the mail and focusing on a large yellow envelope. "It's here!"

Patton walked over and smiled, taking the parcel from his son. "Thanks, kiddo. Darling!" Patton called to the back of the house. "I told you they would send it!"

Logan came out of his study and sighed. "Well, it was a week later than we anticipated. I thought they might have forgotten."

"They never forget. It's the one thing they send every year. Can we open it, please?" Emile bounced on his toes and asked. Patton obliged his 9-year-old son and pried open the flap of the envelope as he settled on the couch. Emile sat on one side and Logan on the other as Patton read aloud.

Just as Roman and Virgil had gotten married, Patton had felt oddly sad. He loved all his friends but he was worried he wouldn't see them again. Roman and Virgil had decided to move out of state, trying to avoid the judgment of Roman's parents. So the 6 of them had made a pact. Every year, they would send each other a letter of what they had been up to. Patton and Logan had sent theirs out a while back and just a few days before, they received the messages from Remus and Dee. They were flourishing in their hometown as an actor and lawyer, respectively. It had been 7 years since they graduated but they hadn't started a family, and they hadn't expressed a desire to ever do it.

"'Dear Patton, Logan and Emile,'" Patton read out loud. "'Sorry that this is late. But it's finally here so it's the thought that counts.' Huh, tell that to Logan." Patton nudged his husband.

"Just read the letter." Logan rolled his eyes and Emile giggled.

"'We've had a very good year. Roman finally got his dream role at his theatre and he still hasn't stopped talking about it. Enclosed is a picture of his opening night.'" Logan pulled out a small picture of Roman taking his bows in a Sweeney Todd costume, grinning.

"'I, as in Virgil, finally managed to open my own coffee shop and managed to leave that other place I was working,'" Logan found another picture of Virgil in the arms of his own husband standing in front of a storefront. "'This one's a lot nicer and if you're ever in NYC, you have to come and see it.'"

"'And this is the most important thing, we took after you two domestics and started our own family,'" As Patton spoke, Logan looked at the last photo. It was Roman and Virgil hugging a boy about Emile's age. His hair was wispy and he wore a small pair of sunglasses with his white t-shirt and jeans. "'We adopted Remy about 4 months ago and Roman won't stop gushing yet."

"He looks nice." Emile took the photo and stared at it, not realizing the smile creeping over his face.

"'About a month ago, we called Roman's parents for the first time since we got married to tell them about their grandson. We got exactly the reaction we expected: nothing. They didn't show for our wedding or don't even talk about me, so I'm not sure what else could have happened. Of course, my mother was ecstatic and came to visit a week later.'" Patton smiled fondly at the memory of Virgil's mom. She was really something.

"'We're doing as well as we can be expected to do. We heard from Remus and Dee that absolutely nothing has changed in Gainesville. If you're ever in the area, let us know if that's right. I hope it's not, otherwise, the next generation gays don't stand much of a chance.'"

"'We miss you guys. You need to come to visit soon and bring Emile with you. Lots of love, Virgil and Roman.'" Patton folded the letter over and sighed.

"Can we go see them? It's been a year." Emile asked, still staring at the photograph in his hands.

"We really should, Pat. For old time's sake, maybe."

"Maybe. You want to meet Remy, kiddo?" Patton turned to his son and bopped his nose. Emile emphatically nodded and held the photo close to his chest.

"Can I keep it?" He asked as Patton and Logan exchanged a glance.

"Go ahead, kiddo."
__ __

"Who's that?" Remy peeked over Virgil's shoulder on the couch. Virgil turned his head to the side and patted the seat next to him. Remy crawled over the top of the couch and cuddled next to his father.

"That is Remus and Dee, my best friends from high school. These two are Patton and Logan. They sent over some pictures." Virgil pointed out each person in the pictures as Roman walked over and smiled at the scene.

"But who's that?" Remy jabbed a finger towards the small boy in the brown pullover sweater.

"That's Patton and Logan's kid, Emile." Roman leaned over the side of the couch.

"Oh. I like him."

"You haven't met him yet." Virgil pointed out with a smirk.

"What's your point?" Remy asked with a defiant look. Roman laughed and pulled Virgil off the couch.

"He doesn't have one. You enjoy those photos." Roman quipped as he led Virgil down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" Virgil asked when he stopped about halfway down.

"Did you really forget, stormcloud?" Roman kissed his cheek.

"Of course not, Princey. Happy anniversary." Virgil put his arms around Roman's neck and pulled him into a warm kiss.

"Ewww." Remy deadpanned from the end of the hall. Virgil turned around and rolled his eyes, not moving back from Roman. "You guys are nasty."

"Nasty and in love." Roman winked and Remy ran away, squealing in disgust. "Now, I believe we were interrupted before..."

Virgil laughed. He would never get tired of being Roman's husband.
__ __

And that's the end! This has been such a journey and thank you for all of you who stuck with me for the whole thing. I love you all to death. I hope this epilogue satisfies some of your questions. And since this story is finally done, I'm going to go back and edit some chapters for mistakes and other things, so that's why you might see this getting updated still. Take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals. Peace out!

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