Candy Shop [YoonSeok]

By HobisHearteu

48.2K 2.8K 2.9K

Welcome to Wonhae Manhi Candy where the employee is sweeter than the sweets. More

Prologue Video / Warnings
I. It's Habit
II. Abnormally
III. Adverse Aftermath
IV. Too Skinny
V. Hold On
VI. Be My Guest
VII. Intoxicated Fool
VIII. Welcome to Hell
IX. Icing on a Baguette
XI. One Too Many
XII. Please Stop

X. Guilty As Charged

1K 72 91
By HobisHearteu


After the mens' date ended, Yoongi went straight to his favorite bar, Blood Sweat & Beers. Despite how happy Hoseok had made him, there was still a burning guilt inside him. The guilt was fucking unbearable.

Nothing about Blood Sweat & Beers was impressive other than the booze. From the street, the place looked like a small abandoned warehouse. Inside wasn't much different. Simplicity was the theme.

Once indoors, Yoongi was greeted by creaky floorboards, stale cigarettes, and live music played by a local musician. Other than the small bar counter, only three round tables and a small stage occupied the tight space.

The bartender recognized his old friend and announced loudly, "Look at what the cat dragged in. I never thought I'd see you again!" Yoongi chuckled and took a seat at the bar.

"Yeah, it's been a good minute, hasn't it?"

"Fucking two years," the tall male quipped, throwing a damp white towel over his shoulder and reaching under the counter. "First drink's on the house," he said as he poured Yoongi's favorite American whiskey into a small glass of ice. "Or rather," the brown-haired man began, setting the drink in front of his customer, "on the bar." He winked.

The two men silently looked at one another for a moment before the bartender's distinctive windshield-wiper-like laugh filled the bar. Yoongi's eyes rolled to the back of his head at the man's terrible dad joke. "Thanks, Jin. I appreciate it."

Kim Seokjin. 25. Makes the worst jokes but still considers himself a comedian.
Mixology has always been his passion, and his bar is his pride and joy. He firmly believes that working hard can make dreams come true.

Yoongi sipped his drink, enjoying the way the cold liquid left a trail of fire in his throat with every swallow. He tipped it back and then motioned for a refill.

"What brings you here anyway," Jin asked while he filled his customer's glass.

Min Yoongi sighed and downed the drink in three big gulps before answering. "Life, I guess. More please and thank you."

The bartender nodded and filled it to the brim. "Felt that, but there's gotta be more to it," Jin egged on. "You haven't stepped foot in this place in a year."

"Yeah, you right." Yoongi chugged his third refill and watched as the brown liquid filled his cup yet again. "I don't know what I'm doing, Jin," he said as he swirled the ice cubes around in the glass. "I just… I'm falling for someone new. I-I know I shouldn't. It's only been a year since…since the incident."

Seokjin interrupted. "Yeah, exactly. It's been a whole fucking year! It's time to move on." He then stepped away to tend to another customer before returning his attention to his long lost friend. "You know...Jungkook would want you to be happy."

Yoongi let out a bitter laugh. "Would he, though?" His empty glass slammed against the countertop. He waited for the long-awaited buzz to hit him before continuing to speak his mind. "I honestly dunno what to do," Yoongi exasperated, grabbing a fistful of his silver bangs. "I know fer a fact I don't desherve happiness… but I can't sheem to stay 'way from this man...this man that jusht makes me sho God damn happy. I'on know, Jin, I can't really 'shplain it."

Jin nodded in understanding as he poured the man another drink. "Shit happens, bro. Can't always have control."

Once the sun sank behind the edge of the earth, the bar was bustling with people getting off of work. Seokjin was preoccupied with socializing with his regulars and whatnot, leaving Yoongi to drink alone. His thoughts wandered into the deepest, darkest depths of his mind, digging up the memories he wished would disappear.

"Get away from him," Yoongi screamed. He was out of breath from running, but that didn't stop him from yelling. The truck driver, who had been trying to get a response from the pedestrian, ignored the shouts from the man behind him. "I shaid get the fuck off!" Yoongi shoved the driver aside. He felt sick to his stomach as he dropped to his knees, the rough asphalt scraping his exposed knees.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't see him! I-I-I tried giving him CPR, I did. I…" Yoongi's own heartbeat thudding in his ears drowned out the sound of the panicked man's voice.

"No," Yoongi whispered, tears beginning to well up in his glazed eyes. All of his blind, drunken anger dissipated the moment he laid eyes on his boyfriend. "No, no, no, baby please no," Yoongi begged, grabbing Jungkook's hand and caressing his bloodied, tear-stained face. "Please wake up." Yoongi pressed his ear against the boy's chest to see if he could hear a heartbeat, but he heard nothing. Any sign of life was long gone.

The truck driver was already on the phone with an operator by the time Yoongi told him to call an ambulance. Tears were streaming down his face as he slowly lifted his corpse. There was a huge, bloody dent in the side of his head where it had slammed against the curb. Giant black and blue bruises covered his neck where it had snapped from impact. He cradled the dead boy in his arms and held his head against his chest.

"Please come back to me, Kookie," Yoongi whimpered. He begged and begged for Jungkook to wake up, but it was no use. Yoongi sobbed and rocked Jungkook back and forth. He wasn't planning to let go until the paramedics arrived, but then a hand touched his shoulder

"They should be here soon," that voice from earlier said. "I swear I didn't see him. I'm so sor--"

Red. All Yoongi could see was red as blind rage washed over him. Next thing Yoongi knew, he was sitting on a bench in jail beside the beaten, now-unrecognizable truck driver. "Min Yoongi, you made bail."

A loud, high-pitched squeal snapped Yoongi back into the present. Seokjin shouted, "Joonie!"

A dazed Yoongi looked around cluelessly. "Who?"

Yoongi heard a deep 'hey babe' from beside him and jumped a little. A tall blonde male smelling like buttery popcorn took the seat next to Yoongi.

"Hey," Yoongi said, recognizing the man from earlier. "You're that dude from the… shit; what's it called? The, uh…"

The man smiled, causing deep dimples to appear on his cheeks. "Theater?"

"Yeah, that."

Seokjin snickered and poured Yoongi another glass of whiskey despite him already on the edge of being drunk. "This is my mans, Namjoon."

Kim Namjoon. 23. Knows the streets like the back of his hand.
He lives a wealthy and privileged lifestyle now. But he can't seem to let go of where he came from.

The two men exchanged formal greetings. Namjoon pulled a pack of menthols out of his leather jacket and lit a cigarette. "Ah, where's my manners," he said, pointing the open pack towards Yoongi. Being a social smoker, he accepted the offer.

"We got married last month," Jin announced proudly as he sat an ashtray in front of his husband.

"The fuck? Married?" Yoongi frowned and took a long inhale from his cigarette. The cold menthol smoke cooled his burning throat. "Damn, I've missed out on a lotta shit."

Jin hummed and showed off his gold wedding band; his smile stretched from ear to ear. Noticing his husband looking intently at his phone, Jin reverted his attention and asked who it was.

"Business. Sorry guys; just a moment," he said as he held the phone up to his ear. Min Yoongi puffed on his cancer stick as he listened in on the phone call.

"Whatcha need? No, I ran out of it. Well, if you want to bring the money, I can get it to you tonight. Actually, I'm not home right now. Blood Sweat and Beers. Well, you can bring it here...Hold on," Namjoon stood up and leaned across the bar to give Jin a kiss before excusing himself. "I'm just going to send you a text with instructions…"

Yoongi turned his attention back to Seokjin as Namjoon exited the establishment. "Talk 'bout fuckin' shketchy," Yoongi slurred, brows furrowed.

The rosy-cheeked bartender chuckled and shrugged, "We gotta do what we gotta do to get that money honey. Anyways, tell me 'bout this guy that's got you all worked up."


Hoseok kept his head down with his hands deep in his pockets as he walked briskly to the bar. He had been extremely antsy since the date and he only had one of his pills left. One pill was definitely not enough, at least that's what the Voices were telling him.

At least the bar wasn't that far, he thought as he opened the door. He pulled his cell out of his pocket to double-check that he was at the right place and then proceeded to follow the instructions in the text message.

Eyes still glued to his phone, he strolled up to the bar where he was greeted by a kind gentleman who fit the description he was given, 'a brown-haired beauty behind the counter.'

"What can I get you," Seokjin asked cheerfully. The addict hummed, hands trembling as he fished the cash out of his wallet and slid it across the counter with a nod. "Ah, gotcha. I'll let him know you came," Jin said, taking the payment and slipping it into his pocket.

"Th-th-thanks," Hoseok said. His voice caught the attention of a particular drunken patron.



Seokjin raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, um… please, have a sheat," Yoongi blurted, desperate to spend time with him. "I'll-I'll getcha shomethin'. Jin, get thish man a, uh...a shirley temple!"

Jung Hoseok does not drink. But the way Yoongi was looking at him as if he was the only person in the room made it impossible to say no. Hoseok slowly sat down beside his friend and folded his shaky hands on the counter. Yoongi smiled and softly stroked the man's hot cheeks with the back of his fingers for a moment.

The whiskey had made the shorter fellow quite bold. With courage coursing through his veins, he couldn't help but stare at that beautiful long face in awe and rattle on about how glad he was to see him here. Even though this level of confidence was out of character for Yoongi outside of work, Hoseok enjoyed it.

"Shirley Templesh are really really shweet, like you," Yoongi said, gesturing  to the pink drink. "Try it."

The room was spinning, and at the center of it all was Jung Hoseok. Time slowed down as he obeyed and wrapped his heart-shaped lips around the red straw, sucking it gently. That's hot, Yoongi thought, unable to tear his eyes away from the arousing sight. Hoseok's eyes flashed up at Yoongi as he released the straw. Some of the frozen cocktail had somehow gotten on his plump bottom lip. Yoongi swallowed hard as he watched the man lick it away.

"It-It's a-act-actually really good," Hoseok said, pleasantly surprised and blushing under Yoongi's intense gaze. " yuh."

Yoongi smiled and finished off the remaining whiskey in his glass. "Sho, whaddya doin' here? I thought ya didn't drink."

You better lie. Hoseok shrugged and took a few more gulps of his fruity cocktail. "Dun-no. W-wanted a...a-a change," he said carefully (not that it takes much effort to fool a drunk person).

Yoongi nodded as he brought his glass up to his lips. "Well, I'm- I'm glad ya deshided ta come here. I couldn't shtop thinkin' 'bout ya." Yoongi laid his free hand on the other male's rock-hard thigh. He adored the way the muscles tensed beneath his fingers and gave it a light squeeze. The drunkard was practically drooling.

Hoseok was hyper-aware of the heat that radiated off of Yoongi's large hand and swore that the warmth was slowly moving up his leg. Slut. Whore. Should I tell Jimin you're a prostitute now? Disgusting. Hoseok told the Voice to shut the fuck up and chugged the rest of his drink. The Voice didn't stop, though, and neither did Yoongi, who was now massaging the man's thigh.

The alcohol was beginning to set in by the time Jin served up a second shirley temple, much to Hoseok's relief. He started to feel a bit tipsy, and he fucking loved that feeling.

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