By Barbiedoll123457

30.8K 1.5K 6.5K

A Larry Stylinson AU, where Where Harry and Louis were best friends in high school and with time their friend... More

26. (A)
26. (B)


446 26 34
By Barbiedoll123457

Hello muffins,
How are y'all? Hope you have a wonderful day ahead.♥️

I am very ashamed for this long ass delay of about four months, in my update and I'm not going to bore you guys with my list of excuses. It's all the same lame ones but yes, still very genuine. :(

However, the most important thing right now is the current pandemic the entire world is facing. I hope and pray that all of you and your family are safe. Please stay in and enjoy your time at home with your family and in spending it on your hobby because not everyone has that privilege to work from home. I'm sure all of us will get through this and everything will be back to normal soon and I urge all of you to stay as positive as I'm trying to be as well. Take care guys and enjoy the boys' albums while you're at it. :) Love you all.

Staying in quarantine has finally gave me time to write this update and I have started the next chappie as well so I might be able to give the next update as well. Hopefully.

So, here it is. Hope you enjoy it. xx

Louis was looking at himself for the last time in the mirror when he heard someone honking the car horns in front of his house. He rushed to the window and looked out to see Liam's car standing in his driveway and Zayn waving at him to get down as soon as possible. He gestured him two minutes before going back to the full length mirror in his bedroom. He checked himself from top to bottom for the final time and sighed at his reflection before swiftly picking up his wallet and rushing downstairs.

They were all meeting at a local sports-club today, to play some football and to just hangout with each other. Niall had invited the boys of their music band to join them as well and all of them had planned to meet up straight at the ground.

And to say Louis was thrilled would be an understatement. With all that had happened a day before, the blue eyed boy was over the moon. Harry and him were friends now. 


Something that he had thought he would never get to have ever again. Every once in a while, he wondered if he was living a far-fetched dream, thinking he would wake up any moment and realise that whatever that had happened yesterday wasn't reality. Not to mention, how many times he had pinched himself after coming home last night to confirm that all of it wasn't his reverie. Harry had taken such a big step towards forgiving Louis which the small boy still thought he didn't deserve. He had pledged six years ago to not even show his ugly face to the singer and keep him away from even his shadow. Never had he imagined that he would see a day when Harry would consider him more than just a double faced back-stabber. And yet, here he was, rushing down the stairs and going ahead to hangout with Harry, who considered him a friend now.

Louis knew for a fact that Harry would always be more than just a friend to him. He had known this from years ago that the boy who was now a dreamy desire of millions of girls and boys, was his life. That Harry was forever going to be the love of his life. And in the past six years, he had also come to accept the fact that he would never mean the same to the boy like he used to. That no matter how much his being depended on Harry's happiness, he would never be able to call the boy his, that even if his love would surpass the love any fan had ever had for Harry, he would never be able to flaunt it to the world. He had not even imagined that Harry would consider to offer him a second chance at friendship as well. That's why, even though he knew his feelings were way past that of friendship, he would take whatever he could get.

He quickly made his way to the kitchen  and picked up the big container of sandwiches that he had prepared for everyone, this morning. He put on his shoes and made his way outside after making sure that all windows and doors of the house were closed. He greeted Zayn and Liam in the car and they all left for the sports club which was a good half an hour from Louis' house.

The first five minutes of the drive were just normal. Them making smalls talks with Liam's ride playlist playing mildy in the background. Zayn was telling something about his new art project when Louis' phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to see a text notification.

A text from Harry.

I'm gonna say it when I see you. ;)
Which I hope is soon.

A smile came on his lips subconsciously as he read the text. It was a reply to the good morning that Louis had sent this morning.

The blue eyed boy bit his lips with his teeth to stop himself from smiling too wide and typed a text.

Yes. It is soon. Perhaps just another 20 minutes from now. See ya.

Can't wait. came the reply in the very next second. Louis smiled wide as he pocketed his phone again. He looked back out of the window feeling happiness surging in every part of his body. He couldn't help but blush as he remembered how Harry had asked for his number just the day before.


"I missed you.....froggy. Missed you so much." Louis had whispered while hugging Harry as tightly as he possibly could.

They had stayed in each others' embrace for almost about ten minutes, with eyes closed and hearts sated. Both the boys took their time taking in the other's calming scent and the warmth of being engulfed in each others arms. Harry hadn't realized it until now, just how much he needed to hold Louis. How much his soul and body craved to have the smaller boy this close to him.  And for Louis, Harry's large hands around him felt like absolute bliss. Having been deprived of this for almost six years, the blue-eyed  boy didn't want this to end really soon so he held on to the back of Harry's shirt in a firm grip and enjoyed the hug for as long as it lasted.

But when it became very difficult for Harry to control his senses which were only motivating him to lift Louis up by his thighs and kiss him, he reluctantly let go of the smaller boy before he could give in to his wild desires.

He looked at Louis' face only to find those blue glossy eyes staring back at him and right then his awkwardness began, having no idea what to say next.

Now what?

It wasn't his fault though. No one had actually ever told him what to do right after you made friends with your ex after trying to hate him for six years straight. He might have gathered enough courage to talk to him and put forward an offer to be friends again, but he was still the same clumsy, awkward guy around Louis as he used to be when they had first met years ago.

"umm...great then." He said while clearing his throat to not let out a squeaky voice from how heavy it felt with all the emotions.

"y-yeah." Louis said and bit his lips to restrain himself from sobbing out loud in front of the singer. His feelings were all over the place at the moment and he didn't know what to do with himself right now. As much as he was soaring high with happiness, he didn't know if his inner urge to just kiss the life out of the boy standing in front of him, would be a sensible move considering he had agreed to be only friends just moments ago and Louis didn't want to blow this up at all.

"Hey, by the way," Louis was brought back from his thoughts when Harry said,"umm I was wondering.... how you know..send my schedule to Niall and - and then I get it from him? It's would be easy for both of us if..if you maybe sent it directly to me, right? Like..if I had your number or something so umm.. I'll be able to contact you directly for anything. I mean not anything, I wouldn't want to disturb you with just anything. I meant like work related, about my schedules and meetings and..and interviews. You don't have to though. It's okay. I just thought...for Niall it-"

"Harry" Louis said, looking at the singer with amused eyes. "You umm.. you're rambling." He stifled his giggles at how impossibly endearing the green eyed boy looked.

With cheeks warm from blush Harry apologized, "Shit, sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck, mentally chiding himself for stuttering endlessly and certainly embarrassing himself. Seriously, he needed to control himself around Louis before Louis looked at him as a crazy idiot.

Louis smiled softly as him, "You don't have to be sorry. Here's my number. You can call me whenever you need something... ",He said as he scribbled his number on a small sheet of paper and gave it to Harry. He bit his lips shyly before continuing," ..or whenever you wish to just.... talk? I am your manager but I'm -I'm your friend now too, r-right?"

"Yeah, yes definitely." Harry said firmly, wanting Louis to have no doubts about it. He might not know how to form proper sentences whenever he was around Louis but he was a hundred percent firm and certain about this. Yes, they were friends now. No more of a bitter relationship. No more hatred and no more hurting.

"So, you can contact me anytime..for anything. Anything, Harry."Louis said, looking at Harry with assurance filled in his blue orbs and a bright smile gracing his lips. He was ready to put in everything he possibly can for Harry's happiness, for their rekindled friendship and his never-dying love for the boy.

For a while, Harry just stared in those beautiful eyes that held so much depth in them. He couldn't help but grin wide. He had definitely made the right decision. "Yeah."

They stared at each other for a while with no one uttering a single word and Harry knew he could stay like this for hours, basking in the beauty of the small boy standing right in front of him. But he also knew that he couldn't do it without looking like a creep.

"I uhh..should go. Niall must be wondering where I am. We...we still have to finish writing some more lyrics." Harry said  and took a hesitant step towards the door. 'Stop me please, Louis.'

'Don't go.'  Louis' heart almost screamed but what came out of his mouth was totally opposite. He couldn't be selfish and ask Harry to stay."Y-yeah yeah okay. should get back to the studio." He looked at Harry through his eyelashes with those innocent apologetic eyes which made the taller boy weak in his knees.

"Hmmm. o-okay then. See you later." He said with a small smile on his face trying to show Louis that everything was fine between them now. But, deep within, his mind was going, 'Fuck. I wanna kiss you.'

'I want you to kiss me.' Was what was present on the tip of Louis' lips. But he covered it up with a small smile and said, "Yeah. uhh.. See ya."

"Bye."'I love you so much.'

"Bye."'I love you so much more.'

And with that Harry was out of the door. Louis sighed and turned back to his chair. He sat down and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart trying to take in whatever had happened in the past half an hour and when he finally processed everything, his happiness knew no bounds.

He was Harry's friend now.


He couldn't help but smile at yesterday's memory and the exchange of texts he had with Harry form then on. After about an hour of Harry leaving his cabin to go back to the studio, Louis had received a text from an unknown number which read, 'Hey Shorty. :)'. And he had known in a flash, who it was.

And since then him and Harry had a series of countless texts being exchanged overnight. They may have been awkward around each other in the office, but eventually after every message that was sent to one other, both the boys had slowly opened up and by the time the calendar had changed the day at midnight, the boys had changed to their old, young selves again. It was no surprise that all it had taken was a night of talking, laughing, giggling and blushing for Louis and Harry to be back to being the friends that they had been in high school.

"What's got you smiling, babe?"

Louis blinked at Zayn's voice and came out of his thoughts. "Huh?"

Zayn smiled cheekily through the rear-view mirror and said,"I saw you smiling while you were being in what seemed like a fond thought. Care to share?"

"It's nothing, Z." Louis said with the soft smile still evident on his lips.

"Alright guys, we're here." Liam said as he made the final turn towards the parking lot of the club. 

Liam parked the car at an available spot, which was quite close to the entrance of the club and all the boys got out. Liam went to bring out the food basket and stuff from the boot of the car while Zayn and Louis waited for him. "The club looks empty, isn't it?" Zayn said.

"It's cause Harry has rented it entirely for today." Louis informed Zayn while fixing his hair in the car's side mirror.

"Oh really?" 

"Yeah, he wanted to spend all the time with us today without being asked for a photo or an autograph. He wasn't planning to in the beginning but then the club's owner happened to be Josh's friend and this morning only, he offered him to have it completely for the day. Harry agreed to it." Louis said as he adjusted his fringe.

"Oh that' But, how exactly do you happen to know that?" Zayn asked with raised eyebrows.

Louis eyes widened. In case I forgot to mention, Louis had to yet to disclose to Zayn and Liam that him and Harry were friends now. "umm what?"

"You said it happened this morning itself then how do you know that?"

Louis looked at Zayn sheepishly."um..causeeee Harry to-"

"Alright, let's get going." Liam interrupted Louis as he came back with his hands full of a food basket and box of beer.

"Yeah, yeah let's go." Louis said as he took the food basket from Liam and started to move ahead, trying to dodge Zayn's looks. But he was immediately pulled back by the back of his jacket.

"Lou." Zayn said, his tone clearly expressing his demand for an answer.

"I'll tell you later Z. Promise. For now, let's go?" Louis said with an innocent smiling expression.

Zayn bit his lips in a smirk and said," I have a feeling it's some good thing that you're going to tell me and I'm guessing it has something to do with a certain someone whom we are about to meet."

"Shut up." Louis said with a blush. "Anyways, tell me how do I look?"

Zayn laughed at that. He was certain now that there was most definitely some progress in Louis' relation with Harry. Liam had already told him yesterday about Harry taking the small boy to the upcoming award show as his date but he knew there was more to it than just that. He had observed Louis' constant smile and happy mood right from the morning.  He just had to find out the full detail of what had happened from his best friend."You look amazing, babe." He slightly leaned towards Louis before whispering, "He's going to like it very much."

"Ughh...Again, Shut up Z." Louis whined , trying his hardest not to turn as red as a tomato and made a move towards the club. 

Liam was silently watching the two best friends talking and giggling  about something he no idea about. But he kept quiet and silently watched both of them with fond eyes. He was really happy to see Louis genuinely smiling brighter than the day after what seemed like an eternity. Plus Zayn laughing beside his best friend looked so young and cheerful, that Liam just couldn't take his eyes off of him. It almost made him want to get down on his knees and propose right there.

"Shall we, honey?" Zayn turned towards him and said while extending his hand. Liam gladly took his boy's hand in his and intertwined their fingers. He leaned in to steal a quick kiss from his stunning boyfriend before saying. "Of course, darling."

With that, all three of them entered the club to go meet their friends in the ground.


"He's coming, Harry. You staring at the entrance every five seconds isn't going to make him come faster, bro." Niall said, while munching on his chocolate bar to Harry who was pretending to do stretching exercises with his eyes constantly glued towards the gate of the field. All of them were seated at the small pavilion which was opposite to the entrance and right across the field. Harry, Niall and Elisa were the first ones to arrive and the boys of their band, Josh, Sandy, Jon and Dan had arrived with their partners just five minutes ago. So, the only ones who had yet to arrive were Liam, Zayn and of course, Louis.

"Don't know what you're talking about, Ni." Harry said and averted his eyes back to his legs and bending forward to stretch his muscles.

"Let him be, babe. You know he's eager to meet his 'friend' now." Elisa said as she discreetly pulled the snacks away from Niall to save it from him. 

"I'm just warming up, El. Really."

The green eyed boy had very eagerly told both of them about the restart of his friendship with Louis, after coming from the studio. Niall and Elisa had been absolutely elated to know about the improvement in their relationship and the fact that Harry himself had initiated it, gave even more room for them to hope for a potential romance between both the boys all over again, which they knew had never really died.

But, the two hadn't forgotten to snicker at the 'friends' part.

"Oh right. It's okay Haz. There's nothing wrong in waiting for your 'friend'. After all, that's what friends do right? Don't worry, your 'friend' will be here very soon. Yeah, man." Niall taunted while aimlessly moving his hands backwards to grab some chips from the snacks basket. But when he couldn't get a hold over anything but air, he whined  softly in protest. Elisa narrowed his eyes at him and gave him the look that clearly said 'You're not here just to eat, honey.' Niall sighed and got up. Might as well do some warm up, he thought.

Just as he was about to start with the stretching, he saw Louis entering the field, being followed by Zayn and Liam. "TOMMOOOO!!!" Niall shouted, partly to indicate Louis where they were sitting and mostly to send Harry's waiting heart into a sudden frenzy.

Louis turned towards the pavilion and saw everyone assembled there. He smiled and waved at them, before starting to walk their direction. 

When Harry heard Niall call out Louis' name, he turned around with such a lightening speed that he missed to see the football that was right behind him causing him to hit his leg against it and go stumbling forward.

'Wow Harry. Way to go!' Harry chastises himself. He honestly felt like hitting his own head for embarrassing himself right at Louis' arrival. He quickly stood up and straightened his t-shirt trying to look as less of a klutz as he could and smiled a greeting smile towards Louis, Liam and Zayn.

Louis who had seen the tall clumsy boy stagger, controlled his giggles as he went forward to greet everyone. His heart had instantly filled with boatload of endearment for the singer but by now he had mastered the skill of concealing his fond. He was about to say hi to everyone but Niall beat him to it and pulled his small frame in a bear-hug. "Hey Lou!" He exclaimed. He  pulled away from the hug and asked, "How are you this morning buddy?"

Louis grinned wide. He absolutely adored Niall's bright as the sun smile. "Hey Ni. I'm buzzing. How are you?"

"As lively as this bright sunny day." Niall said and moved ahead to greet Liam and Zayn who were hugging Harry until now. He bowed in front of Zayn and said "Hello Princess Zayn. It's an honor for us to have you here. Thank you for dragging your arse out of bed this morning to grace all of us with your presence here." He mocked with an amused expression making everyone laugh except Zayn.

The raven haired boy rolled his eyes at the exaggeration. "Shut up, you tosser and come give me a hug." He said and wrapped his arms around the Irish boy and while Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry were talking and hugging each other, Louis moved forward to greet the others.

"Hi Elisa." Louis said and gave her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How are you, love?"

"Hey Louis. I'm doing absolutely well."

"Is Niall being nice to you? He isn't listening to us right now. You can give me the dirt and I'll whack him for you, okay?" Louis said with a playful smirk.

Elisa laughed at that and said, "Sure Lou." They both chuckled before Louis went to greet all the boys of the band and their partners. He had a great friendship with all of them so he happened to be friends with their wives and girlfriends as well. He gave each of them a hug and talked to them until Zayn and Liam came to say hi. The boys had always been invited in any party that Louis threw and had been over for dinner at Louis' place many times, so all of them also knew Liam and Zayn as well. They knew that the two were Louis' friend who were nothing less then family for the blue-eyed boy.

Louis was happily watching as Liam and Zayn laughed with the boys and Niall and Elisa joining them too. Just as he was about to enter the conversation, he felt a warm body stand right behind him and it didn't take him seconds to know who that was. He could identify the soft breath that was barely ghosting on his neck, anytime and anywhere.


"Good morning, Louis." Harry said in his deep and husky voice only for Louis' ears to hear, making goosebumps rise all over the blue-eyed boy's body and blush rush to his cheeks all at the same time.

A wide smile spread on Louis' lips as he remembered the text Harry had sent right before he had arrived here, in reply to his Good Morning message to the singer.

I'm gonna say it when I see you. ;)

"H-hey." Louis said softly and looked to his side to see Harry staring back at him with a cheeky, dimpled smile. "Good morning." They kept staring at each other, unable to shift their gaze towards anything but the other's radiant face. Louis couldn't bring himself to look away from Harry's face which was glowing with a smile, under the sun rays. This was the first time when Harry was giving him a genuinely delighted expression at his arrival, which Louis wanted to sit and admire. In the past couple of weeks, the blue eyed boy had mostly witnessed anger, hatred and hurt written all over the boy's face and to see no such emotion except acceptance and delight was making Louis' heart swell with gratification. He wanted to soak in every bit of the green eyed boy's look and keep it protected in his heart as an irreplaceable and priceless memory. At that moment, Louis knew for sure that he would go above and beyond his capacities to keep that happiness on the green-eyed boy's face.

Harry, on the other hand, was dealing with the overflow of endearment in his own heart. Everytime they met after their reunion, Louis' expressions had always been filled with either guilt and sorrow or fear and uncertainty. But right in this moment, he could see a mesmerising smile playing on Louis' lips and his eyes shining with happiness and contentment and Harry had never felt prouder of any of his decision he had made in the last six years as he was feeling now. None of his achievements could ever amount to the tranquility his heart was feeling for being the reason behind that smile. Louis' smile was his ultimate reward and it was as though his heart had started to believe that yes, maybe everything is going to be right hereafter.


So, how was it?
I hope you liked it. Although it wasn't good enough in my opinion but oh well.♥️

The next update will be coming in two to three days, I promise.

If you guys have forgotten the previous story then I would really appreciate it if you read the previous chapters again.

What do you think will happen next? Will Harry and Louis' freshly revived friendship last? Considering all that's happened between them, will this relationship progress into something more or will it finish as quickly as it started? And most importantly, what do you expect from this story here on?

Again, be safe and take all precautions guys. I hope and pray that all of you and your families are safe. We're all in this together and the world will surely get through this. :)

Thank you for reading. Please do vote and comment.

Updated: 26/04/2020

I love you,

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