By JennieStrash

26.4K 1.1K 293

Lisa comes into posession of a real love potion. Which she decideds to use, to cause Bambam, Jennie's boyfrie... More



4.1K 160 18
By JennieStrash

In a life changing moment Lisa closed her eyes and moved forward. an instant later, her lips came into contact with Jennie's.

Both women at that very moment, felt something inside them move. Lisa and Jennie quickly driven by new found desires, deepened the kiss. to each of them it was a kiss like no other. it felt deeper, more passionate, fuller of feeling than they had ever imagined. both were swept away in a current of the moment.

Lisa as the kiss deepened even further, put her hand around Jennie's head and pulled her closer.

Jennie allowed herself to be pulled in and began to caress her Lisa's back.

Niether woman could get enough of each other as for a brief instant their soul's touched. much like their physical form, their souls actually kissed, touched and gently felt each other, bonding them together for iternity. they were now soul mates in the truest sense.

Sensing the need, Jennie opened her mouth just as Lisa thrust her tongue forward. as they kissed, their tongues did a playful yet sensual dance, Lisa  just releved in the feelings she was experiencing, all the love she felt for this woman she was with. Jennie felt much the same.

After a moment the pair broke the kiss and gaze into each others eyes. neither wanted to look away, until distant voices down the hallway broke the spell.

Jennie shook off the brief rapture and quickly stood up. she then reached down and slipped her fingers into Lisa's hand, helping the Thai off the ground.

"Manoban, now your stuck with my bitchiness, insane jealously for eternity, consider yourself punished for making me fall in love with you." Jennie said with a smirk.

Lisa just laughed. "You make it sound so appealing. I'm suprised I didn't jump at it earlier. though I cant see why I never loved you before. youre so perfect, in a rather mean bitchy kind of way."

Jennie raised an eyebrow. "Were you trying to flatter or insult me? because I think tou just managed both at the same time."

At that moment, one of the janitors came around the corner and unlocked the gate. "Thanks Mike." Jennie said quickly, as she handed him an envelope. "Here's the rest I promised."

A man stuffed the envelope in his pocket with a smile. "Did you get what you wanted?"

Jennie squeezed Lisa's hand looked at the Thai. "That and more."

Lisa thought for a moment as they began to walk. "You had the school taken care of. what if I had gone into the parking lot?"

A broad smile came to Jennie's face. "You would quickly encountered a 300 pound former defensive tackle. you would have not gotten past him."

Lisa pushed and looked at Jennie. "You thought of everything, did you? you wanted me that much?"

"I found myself trapped by your love and I didn't want to escape. so I trapped you. I couldn't let you and your love escape me. I thought of every possible out for you and took care of it."

"Its looked like we trapped each other. now what do we do?"

Jennie smirk and ran an finget up Lisa's chest between her breasts. "Well, I wanted to consummate our relationship yesterday.. you're not getting away from me today." Jennie's tone of voice suddenly dropped from a confident one to a quieter vulnerable one.

"I need to be with you, I cant wait any longer.. please make love to me."

Lisa could see the longing in Jennie's eyes, as she let her defensens drop. she could feel the same longing building up in her. not only that her only instincs was to satisfy her soul mate. bur one thing quickly worried her.

Lisa's mouth opened slightly as if she was going to say something, but her gaze quickly fell to the floor.

Sensing that something was wrong, Jennie quickly ask. "Whats wrong?"

Lisa looked up slightly as she became visibly nervous. "I've never be with anyone before.. I-I'm a virgin. I dont want to let you down. I'm afraid you wont enjoy being with me. I only want to make you happy." she said, her voice berely above a whisper.

Jennie suddenly felt a total shit. seeing the pained, nervous expression on Lisa's face quickly made her heart ache. she put a finger under Lisa's chin and lifted it so the Thai's eyes met hers.

"Do you want to be with me this afternoon or do you want to wait?" Jennie said carefully.

"I want to be with you now, more than anything but I'm just afraid I wont satisfy you." Lisa said as her confidence fell.

Jennie took Lisa's hand and moved it under her shirt to her belly. "Now move it around a bit."

Lisa then slowly move her hand across Jennie's belly, looking a bit embarrassed.

Jennie briefly hummed with pleasure. "See, your touching me and just this is pretty satisfying. it feels nice, simply because your the woman I love. you have nothing to worry about. I dont want to be touched by anyone other than you. In any case, it doesn't have to be about who does what and how they do it. its all about two people, who really care for each other, spending time together."

A smile slowly formed on Lisa's lips as she once again took Jennie's hand. "I very much like the way you put that. I would love to spend the afternoon with you. I trust you."

Jennie felt much better that Lisa's confidence had been restored. "Perfect, but we have one more thing to do before we blow this pop stand. come on."

Jennie lead Lisa back through the school to the asphalt cafe. lunch was about over but it was still crowded with students. "Lisa, it was clever how you described our super, secret special love. but your mine and everyone is going to know it. no closet for you or me."

Jennie then stepped up on a bench. "Attention! I have one more announcement. I earlier announced that I had broken up with Bam.
Lalisa Manoban is now my girlfriend. look all you want as people, but dont touch. I dont like it if she's touched, bothered or harassed in any fashion."

Before Jennie could jump down, Lisa, feeling happy that she was officially Jennie's girlfriend, jumped up on the bench. "The same goes for Jennie here. she's mine."

Vary impressed, a smile grew on Jennie's lips as she hopped down. "Come on baby, lets go."

Dahyun suddenly came up, looking very confused. "Your dating Jennie unnie? why?"

Lisa suddenly got her sister's face, taking an aggressive stance. "Do you have any problem with me dating with a girl Dahyun-ssi?"

Dahyunstepped back. "Of course not. its just that, this one is totally nuts. you should stick with the bubble headed cheerleader types. its more you speed."

Jennie moved forward with a low growl, but was stopped by Lisa. "I love Jennie, she loves me. we're going spend our lives together, so get used to it. cazy or not, Jennie is the greatest girl in the world and I'm damn proud to be her woman. got that Dahyun?!"

Dahyun was a little taken back by her sister's unusually confident stand. but she was impressed at the same time. she looked at Jennie and pointed a finger. "Hurt my sister and they wont even be able to identify your body  with dental records, got that Kim?!"

"Got it." she said with a serious look. Jennie could respect Dahyun protecting her sister.

Jennie took Lisa's hand. "Come on, lets go." a short while later they were in Jennie's car, driving home. the ride was quiet with Lisa holding Jennie's hand all the way home. "We wont be disturbed?" Lisa said nervously. Jennie had reassured her but she was still nervous as it was her first time.

Jennie smiled and squeezed Lisa's hand. "Neither of my parents will be home for hours."

Up getting home Jennie took Lisa up to her room. it was dark and had a much of a Jennie vibe around. there was a blackpink posters, some candles here and there and lots of things Lisa couldn't really identify at the moment. the only thing that Lisa cared about was it occupant.

Jennie lit a few candle to provide a bit of light. she had thick black curtains which blocked almost all of the light from the room. then tenderly Jennie  began to kiss Lisa.. as they stood there, Jennie alternately stripped peices of her and Lisa's chothes off.

Eventually both Jennie and Lisa stood in front of each other, naked as the day they were born. Jennie could sense Lisa's nervousness, she knew the Thai just wanted to please her knew girlfriend but Jennie was just happy to be with the girl.

"Lisa, I'm just happy to be here with you. you have nothing to worry about."

With that she took the Thai's hand and led her to the bed. Lisa lay down and smiled. as Jennie slipped into the bed, her naked pale tone form pressing agains hers, she felt that all of this happened for a reason. Lisa concluded that this was meant to happend.

"Hey, lover." Jennie said softly before she kiss her. it was a deep passionate kiss, full of desire and love.

Lisa responded in kind. after several minutes of long, deep kisses, Jennie  bagan to explore the rest of Lisa's body. spending long minutes, with her fingers tenderly running up and down to Lisa's tunned body. Lisa just liked having Jennie feel her. she along the way planted kisses and accasionally nibble her and there.

Finally she knew from the look of Lisa's face she was ready. she first started with the Thai's breasts. she spent a good amount of time, feeling them, kissing them and eventually she pulled the nipple in her mouth and began to suck. Lisa quickly responded with a series of moans.

Both women were filled with a sense of wonderment as they were with their soul mate with for the very first time.

Later Jennie, Lisa as well, would have a hard time putting into words, how intimate, personal and beautiful it was.

Jennie took a bit more time with the other breast before moving on to Lisa's belly. spending some time kissing her there, before moving to Lisa's wet center.

Jennie knew how special this was, the fact that Lisa was letting her take her virginity.

When she finally got there Jennie  would touch it, running her fingers up and down the lips and other regions. she would occasionally kiss and lick the erea.

Lisa just closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure, she felt like she was in heaven.

"Are you ready?" Jennie asked.

Lisa opened her eyes ang gazed lovingly at Jennie. "Yes, please make me yours. now and forever."

Jennie took two finger and slowly inserted them into Lisa, quickly running into the expected obstruction.

As gently as she could she pushed through. Lisa for a moment, tensed up and whined in pain but Jennie  slowly began to move her fingers in and out. It only took a few moments before Lisa was breathing heavy and moaning loudly.

"Jennie, I love you." she said between moans.

Abruptly Lisa tense up as she felt the orgasm flow through her. it being her first time and with the woman she loved, it was a mind atlering experience. never had she felt more loved and wanted than at this very moment.

Jennie kept going as the orgasm subsided, then pulled her fingers out. Jennie then crawled up and held Lisa  in her arms.

Other than Jennie saying, "I love you." nothing was said.

After a few minutes, Lisa extracted herself from Jennie's arm and began her work. straddling the girl she love, she did much as Jennie did earlier.

Explore her body but too much more time in doing so. she also kissed a lot more. Jennie  found that Lisa had a particular tender touch. it felt wonderful she knew the Thai would become with experience, an excellent lover. in any case, she loved Lisa and just wanted to be with her.

Lisa, a bit unsure to herself, kept going. she worked on Jennie's neck. torso for a while and then to Jennie's breasts. she found herself quickly moaning in pleasure as Lisa flicked her tongue on the hardened nipples.

Lisa lick Jennie only a short while before, focused her attention on Jennie's center. she cut to the chase and quickly put her fingers in, causing Jennie to hum in pleasure. spurred on the positive response she began to bump faster. Jennie came quickly afterward.

After the love making was done, the newly forged pair lay in bed facing each other.

They both knew they would never be with anyone else. their love would only be for each other. weather it came from them or from the bottle, they were both happy to be in love and together. the best part was, they both knew it would never end.

The end👍 hope you like and enjoy it. comment your favorite part I want to know😁

Stan blackpink OT4💖
Stan Twice❤
Stan Redvelvet❤


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