The Mute Girl( A Twilight fan...

By Oncer121598

76.5K 1.7K 230

Brianna Peters is a 17 year old girl who moves to Forks with her father. When she goes to school she ends up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

6.5K 137 16
By Oncer121598

The next morning, Brianna woke to her alarm going off. She got out of bed, grabbing a towel from the hall closet, and went into the bathroom. She turned the water on and undressed as it got warm. Once she undressed, she stepped into the shower. She let the warm water wake her up. After she finished, Brianna stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around and started to blow dry her hair. She used her straightener to straighten it and then walked back into her room. She went over to her closet and looked for an outfit. She decided on a purple long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black converse shoes. After she finished getting ready, Brianna grabbed her bag and walked downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Her father greeted her. Brianna waved to him. "Breakfast is almost ready." Scott said.

Brianna nodded. She went over to the coffee pot and poured some for her and her dad. She set them on the table as her father brought breakfast over.

"So, how was your first day?" Scott asked as they started to eat.

"It was good." Brianna typed on her tablet. "There were a few students that kind of laughed at me, but there was a group of kids that were nice to me."

"That's great." Scott said.

"They're new too. They moved here from Alaska two years ago." Brianna typed.

"I'm glad you made some friends." Scott said. They continued to eat.

"I'll clean up breakfast." Brianna typed after they finished eating.

"I'll do that, Bri." Scott said.

"I got it." Brianna typed.

"Well, I'll help." Scott said as he went over to the sink.

"Thanks Dad." Brianna typed.

"Come on. Let's get you to school." Scott said, once they finished cleaning up breakfast.

Brianna picked up her bag and walked outside with her father. They got in the car and drove to the high school.

"Have a good day at school, Brianna." Scott said as he pulled up in front of the school.

"Bye Dad." Brianna said before getting out of the car. She watched her father drive off and walked into the school. She went to her locker, took out her books for the morning classes, and made her way to her first class. When she walked in, she saw Alice and Jasper.

"Hi Brianna." Alice greeted her as she sat down.

"Hey guys." Brianna typed.

"How are you?" Alice asked.

"I'm doing good." Brianna typed. "What about you guys?"

"We're good as well." Alice said. The teacher came in and they stopped their conversation.

Later that morning, Brianna was walking to her next class when she she tripped and fell. Of course, being the clumsy person she is, she ended up tripping over her own feet. "Oh my god, Brianna." Rosalie said, coming over to her and helping her up. "Are you ok?" Brianna nodded. "Are you hurt?" Rosalie asked.

"I don't think so." Brianna typed. "My arm is just a little sore."

"Are you sure?" Rosalie asked. "It looked like you landed on it pretty hard."

"Yeah. I'm ok." Brianna typed.

"If you want, I could drive you to the hospital." Rosalie offered

"Really Rosalie. I'm fine." Brianna typed.

"My father's a doctor there." Rosalie said. "He could take a look at your arm."

Brianna sighed. She didn't think Rosalie was going to let it go, so she nodded.

"Come on." Rosalie said, leading her out of the school.

Brianna followed Rosalie over to her car. The two of them got in the car and headed to the hospital. When they got there, Rosalie parked the car and they walked in.

"Hello Rosalie." The nurse behind the desk greeted.

"Hello Judy. Can you page my father, please." Rosalie said. "My friend hurt her arm."

"What's your name, dear?" The nurse asked Brianna.

"Her name's Brianna Peters." Rosalie said.

L"I can bring you to a room." The nurse said.

"I'll wait out here with your stuff." Rosalie said. Brianna followed the nurse to a room.

"The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse said before walking out of the room. Brianna nodded and sat on the table.

A minute later, Brianna saw a man with blonde hair and pale skin. He looked pretty young. "Hello, I'm Dr. Cullen." The man said. "You're Brianna?"

"Yes." Brianna typed.

"It's nice to meet you, Brianna." Carlisle said.

"It's nice to meet you too." Brianna typed.

"So, Rosalie said you hurt your arm at school." Carlisle said.

"My arm's fine." Brianna typed. "Rosalie didn't need to bring me here." Although, she was kinda glad Rosalie made her come. The doctor was pretty attractive.

"Well, since you're here, do you mind if I take a look at your arm." Carlisle asked.

"I guess." Brianna typed. Carlisle sat on a stool and started to look at Brianna's arm.

"How did you hurt your arm?" Carlisle asked.

"I tripped and fell. I'm really clumsy." Brianna replied on her tablet.

"Do you have something against hospitals and doctors?" He asked.

"It's nothing against you. I just don't like hospitals and doctors." Brianna typed.

Carlisle chuckled. "I get it. You aren't the only one." He said. "Do you mind if I ask why?"

"I don't really want to talk about it." Brianna typed.

"That's fine." Carlisle said. Brianna nodded. "So, it looks like your arm is just sprained." Carlisle said. "I'll put a brace on it. It should heal in about two weeks."

"Okay." Brianna typed.

Carlisle put a brace on her arm. "There." He said, when he finished. "You're good to go."

"Thank you." Brianna typed.

"You're welcome." Carlisle said, smiling at her. They both walked out of the room and went over to Rosalie.

"Brianna, I called your dad to let him know what happened." Rosalie said.

"You really didn't have to do that." Brianna typed. "I'm fine. And now he's going to freak out that I was in the hospital."

"Sorry." Rosalie said. "I figured he would want to know what happened."

"It's alright." Brianna typed.

"Ready to go?" Rosalie asked.

"Yeah." Brianna typed.

"Come on. Let's get back to school." Rosalie said.

Brianna nodded. "Thank you again, Dr. Cullen." She typed.

"You're welcome, Brianna." Carlisle said. "Have a good rest of your day."

Brianna grabbed her bag and walked out of the hospital with Rosalie. They got in her car and headed back to school.

That afternoon, Brianna was riding in Rosalie's car with her and Alice as they drove her to the police station.

"Brianna, would you like to go shopping with me and Rosalie Friday after school?" Alice asked.

Brianna typed something and showed it to Alice. "I have to ask my Dad, but I'd love to."

"Great." Alice said. They dropped her off at the police station and she walked in.

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