My Teacher, Louis Tomlinson

By madsizcool

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Skylynn Eaton is lives a tough life. Her father despises her, her peers even more so. What happens when this... More

Chapter 1- Surprise
Chapter 2- Not-so-common white girl
Chapter 3- False assumptions
Chapter 4- Hidden talents
Chapter 5- Don't hate the player, hate the game
Chapter 6- To be or not to be
Chapter 7- I'll look after you
Chapter 9- Life goes on
Chapter 10- This is not the end of me...
Chapter 11- Sleep is for the weak
Chapter 12- A little tea party never killed nobody
Chapter 13- Just like the old days
Chapter 14- Opening up
Chapter 15- Let it pour
Chapter 16- Things best unspoken
Chapter 17- Secrets
Chapter 18- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
Chapter 19- (Re)building bridges
Chapter 20- Stay with me
Chapter 21- You can run, but you can't hide
Chapter 22- A turn for the worse
Chapter 23- Help me
Chapter 24- Save me
Chapter 25- The aftermath
Chapter 26- Close call
Chapter 27- Relief
Chapter 28- They left me
Chapter 29- Unexpected encounter
Chapter 30- News to me
Chapter 31- On the mend
Chapter 32- Out
Chapter 33 - New beginnings

Chapter 8- Any time

4.3K 118 34
By madsizcool

Louis’ POV:

“She’s cool. I like her.” Harry arbitrarily remarks.

Skylynn had left the room suddenly, and I was a tad worried. She pretty much sprinted to the bathroom.

Being from a family of all sisters, I know an eating disorder when I see one. Granted, none of them had one, but I did meet one of Lottie’s friends that did.

I found her throwing up in the bathroom once and she burst into tears at the sight of me standing there. I’d had suspicions about this particular friend and they were proven in that moment.

Needless to say, she never came back to our house and Lottie blamed me for the breakup of their friendship so she hated me for a while (which is normal. It’s easy to set Lottie off).

Right now, Skylynn is looking a lot like this friend. Sickly skinny, not eating much, running to the bathroom… man this girl has some problems.

I just can’t seem to confirm any of them.

“You okay, mate?” Harry says, putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing.

“Oh, yeah. ‘M good.” I said.

“You were kinda out of it for a bit there… you look tense.”

“ ‘M sorry… I’m just worried about her.” I say.

“She seems like a great kid!” Harry battles, just as Skye comes back in the room.

She smiles shyly at us as she sits back down. An awkward silence sits between the three of us. Harry ends it by letting out a giant belch.

At first, Harry and I remain absolutely silent, waiting to see how Skylynn reacts.

Her face contorts strangely and she makes tiny noises until she full out giggles uncontrollably, then starts laughing infectiously so of course Harry and I join in.

Conversation started back up after that, very light and funny. Skylynn has a great way of telling stories. We were laughing every other minute at her hilarious anecdotes about everything from pet-sitting to singing to school. She sounds like a normal girl.

Maybe I’m overreacting about some things. Maybe those marks weren’t cuts, just scratches, as she explained in one of her many anecdotes. She included the fact that I sent her to a therapist about it, making Harry laugh harder than ever and me slightly embarrassed. And maybe I’m just seeing things when I thought someone hit her. Her parents seemed nice enough when I met them, though a little off. She didn’t talk about her parents at all. Didn’t really talk about her home life, either. I want to find a segway for her to talk about it.

I really don’t think I was imagining the bruises on her arms.

Skye’s POV:

“Remember when your parents took the team out for ice cream?” Mr. Tomlinson asks.

I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to get me to talk about them. I think he’s suspicious of me.

“Yeah, that was great!” I said overenthusiastically.

“Your parents seemed pretty nice, but a little off, to be honest.” Mr. Tomlinson suggestively said.

Here’s my chance to tell him who they really are. To agree that they are a little off, really more than that. My chance to get help. I could tell him everything. I could live here, away from their abuse.

“Yeah. They’re nice.” I said.

Who am I kidding? Mr. Tomlinson can’t help me. No one can. What am I thinking?

The two of them finished their dinner after I steered away from that topic and we went into the living area.

Harry was on his computer doing some game while Louis turned on the TV to some channel I’d never seen before. I can’t really watch TV at home. My father is almost always in front of the screen.

Instead of watching that, I leaned over and watched Harry’s game. He saw me watching and explained he was playing the Hunger Games on Minecraft. It sounded really really interesting to me, and I started giving him suggestions.

He ended up landing in a trap of lava, and he asked if I wanted to join his next game.

Of course I agreed, and Mr. Tomlinson offered up his laptop for me to use. We got onto the same server and began our game.

“NO NO NO NO HARRY RUN!” I squeal.

He had gone to the cornucopia area in the middle, exactly the opposite of my directions of course.

“TO THE HILLS! TO THE HILLS!” I yelp as I very slowly make my way to the hilly area. I’d never played Minecraft before and the controls are pretty confusing. For me, at least.

We played the game and were killed when there were four people left by another alliance, which he said was really good. We played game after game after game together, having loads of fun.

Eventually, we were so loud and distracting that Mr. Tomlinson turned away from the television and stood behind us. I didn’t even tense up I was so lost in the game.

“SKYE NO NO NO NO THAT’S A TRAP! SKYE DON… Awwwww Skyeee.” Harry yelled as I curiously hit a lever that sealed my death in this arena.


“That’s all you have to say for yourself? Oops? Skye there were only three others left! We were so close to deathmatch!” Harry said.

I tensed up. He was mad, right? Sure sounded like it. Shit shit shit shit.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll try harder next time.” I said monotonously, scooting a tad away from Harry just in case.

“Woah woah woah, did you just call me sir?”

“Uh… yeah… sorr-"

“Goodness gracious, Skye. You don’t need to call me sir, and while you’re here, you don’t have to call Louis anything other than Louis, all right? We’re all friends here, right? And you don’t have to apologize for anything.” Harry said, mushing the three of us into a hug.

My claustrophobia kicked in so I wiggled out of it but giggled a tad.

Mr. Tom—Louis went back to his spot on the couch and shot Harry what I interpreted as a we-need-to-talk look, so I figured now would be a good time for a bathroom break. I hung out by the doorway just to eavesdrop a bit afterwards.

“She’s got a troubled past. I know it.” Louis says.

“How do you know? Did you read her file or something?” Harry asks.

“No. I tried to but they denied me access. All I’m saying is the scars and bruises aren’t from cats and falls.”

Again, I’d heard enough so I strode in and plopped back down on the couch.

The three of us played Fifa and Mario Kart and whatever other games there were until like 2 in the morning, when I was yawning and battling to keep my eyes open. I tried to call Mr. Tomlinson “Louis”, but it was hard and weird.

He picked up on my exhausted-ness and converted the couch into a futon bed for me, wishing me goodnight along with Harry and telling me to come to them in case I need anything. I smiled and nodded in response before crashing.

My dreams turned into nightmares of my father beating and raping me.

I heard the door creak open and checked the clock. Almost midnight. What’s going on? Who’s up at this late hour? Maybe Mommy is coming home from her 2 week business trip a couple of days early.

“Mommy? Daddy?” I call to the intruder.

“Yes baby. It’s Daddy.”

My little self tensed up. Sometimes Daddy hit Mommy, and I didn’t want it to happen to me.

“Hi baby.” My father said as I felt the bed sink down to my right.

“What do you need, Daddy?”

“I need you to do me a big favor.”

“Of course.” I say obediently.

“Since Mommy isn’t here, I’m not getting everything I need from women, so will you be a good girl and let me see something really quick?” He said softly.

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it.

“I’m gonna feel you over, just like the doctor, to make sure you’re healthy, okay?”

I nodded again. He lifted my shirt off and felt around my tummy and my non-existent breasts. He then tugged down my pants and underwear. By now I was shivering from cold but not sure of what was about to happen.

“Daddy, the doctor doesn’t touch there!” My little self said as I felt a finger enter my tiny hole.

“Oh, well all the reason for me to make sure it’s okay!”

“Skye! Skye, wake up!”

Harry’s POV (A/N: OOOH switchin it up ;) ) :

“SKYE!” I shook her awake on the couch.

She was literally crying in her sleep, tossing and turning. Must be a nightmare. Do I get Louis?

She finally woke up but when she did, she flew back and off the couch away from me. She peeked up from behind the couch at me.

“Skye, it’s me. Harry.” I told her, just in case she couldn’t see me well. I probably spooked her.

Skye’s POV:

I was awoken from that horrible nightmare only to find the same sick man standing in front of me. I was confused. Why was I on a couch? Where am I?

Nonetheless, I skyrocketed away from him, falling backwards off the foreign couch. “Skye, it’s me. Harry.

Damn. His silhouette looked the same as my father’s—curly hair, tall and lanky…

“You okay, munchkin?” Munchkin? Wtf?

“What am I, seven?” I say, a little sassier than I’d intended. I prepared for a retaliation blow, but instead he burst out laughing.

“You’re almost as sassy as Lou!” He smiled, turning the lamp on beside me as I climbed back onto the couch.

“Would you prefer bean, or bug, or boo? Well, not boo. Louis is my boo-bear. So that’s taken.” Harry says, taking a seat beside me and putting his glass of water down.

Silence followed.

“Soooo, you wanna talk about the dream?” He said.

Who was he to get all up in my business? I barely know him! He’s my music teacher’s friend. That’s all. Not my brother, like he was acting.

“No? Okay. That’s cool.” He said after a while of me not responding.

“D’ya want anything? Tea? Warm milk?”

Don’t drink your calories, I reminded myself. I shook my head.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm gonna try sleeping again. G’night.” I told him as he stood up.

“Alright. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams.”

I wish.

The next morning I woke up around ten to a fantastic smell. I looked over the couch to see Harry (fully-dressed) cooking something at the stove and Mr. Tomlinson sitting in a bar stool and still half asleep, attempting to make sense of the paper. I stared for a moment, absorbing the wonderful aroma and marveling at the simplicities of life.

“Ah! The queen has awoken!” Harry booms.

I smile as Mr. Tomlinson turns around and smiles at me.

“Hi, Skye.” He says. “Sleep well?”

“Yep.” I reply, forcing another smile before glancing at Harry, who shook his head in the slightest.

“Actually… no. But I’m good now. I slept in.” I continued.

Harry smiled in return.

Mr. Tomlinson noticed Harry and I’s exchanges and looked at him expectantly. Harry simply shrugged, which I was grateful for. I really didn’t need Mr. Tomlinson knowing so much about my personal life. I feel like I’ve already crossed a line in the whole student-teacher relationship. I mean, I’m staying at his flat for God’s sake.

“Harry is making omelets and turkey bacon for breakfast if you want some!” Mr. Tomlinson broke the omnipresent silence.

I simply nodded, knowing he already had suspicions about me being anorexic or something. I’m not. I’m just not used to eating a ton, and when I do, I feel disgusting and gross and sick. Not my fault.

After an uneventful breakfast, Harry and I played some more Minecraft as Mr. Tomlinson got dressed to take me home, at my request I might add. My parents will be pissed if I stay out any longer than I already have. I mean, I’m sure they are pissed anyways.

I bid goodbye to Harry, who said he hoped to see me again but I knew his words were full of empty promises. Mr. Tomlinson drove me home and stopped out on the street to let me out. All of a sudden, he went all serious on me.

“Listen. You have my number, right?”

I nodded.

“I want you to text me if something happens, okay?”

“What on Earth do you think could possibly happen?” I said, innocently.

Playing dumb always works.

“Um, I dunno. You know… just do it, okay?” He stutters, obviously losing confidence.

“I will if something really bad happens.” I say to shut him up and unlock the door.

He put it on child lock so that I would have to listen.

“Okay. Well I’ll see you on Monday, then.”

“See ya. And I really appreciate you letting me stay and all, you have no idea how much I needed that.” I said shyly.

“No problem. Any time.” He says.

I hear a click and open my door.

“M’kay. Bye then.” I say, shutting the door awkwardly in the middle of his goodbye and heading across the yard to the front door.

I prayed that my parents would answer the door sober or that the door would be unlocked. Anything so that Mr. Tomlinson would be at peace.

My prayers were answered. The door was indeed still unlocked from last night’s shenanigans, and with a final wave to my teacher and savior, I entered my own little hell hole.

 A/N: There's your weekend update (I'm Seth Meyers) (anyone catch that? no? 's fine.)
 So, FOUR!! What's you guys' favorite song(s)? Currently, I'm obsessed with 18. Alsooooo check me out on vine... just started doing edits. tommo af is my username.

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