Chapter 29- Unexpected encounter

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Skylynn's POV:

After that day, I don't have any more one-on-one encounters with Mr. Tomlinson for a few weeks; I'd told him I'd gotten in trouble for getting back late. That is, until one morning, when I'm out walking.

"HEY! SKYLYNN!" One of the boys, Trent, called. I knew I had to get away. I started to speed-walk towards the door as to not draw attention to myself. "Wait up!" He said, jogging up to me. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. His sickly smirk made me yank my arm away and bolt out the door.

I ran for a minute or so until I couldn't hear footsteps following me. I risked looking back to see that Trent was nowhere in sight. I sighed in relief before turning around and debating heading back. I mean, I'm not supposed to be out without telling someone and taking my phone with me... but no one would care if I didn't get back, really.

I turned and walked the other way.

I took my hand-me-down iPod (I'd found it lying around the orphanage; no one seemed to want it) out of my pocket and put the ear buds in before selecting the 90s playlist.

After walking for about five minutes with no destination, I am knocked over from behind and land painfully on the ground. Luckily, I put my elbows out to catch me before I fell too bad.

Out of instinct, I tried to spring up and run, but soon realized that would be futile when I saw a crowd of several boys standing over me.

And Trent.


Trent started laughing and said something that I couldn't hear because of my music. When I didn't respond, he ripped the headphones out of my ears and took the iPod from its place on the ground before I could get to it.

"Trent! Give it back!" I scolded. "Oh no, it's scratched! How could anyone want a scratched phone?" He mocked. "Just. Give. It." I said sternly. "Hmmmm, sorry, can't do that." He said before smashing it into the ground, letting it shatter into a million pieces.

I reached to pick up all the pieces, including the broken glass. "Oh, silly Skylynn. It's worthless now, just like you." I wouldn't let the words get to me. I couldn't show weakness. Still, I wanted to cry. I gripped the glass harder, screaming in frustration.

They laughed.

I took this moment of weakness to jump up and break through the crowd of boys before sprinting away from them.

Who's laughing now, punks?

Louis' POV:

It was a Sunday, so as always, I went down to grab Harry and I something from the old bakery he used to work at. This used to be his job until he got hooked on Minecraft and stopped waking up before 10 or 11. Because I'm a teacher, I'm used to waking up super early, so I always get my selection of beautifully made pastries.

On the way, I heard yelling and commotion maybe a street away. I decided to change my route and investigate, because you know, who doesn't love a good fight?

I finally found the brawl and noticed a bunch of teenage guys standing in a circle. I sighed. That's no fun.

I turned away and went back towards the bakery until I heard a feminine scream. I turned back around, noticing it probably came from the same conflict.

I turned around again, debating whether or not to go break it up.

Before I had the chance, I saw the girl break out from the circle and sprint towards me. She was bloody and skinny and had medium-length, blonde-ish hair.

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