Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

793K 35.7K 25.9K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 21
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)

18.5K 870 890
By LadysDaze

Ch.25 - Twenty-Four Months (Finale)

(AN- Katsuko fanart by @_pro_0va )

"Happy birthday, Katsuko!" Everyone called happily as the cake was brought out.

You put down the cake in front of her, your husband instructing her to blow out the candle. It took her, Yuuto, and Hiroki all blowing at full strength together to get the two candles out... but it was done and now it was time for cake.

"Cake!" Katsuko shouted happily.

"Cake...!" Hiroki repeated a little more unsure if he should be shouting.

"Cake." Yuuto mumbled, looking as Bakugou started to cut the slices.

Chatter filled the room once more as everyone was enjoying the sweet pastry. The kids, of course, getting more on their faces than in their mouths, but it was all in good fun for the party.

Everyone had seemed to show up who you invited: Your mother and father, Bakugou's mother and father, Momo, Todoroki and Yuuto, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Hiroki, Kirishima and Mina, Kaminari and Jirou, Aizawa, Best Jeanist, Tsuyu, Iida, and even All Might had made a small appearance for an hour.

"Look at this one, darling!" Your mother giddily showed off a set of photos she had taken on her camera as Katsuko and her two friends blew out the candle.

"It's so cute... make sure to send these all to me tomorrow!" You told her, your mother nodding in agreement.

"Two years old huh?" Kirishima sighed contently. "Time sure goes by fast... still, feel like just yesterday we were all at UA."

"Glad we're not though..." Kaminari shook his head. "I don't have to write papers anymore..."

Jirou pinched his cheek harshly. "Be aware of your surroundings, idiot! Aizawa-sensei is right there!"

Their former headteacher looked towards his students and shook his head. "No offense taken... I don't have to read his papers anymore after all."

Jirou and Kirishima couldn't help but chuckle at that remark, despite Kaminari looked rather deflated.

"So good..." Uraraka mused happily, Hiroki next to her copying his mother's expression as he ate his own cake.

"Good, good." He mimicked, no doubt having gotten his mother's love of expensive and well-made foods.

"I'm glad you both like it." Momo smiled, trying to wipe Yuuto's face, but alas the messy eighteen-month-old was being stubborn. "Yuuto and I love this bakery."

"Well, it looks like Katsuko does as well." You giggled, seeing her demanding a second piece after inhaling her first.

"More! Gimme more!" She hollered, Bakugou shaking his head.

"Everyone gets one." He sterned with her, only to then notice the baby doll eyes welling up.

"Daddy... birfday..." She whined.

"Let her have another!" Mitsuki roared. "It's not every day my grandkid turns two!"

"M-Mitsuki... please not at the party..." Masaru sighed, knowing what was to come.

"Hey! My kid, my house my damn rules!" Bakugou roared back.

As the mother and son started to argue, your father quickly sliced another piece and passed it over to Katsuko. Her big red eyes lighting up and she ate happily. You nodded towards your dad, telling him you were fine with it.

After another ten minutes of eating and wrestling the kids to get them somewhat clean, the three were set loose to run around your living room. Katsuko already wanting to play with her new toys and considering sharing with her two friends.

"Ask before taking!" Midoriya told his son as Hiroki spotted a toy.

Yuuto merely sat by and watched, looking at all the toys and trying to decide which one would be the most fun. Something he no doubt got from his mother who would over analysis small things like this as well.

"They've all gotten so big, kero." Tsuyu spoke.

"Aren't children supposed to grow?" Todoroki looked a bit confused by Tsuyu's comment.

"She meant that it feels like yesterday when they were small, Todoroki." Mina sighed, seeing as some things and personality traits never changed.

The girls seemed to divide into their small group once more as they had done years ago at UA. The older-pros were making chatter, and Bakugou's parents and your mother were exchanging contact info since the fashion designers and fashion critics were apparently fans of one another.

Thus leaving the males to stand around, not sure what to do. Only until the father of the birthday girl spoke up, looking towards the fathers of the other two children.

"You shits teaching your sons to be respectful to girls?" He barked, the five others surrounding him caught off by his question.

Iida nodded in agreement. It was true, a good parent would teach respect to their child. Kaminari and Kirishima looking happy to see their old friend was such a good dad.

Midoriya gulped as he saw something. Todoroki only pointed behind Bakugou. "Maybe you should teach your daughter as well?"

Bakugou looked to see Katsuko hoarding her toys, looking to be making some sort of demands from the two who wanted to play with her. Bakugou sighed, making eye contact with Katsuko.

"Share?" She sounded upset.

Bakugou nodded and watched as Katsuko finally passed around her new toys.

"You're really good at parenting, Kacchan..." Midoriya blinked, impressed with how good he was at getting Katsuko to listen and do as he knew would be best for her.

"If only he could get his sidekicks under control as well..." Best Jeanist spoke as he walked past the group to get another drink.

"They just graduated from UA this year! Cut me some slack!" He hollered, knowing how difficult the first year as a pro-hero could be.

The three kiddos were happily playing heroes with some kid version costumes that Best Jeanist had bought. The three chasing one another and switching between who was bad or good. Eventually tiring out and begging poor Kaminari to turn on the TV for a show.

Kaminari eventually having to ask you, since he didn't know how your TV worked. The kids and him all happy and excited when the movie finally started and sitting in anticipation as it began.

The night continued on as such, lots of cute kid moments, some funny stories of the past, and just a general good time by all who were there. Eventually, though, it seemed that people tricked out.

About two hours after cake, the apartment was occupied by just the three of you once more. And with Bakugou lifting up an exhausted Katsuko to the bathroom to give her a quick bath before bed, you knew you should do some cleaning so you would be pulling your weight.

The time wasn't even past ten o'clock but it seemed with kids, careers, and general loss of sleep... you all had unknowingly transitioned into the adult party times of two in the afternoon to before the teens and young adults ventured out for loud music and dancing.

You hummed to yourself, reflecting back on today. It had been fun. Katsuko was happy all day, everyone invited looked happy to just see one another again. And of course, your husband was on his own positive track.

The last of the garbage picked up and sorted into the proper areas so they could be recycled. You inhaled slowly, collapsing onto the couch and absorbing in the quiet. You had heard your husband's voice carrying through when you had started reading. His voice had been smooth as he read some book Katsuko had picked out and more than likely begged to hear before she drifted off.

Your head turned as you heard him coming out of Katsuko's bedroom, closing the door slowly and then looking towards you. You shot him a small smile, Bakugou making a beeline to join you on the couch. He looked as ready as you to just sit down and relax after this special, but hectic day.

"She asleep?" You asked as the ash-blonde sunk into the plush cushions next to you.

"Didn't even make it past page three...was out like a light." He told you, chuckling to himself.

"She had a big day." You smiled, stretching out. "We had a big day..."

It was silent for a passing moment, the next noise that came being the sounds of your husband shifting a bit closer to you. You turned to look at him, only to have his lips capture yours in a sudden kiss.

You blinked into it, seeing as this wasn't a quick one. But rather it was clear he was trying to add some intensity to it, especially when his hand traced circles along your thigh. You exhaled suddenly, pulling away and looking at him with a suspicious look.

"And what exactly is running through your head?" You rose a brow, seeing your proud husband raise his head a bit as if trying to gain some sort of upper ground.

"The hell you talking about?" He clicked his tongue.

"Oh!! Don't try to pin this on me! I know you... and I know what you want when you kiss me like that!" You shook your head. "And the last time I reciprocated that kind of kiss...something ended up not working... and I got a positive pregnancy test as a result."

 (AN- Y'all really making me address this, huh? Well, my dear readers... like how there are different kinds of kisses... there are different ways to have sex as well. So stop assuming this means they haven't been sexually active for 2 years, as some of u r not very kind in your comments. This means the type of intimacy that was the conception sex is what is assumed is trying to be brought up again. TLDR: This doesn't mean 'no sex' it just means 'conception sex' is on the table/someone's mind)

You shook your head, feigning disappointment and anger. In reality, you were thrilled with where your life was, and you would never trade it for anything. Fabulous two-year-old, heroic husband, and wonderful career... you didn't see how it could get any better.

"Hey..." Bakugou's face was red, and he wasn't looking at you.

"What?" You asked, sensing this conversation was not over yet.

"I wanna do it again." He looked at you, face serious.

You blinked. "You fucking horn dog..."

The seriousness of his face melted away with anger, and he shook his head back and forth.

"No! Not that... I mean a kid! Another kid!" He paled seeing as he was trying to be a bit sneaky about this for the sake of his ego.

You looked at him with wide eyes. Blinking slowly a few times to at least let the ash-blonde know you were still with him. He had to be patient, inhale a few times to calm himself down... he had to let this sink in for you.

Only when it finally did... he watched as the shock morphed into laughter. You covering your lips with your hand and laughing. His chest tightening. Did you really think this was funny? He was being serious!

"Oh my goodness..." You smiled gleefully. "Katsuko has broken you, Katsuki! You, the guy who didn't think he'd even get married cause his career was too important... wants another baby?!"

"S-shut up!" Bakugou grumbled, feeling embarrassed at all the asshole things he had said and done in his youth. "I-I like having a kid I can show off!"

"Oh no!" You poked his nose. "Don't try to cover this up! I've been with you these last two years of parenthood... you don't like showing off... you like being a dad."

You smirked at him. "Admit it, Katsu... you've turned into a dad."

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Like you have any room to gloat... you're a motherfucking mom."

"Would you call me a MILF?" You gave him a smug look, knowing he clearly walked into that one.

He responded with smacking your face with a fluffy couch pillow. And then walking off, muttering under his breath all sorts of things, such as why he decided to marry, have a kid with you, and then want another one with you.

You only laughed harder, knowing the noise wouldn't wake your noise desensitized daughter. Mind already liking the idea of another baby, but you'd let him stew on it a bit longer. If he was considering it as seriously as you know were... he'd come and have a serious conversation with you soon.

Until then... you'd enjoy the rest of the night with him. Knowing that while the future was still ever-changing... something in you said that like the past fifteen years... so long as you both were together... only good things would come of it.

The End. 

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