I'll Be Your Superman

De Chasing_Facades

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

I'll Be Your Superman

1.4K 40 4
De Chasing_Facades

*May Kale's POV*

I rush around the crowded diner, trying to give people their right orders before they decided that they weren't going to give me a tip. I trip on my untied shoes, falling forward into the floor. Bowls full of soup and plates full of food smash into the floor. Once again, I have lost fifteen dollars from my pay check AND made a complete fool of myself all in one day. I quickly get to my feet and start picking up the broken platters and dishes. I don't dare look up, knowing that these people can't see my tears. I made that mistake once.

I shakily rise to my feet and hurry back to the kitchen. I tip my tray, sliding the broken pieces of ceramic dishes into the waste bin and walk into the back room. "May!" my boss, Richard, yells. He storms into the back room before I can get my uniform changed. I undo the apron and place it in my purse. My hands are shaky and sweaty, something that happened every time that Richard came around me.

I saw the way he looked at me, and the way he would talk to me sometimes was no better. He was a creep, attempting to live out some type of sick fantasy. He grabs my arm and spins me around, shoving me back into the metal shelving. "This is the third time this month that you have broken a handful of dishes and stained a good uniform during work. Get your ass back out there and do what I pay you to do. Now," he says sternly, as if he's trying to hold back his temper. I nod my head and walk around him. He smacks my ass as I walk out, and I jump, startled.

I practically run away, snatching my tray up as I went. The chef starts remaking my food, as I hurry back out. I make my way around, saying my quiet apologies and hearing people scold me over and over again, until some are blue in the face. I sneak back into the kitchen and come back out with the new food, watching my footing this time. I give the annoyed customers their food and I turn around, having a man dressed in a black leather jacket catch me by my waist. I freeze up, unsure of how I am suppose to respond. I try to step away from him, but his grip is tight on my hips. "Sir, you're keeping me from my work," I say, my voice shaky.

He smirks and his hands slide down, gripping my butt. I yelp and search with my eyes, wondering why no one has stopped him from openly groping me. "You're a pretty little thing. How about I take you home with me?" he says, squeezing once.

"Please get off of me," I quietly beg. He chuckles and I can smell the whiskey under his breath. He pulls me close, running his hands all over my butt and his hands start to slowly go up my skirt. Suddenly, someone speaks up.

"I think the lady asked for you to let her go," a voice says. The man turns with me in his arms and I see a petite young girl, with flaming red hair and a black lip ring that went against her dark pink lips. She wears navy blue skinny jeans, black boots that went up to her knees, a black leather jacket, and underneath of that a Superman shirt. She places her hands on her hips, looking annoyed. "So, why don't you let her go, before I have to kick your ass?" The man chuckles, squeezing me against him.

"Why don't you stay out of this, little girl?" he says. She raises a brow and her eyes appear to have been ignited with hell fire. Without speaking, she walks forward and grabs his collar.

"Why don't we take this outside and I'll show you who's the little girl here, buddy?" she asks, her stern tone unwavering. The man towers over her, glaring down into her bright green eyes. My eyes switch between the two and suddenly I'm thrown backwards, hitting my back against the counter. My friend, Misty, hurries over to me and kneels down beside me. I don't hear her voice as I watch the man grab the small girl by the collar. He shakes her, her head shooting back.

"How about right here right now?" he asks threateningly. I watch the girl closely and suddenly, she lashes out. She wraps her leg around the man's knee and shoves him, knocking him down onto his back. He gives a groan as he looks up at her hatefully. "Oh it's on, little bitch." He starts to get up and when his knee touches the tiled floor, she kicks, striking him in the face. He falls back holding his bleeding nose. The girl takes a few steps back and the man rises to his feet again. He runs at her and she quickly ducks down and pushes her legs up, throwing his body over hers.

He rolls, smacking his head on the floor, hard. He gets on his knee, glaring at her. She gestures towards the door. "I think it's about time that you left, don't you? Before I wreck anymore of your face," she says in the same tone. The man stands up and heads towards the door.

"I'll be back for you," he says, threateningly as he points at me. He turns and walks out. The girl looks over at me and walks over to me. She kneels down beside me and reaches out to me. I flinch away, and she softly begins to talk to me. "It's okay. I won't hurt you. I just didn't like how that guy was putting his hands on you is all. Are you okay though?" I nod my head.

"I'll talk to Richard and see if he'll let you off early," Misty says as she slowly stands up. I shake my head.

"Don't bother, you know that he'll say no." I start to get to my feet and the girl reaches out, taking my hands, helping me. I stumble back, but she catches me by the small of my back.

"You sure you're alright?" she asks softly. She holds me steady and I take a deep breath, nodding my head again. "What's your name?" She smiles, and it makes me nervous.

"I'm M-May. May Kale," I reply quietly. She steps closer, sitting me on a stool. "Who are you?" She holds her hand out to me.

"June Crowley at your service," she says, a coy smile playing on her face. I take her hand and she holds it gently. "Do you get many people like him around here?" She bites on her lip ring.

"Not normally, unless you count our boss," Misty says. "He is a real dick sometimes." June nods her head and reaches towards my face. I lean back and she sighs heavily.

"Miss Kale, I merely wish to check for a bump. You hit your head pretty hard on the counter." I lean up and she reaches around, gently pressing her fingers into my head. "It just feels like a bump, nothing too serious. Just ice it when you get home. You have a way home?"

"I walk home." Her eyes widen.

"When do you get off work?" she asks, concerned.

"She closes tonight," Misty says. She nods her head and looks at Misty.

"You got a ride home?" Misty nods her head.

"My boyfriend will be here in a little while to pick me up." June nods her head and holds my hands in hers.

"Can I stay with you until your shift is over with and then I'll take you home? I don't want anything bad to happen to you." I nod my head.

"That'll be lovely, if you won't mind." She smiles, shaking her head.

"I don't mind at all," she says and she sits down beside me. "You mind bringing me your dinner special?" I nod my head, pick up my tray, and walk back into the kitchen.

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