Blazing Crystal

Por FaithHarris8

362K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... Más

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Cooling The Flame
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Two Worlds Apart
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Black Flakes
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 1
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
Scars Run Deep
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

The Mend

3.3K 84 19
Por FaithHarris8

Happy Holidays!


Chapter: The Mend

Third Person POV

The darkness of the cold cell revealed the horrible position in which Iroh had found himself. The older man looked from afar like a lost soul as he sat in his cell not speaking a word to any guard who brought food or water. His hair was loose and his clothes were torn. The last guard who entered found Iroh staring open mouthed at his cuffed hands like he had lost all senses. The scene was truly a sad sight to anyone who passed, and some of the guards looked upon the once great man with sympathy. They wished they could help him, but they knew doing so was treason. Instead, they walked by the madman's cell trying not to think of him.

Of course when Iroh was alone, he dropped his insanity by sitting straight and refined. His madman act was all part of his plan to have the warden and other guards not pay mind to him on the day of the invasion. He wanted to take his captors by surprise. He knew he had to remain strong if he were to escape on the Day of the Black Sun. His allies from The White Lotus were already working on his escape, preparing the ship for get away and scoping out the best exits.

Iroh had done well during his time in the cells. Although some of the guards insulted him, there was a very nice female guard named Ming who treated him kindly. He was not fearful of the dark around him, and knew very soon there would be light.

He had heard from the young male guard who was helping to spy for him that about an hour ago Prince Zuko had saved the waterbender captured by Ozai and escaped the palace. When Iroh had originally heard Crystal had been captured and brought to the palace, he immediately sent a message to his spies and to Lady Sun about his desire for the girl to be looked after.

Ever since taking Crystal under his wing, Iroh had come to see her as a daughter. He greatly worried for her wellbeing when he learned she was being forced to his brother as a prisoner. He knew Ozai would not show the young waterbender mercy.

When Tru- a young guard and new member of The White Lotus- finally came and told Iroh that Crystal was safe, the man felt he could breathe again at last.

Now as he sat in his cell alone, he hoped that the two teenagers he cared greatly for were far away from this place. He heard from Tru that Crystal was greatly injured and weakened from her time under Ozai's wrath. He had also been informed that she was forced to sing and dance, something he knew she had not done of her own free will. It sickened him to hear all of this and not be able to stop his younger brother. But Ozai was not his fight. Avatar Aang needed to defeat him. So Iroh could only sit in his cell with guilt towards not being able to save Crystal.

But Iroh was proud to hear only a few hours after the unfortunate news of her capture that Zuko had made the right decision upon his arrival and snatched Crystal away. The light was beginning to show through the cracks. His nephew had grown so much over the last few months. Crystal had truly returned to Iroh the nephew he had once known when Ursa was in the palace long ago. Iroh had thought the young tender-hearted boy he had cared for as a child was long gone and a permanent stubborn prince was all that remained. He was thrilled that the caring and compassionate young man had returned after years of mental and physical abuse by Ozai. And he had Crystal to thank for it all.

"Hey! You have a visitor," the warden suddenly snapped through the grate on the door to Iroh's confinement. Iroh made no response, although on the inside he was curious.

The door to the cell chamber opened, and Ozai stepped into the room with great distaste towards the older brother locked and cuffed before him. He walked towards the cell door and grabbed the bars with a sneer. "Hello brother. It's been, what? Three years?"

Ozai took in Iroh's state with satisfaction. He was thrilled to see that he was truly in a better standing than his brother now. Iroh had always been valued for his victories as a General. But now his brother was nothing but a mindless body in a dark cell. Ozai reveled in the thought that he had won.

"I heard from the warden that you are half out of your mind these days." Ozai stared hard at Iroh to see if it were true. Iroh played dumb, not meeting Ozai's gaze and staring off with his mouth slightly open. "Good... I'm glad to see it is true. That just means you can be controlled better this way." He grit his teeth as he looked at the man before him. "I finally have overpowered you."

The Fire Lord hated his brother. He had always felt the man was honored more than him as children, and as early adults. When he married Ursa and had children of his own, it was still Iroh and Lu Ten that were valued more highly by Fire Lord Azulon. He despised Iroh for stealing their father's favor, especially since Ozai wanted the throne. His father tried to appease Ozai's disappointment by giving him Avatar Roku's granddaughter as a bride, but Ozai didn't care about a powerful lineage. He just wanted to be Fire Lord. He wanted to rule.

So when Prince Lu Ten died, Ozai was finally able to snatch his brother's birthright since the future heir to the throne had become one of his own children. He had not been thrilled that he was ordered by his father to kill Zuko, but he knew in the end he still had Azula to keep his lineage on the throne after he passed. But thankfully his late wife Ursa helped him kill Fire Lord Azulon, and he didn't have to kill his son. He felt for some time that all was going right for him at last. He had finally become ruler of the Fire Nation and his son was going to become the Fire Lord once he passed. He had control at last.

But then that all changed when his son foolishly spoke up in a meeting he had with his council one day, doubting Ozai's authority and plans. The Fire Lord had feared his son would make him look weak if he continued to speak with compassion for the peasants fighting in the war. Ozai needed to remind his son who was in charge, and how terrible the world truly was. He burned his son out of a desire to teach him that weakness would never be a solution. He thought doing so would make his son see the right path and never defy him again. He thought sending Zuko on a quest to search for the Avatar for a few years would help him realize how much he wanted to be home and be loyal to his father. Zuko's time away from home was supposed to strengthen the desire for his honor and throne. Ozai was going to let Zuko return eventually, Avatar or not, once he thought the boy had enough time to contemplate his actions.

But then his son actually found the Avatar and started the chase. And not just that... his son had found a waterbender. And this waterbender had ruined all of his plans. His son turned against him in Ba Sing Se for a girl with dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and an undying spirit. Even now, after offering his son everything he had ever wanted, Zuko defied him to protect the young woman he'd foolishly come to love. And he had also admitted that he favored Iroh more than his own father. Ozai was infuriated by this statement. It was like the past all over again. Iroh was stealing the favor, and Ozai was losing control.

"You were too much of an influence on Prince Zuko it would seem." Ozai sneered at his brother through the bars. "My son turned against me... I have a feeling you had something to do with that. It's interesting though, don't you think?" He tried to make himself feel better about this situation. "My son chose to save a waterbender over his own beloved Uncle. Shows how much he really values you doesn't it? Must hurt you to know in the end that waterbender is more important to him than his own blood."

Iroh kept up his act by staring blankly ahead. He was proud of Zuko though. It took a lot of courage for Zuko to stand up to Ozai and leave home again. He was so relieved to hear Zuko had followed his heart and protected Crystal to the end.

"Really? No reaction?" Ozai grit his teeth disturbed that he was not getting any spark out of his brother. Iroh was doing well at keeping his state of insanity and fooling his brother. "Should I tell you what I did to the girl while she was with me? All the fun we had? All the screams I got out of her?"

Iroh felt sick to his stomach but he still refused to react. As much as he wanted to burn his brother to pieces for hurting the sweetest child he'd ever met, he had to keep up his act.

"You care for that waterbender, don't you? I heard you were always too soft on the girl when she was your prisoner." Ozai clenched his jaw. "That's where the problem arose. You let that peasant get too close to my son's heart. You probably planned all of this, didn't you?"

Iroh listened to his brother's last statement. He kept his act but thought in his head that Ozai had caught on pretty well. While Zuko and Crystal had fallen in love in their own time, he did help give a nudge every now and then. Iroh knew the best way to heal the world once this war ended would be by uniting two nations as one. Once the Water Tribe and Fire Nation tied their blood together, the Earth Nation would hopefully yield as well. Zuko and Crystal's relationship was the key to peace.

"The worst part of all of this is that my own subjects are cheering on this union between my son and that waterbender. I've been informed by my spies that people are speaking with relief that the girl was freed from my clutches by my son. They act like this event is a sign of hope. How can they think that? I am still on the throne! The Avatar is dead! Zuko has no title anymore!" Ozai gripped the bars harder. "How can they still show favor to someone other than me?!"

Iroh listened to his brother with dismay. Ozai had truly become nothing but a power hungry dictator.

"I will teach them to fear me! Once I squash the small invasion planning to come on the day of the eclipse, then my people and the world will come to understand once more that I am the ruler! I will conquer this world, end my treacherous son, destroy his waterbender, and remind everyone that they should be loyal to me and only me! All while you rot in this cell until you are nothing more than dust!"

He turned on his heel then, stomping out of the chamber with rage. Once he was gone, and Iroh was left to himself again, he let out a deep breath. His brother was a nutcase, and he was glad Zuko was sane.

Iroh then knew he had to get a message to the Avatar and his friends. He had to warn them their plan was no secret. At least then they would not run into a battle without knowing their was a possibility of failure. And he also was sure they would want to know Crystal and Zuko were safe and headed to the Western Air Temple.

Iroh removed the loose cobblestone in his cell and pulled out the ink pen and paper that was in front of the headpiece of Avatar Roku. He composed his letters quickly, snuck it through the bars to his spy who brought him dinner, and then sat back in the center of his cell to meditate. He knew the eclipse would not be a win, but it would be an opportunity to show the world that the Avatar was still alive and hope was not gone.

The Avatar, Zuko, Crystal, and the rest of their friends were the answer to ending these last hundred years of suffering.

Victory was just around the corner, and Iroh was so proud of the young heroes he had come to know in the last few months. He smiled, thinking back to Zuko and Crystal, and praying that the spirits watched over them until they were reunited with their friends.

Zuko POV

We arrived at the Western Air Temple late evening after we fled the capital. Ty Lee and I managed to land the war balloon on a low platform on the side of the cliff that looked to be used for airbenders to practice takeoff for flying in the distant past. Once we had landed, Ty Lee and I left Crystal to rest as we explored the area and made sure the coast was clear.

I had been to the temple before with my Uncle when I was first banished so I somewhat knew my way around. I was thankful that despite a hundred years of looting and being abandoned the place still had some items we could use. While airbenders lived a simple life, they still had essentials. There were blankets, bowls, pots, old clothing the female airbenders wore long ago, and different charms with air nomad symbols. While a vast amount of these items had been stripped from the temple for over a hundred years, there were still random objects found in different nooks and crannies.

Ty Lee picked up the female airbender robe as we looked around. "It's kind of sad," she said softly. She looked over at me as I stepped around the room we were searching in. We were looking for the best place to put Crystal so she could rest and heal. "No... it is sad... To think that this place was once so full of life, and now its an empty shell..."

I frowned. "We all know the Fire Nation is to blame for that one, Ty Lee."

She grimaced. "Yeah... Guess our people aren't as great as we were told to believe, huh? When we were in the academy, we were taught that airbenders were killed a hundred years ago because they were savages and dangerous... but this place looks to have been so peaceful..."

"When you start to think for yourself, you come to realize the truth. I believed for the longest time that what we did to the airbenders was the right thing... but that was before I met Crystal and she taught me to look at the world differently." Sighing, I said, "We'll put her in here... I'm going to get the bed ready."

Once I found the hidden blankets in a stone chest in the room, Ty Lee watched as I prepped the bed so Crystal would be as comfortable as possible. The bed frame was stone, but there was a dusty hay mattress on the top I managed to beat and clean off. After I cleaned it off, I fixed the thin tan blanket on it so once I got Crystal to the spot I could cover her.

"Hm... you know, Zuko... I think this is the first time I've ever seen you make a bed." Ty Lee's joke made me roll my eyes. But I did smile from her comment.

I turned from the bed to look back at her. "You learn some things when you're not being spoiled in the palace." I cringed as another thought came to me. "Also, Katara will scold you if you act like Toph so clean up after yourself while you're with the group. It will save yourself from her nagging."

Ty Lee giggled. "You all sound like a bickering family when you talk about the others." She came over to where I stood by the bed, and she placed the folded up robe at the head of the bed for a makeshift pillow. "I've always wanted to be part of a family again... I've always wanted to be accepted for my personality rather than just my fighting skills."

I turned and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You will be... the gang may freak out when they first see you here, but I'll explain everything to them. You're about to become part of the craziest group ever. You'll see what I mean soon."

She smiled. Then she realized what I was saying and her face fell puzzled. "Wait... soon... you don't think they're going to win this battle, do you? You sound like you know they are all going to lose and escape to where we are."

Her observation made me frown. I dropped my hand from her shoulder and walked over to the open window that looked out towards the canyon. Staring outside, I felt sad as I admitted what I strongly feared.

"I know Crystal wants to warn them about the Fire Lord being hidden underground, but it really won't matter. Even if we fly to the others now to warn them, they will still proceed and fight not wanting to waste the advantage of the eclipse. They won't care that the element of surprise has been ruined because this is an opportunity they don't want to miss." I sighed heavily. "I made a promise to Aang I would keep Crystal at the Western Air Temple until the eclipse is over. It's better we sit this one out. Without my broadswords I'll be pretty useless during the eclipse. And Crystal can't fight in her condition..."

Shaking my head, I shut my eyes as I gripped the bottom of the window frame.

"Besides... even if I tell Aang the Fire Lord is moving into his underground bunker, I don't see him winning not being able to go into the Avatar state. And he hasn't mastered all four elements yet... Even if he can get to Ozai in enough time, the Fire Lord will overpower him even in his bendless state... Aang's not ready... and honestly, I don't think he has the guts yet to kill the Fire Lord. It's better he doesn't face him until he is ready... it's better they all live to fight another day."

"You got out of the place okay though. Your dad isn't all that strong if you could escape so easily with an injured waterbender," Ty Lee argued. "And that was while your dad still had his bending."

I shook my head. "The only way I got out of the palace was by luck, friends, and because Crystal used her bloodbending throwing everyone off."

Ty Lee was stunned. "Bloodbending?!"

Her shock was a surprise. I realized Azula must've not told Ty Lee about how we escaped the throne room. I was certain Azula kept a lot of things from her friends.

I nodded as the two of us started to walk out of the room back to where we'd left Crystal. "Yeah. It's something only powerful waterbenders can do. It's really amazing... the woman who taught Katara and Crystal could only do it under a full moon... we thought this was the only time such a skill was possible, but they have both accomplished it during the day... I believe Katara's skill comes from being a master. Crystal... her skill comes from having to fight so much to survive."

Ty Lee was still astounded. "So you mean, they like control blood in people's body?"

I nodded.

She thought over this, and then she beamed with excitement. "That's so cool!"

I grimaced. "I keep trying to tell her that. She hates using it though... she feels like it's evil and cruel. I get why she would, but it really does come in handy. Don't bring it up to her too much though... it upsets her when she thinks about it."

Ty Lee seemed disappointed. "She shouldn't feel bad for having such a skill. I mean, I'm never thrilled to knock people down and paralyze them, but at least it keeps me from being killed." She tapped her chin. "Bloodbending though? That's something that could change the tide of this war. I wonder if other types of bending exist too."

I shrugged. "Probably. I know Toph can metalbend. I'm sure there's other stuff we don't know about that has or hasn't been discovered. I mean, bending lightning isn't exactly considered firebending and that was a skill learned after firebending came to be."

Ty Lee considered this. "It's just interesting... The Fire Nation claims that we are the greatest nation in the world, but clearly there is so much more to be learned about the world. Now I'm wondering if everything I learned at the academy and as a child were lies."

Stopping in my step, I looked back at Ty Lee with sadness. "Definitely lies... Earthbenders don't eat rocks to get their strength... The Water Tribe are not savages living in homes of ice eating raw meat... you come to learn as you journey amongst the other nations that those scrolls and tales you heard when you were young were definitely false." I crossed my arms. "The Fire Nation knows nothing about this world... I was told when I was loyal to the Fire Lord that the only way to help this world was to conquer it. When I was young I always dreamed of following in the Fire Lord's footsteps and leading armies to help civilize the barbarians beyond our shores... but the world doesn't need to be conquered. The other nations only started needing help after our people began to destroy and take over their villages and homes." I shook my head. "We are invaders and murderers. That is all the Fire Nation has been for the last hundred years..."

Ty Lee hung her head. "Yeah... I know... I didn't really want to believe it, but I did see it during my time in the Fire Nation Colonies I performed in. Working in the circus, I saw the hardships that the Fire Nation had placed on other Earth Kingdom citizens. I agree with you that our people are definitely invaders. Everyone is scared of the Fire Nation. Honestly... The only reason I left the circus to join Azula was because she threatened to basically ruin me if I did not. It was my own fear that made me follow her."

I shook my head in disgust. "Fear has always been the Fire Nation's greatest weapon. I'm sorry my sister treated you that way. A friend shouldn't do that to others." I placed my hand on Ty Lee's shoulder to comfort her. "You deserve better than everything my sister has done to you or made you do."

Ty Lee sniffled a bit by my kindness and honesty. Then she suddenly jumped forward to hug me. "It's so great to have a real friend again! Thank you, Zuko!"

I was shocked by her hug. I stood for a moment, not sure what to do. Finally, I pat her on the back while still feeling very awkward from her embrace. Ty Lee had never actually hugged me before, so it was really odd. "Don't mention it..."

We both returned then to the main courtyard where the giant fountain stood. As we walked around the fountain, I was glad to see it had rained recently and the small pool was full. We would need water to prepare food and other important essentials.

Treading back along the narrow path, we returned to the flat launch pad where we had landed the balloon. Walking over to the deflated machine parked near the edge of the balcony, I hopped back inside and headed over to the unconscious body on the basket floor. She hadn't stirred much since we left her, which slightly concerned me.

Stepping over, I crouched to get a closer look at her condition. I carefully brushed the back of my hand to her pale forehead and frowned in dismay. She still had an awful fever despite the medicine administered by Ty Lee a few hours before.

Crystal reacted slightly from the contact my hand made with her feverish flesh. As her face cringed in pain, I heard her whimper which made me fill with greater fury towards the people who had put her in this state.

"Please... no..."

Her voice was so weak and scared. She probably thought she was still in the palace. I was afraid of what she may be dreaming. "Crys... shh..." I brushed a strand back behind her ear. "No one's going to hurt you anymore... I promise."

She relaxed from the sound of my voice reaching her in her dreams. Once she calmed, I managed to slip my hands under her and pull her up into my arms. She barely weighed a thing for her age and height, and this horrified me. I knew she probably had eaten next to nothing in the time she was a prisoner. With what strength I had left, I walked over to the side of the basket and hoist her over the wall. Ty Lee stood on the other side to catch her by wrapping her arms around the spot below her rib cage. She lowered Crystal to the ground carefully, holding her up long enough for me to hop out of the basket and pick her back up in my arms.

Once we had her out of the basket, I used the strength that remained to carry her to her room. We eventually got her on the makeshift bed, and I went into action. Ty Lee had found fresh bandages and some salve in the bag Rui had given me that she had rushed to retrieve once we had Crystal on the bed.

I applied the crushed green substance to the festering wound on Crystal's wrist, careful not to cause further damage. Once the medicine was administered, I carefully wrapped some fresh bandage around her wrist to prevent infection. She whimpered as the action caused pain. I tried my best to comfort her by stroking her hair.

Ty Lee rushed off, saying she was going to find some food. While she was gone, I moved on from Crystal's wrist and redid the bandages on her shoulder next. When I took the bandage off I was horrified by the bruising that surrounded the area. I knew I had to wrap the bandage around her whole torso to keep the arm firm so she didn't move it and cause more damage. Securing her arm to her body was definitely not a one man's job, so I was relieved when Ty Lee returned about ten minutes later to help me finish. I was also relieved to see Ty Lee had picked fruit that we both knew were harmless moonberries common in the Western parts of the world.

Ty Lee quickly helped me with the finishing bandages. We wrapped her arm while she still wore the dress. I was too afraid to try and get her out of the dirt covered fabric, because I didn't want to move her arm too much and cause further pain. Once I had the arm secured to Crystal's body, I finally relaxed knowing she was at least mended enough to heal her outer body.

Eventually, after catching my breath, I tried to wake her by stroking her cheek and speaking her name. Thankfully she opened her eyes enough to show me she was somewhat in control of her exhausted body. Ty Lee helped her sit up a bit as I tried to get her to drink some water and eat a few berries. She swallowed everything thankfully, and once she was fed, given water, and slipped some more crushed herbs for the pain we lowered her back to the robe-pillow and she was passed out again.

As soon as she was mended, resting, and safe both Ty Lee and I let out a heavy sigh of relief. I carefully placed the blanket over her, and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Finally... Time to heal," I whispered. My heart clenched though knowing my relatives were the reason she needed to heal in the first place.

Sitting on the floor against the bed, I shut my eyes finally, feeling the exhaustion hit me as the events of the last two days came rushing back. Ty Lee placed a bowl of berries beside my knee and then backed to the door. "You should sleep Zuko... you look as bad as her. I'm going to go check out the place and see what other supplies there are for us to use."

I smiled weakly, meeting her concerned gaze with gratitude. "Thank you, Ty Lee... I owe you one."

She shook her head. Looking down at the ground, she kicked at a small rock. "No... This is my way of apologizing for being so much trouble in the past." She walked over to the window of the room and shut the shutter to block the sunlight. "You both get some rest. You look like a ghost. Plus, I've never seen an air temple before. I'm going to explore." She skipped out of the room then, and Crystal and I were left to ourselves.

Turning my gaze to her, I saw Crystal's head had fallen to the side and I could hear her heavy breathing through her slightly parted chapped lips. I turned my body enough to brush the back of my hand against her bruised cheek. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at her damaged body. With pain, I turned away again and shut my eyes hard. Fury built within me.

"Never again... I won't let them touch you ever again..." I grit my teeth and tightened my fists in my lap hard. "I won't forgive them for this."

Finally giving into exhaustion, I ate and drank to quench my own hunger and thirst. Then I fell asleep with my back still against the bed.

When I came to, I had surprisingly slept for more than twelve hours from exhaustion. At some point I moved to lay on my side and someone had put a blanket on me. I was pretty sure it was Ty Lee.

By the time I woke it was almost sunrise and Ty Lee had gathered more food for us. I found her outside by the temples fountain, and I was amazed she was being so helpful. She had made a pile of different antiquities for us to use, and had even made a fire pit from gathered sticks and stones. Once I ate again, I filled up a bowl with water and grabbed a rag that was sitting in the supplies Ty Lee found. I left Ty Lee by the small fire I made for us and returned to Crystal not wanting to be away if she woke up. I was worried she'd freak out if she came to and had no clue where she was. We didn't need a repeat of Aang's reaction from the day he woke on the ship.

Stepping into the small room, I was relieved to see she was still there. Her head was rested on the robe-pillow, and her breathing was steady.

Stepping over to her with the bowl of fresh water, I placed it down on the end of the bed with the old rag inside. Then I moved to examine her. She still had a fever, but thankfully it was much more manageable than the awful one she had the day before. Her bandage on her wrist which Ty Lee had changed while I slept looked to be holding well. Her shoulder was still held firm to her body as her arm was secured to her side to limit movement.

Crystal breathed painfully then, something she had been doing randomly in the last few hours. I knew it was most likely she had broken ribs. Ty Lee told me she had been kicked pretty hard by Azula yesterday morning.

Sitting on the edge of the bed beside her, I grabbed the rag and pressed it to her pale forehead. She had gotten some color back, but not enough to comfort me.

"I wish I had your healing right now," I whispered as I kept the cool material on her forehead for a moment. She seemed to relax her body from the touch. "I wouldn't feel so useless..." I lowered the rag from her forehead, and then moved it to the area above her collarbone wiping the perspiration there as well.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered. She was asleep, so I could finally blame myself and not be stopped by her. "This is all my fault... my family only targeted you because of me. They wanted to try and control me again like they had in the past... They thought hurting you would make me give in to their will."

I sighed, dropping the rag back in the bowl. Then I moved the bowl down to her feet and scoot so I could maneuver my body so I was facing her more while still sitting beside her. I let my hand press to her cheek, and my thumb brushed her chapped lips.

"I wish I could take on the pain you feel and endure it instead..." I moved down towards her. "I wish I had the chance to beat that Assassin to a pulp..." I kissed her softly on the lips, and as I hovered I whispered with shut eyes. "I wish I could turn back time to stop all those monsters from touching you."

A small hand suddenly slid over the one I still had resting against her cheek. I was startled by the movement, and I opened my eyes to see her faded blue meet my gaze.

"Zuko..." her voice seemed far, but her dragging eyes were able to soak in my form. "Get out of here... before they find you..." Her words startled me. I realized as her eyes shut again, she still believed she was a prisoner.

"Crystal..." I brushed my thumb comfortingly over her skin. "You're safe now... we aren't in that terrible place anymore."

She opened her eyes weakly again. She met my gaze once more trying to wake from her exhaustion and understand what I was trying to say. "Safe...?"

I nodded. "We escaped... do you remember anything?"

She weakly looked around, and I could see she was barely awake as she did so. I knew she wasn't really here. Shutting her eyes again, she whispered, "Good... I'm glad you're safe..." She breathed softly as her body relaxed. "I love you..." Her voice faded and her hand dropped then as she fell asleep again.

I shut my eyes once more, wishing she would really wake soon, and kissed her again on the forehead. With a sigh as I pulled away, I whispered, "Me too... wake up soon... I miss you."

I stayed with her for a few more moments, wishing she would she was out though, I left her to rest and returned to the main courtyard where Ty Lee was practicing a handstand.

As she held her body upside down, I was glad for the distraction. I asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

She looked at me by bending here head up while she kept on her hands and smiled. "Just my morning stretches." She dropped her feet then and straightened. "How is she doing?"

I dropped my expression as the worry returned. "Okay... her fever is better but she's still exhausted."

Ty Lee nodded. "It's not a surprise... not after what she's been through. I heard through the guards about her being brought to the Capital. I was told that she fought stronger than any waterbender ever captured before. They say she jumped overboard at The Gates of Azulon with her hands tied behind her back. Somehow she broke free underwater. No one knows how she did it so fast..."

I was horrified. I didn't know this information and couldn't believe what I was hearing. No wonder she was so exhausted. "She jumped from the ship?!"

She grimaced from my terror. "Does it surprise you that much? She can be pretty reckless from what I've witnessed in the past."

I knew she was right. Shaking my head, I sat down on the fountain and I put my face in my hands with frustration. "You're right. I wish I could say I'm surprised by this... but it wouldn't be the first time she's jumped off a ship."

Ty Lee was interested. "She's done this before?"

I dropped my hands in defeat. "She jumped off Zhao's ship at the North Pole."

"Oh... I heard he had her prisoner for a while too," Ty Lee whispered. "She's been through a lot..."

I grit my teeth and tightened my fists. "Yeah... too much."

Ty Lee could see the topic was upsetting me. She tried to change the subject. "So, I guess the eclipse is tomorrow right?"

I nodded. Running a hand through my hair, I stated, "I'm sure the others are at the meetup spot by now."

Reaching my hand into my pants pocket, I pulled out the necklace Sun had given me back at the palace. The golden charm of two dragons forming the shape of a heart rested in my palm and glistened in the sun's light.

"But I can't really focus on that right now until I know she's okay... her recovery is my only concern at the moment."

Ty Lee could sense my concern. "Don't worry... she'll come to soon..."

Crystal POV

Nightmares... I'd had so many nightmares... ones that felt like reality. Ones that I knew could not be true. After fighting my third replay of Ozai chasing me through the dark halls of the palace, I couldn't take it anymore. Even if I was not awake, I managed to fall into a memory. I needed to forget about the present and let myself fall into better times of the past.

"Momma!" I rushed through the snow giggling. "I'm gonna get you!"

The woman running a few feet ahead, laughed as we continued our game. My eight year old form sunk in the snow, but I was able to keep up enough. Although, I began to suspect my mom was going easy on me.

Giggling still, I quickened my pace and managed to lunge at her. "I got ya, mommy!" As I went to wrap my arms around her waist, she turned suddenly and grabbed me around my own tiny waist.

"This polardog mom has you instead, my little pup!" She laughed as she dropped back in the snow with my body landing on top of her. We both laughed as our chase had reached its end.

Catching our breaths, I let my head rest against my mom's chest as I heard her heart through her pelted coat. "Do you think daddy and the other two have gotten back yet?"

My mom brushed a hand through my long hair, as her other stayed around my waist. "Your sister and brother have been training hard with your father, huh? I'm sure you miss them... Perhaps I should stop lessons for a little bit... I'm concerned they may be getting too overworked. You're sister has been practicing her bending daily, but I worry she puts too much pressure on herself when she can't get it right in the first try. I'm also beginning to think Sokka is being pushed too quickly into warrior training. I wish your father would let up on them a little."

"It's not fair." I frowned and shut my eyes. "I wish daddy would let me train... I want to be able to protect my family too..."

My mom sat up from where she made a body shape in the snow, and her gloved hands pressed to my healthy freckled tan cheeks. She brushed snow from my face gently. "My silly gem... your time will come... just because you do not have waterbending or sword fighting skills doesn't mean you won't be able to protect us in the future."

She pressed her forehead to my own.

"Let me tell you a secret that only I know... When I was pregnant with Sokka and you, I went to see a friend of your grandma's who many believed could see the future. Her name was Kiki... you don't know her because she passed away when you were just able to walk. But her words have stayed with me. She told me that my children were all destined for greatness. She said to me that I was pregnant with twins and that the boy would become a great warrior." She smiled pushing a strand of hair from my eyes. "And she said that the girl would become a link to bring two very different worlds together. I'm not sure what she meant, but it sounded to me like my daughter was destined to save the world." She kissed my forehead. "You are going to do unbelievable things my dear... things only you will be capable of doing... and your father and I will be so proud."

I hugged her tighter. "I want to make you proud, mommy."

She kissed me on the top of my head. "You already have, my beautiful Crystal."

As my mother's face faded away the pain returned. As the pain returned, my consciousness returned also. When my consciousness returned, I began to recall all that had happened.

The Fire Lord... Azula... Zuko...

I remembered only a little about being in the throne room. Singing for Ozai... being forced to dance by Azula... thinking Zuko was going to leave me.

I remember before the throne room I was forced to eat like an animal by Azula and Mai...

There was bloodbending... I'd used bloodbending on the Fire Lord...?

As the events continued to rush to me in fragments, all out of order and confusing, I tried to recall everything but had a feeling I was missing a lot. I remember something with Sun and Rui... Zuko was pulling me through the wooded area of the Capital...

Everything was such a blur.

Opening my eyes weakly, I took a moment to focus on the world around me. As my vision cleared, I saw it was day time. The sun was seeping in through some closed wooden shutters nearby. My body lay on a mattress stuffed with grass or hay, and trying to move sent pain through my whole body. A whimper escaped me as every part of me felt like knives were digging inside.

"Crys..." a warm hand brushed my cheek, and I weakly looked over to see Zuko's blurred form was sitting beside me on the bed. As I stared at him he began to clear up. His warm gold eyes showed relief, and his lips were pulled in a small smile. "I'm here..."

Staring at him with confusion, I tried to move my body. I felt heavy. Only able to speak at the moment, I asked softly, "Wh... where are we?"

He moved his hand to a strand of hair on my forehead pushing it back. "Safe. That's all that matters."

As he spoke this, I looked around the room trying to understand a little more about our situation. Looking at the unfamiliar decor, and simplicity of the stone room I was in, I realized what was going on.

"Thi- this place... the Western Air Temple..." I looked at him with exhaustion. "How... how long have I been out?"

He grimaced, slowly pulling his hand away. "Too long. You've been in and out for twenty-four hours. Your fever had you pretty rough for a while. We managed to get it down with some medicine Rui gave me before we slipped from the palace." He grimaced. "Ty Lee helped me get you to eat an-"

"Ty Lee...?" I was confused. I tried to recall what happened but everything past the throne room was a blur. "She's here?"

Zuko nodded, but seemed concerned. "What do you remember?"

I felt my voice was weak, but I managed to think about and tell him the fragments of what I could recall. "You... you came into the throne room after your sister and the Fire Lord were using me for their entertainment... I remember worrying that you were going to choose your title and I would lose you... but you didn't betray me and instead attacked Ozai." She shut her eyes. "And he was going to hurt you... and I panicked. I used what strength I had left to bend the blood in him so he wouldn't kill you... I don't know how I did it... I think the last of my adrenaline brought the control out of me... honestly, I don't remember much after that part... there was something with a passage? A storm drain? I honestly don't remember much after you took my hand breaking my control of Ozai..."

Zuko sighed. He stood and walked over to a bag on the floor. Rummaging through, he spoke, "Rui and Lady Sun helped us escape the palace through the servants' back passage. Then when we got out of the palace we crawled through the storm drain and raced to where the hot air balloon waited a mile out. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee met us at the balloon and they tried to attack us. But Ty Lee turned on them and paralyzed them both helping us escape. We left the Capital and managed to get to the Western Air Temple. You've been fighting a fever since we got here... I'm so relieved your awake at last." He returned with a canteen in his hand.

The Western Air Temple...twenty-four hours. It had been almost three days since I was taken from my family...

My eyes widened. Twenty Four hours! That meant there was only one day left. "The eclipse!"

Sitting up, I gasped immediately as my shoulder and ribs pounded. Zuko rushed over to grab my good shoulder. "Hey! You shouldn't get up so fast." He went to shove me down, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. Panic filled me as my thoughts turned from my own situation to that of my family.

"My family! We have to get to them! They're walking into a losing battle! The Fire Nation knows they're coming!" I felt my heart rate increase as my concern for my family grew. My face grew hot as I overworked my body. "I have to warn them." I went to move my body off the bed, every movement sending pain through me.

Zuko shoved my legs back and gripped my good shoulder to keep me still. "Stop! What do you think you're doing?! You're in no condition to go anywhere!"

I tried to ignore him. "Let me go! I know what I'm doing!" I tried to pull his hand off believing my own lie. He wasn't having it.

Keeping a grip on my shoulder, he snapped, "Clearly you don't! Otherwise you would knock it off and stop being so stubborn." His tone caused me to stop my struggling. I was surprised to hear his frustration. "Think rationally! You are injured and exhausted. We both need rest. We'll just get in the way more than we will be a help."

I shook my head remaining stubborn. "Even so, we have to get to them... I'll tell them about the Fire Lord's plans and then I'll stay out of the way. They can leave me at the rendezvous once I do, but I have to tell them!"

He didn't waver. "Tell them what? Even if you tell them the Fire Lord will be in his hidden chamber do you think it will stop them from going? You will probably worry them seeing you this way before the battle. Your family won't be able to focus on the actual mission itself because they'll want to stay and help you. Seeing you isn't going to help them."

I grit my teeth and shut my eyes hard. A tear slid down my cheek. "I'm fine... I can't just sit here..."

Zuko calmed, seeing I was no longer fighting him. His thumb brushed the tear that had strayed down my cheek. "I'm sorry... but I'm not losing you again. I just got you out of that place. I'm not taking you back... and I promised Aang I'd keep you here once I got you out." He pressed his hand to my forehead again. "And now your fevers back... you need rest. You don't need to be rushing to the rendezvous not knowing if you're even going to make it in time."

I hung my head, wanting to argue further but knowing it was a losing battle. I knew he was right. I was in no condition to really go anywhere. But it didn't make things any easier.

Zuko got me to drink some water then, and I accepted the drink eagerly. I was parched. Once I was hydrated, I fell back on the makeshift pillow realizing I was more exhausted than I wanted to believe. Zuko seemed relieved that I had calmed down and was no longer fighting him.

"Is she awake?"

The voice of Ty Lee echoed through the room. I was stunned and looked over at the thin, flexible, long haired girl before me. She still wore her two piece: a blush colored top that cut off above her midriff and trousers. Her brown hair was also still tied in a single braid. She smiled brightly when we met one another's gaze.

"Welcome back! Zuko can stop pacing holes in the floor now," she joked. She walked over with a bowl in her hand. I saw the bowl contained some type of stew. "I brought this. It's some red squash stew. I've been experimenting but this one smells and tastes edible."

She handed it over, and I weakly sat up again cringing from the pain. Taking the bowl with my unbound hand, I tried to balance it on my lap so I could use my one hand to lift the wooden spoon. Zuko saw me struggle and held the bowl firm. Taking a bite, I had to resist every urge not to cringe. Ty Lee definitely was no chef. "It's delicious... thank you, Ty Lee."

She smiled not seeing through my lie. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do for letting Azula and Mai treat you so terribly."

Her guilt made me defensive. "That wasn't your fault... Azula's just crazy..."

Ty Lee nodded. "Still... I didn't do much to help."

I frowned. "You betrayed your nation to save Zuko and I. That seems plenty to me. It takes a lot of courage to do what you feel in your heart is right. I will never be able to thank you enough for helping us get out of that nightmare..."

She blushed. "Don't mention it." She then looked over at Zuko. "I'm going to head back to the courtyard. Let me know if you need me." She skipped off leaving us.

Zuko breathed a laugh. "Don't think I've seen her so shy before." He grabbed the spoon from my hand. "Also, you don't have to eat that to be nice. I've already had some of Ty Lee's cooking today. It will make you more sick than you are."

I handed the bowl to him, and he set it down on the floor. As he returned to sit on the bed beside me and look out the window, I asked softly, "Are you okay? Having to betray your family again like that couldn't have been easy."

Zuko looked over at me with surprise. He lowered his eyes and took the hand of my unbound arm in his. "They aren't my family... my family is right here..." He lifted my hand and pressed it against his cheek. I relaxed from the familiar feel of his flesh. "Having you taken from me broke me in half. Seeing you so damaged and pained angered me more than I have ever been in the past. You were the only thing that mattered to me. My home, and my title... they would be empty without you. And I'll return home one day... but that will be the day Aang defeats my father and we begin to heal the world... together."

I blushed at his confession. Then I felt sudden guilt. Tears filled my eyes again and I shut them. "Here you were, coming to rescue me, and I actually thought you might betray me for a single moment... I'm horrible for even thinking such a thing... I'm so-"

Zuko suddenly reached behind my head and pulled me forward. He pushed his lips against my own to silence me. I was shocked by his action, not sure at first how to respond. However, after a moment I realized I'd missed him too much to want to argue and accepted the distraction. As his hand moved through my hair to pull me closer, I moved my hand to his arm clutching his shirt sleeve enjoying just having him with me again. As our breath intertwined, I felt my mind go blank as the pain of the last few days melted away. All I could think was his lips were the comfort I needed as I tried to melt the nightmare away. He pulled away slightly, his lips still brushing my own. "No more apologizing..." He broke the distance again, and his hand moved behind my back to hold me to him. I accepted his kiss, enjoying the feel of his hot breath mixing with my own as his teeth grazed against my lip.

We shared our moment with bliss, just glad to hold one another again. He pulled back after a moment, and I breathed heavily as my heart pounded in my ears. Looking at him with surprise, I saw that he too was trying to catch his breath.

We were quiet for a little bit, and then he lowered his forehead so it rested on my own. He brushed my cheek with his thumb and said softly, "Don't apologize for anything... you had every right to feel the way you did. Don't ever think for a second I'm mad at you for those thoughts. Anyone in your situation would've feared the same." He moved away from me then and smiled. "I'm just glad you're safe at last."

"It's all thanks to you... my hero," I whispered.

I tried to move over some and asked for him to sit with me just for a little bit. I was still so exhausted and hurt but I didn't want to be alone again.

Zuko crawled beside me on the side of my good shoulder and he and I sat against the wall the bed was pressed to. I rested my head onto his shoulder and he played his fingers through my hair trying to help me get the knots out. I was a bit embarrassed by my current state and promised him I'd clean up once I got my balance back.

"You've been through nightmare and back, Crys... your appearance is the least of my concern. I'm just glad your alive."

I shut my eyes tight as the memories of everything came rushing back. Zuko noticed I had gone tense. "Do you want to talk about any of it?" His question was broken. He was too scared to hear.

Shaking my head, I said softly, "it's my burden."

He sighed heavily. "You know it doesn't work that way... the ones who did this to you are my blood. Of course this is a burden I have to bear too. I look at you and see someone I failed to protect."

I shut my eyes harder. "You shouldn't feel that way. You did protect me. Your family didn't destroy me like they did to my mom because they needed me alive. It was you that kept them from killing me or worse..."

He argued. "They took you because of me! Don't act like it's all okay." He grabbed my arm gently and looked at the bandage on my wrist. "You were being tortured and you didn't deserve any of it."

I pulled my arm from him. "Can we not think about it..." I muttered. "in the end, I'm fine. That's all that matters." He dropped it seeing the subject was upsetting me.

Eventually, I told Zuko I wanted to get up and get some fresh air. I felt movement would help, and I somehow slid off the bed and managed to stand. Zuko was anxious I would collapse on him, and the pain really made me want to. But i was tired of laying around weak. I wanted to heal. And I really wanted to wash up.

Zuko walked me away from the room to guide me through the large stone halls, past beautiful statues of female and male airbenders and monks of the past, and out into an open courtyard where a giant fountain stood and a balcony overlooked the canyon we were hidden within.

As we approached the fire, I saw Ty Lee was examining a stone medallion she must've found while exploring the place. She looked up when we approached, and smiled when she saw my presence.

"Hey! Glad to see you on two feet." She pointed over to a pile of cloth by the bags near her. "I found a change of clothes for you. They are air nomad robes. Looked like it would hopefully fit you. I'm sure you want to get out of that awful dress the Fire Lord made you wear."

At the mention of the dress, I grimaced as the memories suddenly rushed back.

His hand tracing the skin of my arm. His breath on my ear. His hand on my chin.

Shaking my head, I grimaced trying to knock the memories of Ozai's touch from my mind. As I thought about him, I could feel his rough hands again. I could feel his presence all over again.

"Hey. You okay?" Ty Lee noticed that I had froze in step. Zuko had headed over to the campfire, but turned to look at me concerned by Ty Lee's own worry.

I smiled weakly at the both of them. "I... I'm okay... I just need to wash up."

Zuko seemed to want to pry, but by that point I grabbed the air nomad robe and a rag, and walked away from the two. As I moved towards the fountain, and started to feel the dirt and grime on my skin, I wanted nothing more than to purify myself.

All I wanted to do was scrub away every feel of the Fire Lord on me. My body shivered as the ghost of his touch still hovered on my cheeks, chin, neck, collarbone, and arms. My ears tingled from the memory of his breath. I felt his finger slide along my face.

"No..." I had stopped walking and clutched my hair trying to forget.


Hearing Zuko's voice, I realized I was starting to relive the nightmare before him. I looked back at Zuko once i understood that I was unraveling. I couldn't let him see me in such a state.

"I... I'm Fine..." I picked up the pace. "I'm going to wash up."

I stumbled with exhaustion to the fountain at the center of the balcony. Kneeling beside the fountain, I stared at the water gazing upon my spirit pale reflection.

No wonder Zuko was so worried about me... I did look like a walking corpse. My skin was so pale and my body was so thin. I had been malnourished in the palace and was so glad Ty Lee had helped find food earlier. It was the only way I'd get my full strength back. She wasn't the greatest cook, but at least she found something edible.

Pushing the rag in the water, I got it drenched and pulled it out. Then I went to work, starting to wipe off the horrible events of the last few days. As I moved the rag over my face, I saw another image of Ozai as he grabbed my chin. His painful grip and coarse skin made me grimace. No!

Scrubbing hard at my chin, I tried to scratch away the sensation of that monsters grip. Then I remembered his hand on my shoulder, and I quickly tried to erase the touch of the Fire Lord there by scrubbing harder than the last area. The feel of his touch was still present, even though we were an ocean apart, and I had to get rid of him completely. I moved the rag from my shoulder to chin again, scrubbing more as it pulsed from the grips that had held it so tightly. Every part of me he touched, I scrubbed and scrubbed. My heart pounded hard as I desperately wiped the painful memories away.

Once I finished with my upper body, I moved to my dislocated arm and wiped below the bandages. Then I moved to my other arm. There was still a bandage over a festering wound, but I ripped it away to take a look.

My eyes stared at the mark in the shape of a crystal with agony. The Fire Lord had used the symbol of Zuko and I's love to mark me as his own pet. The mark was a horrible reminder of what he did to me, and how I wasn't strong enough to stop him.

Suddenly I lost my senses. I had to erase it all. I couldn't let him mark me. I would not let him win.

Gritting my teeth from the sudden tears and pain, I moved the rag to the mark. The movement from my bad shoulder as I held the material with my bandaged armed hand gave me no relief. But determined, I started to scrub at it. It hurt like the fire was being held to it again, but all I wanted to do was erase the mark forever.

"Crystal! What are you doing?! Stop!" Zuko rushed over suddenly and grabbed my hand as I tried to rub at the burn some more. I was branded by a monster, and all I wanted to do was forget. "You're going to infect it again!"

His intervention made me frustrated. I shook my head wildly. "I don't care!" Gritting my teeth, I felt my heart ached terribly. "I won't let this happen again. I refuse to be marked again!"

I tried to pull from him but he would not release. The wrist had started to bleed from my rough treatment. It stung and burned but I didn't care anymore. I was in so much pain additional shocks and stabs did nothing to me.

Zuko snapped back trying to knock sense into me, "Well I do care!" He managed to wrestle the rag from my grip, and then he pulled me up away from the fountain.

I struggled against him. As I did, I continued to spew nonsense. "Please! I can't let this happen! Not again! I can't have another reminder!"

He was still gripping my bad arm while his other hand gripped above where the mark on my wrist was. He restrained me from my self-mutilation.

"Crystal! Stop! You're upset. I know you're overwhelmed by everything that has happened. I know that's why your not thinking straight. So I need you to calm down."

I snapped at him, "I know what I'm doing!"

He disputed. "Clearly you don't! Because if you did you wouldn't be hurting yourself!" He shook me to try and knock the irrationality away. He tried to calm me and bring me back to reality. "Have you even tried the other option? Your healing isn't just for you to use on others! You deserve to use your ability on yourself also."

I was stunned by his statement, and I stopped struggling. Images of the Fire Lord faded as I took in the despair of Zuko's gaze. My actions were worrying him. He probably thought I was going mad. In a way I felt I was. I had to calm down.

He was right. I'd been so focused on erasing everything that I'd forgotten there was another way to wipe away what was left on me.

Zuko grabbed my hand and pulled me back over to the fountain. As he made us kneel down, he moved my arm into the water immediately burning my wrist from the wound I'd reopened.

"It may not disappear, but it will at least fade." His hand kept hold of me as he urged me to use my ability.

I was stunned by his gesture, and his faith in me. His caring action calmed my insensible self long enough to focus on the water around our hands. As I concentrated on the water to begin the mending, a blue glow formed around Zuko and I's hands. My wrist tickled from the feel of the flesh being repaired. As the molecules moved along my damaged skin, I felt the feel of the Fire Lord disappear as I healed. With relief, I moved my head to rest against Zuko's shoulder as the blue glow continued to cover our grasp.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered as the pain finally faded and my rational thinking returned. The blue glow disappeared as my healing finished. "I overreacted... to everything... it's just been hard these last few days." I shut my eyes wishing I could erase from my mind everything that happened back in that awful place.

Zuko took our hands out of the water and he slowly lowered them to rest on his knee. "I know... you have every right to be upset. But I don't want you to take it out on yourself. Especially by hurting yourself physically..."

I frowned and hung my head ashamed. "I know... Something just came over me... I guess I just don't want the reminder... I want to forget..." I released his hand and looked back at my wrist. The mark was still there, but the blisters and bleeding had stopped as the wound sealed. "Everything he did to me..." I felt suddenly sick. "What if he captures my family and does the same to them?" I shook my head, shutting my eyes hard. "I can't bear to think he'd do those awful things to my family."

Zuko's hand reached for my chin and he gently forced me to look over at him. "Hey... if there is one thing I've learned after chasing Aang and your family all those weeks, it's that those guys can get out of anything. They are going to be fine... they have Aang and each other. Even though Aang can no longer go into the Avatar state, he is strong enough to get your family out of there if this mission fails."

I nodded, giving a weak smile. I pulled away from him and stood so I could sit on the fountain's edge. He moved to sit beside me. We held hands again, and Zuko examined my wrist running his fingers over the rough surface. I grimaced.

He stopped worried. "Does that hurt?"

I was surprised it actually didn't. I had healed it pretty well. "No... just feels weird..."

He nodded. He then spoke his heart. "You know... I wish I could go back to that day the Assassin came... I guess it was only three days ago now that I think of it..." His hand released my wrist and instead moved to my hair. As he moved a strand back behind my ear, I shut my eyes enjoying the tender touch as his finger brushed my cheek. "If I knew you were in danger sooner, I may have saved you from all of this."

I grabbed his hand and held it against my skin enjoying his soft touch. "But you did save me..." I met his conflicted gaze. "It was you as I was a prisoner that kept me alive... All I could think was I had to live to see you again... I couldn't bear the thought of letting them kill me and you falling into their trap." I sighed heavily. "If there is one thing I wish I could've done different through all of this, it's have fought harder to not be taken. That rough rhino man held that fire to my face and I froze up. All I could think was I didn't want to feel that awful pain on my flesh again. But I didn't know my weakness would cause you and Toph to almost die from the Assassin's blast."

He rolled his eyes. "Toph and I were going to be fine... we didn't get burned and broken like you." He then stood and crossed his arms. He kept his back to me as he spoke again. "You know... you can be mad Crystal... You have every right to be angry at the way they treated you."

I shut my eyes with agony. "I am angry... but getting angry won't matter. The eclipse is in less than twenty-four hours... there isn't anything I can do except sit here and worry about our family and friends. I want nothing more than to be with them right this moment..." I stood and walked to the edge of the balcony where I could look up at the sky above the canyon walls we were in. "You're right though... I'm in no state to fight. Every part of me feels like it could break in half from the pressure."

I cringed as I tried to move my bad arm.

"I'm going to try and heal this shoulder some... I'm usually only good with outer wounds, but if it helps the pain I'll take it."

Zuko helped me take the bandages off my shoulder, while Ty Lee came over this time to watch my healing in action. As I sat by the fountain and moved the water so it surrounded my hand, I placed the watery hand to my bruised arm and a blue glow formed as I focused on the water sinking into my skin. The water moved around my shoulder sending a cool sensation deep into my muscles. I could feel the tendons inside begin to repair themselves as my healing water began to flow through my nerves and veins. Every second I held the glowing water to my shoulder was a relief.

Ty Lee was bewildered as she watched me heal, and we could all see the bruise was beginning to fade. "This is so cool!"

Zuko watched with hope, and seemed relieved that I was able to mend the worst part of the damage. Once my shoulder felt back in place and was only a little sore, I dropped the water back in the fountain.

Although I was still physically exhausted, the pain was much more tolerable. I was relieved to be free of the awful knives stabbing through me.

"You've gotten so much better at that," Zuko said.

I blushed. "Unfortunately, it's come in handy."

Ty Lee was thrilled. "That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Waterbenders have it all! Bloodbending, and healing! I'm so jealous!"

I grimaced. "Sadly I discovered my abilities a little too late for them to be of use to me in the past..." I let my finger brush the scar on my face. "But I'm glad you knocked some sense into me, Zuko. Thanks."

He smiled. "Someone has to get through that stubborn brain of yours every now and then. Your definitely Katara's sister when you get like that."

I smirked. "Katara would freeze you to a pole if she heard you say that."

"I'm not scared of your sister," he fibbed.

Ty Lee listened curiously. "She's the one with the long braid, right?" Ty Lee grimaced. "From what I've seen of her bending I'd be scared of her Zuko."

Her comment made me giggle. I stopped though when I realized I had. I smiled from the warmth that filled me. It felt good to laugh. "Yeah... she's definitely one with a temper if you get on her bad side. But she's sweet on her good day. She has a good heart. It's one of the things I love about having her as a sister."

Ty Lee nodded. "I have so many sisters it's hard to keep up with them. It would be nice to just have one to my best friend."

I was surprised. "You have sisters?"

She sat on the other side of me. "Yeah. Six actually. We are all identical."

My eyes widened. "Wow... that's a lot... I'm lucky I'm just a twin. Sokka is enough to handle."

She nodded. "It was hard growing up with so many sisters, and not feeling like I was an individual. That's why I ran off to the circus. I wanted to be my own person and not just part of a set."

I smiled. "Well that's one thing you don't have to worry about with us, Ty Lee. We are all individuals... none of us are alike. Trust me on that."

She seemed satisfied. Zuko chuckled knowing I definitely spoke true.

"So... circus?" I tried to find any distraction I could to not think about the battle i would be forced to miss. "What is a circus exactly?"

Ty Lee was puzzled by my obvious lack of understanding towards what she meant by circus. She beamed with delight though, glad I was interested in her life.

She started her tale by standing before Zuko and I with animate eyes. "Trapeziums! Camalephants! Acrobats! Jesters! We had it all!"

As she spoke, I leaned into Zuko showing true interest. I was glad to finally get a moment of normalcy again, just conversing with friends.

Third Person POV

Sokka and Katara embraced their father with thrill. They had not seen him since they parted ways after having to chase after Aang. The invasion force had just arrived at the Black Cliffs where Toph, Sokka, Aang, and Katara waited. Their last three days had been endless as they tried to get Aang to sleep so he was rested for the battle.

The young Avatar had been having nightmares about facing the Fire Lord. Nightmares about Crystal being in the Fire Nation Palace. And he also had weird hallucinations where Momo and Appa could talk, and Sokka was advertising cactus juice. He had come to his senses though, thanks to his friends. Now, for the first time in weeks, he stood revealing his arrow on his head once more after having shaved the hair that had grown over it.

The Avatar was back.

To their surprise, a few hours before the invasion arrived there was a hawk that flew towards them and landed on Katara's shoulder to give them a message. Tied to his talon was a small note from Iroh.

Young Avatar and Friends,

It is with relief I inform you your sister has been rescued from the palace by Zuko. They are headed to the temple as I write this.

However, be informed that the element of surprise will not be in your favor. The Fire Lord knows. If you choose to continue your mission tread lightly.


The group was horrified by this news, but they knew they could not let the knowledge of their coming stop them from their mission. This was the chance of a lifetime. In the last hundred years, they could finally strike the Fire Nation at its weakest. They still had to try.

Another note had been attached to the messenger hawk as well, and Sokka grabbed this one to read it. He was thrilled when he read the note.

Also, take care of this little guy for me. He may be of use to you in the future.

Sokka had beamed with delight and immediately worked on earning his new hawk buddy's trust. He was thrilled when the hawk excitedly jumped on his shoulder and became his friend. "I'm going to name him Hawky!"

Toph rubbed her brow with disbelief. "Really! Out of all the names, and that's what you come up with!"

Now Hawky was chilling with Momo and Appa on shore, while Toph greeted some old fighting friends from her days as the Blind Bandit. The others had rushed down the stone ramp Toph and Aang had made to greet the Water Tribe warriors who had arrived.

As Sokka and Katara embraced their father, Aang approached also.

"Chief Hakoda," Aang greeted, and bowed to the man who he prayed would one day be his father-in-law. Hakoda bowed respectfully to Aang, and then looked around for the one person he had yet to see. Aang noticed, and so did Sokka and Katara.

"She's not here," Katara spoke sadly. "But we received word she's safe."

Hakoda looked at his youngest daughter with question.

Bato had exited the small water tribe vessel now and was listening beside the group. "I notice the young Fire Nation prince is not here either."

Sokka grimaced. "We ran into trouble. An assassin had been sent after Crystal by the Fire Lord. He attacked us in the night, using a group of bandits as decoys. We were surrounded and separated from Crystal. She was taken before any of us could stop them. Toph and Zuko had tried to save her, but the Assassin had an ability that none of us had seen before, and they were knocked unconscious. He causes explosions with his mind! By the time the rest of us knew what was going on she was long gone, being carried to the Fire Nation palace..."

Hakoda was horrified. "What?!"

Katara jumped in to try and calm his worries. "It's okay! We received word from a friend that she has been rescued from the Fire Lord by Zuko. They are probably at the Western Air Temple by now."

The man stared at his youngest daughter seeing she believed all was okay. He shook his head though in agony. "If she was forced to the Fire Lord, there is no telling what that child endured under his captivity. It's a miracle she's even alive, if what your source says is true."

Aang spoke up. "I know how you feel. We all do. Even though Iroh said she is okay, we all are pretty certain she has suffered. But we also know that Zuko is taking care of her. He's done so in the past, so we all can be reassured that she's in good hands right now. He loves her, and I know he will watch over her until we are reunited again. I do owe you an apology though... As the Avatar I should've protected your children better. I'm sorry."

"This is not on you, Aang." Hakoda sighed in defeat. He looked around the group and his eyes landed at last on his two children. "There is nothing else we can do but win this battle and take down that monster so he never hurts your sister again."

Sokka nodded. His fist tightened with determination. "We'll make them pay for the hurt they've caused our family, dad."

Katara nodded in agreement.

Hakoda looked back at Aang with resolve. "You have protected my family more than I could ever thank you for, Avatar Aang. Crystal is my responsibility, and I let her down the day I couldn't protect her from the man who killed her mother. If anyone is to blame, it is myself for abandoning my family those years after Kya's death."

Katara stepped forward and hugged her father to comfort him. "You did what you had to, dad. Plus, Crystal got into this mess because she is too much like mom. She is willing to sacrifice herself to save the ones she loves. She revealed herself to the Fire Nation the day Zuko came for Aang because she knew in her heart it was the right thing to do. Crystal would not be happy with any of us if she heard we were blaming ourselves for her situation."

Hakoda was amazed by his youngest daughter's words. He hugged her back though pressing his face into her hair. "You're right Katara... the best thing we can do for your sister right now is focus on the battle."

Crystal POV

Ty Lee and I had just washed up in a stream that we had to walk a good mile outside of the temple to get to. There was thankfully a set of stairs that Ty Lee had discovered that allowed us to leave the temple and get out of the canyon to the land above. As we headed back down the stairs, clean at last, I was relieved that the dress the Fire Lord had made me wear was floating down the stream away from me. Currently, I was wearing the light air nomad dress that was given to me the day before by Ty Lee. The dress was a dark red with a scarlet cape and shawl, but the sleeves were a mustard yellow to differentiate the fashion from the Fire Nation. The dress covered my whole body, which I was fine with because it hid the marks and damage done to me in the past.

As we arrived back to the fountain area of the temple, I found Zuko looked refreshed himself and had cooked us some fish he managed to catch earlier that morning. When he saw me approach, he was bewildered by my appearance.

"What... does it look bad?" I dropped my gaze suddenly self conscious.

Ty Lee giggled.

Zuko stood and approached us. "No... it's just weird... no matter what type or color of clothing you wear, you always look like it's made for you. Are you sure you're just Water Tribe?" He smiled jokingly.

I smirked. "Well, I did dream I could fly when I was younger. But after breaking my leg falling off a small iceberg, I decided that air was not my friend."

Ty Lee laughed. "I could totally see you falling off an iceberg. You are such a clutz."

I blushed, and I rubbed my sore shoulder embarrassed. "I was not gifted with your wonderful balance Ty Lee... don't rub it in."

Ty Lee smiled. "It's all about practice. You'll be walking tightropes before you know it!"

Zuko shook his head. "No! Absolutely not! Don't encourage her, Ty Lee!"

Ty Lee laughed, while I shook my head at Zuko to let him know I would behave.

Suddenly, the sun started to dim. My smile dropped as a sudden terror filled inside me. Rushing over to the edge of the balcony, I glanced up at the sky to see the light was starting to be blocked by what I understood was the moon.

Zuko realized what was happening as well. He started to feel it, and said softly, "My connection to my fire is weakening... its beginning..."

The sun went darker, and I felt my heart accelerate. Was it really time already? I had lost track of time having been so injured and confused. The eclipse was upon us so soon.

I started to pace heavily as my blood pounded in my ears from worry. Ty Lee and Zuko watched me with concern as I refused to sit down. All I could think was my family was most likely in that horrible place I had just been, and I was nowhere near them to keep them safe.

"Looks like the eclipse is happening," Ty Lee commented.

Zuko held his hand out and nothing happened as he tried to light a flame. "Yeah... I'm powerless."

I grit my teeth and stopped in my step. I suddenly felt disappointed in myself. "I should be with them... I should be there helping them fight."

Ty Lee spoke to remind me of the facts. "With a broken shoulder, bruised ribs, and trouble with balance, I don't think you'd be much help."

Zuko came over and grabbed my good shoulder to stop me from my next pace. He spoke soft to try and calm me down. "I know you're worried and upset. But this is for the best... if your family saw you right now in this condition they would've left you at the rendezvous anyway. You're in no state to fight. Your father and the rest of the invasion group would agree."

I frowned, and I fell into his welcoming arms with agony. "I know... I just wish I knew what was happening. I'm so worried."

He hugged me close, careful not to hurt my bad shoulder. "I am too... but all we can do is pray they win, or at least escape."

I shut my eyes tight, knowing he was right.

Third Person POV

Sokka shoved the crazy princess harder against the stone wall, although Toph had already restrained her with stone cuffs. As Sokka stood before the girl who was around Katara's age, he hissed darkly, "Where's Suki?!" His eyes sparked with rage from the torch light nearby.

Azula smirked. "My, my... what a brave warrior you are. Go on, pretty boy. Why don't you take your hate out on me? Do your girlfriend a favor."

Sokka growled, and Toph rushed forward to grab his arm. "Sokka! Let's go! She's just trying to waste our time."

The anger within Sokka simmered, and he knew Toph was right. Aang spoke up, saying, "We can still find him... we still have a few minutes." They started to walk away.

"Aw... you all don't want to hang around?" Azula whined. "I had so much fun with your waterbender friend... Crystal I believe her name was. Don't you want to hear of the things my father and I did to her."

Sokka came to a halt. His fists clenched. Toph and Aang had stopped walking too, and they were also furious.

Azula grinned. "Breaking her shoulder was only the first start to the fun. I enjoyed her screams and tears." Sokka growled and turned on his heel stomping back towards her. "Then my father got to have his fun with her. He dressed her up as a doll, made her sing until her lungs could no more, and branded her like the pretty pet she is. If Zuzu hadn't shown up to save her when he did, she could've served her true purpose as the wench she truly is."

Sokka couldn't help it. He'd always been told not to hit a girl, but he wanted nothing more than to punch the princess in the mouth to shut her up. Toph beat him to the punch though. Literally.

As Toph's fist connected with Azula's chin, the princess gasped, shocked by the sudden pain. Her lip started to bleed and her jaw pounded in pain. Her eyes were wide with shock at the force behind the earthbenders blow.

Toph snapped, "That was for Princess, and for the Water Tribe!" Toph grabbed Sokka's hand and dragged him away from Azula. Aang stood with his own hate towards the princess before him. Azula looked over at him with spite.

"You've wasted your time, Avatar. And now your invasion will fail." She shut her eyes breathing in. "Because it looks like the sun is coming back out."

Azula broke her stone restraints from the wall with a harsh blast of fire, and then jumped back from the group who backed from her with horror. She wiped her bloody lip as she said, "Dad's all the way at the end of the hall and down the secret stairway on the left. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you now." She turned then, running away from the group.

Sokka grabbed his hair frustrated. "We fell for it! I used up all our time."

Toph shook her head. "It's not your fault, Sokka. Azula was ready for us. She had every move planned out. And she knew bringing up Crystal would distract us."

Sokka felt hopeless. "And now it's too late."

Aang gripped his new staff. "Maybe it's not too late. The eclipse is over but I can face the Fire Lord anyway."

For the first time ever, Sokka knew it was time to stand down. "No. I don't think that's a good idea."

Aang was desperate. "But I'm ready! I came here with a job to do and everyone's counting on me."

Toph tried to reason with him. "The Fire Lord knew we were coming this time. We thought we had surprise on our side with everyone thinking you were dead, but we didn't. It just wasn't our day. What we need to do now is go help our friends and get to Crystal and Zuko at the Western Air Temple."

Aang hung his head in defeat. "I guess you guys are right."

Sokka placed a hand on Aang's shoulder. "You'll have another chance. I know you will." His eyes turned dark then. "But if you don't end him, I may do the deed for you after what he did to my sister."

Toph frowned. "The worst part is, when Azula spoke about what they did to Crystal, she wasn't lying."

Sokka shut his eyes tight, wishing he could be the one to kill the Fire Lord himself.

Crystal POV

The eclipse was the longest period of time I'd ever experienced. Once it was over, and the sun returned, I continued my pacing terrified that the worst could've happened. I ran a hand through my hair more times than I could count. My shoulder was still very sore; the skin near my wrist still ached from the brand.

I was exhausted. But I was too anxious to let it stop me.

I had Zuko and Ty Lee tell me to sit down constantly. I couldn't though. I couldn't stop, or sit still. I was worried sick. Zuko tried to get me to eat. I couldn't eat.

I just wanted to know they were okay.

It was the longest next few hours of my life. I probably paced three miles around the balcony. However, as the sun started to set, and my hope started to fade, I heard the cry of a hawk and the familiar groan of Appa. I was not sure if good news or bad news was on its way, but at least I would know something very soon.

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