The Oncoming Storm ²

Galing kay NxusDarkNova

87.3K 835 334

(UNDER EDITING) What happens when the Doctor's wife travels with him through time and space. Seer: a person w... Higit pa

The Eleventh Hour
Eleventh Hour pt.2
Eleventh hour pt.3
The Beast Below
The Beast Below pt.2
The Beast Below pt.3
Victory Of The Daleks
Victory Of The Daleks pt.2
Victory Of The Daleks pt.3
Victory Of The Daleks pt.4
Time Of The Angels
Time Of The Angels pt.2
Time Of The Angels pt.3
Flesh & Stone
Flesh & Stone pt.2
Vampires In Venice
Vampires In Venice pt.2
Amy's Choice
Amy's Choice pt.2
Amy's Choice pt.3
Hungry Earth
Hungry Earth pt.2
Cold Blood
Cold Blood pt.2
Vincent & The Doctor
Vincent & The Doctor pt.2
Vincent & The Doctor pt.3
The Lodger
The Lodger pt.2
The Lodger pt.3
The Pandorica Opens
The Pandorica Opens pt.2
The Pandorica Opens pt.3
The Big Bang
The Big Bang pt.2
The Big Bang pt.3
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol pt.2
A Christmas Carol pt.3
The Impossible Astronaut
The Impossible Astronaut pt.3
The Day Of The Moon
The Day Of The Moon pt.2
The Curse Of The Black Spot
The Curse Of The Black Spot pt.2
The Doctors Wife
The Doctors Wife pt.2
The Doctors Wife pt.3
The Rebel Flesh
The Rebel Flesh pt.2
The Almost People
The Almost People pt.2
The Almost People pt.3
A Good Man Goes To War
A Good Man Goes To War pt.2
A Good Man Goes To War pt.3
A Good Man Goes To War pt.4
A Good Man Goes To War pt.5
Let's Kill Hitler
Let's Kill Hitler pt.2
Let's Kill Hitler pt.3
Night Terrors
Night Terrors pt.2
The Girl Who Waited
The Girl Who Waited pt.2
The God Complex
The God Complex pt.2
The God Complex pt.3
The God Complex pt.4
Closing Time
Closing Time pt.2
Closing Time pt.3
The Wedding Of River Song
The Wedding Of River Song pt.2
The Wedding Of River Song pt.3
Asylum Of The Daleks
Asylum Of The Daleks pt.2
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship pt.2
Dinosaurs On A Spaceship pt.3
A Town Called Mercy
A Town Called Mercy pt.2
Power Of Three
Power Of Three pt.2
Angels Take Manhattan
Angels Take Manhattan pt.2
The Snowmen
The Snowmen pt.2
The Snowmen pt.3
The Bells Of Saint John
The Bells Of Saint John pt.2
Rings Of Akhaten
The Rings Of Akhaten pt.2
Cold War
Cold War pt.2
Hide pt.2
Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS
Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS pt.2
The Crimson Horror
The Crimson Horror pt.2
Nightmare In Silver
Nightmare In Silver pt.2
The Name Of The Doctor
The Name Of The Doctor pt.2
The Day Of The Doctor
The Day Of The Doctor pt.2
The Day Of The Doctor pt.3
The Day Of The Doctor pt.4
The Time Of The Doctor
The Time Of The Doctor pt.2
The Time Of The Doctor pt.3
The Time Of The Doctor pt.4

The Impossible Astronaut pt.2

1K 8 10
Galing kay NxusDarkNova

"Ex FBI. Got kicked out" River says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting."

"Yeah, 1969. Who's President?"

"Richard Milhous Nixon. Vietnam, Watergate. There's some good stuff, too."

"Not enough."


"Archaeologist" we look at one another for some time "ok, since I don't know what I'm getting into this time, for once I'm being discreet. We're putting the engines on silent" I say as the Doctor pulls a lever and there is a wail. River throws a different switch and it goes quiet "did you do something?"

"No, just watching," River says.

"Putting the outer shield on invisible. I haven't done this in a while. Big drain on the power."

"You can turn the TARDIS invisible?" Rory asks.


"Very nearly" River moves another lever.

"Er, did you touch something?"

"Just admiring your skills, sweetie."

"Good. You might learn something. Ok. Now I can't check the scanner. It doesn't work when we're cloaked. Just give us a mo. Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. You lot, wait a moment. We're in the middle of the most powerful city in the most powerful country on Earth. Let's take it slow" I step out of the TARDIS.

*Time skip*

"What spaceman? Where are you phoning from? Where are you right now? Who are you?" I quietly get out a notebook and start writing.

"Jefferson Adams Hamilton."

"Jefferson, listen to me" the child rings off.

"Surely this is something the Bureau could handle, sir."

"These calls happen wherever I am. How do I know the Bureau isn't involved? I can't trust anyone" Nixon turns around and sees me. Canton stands and turns, too. I keep writing I look up.

"Oh. Hello. Bad moment. Oh look, this is the Oval Office. I was looking for the er, oblong room. I'll just be off, then, shall I?" and I walk smack into the cloaked TARDIS, causing a big jolt inside.

"Every time" River mutters.

"Don't worry! It always does that when its cloaked" Canton wrestles me to the floor, I let out a small squeak of surprise "ah, no. Stop that."

"She said the scanner wouldn't work," Rory says.

"I know. Bless" River replies, the Secret Service run into the room.

"Lockdown! Lockdown!"

"Stop that! Argh! Oh! River, have you got the scanner working yet?"

"Oh, I hate her."

"No, you don't!"

"Get the President out of here. Sir, you have to go with them, now."

"River, make her blue again!" the Tardis shimmers into the visible spectrum.

"What the hell is that?" while everyone is distracted, I slipped out of their grasp and into Nixon's chair.

"Mister President, that child just told you everything you need to know, but you weren't listening. Never mind, though, because the answer's yes. I'll take the case. Fellows, the guns, really? I just walked into the highest security office in the United States and parked a big blue box on the rug. Do you think you can just shoot me?"

"They're Americans!" River says.

"Don't shoot. Definitely no shooting" the Doctor says.

"Nobody shoot us either. Very much not in need of getting shot. Look, we've got our hands up" Rory says.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Sir, you need to stay back," Canton says.

"But who are they and what is that box?"

"It's a police box. Can't you read? I'm your new undercover agent on loan from Scotland Yard. Codename Seer. These are my top operatives, the Legs, the Nose, the Doctor and Mrs Robinson."

"I hate you," River says.

"No, you don't" I smile.

"Who are you?"

"Nah, boring question. Who's phoning you? That's interesting. Because Canton Three is right. That was definitely a girl's voice, which means there's only one place in America she can be phoning from" I say.


"Do not engage with the intruder, Mister Delaware."

"You heard everything I heard. It's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain. On the other hand, lay a finger on me or my friends, and you'll never, ever know."

"How did you get it in here? I mean, you didn't carry it in."

"Clever, eh?"

"Love it."

"Do not compliment the intruder."

"Five minutes?"

"Five" I reply, Canton smiles.

"Mister President, that woman is a clear and present danger to..."

"Mister President, that women walked in here with a big blue box and four of her friends, and that's the man she walked past. One of them is worth listening to. I say we give her five minutes. See if she delivers."

"Thanks, Canton."

"If she doesn't, I'll shoot her myself."

"Not so thanks."

"Sir, I cannot recommend..."

"Shut up, Peterson! All right.

"five minutes" I take my legs off the desk and smile.

"I'm going to need a SWAT team, ready to mobilise. Street level maps covering all of Florida. A pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers and a fez" I say.

"Get her, her maps" later... "why Florida?"

"There's where NASA is. She mentioned a spaceman. NASA's where the spacemen live. Also, there's another lead I'm following" I say, walking over the array of maps scattered across the office.

"A spaceman, like the one we saw at the lake?" Amy whispers to River.

"Maybe. Probably" Amy sees a figure in a suit at the open door. It has a large head with sunken eyes and no mouth, and very long fingers. She recalls the sighting at the lake.

"Who's that?" "I remember."

"Amy? What do you remember?" Rory asks the figure is gone.

"I don't know. I just"

"Amy, what's wrong?" Rory asks.

"Amy?" River asks.

"Are you all right?" the Doctor asks, I walk over looking at Amy.

"Yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little sick. Excuse me, is there a toilet or something?"

"Sorry, ma'am, while this procedure's ongoing, you must remain within the Oval office."

"Shut up and take her to the restroom," Canton says.

"This way, ma'am."

"Thanks" Amy leaves. Carl stops Rory from following.

"Your five minutes are up."

"Yeah, and where's my fez?" I ask.

The telephone rings.

"The kid?"

"Should I answer it?"

"Here! The only place in the United States that call could be coming from. See? Obvious, when you think about it" I say, Amy and Phil return.

"You, ma'am, are a genius."

"It's a hobby."

"Mister President, answer the phone."

"Hello. This is President Nixon."

"It's here! The spaceman's here! It's going to get me! It's going to eat me!"

"There's no time for a SWAT team. Let's go. Mister President, tell her helps on the way. Canton, on no account, follow us into this box and close the door behind you."

"What the hell are you doing?" Canton runs into the TARDIS behind Rory, Amy, River, the Doctor and I. It dematerialises.

"Mister President, please help. Please help me!"

"Jefferson, it's all right. I'm sending my best people."

*Time skip*

"Jefferson isn't a girl's name. It's not her name either. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton. River" I says.

"Surnames of three of America's founding fathers."

"Lovely fellows. Two of them fancied me."

"Are you ok? Coping?" Rory asks, Canton.

"You see, the President asked the child two questions. Where are you and who are you? She was answering where" the Doctor says.

"It's bigger on the inside," Canton says.

"Yeah, you get used to it," Rory says.

"Now, where would you find three big, historical names in a row like that?" I ask.

"Where?" Amy asks.

"Here. Come on" I grab Amy's hand and go to run out the door but is stopped by Canton.

"It's er..." Canton says.

"Are you taking care of this?" the Doctor asks.

"Why is it always my turn?" Rory asks.

"Because you're the newest" Amy replies.

*Warehouse office*

A dingy, cluttered place, the Doctor sits in a chair waving around and a small flag.

"Where are we?" Amy asks.

"About five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre. It's 1969, the year of the moon. Interesting, don't you think?" I ask.

"But why would a little girl be here?"

"I don't know. Lost me a bit. The President asked the girl where she was, and she did what any lost little girl would do. She looked out of the window" the Doctor says, where the street sign points to Hamilton Av, Jefferson St and Adams St.

"Streets. Of course, street names" Amy says.

"The only place in Florida, probably all of America, with those three street names on the same junction. And Doctor Song, you've got that face on again" I say.

"What face?" River asks.

"The she's hot when she's clever face."

"This is my normal face."

"Yes, it is."

"Oh, shut up."

"Not a chance" Rory finally gets Canton out of the TARDIS.

"We've moved. How, how can we have moved?"

"You haven't even got to space travel yet?" the Doctor says.

"I was going to cover it with time travel," Rory says.

"Time travel."

"Braveheart, Canton. Come on."

"So, we're in a box that's bigger on the inside, and it travels through time and space."

"Yeah, basically," Rory says.

"How long have Scotland Yard had this?"

*Time skip*

"It's a warehouse of some kind. Disused" River says.

"You realise this is almost certainly a trap, of course?" I say.

"I noticed the phone, yes."

"What about it?" Amy asks.

"It was cut off. So how did the child phone from here?" River asks.

"Ok, but why would anyone want to trap us?" Amy asks.

"Let's see if anyone tries to kill us and work backwards" the astronaut watches from the shadows.

"Now, why would a little girl be here?" River asks.

"I don't know. Let's find her and ask her" the Doctor says, they come across some technology.

"It's nonterrestrial. Definitely alien. Probably not even from this time zone" River says.

"Which is odd, because look at this!" I say pointing to a crate of spacesuits.

"It's earth tech. It's contemporary" River says.

"It's very contemporary. Cutting edge. This is from the space program" the Doctor says.

"Stolen?" River asks.

"What, by aliens?" Amy asks.

"Apparently" I mutter.

"But why? I mean, if you can make it all the way to Earth, why steal technology that can barely make it to the moon?" Amy asks.

"Maybe because it's cooler? Look how cool this stuff is" I say.

"Cool aliens?"

"Well, what would you call me?"

"An alien."


"I, er, I think he's ok now," Rory says.

"Ah! Back with us, Canton" the Doctor asks.

"I like your wheels."

"That's my boy. So, come on. Little girl. Let's find her" I say, Amy and River examine the alien tech, which has a lot of gunk and slime associated with it.

"River," Amy asks.

"I know what you're thinking."

"No, you don't."

"You're thinking if we can find the spaceman in 1969 and neutralise it, then it won't be around in 2011 to kill the Seer."

"Ok, lucky guess."

"It's only because I was thinking it too."

"So, let's do it."

"It doesn't work like that. We came here because of what we saw in the future. If we try and prevent the future from happening, we create a paradox.

"Time can be rewritten."

"Not all of it."

"Says who?"

"Who do you think? What's this?" River walks over to a manhole cover.

"We can still save her."

"Seer? Doctor? Look at this" River says, the two of us walk over.

"So where does that go?" the Doctor asks.

"There's a network of tunnels running under here."

"Life signs?"

"No, nothing that's showing up."

"Those are the worst kind" River prepares to go down.

"Be careful" I say.

"Careful? I tried that once. Ever so dull."

"Shout if you get in trouble."

"Don't worry, I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you" River says, I furrow my eyebrows.

"Tell me what's going on here," Canton asks, I turn.

"Er, nothing. She's just a friend."

"I think he's talking about the possible alien incursion," Rory says.

"Ok" River discovers power lines and more aliens.

"So, I was in a bar having a drink. Tell me, honestly, Am I still there?" Canton asks.

"Afraid not," Amy says, River returns in a hurry.

"All clear. Just tunnels. Nothing down there I can see. Er, give me five minutes. I want to take another look around."

"Stupidly dangerous!" I say.

"Yeah, I like it too. Amy, look after her" River goes back down.

"Rory, would you mind going with her?" the Doctor asks.

"Yeah, a bit."

"Then I'd appreciate it all the more."

"Hang on, River. I'm coming too" Rory says.

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