Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

111K 1.7K 710

The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

An Old Friend

3.6K 53 18
By aegis1st

Ela PoV

I suddenly woke up due to someone knocking at my door, I looked next to me and (y,n) wasn't around. I sighed and headed to open the door and for my surprise it was Six.

"Sorry to bother you so early but is (y,n) here?" He asked me

"Hell if I know, I thought you'd knew" I said shrugging

"Can you look for him and come to my office after you find him...I need to talk to you both" Six said

"Do I really need to do that?" I sighed

"That's an order" Six said

"Fine..." I said after groaning as a sign of protest

(Y,N) PoV

I was currently running around the running track as fast as I could...people would usually jog or run but not as fast as I'm going right now...ever since I was a kid I had to do better than everyone. If the teacher wanted me to finish my exam within an hour, I'll finish it within ten minutes. When I joined the army. If my instructors wanted me to run five laps, I'll run ten.

The reason I did  was because I wanted to be good enough to protect my mom...since she was the only one I had left. My dad wasn't around a lot but when he was he used to take us on a trip to any place we wanted...when he died I wanted my mom to feel like nothing changed so I started to work too while going to school...I wasn't the kind of guy girls would love since I was a nerd but I didn't care.

My mom always dreamt to see me getting married but then all this shit happened...but now I have Ela and now I have to go back to the person I was if I want to protect her...even if she doesn't need it, I'll protect her. But this time...I won't be betrayed by anybody.

I took a sit on a bench after running and while I was panting I was looking at the sky...it was still very early so I didn't have to worry about the sun.

"Having fun?" I heard Ela saying and when I opened my eyes she was blocking my view of the sky

"No I wasn't...I feel like I'm dying" I said and she chuckled then gently hit my shoulder asking me to follow her.

While I was following her we stopped at the cafeteria and she got me a bottle of water, it's true...she cares in her own way so I must be thankful. When we reached Six office he asked to have a sit and we did.

"How well you guys know China?" He asked us and I looked at Ela and she did the same thing

"Haven't been there" Ela answered

"Me neither" I said

"There's a abandoned theme park there and I want you guys to go and check it out" Six said

"White masks?" Ela raised an eyebrow

"No...this is something else, my wife asked me to send a small team there" Six said and before I could say anything Ela spoke

"Are you serious? Why don't we bring her coffee now that we are it" Ela said mad

"Bosak, if it weren't for my wife...we wouldn't have never found (y,n)" Six looked at me
"My wife was part of your army (y,n)...she wanted to save you but you ended up saving her" Six said

"Who is she?" I asked.

I was glad some of the people who supported me back then are alive. After what happened ten years ago I lost track of them...I never wanted to reconnect with them because I was afraid that if I do it they might be in danger...I even thought they already made a life and look, one of them is married to Six.

"She was the one who got your location but that's all I'm going to say..." he said

"Well...if she got my location then I think that theme park it's worth checking out" I said then I looked at Ela who was still not so happy about it

"If you don't want to go I can go alone." I said to her

"Don't make me punch you. I don't want to go because I think it's a waste of time but if you go I'll go" she said and I smiled but she didn't see it because she left the office

Time Skip
Hong Kong, China
Ela PoV

We were just unpacking our belongings in the hotel Six got us in so little time, I haven't talked to (y,n) during all the trip...I know he knows I'm mad at him for making me come with him, I know he told me to stay if I wanted to but there's no way I let him do this by himself.

"So...how is China so far?" (y,n) asked me...probably trying to get me to talk to him

"Hong Kong is very crowded...definitely not what I expected" I said. I looked back at him and he was just laying on the bed. I couldn't help but to go and sit next to him, I laid my head on his shoulder

"Look sorry for being a bitch...it's just I don't like when people waste my time, I feel like this mission will be one hell of a waste" I said and (y,n) chuckled

"If this turns out to be a waste of time I'll promise to take you to the chinese wall" He said

"Are you for real?" I happily said but then I blushed when I noticed how childish that sounded

"I mean, yeah sure...that would be cool" I said after clearing my throat.

Time Skip
Theme Park, Hong Kong
(Y,N) PoV

We were in a building overlooking the abandoned place, Ela was using the binoculars we brought while I was trying to see something out of the ordinary. The reports say it has been abandoned for years but sometimes the citizens hear sound coming from the inside...sounds they have described couldn't be made by animals.

"Hey (y,n). I see a man heading inside" I heard Ela said

"Is there someone else?" I asked

"No, at least not that I'm aware, I'll keep looking" she said

"Maybe later, we are getting closer. You did good!" I said and she smiled

Ela couldn't see the guy's face but he was wearing a black jacket and gray cargo pants and he was holding a box on his way inside, since this was an abandoned building there must be plenty of places where we can sneak it without being noticed.

Once inside we moved as quiet as we can, we don't know if he is really the only one here, as we were walking through the corridor I heard a crack...I looked beneath my foot and saw a hidden button, I looked at the ceiling and suddenly a fire weapon appeared so I pushed Ela to a room and I took cover.

"(y,n) are you fucking alright?" I heard her while she was hitting the door

"I'm fine, what about you?" I asked her

"I'm Fine...I think I can keep moving" she said

"Good...be careful" I said and she told me the same thing

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me so I quickly turned around with my fist ready to punch this guy in the face. He matched Ela's description, the only new thing was that he is wearing a mask. He dodged my attack as I expected him to do.

"Getting into another person house without an invitation is wrong so I have the right to defend myself" he said. He started attacking again while I was dodging I was analyzing the patterns of his attacks...he has been trying to punch me in the stomach for a while now

Two attempts to hit my face then switch and attack my stomach...I let him get closer and just when he was about to succeed I grabbed his hand pushed him to a wall then jumped and kicked his mask off.

When he turned to see me I saw his familiar face...a man with short black hair, yellow eyes, and a piece of metal in shape of his jaw attached to his face...

"James?" I called my comrade and he stopped attacking...he was just as surprised as I was

James was my best engineer...something we couldn't get he made it for us. He always wears masks because his dad used to experiment on him because James can't feel pain...he attached pieces of metal that later would act as armor for James. We called him the human tragedy because everything he has gone through has been a tragedy...her mother got killed, his dad used him as a guinea pig and many other things...until I found him.

"(y,n)? It's really good to see you, I thought you died you know" he said as we hug each other because I thought the same thing...

"Look I came with a friend so won't you mind lifting this door?" I said pointing at the door I pushed Ela a few moments ago

"Sure...man you have no idea how happy-" he couldn't even finish because when he opened the door Ela kicked him...James fell to the ground due to the impact not because he felt it...because he can't feel pain

"Ela Wait! He is a friend" I said quickly grabbing her arm pulled her towards me preventing her from keep punching James

"Fuck, he looks like shit..." Ela said as she stood behind me

"Damm looks like we have a detective among us" James says

"Ela, I want you to meet James. He was one of the few people that was on my side ten years ago" I said

"Hi, sorry for kicking you...I was trying to protect (y,n)" Ela said and I blushed

"Don't worry...I didn't feel a thing" James said and I hold Ela again because she thought he was making fun of her

After I explained that James has congenital insensitivity to pain to my "overprotective" girlfriend she calmed down. Now we were preparing everything so we can take him with us.

"We have plenty of space for you to work at our new HQ" I said

"I really hope-" James couldn't finish when the wall behind him was blown up into pieces.

When I woke up I heard Ela's voice echoing in my head when I saw a blurry image of a green haired woman coming to me and helped me to get up.

"Man, James is beneath the debris!" She said. She sounded scared

"COME ON OUT JAMES... I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE" I heard a voice outside the building

"Fuck...they don't give up" James said

"Who are they?" I asked him

"The Ghosts... " He said and my eyes widened in surprise

They are team made to get rid of people in a "quiet" way...it wouldn't surprise me that Markus send them to kill us, they were trained to track down their prey and kill in the shadows...

"Ela...get him out of here while I take care of them" I said as I stood up

"Dude, take my six shooter gun" James said and I smirked. He likes old west things, I took it and Ela grabbed my hand

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked me

"Help James, I'll be fine" I said trying to reassure her. When I went outside the building I saw four guys in front of a Stealth ship

"My, My, My...(y,n) (l,n) you son of bitch how come you are still alive" One of them says

"I think Markus will be please to know that we took care of two birds with one stone" another one said

"Why don't you get James here so we can finish this once and for all" the third member spoke of

"You see that's what I wanted to talk to you about...he can't come" I said

"Who?" The last one spoke

"James! You see he is stuck beneath the debris you guys made" I said

"Do you think we are joking!?" The first one spoke and I shook my head

"No, of course not. I understand you guys were just playing around but my friend just didn't get it! Of course if you all were to apologize" I couldn't even finish when they started laughing

I know they know I'm still a kind person...the truth is I'm still the same man I was ten years ago but I learned from my mistakes and from Ela...and they are seriously pissing me off. I saw a couple of trucks arriving to the place but I didn't care...

"I don't think it's nice you guys are laughing" I said in a serious way and they stopped laughing
"You see James doesn't like people laughing at him. But if you guys apologize like I know you are going to...I might convince him that you really didn't mean it" I added slowly putting my hand on my hustler.

Ela PoV

I was running towards the rooftop where James told me to go, he said he had a rocket launcher up there...I didn't ask why but it was to help (y,n) so I didn't question anything. Once in the rooftop I saw the launcher and I loaded it and when I heard the shots I aimed at the ship and blew everything up even the trucks behind the ship.

I quickly ran back to where (y,n) was and I jumped on him and gave him a kiss...I was shaking but I also was excited because it's the first time I have shot that a rocket launcher.

"See I told you wouldn't be a waste of time" he smirked at me and I smiled

"Shut up!" I said as I turned around hiding my red face from him

"OH GOD JAMES!" I yelled. We ran back to him and he was already out and he fixed his own broken arm

"We should get out of here before Markus finds out what happened and get Doc to check you up" (y,n) said to James 

"Same goes for you too Ela" (y,n) added looking at me 

"ME? I'm fine! speak for yourself" I protested

"Fine...we all are getting check up" He said and I noticed he was rolling his eyes so I punched him in the shoulder...not so hard obviously 

I'm glad this mission wasn't a waste of time, I had fun rescuing someone who helped my boyfriend escape. It was a shame we didn't make it to the chinese wall but it's ok. We met a cool guy and I got the chance to spend this time with (y,n)...it pissed me of that I'm not being a good girlfriend...I must do better. I think even an idiot like him deserves better. 

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