Space Oddity

By AmariannaRose

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Kehaulani (pronounced keh-HOU-lah-nee origin Hawaiian meaning heavenly dew-cool breeze from heaven) came on t... More

🚀Making The Trip To Their New Home🏡
🫐Blueberries & Strawberries🍓
🔍🕵🏻‍♂️🔎Discovering The Discovery🌌🚀☄️
🤕Painful Bliss😇
Don't Worry About Me😟
⚫Black Alert⚠️
Close Proximity👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻👩‍❤️‍👨
Saru To The Rescue🦸🏻‍♂️
🥰Feelings Are Frightening😱😨
Pete And Repeat Went For A Discovery Ride🌌🚀☄️
Here We Go Again And Again♾️
Showoff Sexy Saru
He Is No Longer Himself😢
The Fear Of Losing You
🪞Mirror Mirror🪞 Lost In Space🌌 What The HELL Happened To This Place?!🤷🏻🤷🏻‍♀️
Slaves In Another Universe🌌
Going Home To War⚔️
🌎🌍🌏 Earth The Final Frontier And The New Acting Captian
Have A Little Faith In Us
Family Reunion Of Sorts👩‍👧
A Reason To Carry On
👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️Goodbye Hello👋🏻🙋🏻‍♀️
Delta Dawn
🏡Home Sweet Home🌐
Fear Of The Well-Known😨
You Are My Cyan Angel👼🏻😇🪽
Like Brother Like Sister👨‍👧
🎼🎵💖🎗️🎶In Remembrance And Honor🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿
⌚⏲Time Apart Brings Me Sorrow😭
⏳Do You Think Time Will Ever Be On Our Side!?!⌛
This Is Just A Bad Dream We Cannot Wake Up From💤🛏😴🛌🏿
👼🏻😇Angels Have Gone👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️
An Odd Welcome Home🏡🏠
Around You All Who Love You 😘 No Matter What News You Bring 📰
🌐🌎🌍🌏The Future Of Earth Left Uncertain🌎🌍🌏🌐
✌🏻🕊️Is Peace Even Possible!?!☮️✌🏽
Failed Exam
My Love🥰 For You Is Like A Red ❤️Red❤️ Rose🌹
🏴Keep Your Flag Held High🏳️
🦸🏻🦸🏿‍♀️Saving The Lost
I Envy You Saru
💗💖Of Heart And Home🏡🚀
Finding Yourself In Someone Else👩🏽‍🦰🪞👩🏽‍🦱
Into The Void We Go To Lose Our Senses And Save Our Souls
How Do We Survive This MADNESS!?!
Naughty Nhan
One Of These Things Doesn't Belong
Kneel Before Unknown Species 10-C 👾🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️

🌑Living In Darkness With Only You As My Light💡🕯️

63 1 0
By AmariannaRose

"You did this on purpose!!"  Saru yells once he gets over his sadness and becomes angry once again this time because Kehau decided to become a Kelpien once again even if it was by looks only "I told you the reason I did this! if you don't believe me that's fine! but I will not stand here while my sister-in-law and the rest of the people down there are in danger!"  Kehau replies with a harsh tone Saru's eyes widen as Kehau storms out of the Turbolift as soon as the doors open he walks off after her then heads towards the Transporter Room with Kehau at his heels once they are inside Saru says to the officer on duty "you are relieved from duty"  the officer replies with a confused tone "sir?"  Saru points his hand towards the door and orders "get out"  Kehau smiles at the now scared looking Science Officer and says softly  "sorry Mark Saru is not himself at the moment so please just go!"  the officer nods then leaves and Saru walks over to the controls puts in the coordinates he wishes to go and a timed setting to take him there then walks over to the Transporter Pod and steps on it he sighs when he sees Kehau already standing on it ready and waiting to go then they hear the doors open once more and Michael say "Saru, I know what you're doing move off the transporter pad now"  Saru turns to face her and replies "or what, Michael?"  Michael says holding the phaser she had in her hands up at him "I don't want to use this but you're not thinking clearly, Saru"  Saru replies as he takes Kehau's hand in his "I have never felt more clarity than in this moment this is the only way would you not do the same for your own brother?"  Michael looks at him as though she was ready to cry and Saru and Kehau get beamed down to the surface.... "you shouldn't have come!"  Saru says softly "you heard them they said "Kelpien's" not "Kelpien" if I had stayed the people on the planet, your sister and the people on the ship would still be in danger don't deny it Saru there's a small part of you that is glad I am here!"  Kehau replies he chuckles then says "a very small part.... minuscule!"  she smiles then gasps as they are sent someplace else.... Saru and Kehau gasp awake laying side by side in an unfamiliar place Saru quickly stands up then helps her up and hugs her to him as they look around them she takes his hand and they begin to walk around they stop when they reach a large circular glass floor then turn when they hear someone else get transported onto the ship "Siranna?!"  Saru shouts with a surprised worried tone then he and Kehau rush over to her and help her stand "brother? Kehau!?!"  Siranna replies with a surprised tone then she says "oh, why did the Watchful Eye take me? it is not yet my time"  Saru shouts "my sister has nothing to do with this! we are the ones you wanted"  Saru shouts as he looks around the room but does not get a reply "why did you have to return? everyone else thought you were dead but the night you disappeared, I saw the light rising into the sky I became a priest to seek that light to seek you your face is beautiful to me, but part of me hoped I would never see it again because it might mean you were free"  Siranna tells her brother who turns and looks at her then they hear a whirring noise and they turn to see three small ship like robots fly into the room and towards them both Saru and Kehau place Siranna behind them protectively the ships scan their faces then send a pulse like wave towards Saru pushing him up against the wall and locking him in place "no! no stop!"  Siranna shouts Kehau hugs her to her and Siranna hugs her back hiding her head in Kehau's chest as the tiny robots fly out of the room Siranna, Saru and Kehau hear the sound of distorted cries and what was once thought to be glass turned out to be a liquid for ripples came from within the large circle "it's ok!.... everything's going to be ok!"  Kehau whispers soothingly into Siranna's ear making sure she doesn't look at the black blob like form coming out of the circle wanting to protect the women he loves his wife and his sister Saru tries to free himself from the binds that hold him and a new form of his ganglia slides out of the back of his neck then shoots long needle size spikes at the Ba'ul who protects itself with a invisible force field needles much like Saru's old threat ganglia show up on the Ba'ul then it says "the first Kelpien to pass its Vahar'ai in over 2,000 years, and your primal, feral responses are the same as centuries ago your kind can never govern itself the Federation has no idea what they have welcomed into their ranks"  Saru replies "they gave me the chance stolen by the Ba'ul"  the Ba'ul says "your species does not deserve a second chance The Great Balance is the only way to ensure you do not destroy everything in your path"  Saru replies "The Great Balance is a lie you created to defend yourselves from us, and to absolve yourselves of murder in truth, you are frail you would be helpless without your technology"  the Ba'ul says "we will never allow the past to be repeated no threat to the Great Balance will go unanswered"  Saru replies "you cannot maintain what you think of as peace by continuing to cull us Kelpiens are more than our instincts"  the Ba'ul says "you are the only three Kelpiens to know the truth you will undergo analysis and be neutralized the truth will be contained"  then it slithers its way back into the circle on the floor "wait!"  Saru says but it was too late the Ba'ul had completely immersed itself into the floor....

"Now would be a good time to get mad Saru!"  Kehau says as the little flying bots return to the room Saru looks at her then sees the bot fly over to him a needle like claw comes out of the front of it then spins around really fast Kehau gently pushes Siranna out of the way as another bot flies in and heads straight for her and pushes her up against the opposite wall "Kehau!"  Saru shouts and he finally does as Kehau ordered and got mad enough that he freed one arm from the restraints then griped bot's spinning claw and broke it off then he throws the bot down to the ground and frees his other hand and neck another bot flies in as Saru stands up growling angrily he grips it then crushes it up against the wall he just freed himself from then he pushes the one that had trapped his wife up against the wall so hard that it flew backwards into the opposite wall he walks over to Kehau freeing her from her restraints hugging her to him once she is free then he goes to check on his sister "it is true, then you have survived Vahar'ai?"  Siranna asks breathlessly "yes"  Saru replies Siranna gasps in surprise as Saru continues "I am what we used to become the form we were meant to take"  Siranna says "The Great Balance.... our sacrifice to the Watchful Eye.... it was all a lie"  Saru adds "forced upon us by the Ba'ul"  Siranna says "that stole our mother and father from us and generations of Kelpiens, beyond reckoning"  Saru adds "and it must end"  he looks around him at all the broken pieces of machinery then walks over and picks one up as Siranna's threat ganglia appears Saru starts putting pieces of the bot together to create something new.... "Discovery, this is Commander Saru"  Saru says into his new "creation" "it's good to hear your voice, Commander"  they hear Pike reply through the comms "I am with Siranna and Kehau, inside a Ba'ul structure but we have no other indicators of our position"  Saru says "we can't seem to get a lock on your coordinates either your location must be shielded from our sensors have you come in contact with the Ba'ul?"  Pike asks  "yes it was.... enlightening"  Saru replies Kehau chuckles softly "Commander Saru, we used the Sphere's archives to analyze your planet's history, and it's far more complex than we thought all evidence indicates that Kelpiens, in post-Vahar'ai form, were once the Ba'ul's predators"  they hear Michael say through the comms "that confirms my suspicions and the Ba'ul's belief that, after passing Vahar'ai, my people can only be predators they will do anything to continue the Culling and to keep more Kelpiens from learning the truth"  Saru replies "it will not be easy to convince my people the Great Balance is a deception, but we must find a way to save them"  Siranna adds "thousands of years of conditioning will take time to undo"  Michael says "but Siranna is right we must demonstrate to Kelpiens and Ba'ul alike what we could become the same way I was shown"  Saru replies "The Sphere The Sphere triggered your Vahar'ai"  they hear Tilly say through the comms "yes, but we need to accelerate the process we cannot allow the Ba'ul to take action before Vahar'ai is complete for all Kelpiens"  Saru replies "if we isolate the active frequencies in the Sphere's transmission, the corresponding sound wave should speed up the biological response, right?"  Michael says softly "I got it"  Tilly replies "and the Ba'ul will have no choice but to face our evolved race"  Saru says "what if history repeats itself? we can't be responsible for the extinction of the Ba'ul species"  Pike asks softly "but the Ba'ul are still vastly technologically superior it would take the Kelpiens generations to become a serious threat"  Michael replies softly "generations during which the Ba'ul could face the thing they fear most about us not our so-called baser instincts our rage but we will prove to them that we can move beyond it we will not perpetuate the cycle we will create a new balance Captain, I cannot prove it, but I believe this is what the signal brought us here to do"  Saru says "very well, Commander Discovery will help you amplify the signal"  Pike replies "how will we broadcast the Sphere's transmission to all the Kelpiens at once?"  Michael asks Saru replies "the same way I made first contact with Captain Georgiou by using the Ba'ul's own technology against them"  Saru replies "that should do the trick Commander Saru, I'm sending you the modified Sphere transmissions now"  Tilly says Saru rips through the floor and connects his "homemade" communicator to the mechanisms underneath then he turns looks at his sister and says "once I do this, all Kelpiens, including you, will begin Vahar'ai everything will change I'm afraid it'll be much more painful, like being torn apart from within"  Siranna replies "just promise me, brother, that this will not be the end of our people"  Saru says gently gripping her wrist "no it will be a new beginning"  Siranna nods then says as she takes her brother and Kehau's hand in her own "then let it begin"  Saru nods then he turns to where he put his newest creation and turns it on "Siranna look at me!"  Kehau says softly as she grips her sister in laws hands Siranna looks into Kehau's eyes and the pain she feels begins to lighten but not go away completely "I'm sorry it will be over soon"  Saru says to his sister who flinches slightly but continues to hold strong as she continues to look into Kehau's eye squeezing her hands when the worse of the pain comes the structure that they were in begins to rumble and Saru looks around him in fear Kehau lets go of one of Siranna's hands and grips his then she places it over her stomach and his eyes widen in surprise as he starts to feel the tiniest movements swim along and push up against his hand

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