Breaking Cupid's Bow

By chinguine

3.7K 218 24

Spin-off for Cupid Ran out of Arrows because some of y'all hated that Y/N end up with Jungkook instead of Tae More

My Heart was Already Taken
But I was smitten by your smile
I didn't let it be shaken
Thinking it was Worthwhile
Walking A Path that wasn't paved
A Rough Road I dared to Take
Giving up was never Option
For your feelings that I will never Question
There Maybe Times that I will Waver
My courage will wane but I will never
Let Destiny Dictate the Outcome
But if your heart gets tired
Even with All my Effort and Might
If you decide to break it
And To Destiny You Decide to Submit
I'll break Cupid's Bow
And Block His Arrow
To Take Your Heart
And never spend our lives apart

Nor Let Myself be Outdone

122 9 0
By chinguine

This is where our story will branch. I will return the point of view to you (Y/N) instead of Taehyung.

The only difference between what happened before and now is that Y/N receives the call from Tae instead of missing it.

You rode a bus going to Jeolla. After your fight with Taehyung, you decided to already inform Jungkook's mother about your plans of transferring. Jungkook let you take the window seat. It was more than a four hour travel and you decided that it's a good time for you to ask.

"I know something's off, bunny. Do you want to talk?" You asked while he was leaning on the back rest of the seat in front of him.

Jungkook didn't answer but his shoulder slump admitting defeat that he cannot hold it in anymore. This time you know he would open up to you.

"Dahyun broke up with me." He turned his head sideways meeting your eyes.

He was frowning, showing a but of disappointment but not crying. Not that it surprised you. After his father died, you never saw him cry again.

"Did she tell you why?" You asked.

"She's leaving. Her parents are moving back to China." He didn't looked at you and just kept tapping his seat. "She asked me if she could trust me,— to not cheat— I said I don't know."

"Are you fucking stupid?!" You said and Jungkook chuckled.

"I knew you were gonna say that." He paused then gave me a mellowed smile. "I really don't know. I don't want to promise something I don't know if I can keep. Besides, she had the option to stay and yet she chose to leave me."

"So you planned on cheating with her in case she didn't asked you?"

"She shouldn't have asked that on the first place. It means she doesn't trust me. Even if I told her I wouldn't, she would still badger at me. Besides— I don't think I'm good at long distance relationship."

After years of living together, this was the first time after a long long while that you felt the old Jungkook again. The one who you were friends with when you were kids. The one you share your thoughts with. The one who talks about his feelings.

"You still should have tried." You tried to sound empathic even if you wanted to strangle him. "You loved her don't you?"

"What's love got to do with it? Even if I love her, if she doesn't trust me enough to ask me that— it's useless." He flutters his eyes, a signal to let you know he'd rather sleep than talk about the subject.

"Call her tomorrow. Maybe there's still a chance." You said.

Jungkook grunts. "Nah— we'll just go on circles. She plans to work there. I can't leave my mom here. Besides, we'll probably lose contact in the long run."

You pulled his head to rest on your shoulder. "You don't know that. I'm sure she'll answer your calls as long as you do call her."

Jungkook scoffed. "If I could do that, then I would've been able to return your calls when we relocate to Seoul."

He straightened up and close his eyes. "Wake me up when we're near our place."

At least that answers the question of who made the last call and the reason for your friendship drifting apart.

You were feeling sleepy but an instinct told you to check your phone first. True enough, Taehyung's been calling you for the last minute.

"Hello, Tae?" You said as you answered the phone hoping that he wouldn't scold you again like he did last night.

"Y/N?" His voice breaks and he begins to sob. "I'm glad you answered."

Your heart began to race thinking that something happened to him, "Tae? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Grandpa— grandpa— left us." Taehyung broke down and you can hear his sobs getting harder over the line.

"Tae— hmmm— Where are you?" You asked getting worried that he his mind is wondering off while crossing the street.

"In a bus now, I'm going home to Daegu." He said. "I just want to hear your voice— I feel so down."

"I— I have a book here— I can read you a story so you can hear my voice while traveling." You panic and said the first thing on your mind before realizing it's ridiculous.

Taehyung chuckled over the line at your suggestion and it made you pout. "Hey! I'm trying to help, don't laugh at me."

"I really love you Y/N. Sorry about last night." He said. "Can I see your face?"

You heard two beeps and saw that your battery is almost drained. "Love you, too Tae. My battery is dying so I don't think I can't switch it off to video but—"

You heard series of beeps and the screen dies. "Fuck!"

In the hopes of estimating how long until you arrived to your aunt's house, you looked around. You feel disheartened knowing that it would still take you at least an hour to arrived.

With your uneasiness, Jungkook wakes up. He looks at the window. "We're still far! I told you to wake me up when we're near—" finally noticing you panicking, he looks at you, "what's wrong?"

"Tae's grandfather died." You said biting your lips to stop you from crying. Granted, you never met him personally but during one of your calls when Taehyung was in Daegu, he introduced him to you. "My phone ran out of battery, Tae's been crying."

"Oh." Jungkook crosses him arm and lean on the backrest then closed his eyes.

"How can you be so heartless!" You said pushing him and if not for him grabbing the arm rest he could've faller from his seat.

"It's unfortunate but it has nothing to do with me."

"At least offer me your phone so I could call him back!" It was more of a demand than a request and Jungkook shook his head while taking his phone off his pockets.

"There! Happy? You never really pick a time and place to annoy me." He said closing his eyes again.

"What's your passcode?" You asked.

"Your birthday." He simply said.

"What? Come on just tell me what it is so I won't disturb you." You insisted.

"My passcode is your birthday, May 25, 1995, 052595– do you want me to write it for you?" He looks at you mockingly.


"Because— because your head can't seem to remember numbers." He rolled his eyes.

"No— why is it my birthday?" You asked quite baffled at his decision to do that.

Jungkook snatched his phone away from me. "I could either answer your question or you can borrow my phone— now which is which?"

You snatched back the phone and enter your birthday. True enough, it unlocks, you looked at him puzzled and his face seemed conflicted. "Dahyun always checks my phone and she doesn't know your birthday."

"You should change it."

"What if I don't want to?" He teased.

"I don't care. Do what you want. I just don't want Tae finding out and then we'll fight again and—" You said and entered Tae's number while Jungkook clenched his jaw.

"Tae?" You blurted out when he picked up. "I borrowed Jungkook's phone. How are you feeling?"

"A bit better— thanks. I really need to see you right now." He said and a request for video call comes in.

"Do you want me to go there?" You could see Jungkook mouthing Are you fucking kidding me?

"I want that— but it's too far, babe. You have to go back to Seoul to be able to get here." He said. "Just seeing you right now is fine."

Jungkook took something out of his bag, a pen and paper. You don't know what surprised you more, the fact that cares about you or that he actually have school supplies in his bag.

I already told mom you're with me. She's expecting you. He wrote.

"I know." You said.

"You know what?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing. I'm talking to Jungkook." Before you could stop yourself from saying that, you already blurted out his name.

Taehyung chuckled, then looked away, his nodded his head and returned to facing you. "Thank him. For letting you borrow his phone—yes, appa— okay— Hmm Y/N?"


"I need to go. I'll try to call you again later. We need to organize the wake— appa needs my help." Taehyung said.

"Okay, bye— I love you." Your eyes caught Jungkook feigning that he was vomiting and you darted your tongue at him.

"Love you, too babe."

"You're a fucking asshole." You told Jungkook off when the call ended.

"Yes, but nice one— I let you borrow my phone. You owe me now." He said proudly.


"Aunty!" You shouted as you saw her mother waiting for the both of you by their gate.

"Y/N! You seemed bothered?" She asked as she was caressing your face. You looked at Jungkook who was looking dejected and back at his mother.

"She wants a dick." Jungkook said and immediately his mother swatted his head.

"What kind of language is that Jeon Jungkook? You're very disrespectful of your, Noona." His mother was glaring at him which he was darting his tongue on his cheek.

"Whatever— I'm going in." He said and left the both of you.

"What's his problem? Did he and his girlfriend whom he doesn't want to introduce to me fought again?" Aunty was huffing from anger while you contemplated if you would tell her the truth.

"They broke up."

Aunty scoffed, "I don't think he's into that relationship in the first place. Anyway— come on in, I cook dinner already—"

"Actually, aunty. I need to go. Taehyung— my boyfriend's grandfather died— and I want to be there for him— he kinda raised Taehyung when he was still a kid." You said. "— but— but not before I tell you the reason why I'm here— it is because I wanted to— I wanted to rent a room in my friend's apartment. So— so I can't look after Jungkook anymore, not that I'm doing a good job of that."

"Where does he live?" My aunt asks. "Your boyfriend where is he right now?"

"Daegu— aunty I'm really sorry." You repeated your apology thinking that she didn't heard what you said.

"Let me call my friend, he usually go to Daegu during weekends maybe he hasn't left yet." She said.

"Aunty— about me leaving— I mean I really owe you a lot so—" You began to say but her face mellows. She pinched your cheek and smiled.

"I took you in so Jungkook could look after you. You never asked for help— I made sure Jungkook is there for you when you need one. If you want to go— it's okay— you don't owe us anything. But Y/N you have to promise me okay?" When you heard her words you already began to cry.

"What Aunty — anything—" I said.

"Call Aunty, okay— call me when you need help." she said.


You were walking to the corner where your Aunty's friend was supposed to be waiting when you heard someone calling "Noona!" you stopped and it was Jungkook.

"Mom said I should see you— I don't know why but yeah— you might get lost or bang your head on your way to get some dick." He said while you shake your head and ignored him.

A man inside a car wave at you matching the plate number your aunt told you, which is a surprised since you didn't know him. It was only when Jungkook grab your arm that you remembered that the bunny is still following me.

"What? Yes I'm going to get some dick. Get dicked down by my boyfriend at his grandfather's wake. Is that what you want to hear?" You said but his reaction cannot be more different.

His eyes were glassy as if he was trying not to cry. He was lips can't seem to decide if it will form a smile or a frown. "Y/N—" calling you by your name is quite weird even for his standards.

"Can you think about it? Think before leaving me." He said.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy? Happy that I'm leaving the apartment?" You said.

He smiled, "Yeah— Go ahead, go get some dick."

When you entered the car, you saw Jungkook slumped with his hands on his face.

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