Breaking Cupid's Bow

By chinguine

3.7K 218 24

Spin-off for Cupid Ran out of Arrows because some of y'all hated that Y/N end up with Jungkook instead of Tae More

My Heart was Already Taken
But I was smitten by your smile
I didn't let it be shaken
Thinking it was Worthwhile
Walking A Path that wasn't paved
A Rough Road I dared to Take
Giving up was never Option
There Maybe Times that I will Waver
My courage will wane but I will never
Let Destiny Dictate the Outcome
Nor Let Myself be Outdone
But if your heart gets tired
Even with All my Effort and Might
If you decide to break it
And To Destiny You Decide to Submit
I'll break Cupid's Bow
And Block His Arrow
To Take Your Heart
And never spend our lives apart

For your feelings that I will never Question

142 10 0
By chinguine

There were four of us applying for the same position but Jin assured me that he put a good word for me.

While waiting for my name to be called, I remember our conversation the week before.

"Where did that came from?" Y/N asked after suggesting to her that she should leave their apartment.

With my lips pursed, I tried to find the words I needed to say to convince her. "You owe your aunt because she's letting you stay for free, I just want to free you up of that burden."

"It's not a burden—"

"It is for me." I finally admitted even if I'm scared of her reaction. "It makes me think I'm also in a relationship with her and her son since you have to think about them all the time!"

"Tae! What kind of reason is that?! I don't want to be ungrateful for the things they've done—"

"That's why I will work— I'll work so you could get out of there — I want to be the one you're grateful for."


The interview went fine. Basic questions like my work ethics or if I knew basic english. A little bit of chat regarding Jin. They said they would be calling me regarding my start date.

It was still early when I check my watch, Y/N isn't replying to my messages but I still went to their apartment to visit her.

Just when I open the door, I found her bickering with Jungkook again.

She was stomping her feet near the dining room while Jungkook was pursing his lips sitting in their living room sofa.

"— you— don't— fucking—own— it!" Y/N was pointing at Jungkook while she gnawing her teeth out of anger.

"Hey— what's wrong?" I sat beside Jungkook with Y/N fully ignoring my presence, could it be a serious fight?

Jungkook didn't answer and remained livid.

Y/N is now grunting and I could feel Jungkook is about to burst as well any second. "Is it okay if you leave first? I'll talk to her." Thankfully, he nodded while Y/N was still huffing.

"I'm going out, then." Jungkook snatch his jacket but before he was able to hold the door knob. Y/N scoffed stopping him from any movements as he clench his fist.

"There you go again— whenever I confront you with something and what do you do? you ran away again!" Y/N almost yelled.

Jungkook turned around to face Y/N and glared at her, he snapped and then it was his turn to shout. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE NOONA IT'S JUST A FUCKING PUDDING! YOU'RE MAKING IT SOUND LIKE I KILLED SOMEONE!"

Nice. They're fighting about pudding. I can't believe I thought it was serious.


It's times like this that even I admit to myself that they are indeed like two siblings fighting. Shallow reason begets more intense fight and shouting. No one wants to back down as insults escalates with every conversation.

"I'll buy you one, Y/N—" I begin to say as I approach her but Y/N pouted at me.

"That's not the point, Tae." She said whining and turned back to Jungkook again.

Jungkook scoffed and looked at me with his face full of mockery, "Yeah, hyung that's not the point because there's no point at all TO SHOUT AT ME OVER A FUCKING PUDDING THAT'S INSIDE MYYYY FUCKING REFRIGERATOR!!!" This time he was looking at Y/N.

"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Y/N shouted again as she began to remove her slippers but I stopped her from doing so.

"Why? Did Gandalf gave it to you? Is it a magical pudding that removes that stick up your ass?" He was like a cheeky little brother that's would never stop insulting her to get back at her overreacting at what he's done.

"Shut up you fucking pudding stealing bunny!" Y/N retorted."Tae! Let me go!!!!! I'm calling auntie!!!!"

Jungkook was about to open his mouth again when I motioned him to go.

"Stop this Y/N. I'll buy you one." I said while Jungkook immediately got out. Immediately, the anger inside her sizzled out. "What brand do you want?"

"I don't want one anymore." Y/N said as she hugged me and nuzzled my chest. "I hope that interview of yours went fine so I could get out of here and all my future pudding will stay safe."

"I think I got the job. They said they'll call me." I said as I hugged her back and she sighed in contentment.

It was like a seesaw.

Whenever they fight, she'll be supportive of me finding a job. Whine at me at how she really wanted to get out because Jungkook is pissing her off.

Then he would be back to his old pathetic routine of getting himself in trouble and we're back to her indebtedness as she will also confirm with me again if her leaving him is justifiable.

"Have you eaten?" Y/N asked as she raised her head and I kiss her.


"I cooked something— Jungkook and I already ate dinner so—" Y/N went back to the kitchen to ready the table for me. "I'll just watch you eat."

"Okay." I said.

She was like that with me. She would do everything by herself and if I tried to help her, she would feign being mad about it.

She doesn't like me buying food for her anymore since I'll be working so she could rent the other room in Lisa's place.

She wants nothing from me and sometimes I hated it.

There's nothing wrong with being independent. In fact, it was one of the reason why I fell in love with her but just once— just once I want to feel needed.

"That some deep thought." Y/N said with her begging eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

"Your fight with Jungkook awhile ago— I just can't shake it off my head." I admitted. I wish she would demand something from me, shout at me for a pudding.

Instead of her usual spiel about them being just like a sibling, her eyes waters and I immediately grab her shoulder. "I'm sorry— I didn't mean for you to feel bad— I was just thinking about —"

"I'm sorry— I'm always a burden to you." She hugged me while her shoulder shakes. "I didn't mean for you to see that— I'm frustrated when things didn't go as plan and I was really thinking that pudding could take—"

"You're never a burden to me." I said but her mewls got louder. "Y/N I'm sorry about what I've said. I got frustrated, okay? Okay, how about this— as long as you don't let him into your room I'm okay with it—"

Her cries didn't stopped and I knew it was my fault. Sometimes I'm a douchebag who don't even consider how she is feeling. "I was gonna say I can't get it out of my head because you two are like me and my sister."

Finally, Y/N stopped, raised her head and looked at me while she hiccups. "Really?"

"Yeah— it was kinda cute." I said.

"It wasn't cute— he ate my pudding." She said innocently and I fell for her all over again.

"He wasn't— you were— cutely but valiantly fighting for that pudding's right." I pinched her nose and she hugged me again.

I carried her over to her room and let go of her on her bed. I climbed in on top of her and she giggled like a kid but it subsided and her face becomes serious.

"Forget about the pudding." I said caressing her face. "Let me be your pudding okay? I promise after I saved up for your place— you'll always have puddings waiting for you."

"I know. Please don't let Jungkook eat you— only I get to eat you."

"That sounded so wrong." She laughs at my joke but then turn serious.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Thank you for being there for me— when I'm having shitty day like this one and nothing seems to be right."

I answered her with a kiss and she sat straight beside me. "Nothing seems to be right in my life ever since I turned fifteen you know— except for you. I feel like you're the only thing right in my life right now."

"Don't say that—"

"They might arrest my father." She confessed. "He got into some scam and his partner who got the money vanished so — he's paying for his crime even though we're victims, too."

"I'm sorry—"

My hands covered hers, squeezing it. "Please don't— I don't feel ashamed about them but I don't want you to treat me differently. I used to— I used to, I used to feel ashamed but I realized that if I'm feeling anxious and scared about what's happening— for sure my father feels a billion times that."

"No— I don't feel sorry about you. I'm sorry that I'm such a dick for making all go through my stupid jealousy when you're going through something like that."

She leaned on me, "That's the reason why I love you so much. You see me beyond everything but still
Tae— if you get the job promise me you'll quit if it affects your studies okay?" She said as she touched my face.

I lay down beside her and chuckle. "I thought you want to get out of here. Yeah— maybe a few months or so— maybe I'll struggle." I looked at her confused face. "— but I want to do this for you."

"If you'll have a hard time juggling your work and studies then I'll worry about you." She said. "I have a lot of things I worried about so I just—"

"I promise I'll quit if I can't handle it." I told her.

"Thanks." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and smiled. "Are we gonna do it?"

"After that story about your father, I mean— I always thought you were just struggling— I didn't know your family are going through something like. I'm thankful you know— that you finally told me. Anyway— I thought you're tired— I was thinking maybe we'll just lay here and talk. So you could rest and—" I noticed she was already silent her eyes shut close and her breathing deep. I gave her a chaste kiss on her lips. "Thank you. I love you, Y/N."

I went out and open the fridge feeling a bit parched. There it was, a new pudding with a post it note on top of it.

Got your pudding from the dwarf who took it. Told you I didn't ate it — JK

While I'm now convince Y/N sees Jungkook as her pesky little brother. It seems her bunny takes into account her feelings no matter how much he tries to deny or pretend he didn't.

"Hey—" Jungkook was scratching his head as he get out of his room. "I bought one because— you know— she can be a headache— when she—"

"How's Dahyun doing?" I asked him instead.

"She's — uhmm— she's good— I think." He said.

"Maybe before buying pudding for someone else's girlfriend you need to start caring about yours. Did you tell her about Irene?" I confronted him trying not to increase the volume of my voice.

Jungkook massage his temple and look at me. "Thank you for that. Dahyun told me you explained it to her that it was a misunderstanding. We're okay now— she is just busy with her studies so we haven't seen each other for a while."

My brows furrowed at what he said. I never explained Irene to Dahyun— more so, tell her lies. "Whatever, I'm going."

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