Reincarnated From Vanity

By CuriousOtaku

39.1K 1.1K 286

DISCLAIMER | VERY GRAPHIC INTRO - VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED A old man left a hard-working, lonely life. A slo... More

Chapter 1 • Death by Heart Attack | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 2 • The God's Blessings and Curse | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 3 • Tribulation after the Reincarnation | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 4 • Curse of the Seal | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 5 • Awakening | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 6 • Myself and I | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 7 • Confronted | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 8 • So called Wonderland | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 9 • Forgiveness | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 10 • Recovery | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 11 • New World | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 12 • Encounter | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 13 • Dire Extravagant | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 14 • Tom boy Princess | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 15 • Erev Tov | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 16 • Dreamy Departure | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 18 • Dinner with the King | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 19 • Peculiar morning | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 20 • Godfathers | Reincarnated from Vanity
Chapter 21 • Compromise & Future | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 22 • Dear Journal | Reincarnated From Vanity
Useful Comparative Graphs
Chapter 23 • Not A Simple Shonen Fantasy | Reincarnated From Vanity
Chapter 24 • Fragile yet Brave | Reincarnated From Vanity

Chapter 17 • Prodigy vs Prodigy | Reincarnated From Vanity

1.1K 25 19
By CuriousOtaku

{Picture above not mine, but for the sake of a coherent illustration and story, the plot will be based on this}

"Please wake up"
"The castle is at view"


"Come on, come look!"
"The palace is at sight!"
It won't be long till we arrive there!"

*Gazing through the window*
"A breath taker..."

Is this a painting?
Such notion that came spontaneously
Such view that could only be viewed as fantasy
Such views conjured only by the imagination of artists

As the sky was dimming
The sky that began to rally more clouds
And the sun that began to shy away
Waning away
The daily farewares of the light
Exchanging by the growing cold night

A majestic mountain range in a distance
Whose foundations are unmoving rock
Casted by an finished coating of powder
The frozen winterland wonderland

And upon those mountains are my beloved city, Remlangt
Who knew Fluoria could kept such sight?
The city I knew for almost a year long
The city square, neighborhood, markets, guilds, parks, slums, and old man's "Bearded Axe"
All that from the far distance
I wonder how old Gramps are doing, he must be worried sick...

Mountains that peaks at both near and far
The forest that curtains the landscape
The greenery that overwhelms the lands
mysteries that still proven untamable
And ruins unknown
Fate unfolded

The sight from here is wonderful

Beyond the city of Remlangt
Lies the imperial palace, the Royal Castell
Built upon an island hill in lake over generations
Built along gigantic boulders
Hauled from the centuries
A castle that towers up to the sky
Overseeing to many lands

To proceed to the castle you must transverse above a considerable lake
And thus along a bridge is most convenient
There are two of such bridges
Those bridges that span about a 40 worth stone throws
And about 4 carriages in width
A structure built upon a diorite and cobblestone
Carved by several stone masons

It connects to the center island
Where the palace, barracks, and nasional warehouse are all located

A bit further from the center island is also one minor island
Viewed a bit on the right in the illustration
There's a building are much shorter than the ones found on the main island
Perhaps almost complimentary
That is the wizard tower, where the royal sages research and foward the knowledge
Though what there is to write is indeed accessible from [The Great Library] by Lybra-san
There is no bridge to the island, all must use either boat or magic(hardly anyone could).

The reality is a foot
As I continue to head to the Royal Castell



"Yes, Shiiori-chan"
"What is it that you wish?"

"...., Um... Could we stop the carriage?
"I wish to see the the flower bed" (anyone know this reference?")
"I mean"
"Um.... I wish to.... Attend to nature briefly"

"Ahh Shiiori-chan wish to go to the potty?"

*Nods head*
"Could Isabella -nee-san stop the carriage?"

"Coachman, Mr. Bhor; could you please pause the carriage for a moment?"
"It seems that we need a break"

"Alright there miss"

*Carriage stops*

"Though I must press on to inform you that we must be by the castle by today"

"Alright, I understand"
"Come on then, Shiiori-chan"

"Ano, will Isabella-nee-san will take company too?"
"I consider I'll be fine..."

"Shiiori-chan that just won't do"
"Besides I must be by your side always"


"Shiiori-chan, please make haste"



Even after all this time I suppose I still have not gotten used to it
I mean being a female that is
About a year ago I was an old man
With 60+ years experience of being a man

Though perhaps the slight guilt and shame might have been shaved off by time
But it is still prevalent?
In terms of years; I mean even ratio wise, this is even true
60 to 1
Quite the imbalance
I mean you wouldn't know unless you've been through those sixty years
Through the decades

This time I have to give a complaint
Not only not used to being a girl
But also doing so in the middle of a open forest
An a another female nearby
And to top it all off, trying not to soil the dress I had to wear
Being a female is a pain!

Also how could anything be more cringe worthy?

Luckily I only had to take a small pee
Luckily also, I'm wearing a rather light dress
Utilizing both leaves and water from a nearby river
I manage to finally finish my business

And imagine if I had to do the other thing
Taking a dump...
Ohh how the mere thought of it is revolting
Doing it in near her no less

Though for Grace sake, I am a vampire...
I eat far less actual food than a human my age
I mean I could theoretically survive solely on blood to sustain myself
Though I still enjoy the taste and texture of food from time to time.
Reminds me of being human once
And that way I wouldn't be a big bother at the dinner table

Honestly I also don't know how long or how I should take to wash down there
No one told me otherwise
A few splashes of water or a tissue should be enough right?
Hope so...
Also too many flaps of flesh down there isn't helping either
Though it's not exactly a hose, If you're really unlucky;
it could be more like a sprinkler....

Well I did learn quickly that you could pry them open using your fingers
Little less messy
I learn that trick around 8 months ago
The embarrassment of cleaning if it went all around
Oh those days...

And how did people maintain sanitation?
Perhaps they don't.... And that's the problem
Historical problems calls for historical solutions
Well, if it's considered a problem in the first place....

But eventually we all learn do we?

.....Uhh ....No


Dawn was finally upon us
Last light that was weeping it's final good byes
Before the starry sky queues
And wolf howls heard in the distance
The wonder of the night life
Restful unrest and merry estacy
Weary days indeed

We finally made it to the bride post
It's the first checkpoint before passing through the bride
Two stone structures on either side of the bridge delta
And a bridge-like structure that connects those two structures
Each building seem to border about 650 meters squared of land...
In addition to that, it seems to house about 25 soldier to 40 soldiers

It bore the purpose to screen those who came through the bridge
Caravans, Travellers, Soldiers units and Foreign Dignitaries
It was to be a through inspection
Usually it consists of personal, luggage, and general info about the passing candidates

It's quite quiet at the most time
That's because this was more of the backdoor bridge that connects to the Eastern side of the capital palace
The north bridge had far more people passing due to having a city right ahead;
Remlangt if you haven't caught on

After inspection was finished breifly, we were admitted to cross
Several guards that accompanied us along the way


All along the way we had passed some government run building
In the 'much distorted' island we're in there already several that could be spotted
A barrack, central embassy, nasional archive, and even the nasional warehouse from afar
All the things you'll expect in running and protecting a country

But it's not only just plain a nasional building,
but also home to a notable number civilians as well
There are people who live here as well beside the king and the royal family
There are small shops here and there
A cathedral, local farm and abattoir, city plaza, tavern and a small port
A flea market was also present, though I heard that one from word of mouth

As we head up the spiral street to the top of the island
The near the nasional foreign residence and embassy


It was quite dark outside when we first came into the nasional foreign residence
I was accompanied with the princess two maid, they did the admission and the complications at the reception.
They knew we were indeed coming, a messenger came prior via a fast horse
So it wasn't much trouble
I was told that the 'Princess Amelia Malcalester Campbell' was to arrive sometime afterwards
I enjoyed her company afterall....

And sorry for breaking the fourth wall....
Though let's say I speak as a fellow earthling to herself
A question
That is....
Have anyone went to a holiday in foreign country?
Well except if you're an American, I hear people there tend to have their holidays domestically, places like Yosemite and the Grand canyon are hotspots.
Also Hawaii and perhaps Guam?
Americans have it fun eh?

The thing is
Well this.... it's of similar circumstances?
Foreign as I never been here before let alone be acquainted
And also exciting!
It quite the luxury....
The detail and fine art
Similar to the winter mansion but persay quite bigger?
I mean it is to host foreign dignitaries
This is surprising to say the least
I, an old man, zealous?

And you've just went off to a far away nation for the holiday
After the often unworldly announcement that ring above
The frisky feeling in a major airport
You've finally arrived to your destination after an hour or so in a metallic tube

And you've packed up your things and ready to hit the sack
Choosing a discounted hotel administration
Amazing hospitality even perhaps when it's really not
The change in ambience sure is exhilarating
Quite the view of the scene eh?
And knowing in the back of your mind that all that will be only temporary
That one day you'll have to farewell them leave some time then
Memories, shall such memories last thee mutter?

I suppose it's an emotion similar to that.

As I was escorted to my room
By an 'Afred' - like butler
With much generosity and hospitality
To a fine room indeed!

It has a canopy bed, overhanging balcony, complimentary wardrobe and closet
A vanity section with a mirror to prepare for events and such
And a general table with comfortable sofas and chairs
Not to mention the stimulating texture of the rugs beneath once I remove all foot wear
Barefoot I mean

And here I'm also attended with a assigned personal maid
The butler explained
She and I, we get to know each other a bit
A rather quiet individual
Her name was Toela

Also something important,
I was scheduled for a supper I'm supposed to attend
Obviously I should prepare accordingly
It was to be a casual meeting with he king himself
Also he did arranged the event did he?
After hearing the news....
Perhaps It seems he's much eager to meet me

Also twenty-one on the clock
Pretty late but nothing out of the ordinary
I still have about 3 hours from now


*Public Female Bathroom*

The Nasional Foreign Residence has two open major bathhouses
Obviously ones for the males and one for the females
It's less like a bathtub and more like a small pool
It has the main pool, shower, hot spring and a sauna

The main pool is shaped in a large oval with marble figures around the pool's perimeter
Italian like sculptures of naked men , woman, animal....dispensing water....
About 25 meters across the short diameter and 40 meters across the long diameter
And after dipping my foot
The water is comfortably warm....,
it seems like magical crystals of some sort were installed to generate heat and purify
Imagine if those crystals were in earth,
A mineral that not also generate significant heat and purification capabilities
but also doesn't quite have the quality of being haphazardly radioactive for everyday consumption

Also on another note, there's also a place to take a shower
Which I cleaned myself prior
With a bucket and a miniature reservoir

Also on another important note....
You really realize the importance of things when you have to do without
Physical restricting but mentally liberating
Swimsuit aren't invented yet

I have to walk around au naturel basically
With perhaps inconveniently a small towel to occupy
With a maid following me where ever I go
Perhaps this was how it was done in the olden days
Well it's not like there are any males here right?
No one peeking?
Well beside that who's gonna take pleasure in sight of board chest like me?
My knowledge immediately rebuked me with a classification answer
Ahh.... Really? not a good thought to think about

Well now that I'm done with that
Peace and acceptance with my burdened conscience that is....
So where should I go first?
It has been so long since I had bathhouse~
It's been a year since I came to this world
Tears that almost.... Watery eyes
Finally a good soak in the water....
The essentiality of a Japanese citizen

I know exactly what to do first!
First the sauna!........or not....
How can I say this....
Well though I did plan to stay at the spa not at least half an hour....
And though I could easily pass an hour when I was an old man
Oh those times~
But with this childish body I could only withstand a mere 5 minutes
Or 4 minutes and 37 seconds corrected by [Lybra-san]
Till I started to feel rather light headed and a shortage of breath
But don't worry there, I do know my limits better than anyone
As I promptly step out from the "human steam cooker"

"How was the sauna Shiiori-sama"
"Was it to your liking?"

"It is but.... It's rather too much for me for the my"

"Hehe, you sure act mature for a child"
"Shiiori-sama, a glass of water?"

"Thank you"
*Drinks water"

"Hmmm, I do think that I act differently from others my age?"
"How do Toela-nee-san see so?"


"Well if that's the case, please forgive me for my current indulgence"
"Having you to care for me"


Well I guess I would be back the shower
Why you ask?
I mean a lot of sweat
My sweat, it's really just a thing I do

In my head I imagine my time experienced here in absolutely this order
An order to savor as much bliss this place could offer

Shower> sauna> shower> pool> hot spring spa> shower

I'll emphasize the shower because.... Well.... It's just me isn't?
Let's just say to experience reunion with things prior granted


I stayed about 20 minutes in the pool
It was comfortable as previously mentioned
Also to note, its deeper than your average pool in a very certain specific sense
It's obvious it's made for someone unlike me

Did you figure it out yet?
Supposedly for a average caucasian human female adult
The water level should reach just above her collar bone
Very specific like I said
For my case however?
Well let's say
I can stand on the floor,
Raise my hand up high
And still be submerged about 12 cm deep
And talk about being short here

Even Toela-nee-san seemed rather against it at first
But I assured her that I could indeed swim
But even after witnessing me swimming
She kept a viligent eye

I really seem quite the dotted one huh?
Something about me that makes me adorable?
Nah, I'm just.... Ripping legs
That can't be true right?

Well all I did was swim around the perimeter to and fro
Transitioning styles here and there routinely to practice lost skills
Though it was indeed fun....
There's something missing
.... Swimming alone is unpleasant....
I can't even tempt Toela-nee-san to join me
She said protocols and general guild lines prevented her so
And it's not like I can carry or even knock her to the water can I?

Next was finally the spa....
Or also known as the hot springs
Infamous for being infamously pleasurable
The joy for both adults and the elderly
Not children though, too hot they say
Well If there was something I was expecting the most of,
It would be here

I had already lost a match in the sauna
Now I'm very determined to conquer the spa!
And start the timer!


....I lasted 14 minutes before I tapped out
Again [Lybra-san] corrected me at 13 minutes and 42 seconds
Well what a kill joy eh?
Haha nevermind
I really did enjoyed my time there
The body in full relaxation
Bubbles that float to the top adds the texture that would otherwise be dull
The almost the emptying of one's mind
The numbing sensation
The soothing of warmth
That later turn to sizzling cruelty of heat

I truly wish that old man Gaius and Riza-nee-san could also enjoyed this
The quicker I finished with business here
The faster can finally return help old man Gaius
Poor him, he must be worried sick

Though Amelia-nee-san had inquired me where I lived
Was it to further the news?
Either way, he's probably worried sick
Now that it has been two days


After a breif and final shower
I was led to my room by Toela-nee-san
She had me a light dressed and
told me that I would be more properly dressed before a dinner with his majesty
About 2 hours from now

Also on another note I haven't seen either the princess or his majesty
Toela-nee-san told me that they had just arrived just earlier at the Royal Castell
The Royal Castell, where I'll meet them for dinner
Perhaps then

*My allocated room*

There I was left my room
I didn't really feel like going anywhere else
Moreover the moment the door was closed behind me I went straight to the bed
Ahh the refreshing feeling after a good water sport
A master bed for two
And since I was still child sized, you can imagine
The size comparison between me and blissful bed
I could make a snow angel and have enough space for a plate in my hand
Ah the small life~
Enough also for four to five roles on its length~
The window was opened to let the night air in
Also helped my hair dry
The occasional wind caressing my skin
Ah the wonder~

{{{Author notice : rather erotic scene, if underage or takened offended please skip this part}}}
{{{Author notice : you'll see another notice like this, it'll indicating the end of said scene}}}
{{{Author notice : I've warned you.....}}}

I'm was laying there blank
Not asleep but not exactly zealous either
I could make my self sleep for the mean time but
It was rather pointless as I have to attend dinner an hour later

Toela-nee-san is at guard in front of the door
Probably dusting the area while waiting
A very diligent person


You're joking right?
But, I mean it's my body right?
No! No!
Such precarious thoughts
I mean really?
Having lived an old prior?


I quickly ran up to the dresser
It had a full height mirror
Gazing at myself
The petite little girl
Beautiful eyes and mellow cheeks
Smooth and plush skin
Outrageous Albino hair
The embodiment of certain sexual epitome

I quickly undressed my one piece clothing
It left with me with the single undergarments
The so called, legendary panties
I've done this before right?
I'm not a foreigner to such foolish
Why am I so flushed?
Seeing people mate below my attic room
A practical brothel below
Several men over several woman
Why oh why

But it had been a while since I had that kind of fun


I forgo my panties as well

The full range of view of my nudity was exposed
The legs, the calf, the head, the chest, the vagina
Everything seen, everything open for the eye to behold
The guilt and pleasure that wrestle deep within

Toela-nee-san isn't able to barge in,
I noticed that she would always knock and asked permission to be let inside
And 2 hours or so remains
Untill I'll be need to be prepared by her


I placed my fingers at my stomach, slowly tracing down to my calf and up to privates
Inserting my index finger slowly...
But that won't really do
Middle finger?
But it was all rather dry..

A body like this isn't as forgiving to sexual pleasure normally

It's starting to be wet, but....

Hastenly I reached for a hand mirror and went back to bed naked
Using the hand mirror I could more closely observe every minute detail in every creveses and cavity
Since then, you see I haven't had a hand mirror

So I guess in this aspect it is still new to me

As I played around with my clitoris
Pressing and pulling
Squishing and flattening
A morsel of a flesh
That extruding piece of sensitive meat

An intense pleasure that struck in intervals
The sense of being teased
Desired affection


I stopped my there for a second....
What am I doing?
Am I supposed to be a man!
What am I doing, beholding such squirming and shameful act?
Such folly
How could do such a thing!
A vile act!


Transitioning my attention from my clitoris to my vagina
Placing my middle finger there revealed many flaps inside
Each flap of flesh, very sensitive to any friction involved
Very quick to give pulses of intense estacy

As I manipulate my finger in a very unnormal and adventurous way
Leaving no rock, or in this case flap unturned
All the name radical rebellious estacy...


There was a simple wax stamp used to give an impression on a blob of wax for letters
It's thick handle....
Well it was quite the explanation for intent was it not
Since it was also close to my bed a took it and used it's handle as a more satisfying shaft
Illustration of my grant folly

Inducing a more complete rubbing action
Back and forth, side to side, swirling and the occasional hooklike movement on a stick
The thick and rigid handle
I could feel the extrusion from my skin
The rough texture of wood as it was lightly shaved
All references from my kohais recommendation on ecchi books.
The intensity that exponentially increase

Rather in the between of moaning and grasping for air
I quickly used a towel I brought from the shower to wedge my mouth
As I continue to press on
All kinds of thoughts came streaming by
All kinds of thoughts....

An inate precognition of the coming climax
What people do call that climax, orgasm
Rocking back and forth

Imagination that run wild
Imagination of a male dominance over me
A faint between hallucination and vivid imagery
The chanting allure of pleasure and frustration
The whispering of my past in disgust, disappointment, and anger
Such is sexual frustration

As the rocking motions of back and forth that intensifies by the second
Pounding and grinding
The final moment
As I ram that mere stamp handle as hard as I could into my vaginal canal
Easily up to the cervix with much force
A violent pound to the cervix
Followed by a sudden expected gush of suspicious fluid
It came as pulses of gushing liquid
Squirting fluid more and more in quick intervals
Like the ringing of a phone, pausing for a moment only to ring again
The decline....

I quickly placed the towel I used for clogging my mouth and immediately placed below my private area near my buttocks
I don't plan to make a fool of myself by wetting the bed with obvious fluids.

Slowly as I tow away the wax stamp which handle was of much offence to my vaginal canal
Genitals and all
Leaving away an excess of fluids at it's wake
Resting the stamp on the towel as I wryly toss my arm above and over my head, my back against the bed
Letting and juices leftovers to succeed exiting as I occasional massage my lower abdomen to push away any remains

Slight sweat that's produced from excess excersize
I didn't smell bad much given I just took an extensive wash
And coming from a vampire sense of smell
No offensive oder was present indeed

As I leave my body to rest
Taking a breather it seems


What in tarnation did I do!!!!
Why did I do such a thing?
Such disgrace!
A childish sexual complexion am I?
Yes a pedophilic manifestation of lust?
Such outrageous impotence of control?
Foolish and dimsal beyond compare!

Was I too weak to resist meager temptation?
Was it that strong of a temptation?
What have I done?
What a fool I've been!
Resorting to such petty gratification!
As I digruntly despised myself...


Well frowning upon it wouldn't do me any good either
Only a waste of time...
Though the instantaneous regret that follows...
We must move on....

As I clean up the stamp and placed it on its rightful place
And used the towel to clean up the remaining fluids left on my genitalia
Examining the cloth
It wasn't really much there, let alone seen
Examining the bed, it seem it was of zero contact to the forbidden fluid
I conclude that I'll rather wash this some where
In the meantime I'll placed it here so that Toela-nee-san wouldn't washing it

Coming back to the dresser
I look down at the fallen garments
Wore back my panties and my dress
Conclusion has arrived

How long was it?
About 30 minutes
35 minutes and 24 seconds corrected by [Lybra-san]

Looking back
Temptation is still there
A possibility that I might come back to the bed only to pleasure myself
The seductive werewolf that stares right back at me...

I should leave....
Before any more shenanigans occur
The wise avoid the foolish act and it's deceit

As I face my bedroom door
Supposedly beyond that door
My maid assigned to take care of me....
Perhaps she can lead me somewhere else
Anywhere but here
For the mean time before dinner arrives

As I open the door
And swallowed my throat
*Opens door*

{{{Author note : the storm ends here, please continue to read from this point forward}}}
{{{Author note : for those who enjoy this scene, enjoy it as I most likely won't make something like this again}}}
{{{Author note : for those who regreted reading, it's in your long term memory no doubt, don't tell me I didn't warn you; I wrote you so}}}

"You wish of assistance Shiiori-sama?"

"Does this place has a library that I may access?"

"Yes it has"
"May I lead you there?"
"Yes please"


*At the library*

It was a private library, limited to guests who reside here
But special privileges were granted to enter by those obviously being of Royalty, nobles who frequent here, and staff members.
But staff members goes so far as to accomplish their job, nothing more
And so Toela-nee-san, waits outside the library waiting

Now where do we begin?
The room was a large, I must say
It was as large as 3 basketball courts
It was stacked with books to no end
Shelves that towers 3 stories high, the height of this mansion up to down
It lines the perimeter and fills the interior
A sliding ladder and pre-planned scaffolding on very high shelves only exaggerate the size of the establishment
Several tables and chairs were generous placed
Several comfortable spots to read are in eyes reach
A fireplace in the center and several lamps for adequate lighting

As I sat chair

A thought occurs; if this is just the foreign residence, how much more will be the national archive and library?

Much time to kill I suppose?
Perhaps a book on history, I'll have [Lybra-san] translate words I don't have already known
As I browse through the library in search of a book, my eyes caught a young man in front of a chess board.
He's seemd to be waiting for some one eagerly?
A young man in his prime, about 19 years of age?
Has blond hair, blue eyes, and a piercing gaze
He wears glasses, and I do say it compliment his face
And of course I have already realized who this person is
Second in line, Royal Prince of Fluoria
His older brother will be engaged with a princess from Zentorfa.

It seems this place also facilities games such as these huh?
And it has seem I stumbled upon company
Perhaps I should talk to the young gentleman?

As I walk closer to the man
The sounds of wooden against the soles of my shoe
He senses my foot steps and turned to face me

"Why does a little girl have to do in a place like this?"

*As I do a gentle curtsy*
"My prince, it's just as you said"
"I'm just a little child, but called for tonight supper with his majesty"
"And I wish not to be a displeasure to one such esteemed as yourself"

"Hmmm, interesting"
"Good manners"
"You're no simple country girl"
"Your speech is pristine"
"A child of several secrets"
"I have heard of good deed"
"You've protected my sister's chasity and the royal household name"
"Please, no need to belittle yourself too much"
"Please, sit down; make yourself comfortably"

"I thank you for your generous consideration"
*As I sat across him*

"It is just so"

"Is my prince not in a wait for an intended rival?"

"Yes but, it has seemed that he'll be much late"
"He has little a do with appointments
"And also this time as well~"
"But I see they you have interest on this game?"
*As he held the black king piece in front of me*
"I've seen your eyes drawn to this?"

It was a long deal a go since I last played chess
It was in a local club
I was proficient enough to be a national master
Though my time was severely taken by the work I had to do

"May I have the pleasure of having a match with prince?"

"I don't plan on teaching a child"
"The game isn't for a simple childish endeavors"

"Trust me"
"I can assure you that I won't be a disappointment"

"Hmmm, alright then"
"Have it your way"


"It'll be boring that way"
"So let's raise the stakes up a bit"
"If I win, you would leave this place unannounced"
"No need to attend the dinner, I'll fill in the gaps"
"No word of what happened here"
"Everything of your accord"
"Back to your little tavern and big brothel where you belong"
"And if you were to tell tall tales"
"Remember, I know where you live"



"My prince"
"You sure know how to make things interesting"
"And if I win, you must give me a full scholarship to Briskton National School of Fluoria"
"I'm sure my prince has no shallow pockets"

"Ha ha ha ha!"
"So well"
"So well said little girl"
"What a cheeky jester"
"In fact if you do indeed win, not only will I grant you that scholarship, I'll add you as my personal advisor"
"And place you to a fine seat to the royal household"
"Are you ready, oh little girl?"

"Sure, my prince"

And the game was set...


The one I'm facing was the second prince of the kingdom of Fluoria
He was praised to be quite the reserved and intellectual
Having his academics constantly on top ranks
An honor student

Nathan Malcalester Campbell

There is no doubt in my mind that he is a strong player
An he isn't one to play around


So much at stake here
Such an opportunity
I must win here!
I mean as long as I'm not cheating
I could use him right?
I mean even if it's just a fraction of his power
And combined with [Lybra-san] I'll have a sure victory
Increasing use is part of the goal anyway
Two birds in one stone!
As I whisper the incantation

[Divine Librarian] [Prestigious Genius : 5%]

My thoughts came clearer
Thoughts came rushing in like a food sorter
Sorting out several possibilities at a blink of an eye
Hyper activated in other words

But doing this uses much energy
The toll after use is much exhaustion
I tried 13% before passing out after 8 minutes
But with 5% I think I can at least last 20 minutes?

So I have to make this match as breif as possible


I have the black pieces while he holds white
His turn to start

1.d4 Nf6
2.c4 c5
I rather not test his knowledge on typical queen gambit variations
He's taking much space immediately
A well tested principal
Benoni perhaps?

3.d5 e6
All according to textbook knowledge
Who knows where this could lead us?
4.Nc3 exd5
5.cxd5 d6
6.Nf3 g6
8.Be2 O-O
Still standard theory....
{Author note : Shout out if you know where I got this from!}
9.O-O Re8
10.Nd2 Na6
11.Re1 Nc7
12.a4 b6
Also a bit of pain but immediately respond a4 with b6 is no good as a5 is a possibility
b6, a6, then b5 to finally break through
A waste of tempo but a necessary none the less
13.Qc2 Ng4
Queen to C2....
Leaving the Rook on e1 undefended
Rook as a liability for the king's position...
If only I could fish that king with a reckless irresistible bait....
A knight blocking the queen sight foward
An opening for my bishop on d4
A bishop lane from h3 to c8 diagonal
14.h3 Nxf2
Should I do it?
.... Yeah it is
A tasty bait
Horse meat anyone?
Really forcing him to go there am I?
15.Kxf2 Qh4+
And here we go the party begins
Finally found out that your rook there was a liability
"Haha, very clever little girl, very clever"
"You seem to out done me there"
"A surprise indeed"
"Thank you"
16.Kf1 Bd4
"And already targeting checkmate already huh?"
"Aggressive fellow"
"The wise seize every opportunity"
"Wise words, for a child"
17.Nd1 Qxh3
"I'm starting to like you"
"Either reckless or brave"
"What's your name little girl?"

"Shiiori, Niizuma Shiiori"

"I'll remember that"
"Especially after seeing that move"
"Rationally insane"
"Almost a taunt"

"Boden mate my prince?"
18.Bf3 Qh2
19.Ne3 f5
20.Ndc4 fxe4
21.Bxe4 Ba6
Pinning knight on d4
Possibility of rook to e5
22.Bf3 Re5
23.Ra3 Rae8
24.Bd2 Nxd5
25.Bxd5+ Rxd5
26.Ke2 Bxe3
27.Rxe3 Bxc4+
"He he he he"
"That bishop there"
"A beautiful deflection"

"Rook supports Queen on d2"
"Your two rooks serve nothing but gates for my queen to pass"
"Have you tried all the variations?"

*Claps hands*
"What a great game it was"
"Leads to either checkmate or losing the queen"
"I resign, you've won"

"Of course I wouldn't forget my promise"
"I'm a man of my word"
"But it's a shame I hadn't known earlier that you were such a strong opponent"
"Would've played English"

"Ha ha, I suppose so"
"[Prestigious Genius : deactivate]

"Such a talent is wasted in the slums"
"I would love to have you under my wing"
"What do you say?"

"....sorry but, I think I need some time to think over it"

"Sure, why not then"
"Take your time"
"And be sure to tell me when you've resolved your resolution"

*Knocking on door*
"It's time to prepare for dinner"

"Well then little girl"
"It seems you already have company"
"I look forward to dinner"
"See you then shortly"


As I left the chess board, the library and head back to my room
With Toela-nee-san beside me



By : Joshua J. Susanto
9/1 - 2020

My goodness, what a long and unique chapter it was!
About 6000 words, usually enough for at least 3 chapters
What a real treat!

Also sorry for those opposed with the NSFW content
And the obscure topic of chess

Anyway if you guys have any suggestions, request, or critics please comment below
There might be typos too....
And it time permits I would answer your comments
Besides I do enjoy reading them

Further information, I might update three months from now perhaps?
I'm actually busy with school so I wouldn't write so often until I graduate
Also merry Christmas and Happy New year
Though it's a bit late though....
Better late than never perhaps
Chinese New year too

Anyway this is my Christmas edition chapter

Also if you want to support me with related text, please do at

I would love to see your art and I might use it on my chapters

Anyways thank you so much after so long, and hope you have a wonderful holiday

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