The Beauty and The Killer (So...

By Flyer202

59K 1.1K 74

Bristol was the type of girl to act first, then ask questions later. So when she gets a panicked phone call f... More

<Chapter FOUR>
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty


3.8K 67 1
By Flyer202

Chapter seven~ Finally out of the hospital.

Bristol P.O.V

"Miss the doctor wants you to stay another day." I ignored my nurse as I began pulling off tubes and cords off my body. "I'm fine and I won't stay another day." I snap at her and got up from the bed. I walk out of the room to only bump right into Legs. "Where are you going?" He had grabed my arms to steady me. I smirked and gestured for him to follow me. "I'm leaving and you are my ride." The panicked look on his face had me laughing. "I don't think that's a good idea." He went to grab me, but I turned to glare at him. "Take me to my sisters or to Juice." He nodded and finally helped me to his bike. I have ridden on bikes before and loved it. Its the feeling of the wind in your hair and the feel and sound of the rumbleing that make you just feel almost free. However this ride was nothing but crap. It hurt to even sit on the seat. Not to mention I had to wrap my arms around him tightly. Causing me to wince because of the bruises on my arms. When we reached T&M towing I slowly slid off the bike and limped with Legs into a building. "What in the hell are you doing out off the hospital!" I looked up and smiled as Juice yelled at me. Shrugging I limped over to the couch to sit on it. I stopped midway however, when I seen Happy sleeping, with a blonde girl drapped over him naked. I looked behind me at Legs and Juice "Does the recliner work?" Juice sighed but nodded. "Legs get a blanket or something for me." He left the room and quickly came back with a gray blanket. Taking it from him I walked up to the women and woke her up. She slowly moved and looked at me anger in her eyes. I handed her the Blanket to cover herself with. She jerked it from me and stood to wrap it around herself. "Why the fuck did you wake me?" She literally had hissed at me. I watched as her eyes narrowed and she clinched her fist. "Its morning and I just got out of the hospital. I don't want to see a naked skank." I simply told her. Her mouth dropped open as she glared at me. "What's with the bruises didn't do what your told? Are you a sweet butt or a crow eater?" I pointed at her and looked over to juice "What the Hell is a sweetbutt?" Juice was making his way over to us as the girl reached up and smaked me. She might have smaked me but she she aimed it right at my bruised jaw. So when it connected it might as well have been a punch. She had even managed to resplit my lip open. The girl stood there with her hand on her hip. A look of smugness on her face. I smiled at her and looked over to Juice. "Is she important, Someone's favorite or Old lady? Im hoping the later isn't true." I could see from the corner of my eye Happy had woken up after that loud smake. Juice shook his head no. Which was all I needed. I went to grab the girls hair,But I was stopped. Someone had wrapped their arms around me and was trying to pull me away. Using them as leverage I jumped up and kicked the girl in the face. I heard a crunch like sound and blood spurted from her nose. She screeched and fell to the floor. She was clasping her nose trying to stop the bleeding. "What the fuck Bristol?" I heard Happy's raspy voice behind me. It didn't take long to figure out he was the one trying to hold me back. I shook myself free and sat down in the recliner. "I just wanted to sit down." Legs came in and handed me a mug with coffee. As Juice was helping the girl out. Happy stood in front of me with one of his glares. "You should still be in the fucking hospital." I shrugged and look at him over my mug. "Left early,Why do you care anyway?" If looks could kill his would at that moment. "Ive got fucking work to do." He turned and stocked off down a hall. Only coming back seconds later with a gray work shirt dark jeans and work boots. He didn't have his kut on. He walked right by us and out the door. Still having his Ill kill you with out thinking look. "What was that?" Juice pointed behind him. I shrugged and went back to my coffee. "I don't know" Juice watched me for a second then smirked "Bris what's going on between you and Hap?" I snorted and put my mug down.  "Absolutely nothing and I mean it Juice." He laughed and shook his head. "What about you and Payton?" I asked him as I crossed my arms. His face turned a bit red and he looked away from me. I picked my mug up again and finished off my coffee. With a huge smile on my face. I heard the club door open again and the sound of heels clicking against the wood. Gemma stopped half way to the kitchen. She pointed a finger at me with a huge smile on her face. "Did you break willows nose." I nodded and stood to take the mug to the kitchen. "the bitch smaked me for waking her up. Ended up kicking her in the face." Gemma motioned for me to follow her as Taylor came down the hall with Bon,Gentlemen,and Dandy. Bon barked happily and came up and bumped into me. I rested my hand on top of his head. "That dog is very protective of you." I grinned and rubbed his head. His tail thumped the ground as he wagged it. "That's okay he's actually a huge baby. He wouldn't hurt anyone." I heard someone laugh behind me. "Tell that to the prospect he almost took a bite out of." Gemma kissed the guy on the cheek "Good morning baby." he smiled at her "Good morning mom." Payton waved as Taylor stood there shyly. "Hey Jax how's Abel?" Taylor asked the guy. A huge grin spread across his face. "He's doin good going to go and visit him today. You want to go?" Taylor softly smiled "Sure I can go." Gemma Payton and I looked at each other before looking back at the two. What the hell is going on with those two. "Bristol this is my son Jackson." The blonde guy held out his hand to shake mine. "You can call me Jax." I shook his hand and nodded. "I would tell you my name but you already know it." He laughed and nodded at me. "Well I got some things to handle. Do you think you could be ready in thirty minutes?" Taylor nodded yes and Jax smiled and walked off. "What's going on with you and my son?" Gemma imeadetly turned to Taylor. Taylor's eyes widened as Gemma stood with her arms crossed. "There is nothing going on between me and Jax,Gemma I'm serious." Taylor told her as she took a step back from her. Gemma slowly nodded as Taylor went to grab her purse and other things. "What was that your momma bear mode?" Gemma chuckled "You could say that. She is suited for this life so are you two.Plus she would be better than that doctor bitch."She pointed to both Payton and I. I looked at her for a moment seeing she was completely serious. "Are you talking about Tara?" Payton asked her while pouring Gemma,herself and I  a cup of coffee. "That damn slut left my son broken hearted." I was a bit confused on who this Tara women was. I looked over to see Payton nod. "Who's Tara?" Both Gemma and Payton faced me. "She's a doctor at St.Thomas. The Hospital you were at. Which by the way why arent you there?" I smiled "Left didn't want to be there anymore." Gemma watched me over her mug. "You can help me in the office today since your sisters have things to do today." Payton rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Okay I have to go to work. Don't over do it today Bris." I gave her a hug as she left leaving me with Gemma. "Ill show you to Paytons room. Your stuff is in there." she showed me to Paytons room. Which was down the same hall that Happy disappeared down. Once we reached the room Gemma opened the door for me. "Okay Hun this is it get cleaned up,then come outside to the office." I nodded and she closed the door. Leaving me to myself and my thoughts. I quickly jumped into the shower and dressed in my usual. Baggy jeans and shirt throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I made my way outside and looked around for Gemma. She came out of the door with a clip board in hand. Walking up to her she handed me the board and a yellow slip. "Tell chibs that he has a repo to do,and tell the other boys they didn't fill out the paper work for Miss.Fratys damn car. That old bitch will be on my ass if she can't have it today." I smiled as I walked ti the garage. I could see chibs and a blond guy working on a car. I walked over and handed Chibs the slip. "Gemma says you have repo Chibs." He took the slip and gave me a kiss on the head. "Your sisters told me you left the hospital lass." I nodded "I feel fine some small pain." The blonde guy looked me up and down before smirking. "What's up with the baggy clothes doll." I rolled my eyes at him "My name is Bristol asshole." He laughed and raised his hands in a peaceful gesture. "Ment no harm." He said through a laugh Chibs shook his head at him "Come on Kozik lets go." I watched as they walked away. "Shit." I groaned out as I realized that I didn't get the forms filled out. Like Gemma had wanted me too. "You need some

help." I jumped when I heard Happy come up behind me. "I need these forms filled out." Happy gave me a confused look as he took the clip board. "Why isn't Gemma out here." I pushed some fly away hairs out of my face. "Im working in the office with her. Can you just fucking fill out the forms." He glared at me then looked back down. "Loose the fucking attitude its getting on my fucking

nerves." I laughed at him and crossed my arms. "Loose the fucking attitude...your not my fucking dad Happy." He came over with the clip bored but instead of giving me it. He stood so close to me there wasn't even any space. I had to look up at him to actually glare at him. A small smirk graced his lips as he bent down. "Believe fucking me baby doll, I am very aware of that fact." He stepped back from me and handed me the clip bored. I jerked it from his hand and stormed out of the garage. Once I was around the corner I stopped to slow down my heart. That seemed to want to beat out of chest. What in the fuck was that. I finally walked back into the office. Coming to the conclusion that I needed to stay as far from happy as possible. Gemma looked up from some paper work she was sorting through.As I stepped in I handed her the clip bored and she sighed. "Finally,who did this Happy?" I nodded as I sat down "He's about the only one besides chibs who does the paper work right." I chuckled as she handed me some files.

Happy P.O.V

I woke up to a loud smaking sound. Slowly sitting up I hear and see Bristol. Shes supposed to be in the fucking hospital. I jumped up and grabed her by the waist before she could hurt Willow. Who had a fucking smirk on her face. I could feel Bristol jump up and kick out her leg. Her foot crunched into willows nose. Blood spurted out and was all over the floor.

She moved away from me and sat down in the recliner as one of the prospects came out and gave her a cup of coffee. I glared at him not liking how he was fucking looking at Bristol. He ran off once he seen me glaring at him. "You should be in the fucking hospital." She shrugged looked up at me over her mug. "Left early,Why do you fucking care." She was right why do I fucking care. Why do I even care that prospect looks at her. "I got fucking work to

do." I turned and walked back into my room changing into my work clothes. Leaving my cut behind I.walked back out to see the prospect and Juice talking to her. She had a huge grin as I walked past and went outside. I headed straight to the garage and went to work. Ignoring Chibs and Kozik. I began working on Miss.Frently's car the old bitch was well a bitch. Wouldn't let anyone else fucking fix it. I slamed my tool drawer after getting what I thought I needed. "Bristol is out of the hospital." Chibs said aloud from under the car he was fixing. I just ignored him as I began taking out the starter. "Seen willow come out with a bloody nose. What happened to her?" I narrowed my eyes at Kozik "Fuck you two what is this fucking  twenty questions?" I growled at them causing them both to laugh. Which just grated on my nerves. "So what happened?" Kozik asked again. I sighed and glared over at him "Bristol kicked her in the nose for smaking her." Koziks eyes widened a bit before he grined "Sounds like my type of girl." My grip on my wrench tightened. A small bit of anger settled over me. Making me want to beat the fuck out of Kozik. What in the hell is wrong. Why am I so fucking angry at what he just said. Who the fuck cares if he did I sure as hell shouldn't. I tossed my wrench onto my tool box and bent back over the car. "hey Chibs Gemma says you have a repo to do." My whole body tensed at her voice. "Your sisters told me you left the hospital lass." I could hear her chuckle "Just a little pain Ill be okay." There was a small pause before Kozik opened his big fucking mouth. "What's up with the baggy clothes doll." I looked up from the hood and glared at him. "My names Bristol asshole." I looked over at her to see her sending him her own glare. She maybe bruised and hurt,but she is still not something to fuck with. I smirked to myself as I see Kozik hold both of his hands up. "Ment no harm." Chibs shook his head "Lets go Kozik." They walked out leaving Bristol behind. I watched as she looked down at the clip board. She was wearing baggy clothes. Just like in the hospital. Only difference was she was wearing jeans right now. Still looked hot even with all the brusies and the stitches. I watched her for a bit longer. Until she muttered Shit under her breath. "You need some help?" I could see her jump but she didn't say anything about me walking up on her. "I need these forms filled out." I was confused for a moment before taking the clip board."Why isn't Gemma out here." I watched as she pushed some hair out of her face. Making my fingers twitch with the want of doing it myself. What the fuck I don't want to go down this fucking path. No way in hell am I going to. "Im working in the office with her. Can you just fucking fill out the forms." Her fucking attitude snapped out. Which just pissed me off. "Loose the fucking attitude,its getting on my fucking nerves." I heard her laugh as I looked up at her she crossed her arms. "Loose the fucking attitude....Happy your not my fucking dad." My eyes narrowed as I walked up to her. Instead of giving her the fucking clip board,I choose to stand so close to her there was no space between us. She had to look up at me to glare. She had my blood boiling. With what I don't fucking know. I bent down close enough to kiss her if I fucking wanted. Which being this fucking close to her was making it look like a good fucking idea. "Believe fucking Me baby doll, Im fucking aware of that

fact." I stepped away from her and handed over the clip board. She left with out saying anything. I smirked to myself and watched her go.

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