Finding Home

By Lithiumgirl08

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The following story depicts a Mommy Dominate/Little Girl relationship taking place between two consenting adu... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

Untitled Part 7

260 3 1
By Lithiumgirl08

Eyes dripping with mirth matching Emma's crooked little smile. The look that overcame Regina anytime they were intimate was intoxicating as the act itself to the blonde. Lingering fingertips at the brunette's necklace began to trace her satin pajama top on her chest. Amber eyes piercing jade with pure hunger. Emma applied a touch more pressure continuing to trace patterns through Regina's shirt, guiding her head toward the pillow when she pulled her lower on the bed by her thighs.

Regina felt her heartbeat plummet to the apex of her thighs at the strength of her girl. Wherever Emma lingered on the spectrum was beyond compare. No lover matched her. If Regina even counted them. She didn't.

"I really, really liked the e-clipse mama." And there was her swan, Drawing out the 'e' on eclipse.

"I'm so glad, my darling," Regina said, tucking some careless blonde curls behind Emma's ears as pale lips brushed over her collar bone. "Beautiful and special just like my Emma."

Her beautiful girl turned into a shy mess of giggles and blushing. Regina could not resist kissing in the crook of her neck in the way that made the blonde squirm. She knew what it did to the other woman, and she did it anyway. She knew the floodgates were already open, that kiss and the words too soon follow would lower the dam. "My Emma."

There was no one like Emma Swan, a woman who she had fantasized homicidally and sexually. A woman is so close that the heat of her breath on Regina's lips drew an animalistic gaze from the depths of her soul. Moments like this Regina did not know if she wanted to do the devouring or be devouring. "Yours," Emma shivered.

Leaning forward, hands on either side of Regina's head, Emma gave the illusion she was going to kiss Regina's cheek and grazed the shell of her ear instead. Gently tugging Regina's earlobe with her teeth. The audible gasp filled their bedroom and the carefully placed thigh between Regina's thighs already damping with the smaller woman's arousal. Their noses brushed in just the way Emma always did before committing herself to Regina's pleasure.

Unable to withstand the teasing, Regina's tongue flicked out from between unpainted lips, gently gliding along Emma's upper lip. She knew she had Emma's attention when she drew in a loud breath. Their equally heavy breathing crashing until it became as one. "No more teasing."

Emma dipped her head, a prideful smile on her lips, "Sorry Mommy."

"You enjoy making Mommy sing, don't you?"

Emma nodded enthusiastically. "Especially when Mommy sings Emma's name. It gives me goosies."

"No more teasing than my love and Mommy is positive Emma will earn her goosies," Regina repeated, mind whirring with the endless possibilities at the sensation of Emma's fingertips trailing up her knees. Painstakingly slow despite the order not to tease. It felt magnificent to have the connection though, and Regina let it ride so long as Emma didn't break their eye contact. Barely withholding a whimper at the insistence in Emma's touch, as she hooked her thumbs into the satin bottoms and removed them in one swift motion. "That's it, Emma."

Coming in for another kiss, Emma carefully placed a hand just below Regina's ass, biting her lower lip and eliciting a growl. She always knew just what buttons to push to unlock it too. Just the right way to kiss the brunette. Just the right way to look at her, as she was now. Careful, calculated manipulation to draw as much pleasure for herself without disobeying Regina directly. The respect it made her feel was immeasurable. Emma's other hand buried itself in Regina's shoulder and the mattress as she flipped them, leaving Regina to straddle her stomach.

Clad in a lacy black thong that did nothing to hide the sopping wet mess of her core, Regina was leaning over Emma. Sitting up halfway the tautness of Emma's stomach made Regina's insides do a flip at the pressure to her aching clit. Grabbing the blonde by the underside of her mane, Regina promptly marked the junction between her neck and shoulder with her lips. "I know what you're after little swan," Regina growled, taking the hand squeezing her hip, which was forcing the brunette to rut against the abs of steel and plunging it between the thin material of her panties and sex. The contact-making her shudder with need. "Yes," she hissed, head draping forward, deliciously baring her neck to Emma.

Accepting the unintended offer, the blonde drew her tongue up the side, allowing the fingertips of her left hand to trace the plunging neckline of Regina's button-up. Ripping the buttons as she yanked it free and enjoyed the fullness of Regina's exposed breasts with her free hand, plunging two fingers deep into the brunette. Her guttural moan set Emma's insides on fire as she hastily worked her tongue over Regina's beautiful, hard peak. A low hiss followed, taking pleasure in Emma's tongue swirling, and the scrap of teeth she permitted to harden the bud further before taking it in her mouth. Regina's crown ached unbearably as the hand still fisted in golden hair shook. The balancing hand clawing at Emma's neck with each thrust of her hips against Emma's fingers brought much-needed friction.

Emma's crooked grin reappeared as she watched Regina work, entranced by the sight of full, bouncing breasts. When they had sex, Emma was always present. She couldn't look away from Regina if told it would save her life. Regina was her life and she always watched her in a way that made that concrete. Whether it was the sound of a breathy moan, the sight of Regina zipping up the back of her chosen dress, or skirt, Emma drank every second in. She was dying a thirst and the only river to quench it named Regina.

Regina purred, lowering her mouth to Emma's ear. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes," Emma moaned, adding a third finger to give the brunette the stretch she thoroughly enjoyed, swiping her thumb over an all too eager clit. Regina trembled, a light sheen of sweat beaded on her forehead. Curling her fingers inside the brunette, stroking her sweet spot against the walls, Emma repeated the motion over Regina's sensitive bundle of nerves.

Crying out with everything she possessed, Emma's name tumbled from Regina's lips as the orgasm ripped through her. It was a miracle that Regina kept her eyes open and locked on Emma's as she came gloriously over the fingers still inside her, down her thighs, and over the blonde's stomach. Deep jade eyes staring back at her, heart-pounding an erratic rhythm in its cage, thighs quivering, and her climax burning through all the sense at once.

The blonde held one arm around Regina's quivering body, continuing her rhythm in and out, drowning herself in the beauty of her lover's release. Following the slowing pace of walls contracting, each one pulling her in again. Regina's grip on golden hair released as her body began to come down from the high climax.

Regina slumped forward, head on Emma's shoulders, enamored at the feeling of their breasts touching. As her breathing returned to normal, so too did Emma's. Running her hand down Regina's spine, Emma plopped a lazy kiss to her forehead. In turn, Regina was drawing her fingertips down the blonde's arm. "It appears my Emma earned herself some goosies."

But Emma didn't respond beyond a smile. "Is she okay?" Regina asked, to a nod.

"I like when you act like the Queen, Mommy. When she growls stuff, it makes Emma's crown ache so bad, but I like it and I know she would never hurt me."

"No one wants the Queen, dear."

"I want the Queen, Mommy," Emma whispered to Regina, leading a tan hand to her awaiting wet center.

"First you ruined my panties," Regina purred, running one of her fingertips over the raised flesh of Emma's neck. Teasing lower through her slickness "then you ruined my sleeping blouse. And finally, you asked if you could give me special kisses but they never came. Lying is very naughty Emma."

Emma's breathing had increased exponentially and in the moonlight pouring in from the window her pupil blown eyes were hardly hidden. "I don't know how to say how I want to give you special kisses."

"Show me my Swan." Moving at once, Emma knelt, knees apart and hands on top of the headboard. Regina traced her fingertips over the inner thigh of Emma's leg, watching the way the gooseflesh returned with a vengeance. Following Emma's posture and positioning, Regina arched an eyebrow in her direction. "Come, use that pretty little mouth to give Mommy what she deserves."

Moving behind Regina, Emma placed kisses on the tops of her shoulders, her hands on the brunette's hips. One wrapped around her from behind, pulling her body flush into Emma's. Feeling her prickled skin and hardened nipples press into her back, while the words, "Am I a good girl yet?"

"Getting warmer," Regina uttered, a fresh wave of arousal hit her gut. Aside from the kisses to her shoulder, everything Emma was doing involved her hands. The caresses down the brunette's side, over her hips, down her thighs, paying little attention to the area dripping with need. The way fingers ran between her breasts, and over the tightness of her tummy, as teeth were nibbling on her earlobe.

"My beautiful Mommy," Emma said into her neck, taking a handful of a breast, at last, running her free hand through the slickness pooling between Regina's thighs. They moaned as one. "Your crown wants me."

"It needs you very badly baby girl."

"Sh," Emma said, catching Regina completely off-guard. "Does this feel good?"

"It feels really good," Regina answered in response to the feather-light touches Emma provided her to aching clit. Feeling the blonde's mouth lower to the back of her neck as her caresses continued in the front. With each kiss, Emma's mouth sank lower. Regina gasped as her mouth kissed just under the swell of her ass where thighs met. "Emma," she warned unnecessarily to a tiny giggle.

"I'm ready for my punishment."

"Oh Emma, Dear this isn't to punish you," Regina cooed, one hand tangling in blonde hair lightly introducing Emma's mouth to her crown. "Slowly now."

Careful obedience made Regina's heart race. Loving Emma's surprise for her, but struggling to hold it together, Regina bit into her lip. Emma was pulling her down tighter by toned thighs ripping a moan she felt from her belly until it exited her lips. Her pace was exactly what Regina wanted and didn't want at the same time. She wanted more, harder, faster, now. Her breathing was erratic as she began grinding down on Emma's eager mouth.

"Ride me harder Mama," Emma's voice sounded in Regina's head as clearly as if she had uttered the words. Magic always comes with a price, that price for her girl was exactly what she requested. Her powerful thigh muscles propelled Regina's sex to meet the hungry stroking of Emma's tongue. Emma groaned at the grueling pace and again when Regina's hands pinned her by the hair to the bed. The restricted movement did nothing to cease the circles that the blonde's tongue ran over her clit.

She was wearing the Queen's wetness like a badge of honor. Fluttering her tongue quickly to the quickened pace of Regina's hips. Emma's moan shot through Regina's sex like lightning and the vibrations deliciously reverberated against her sex. Wrapping her lips around the Queen's clit only spurred her to begin riding with reckless abandon.

Breathy little gasps encouraged Emma's approach. Regina was already dangerously teetering on the edge between not enough of any one sensation and a rigid, trembling mess of an orgasm. One curl of the blonde's tongue inside her and Regina was helplessly unable to breathe or formulate anything beyond saying, Little Swan.

Rolling them over, Emma continued her oral caresses through the ending of the Queen's joy ride of her face. Words eluded the brunette now as her bucking slowed and Emma's mouth matched every shudder. Then came the wicked little smirk she wore, blonde hair disheveled, eyes delightfully naughty. Following one final, a sinfully slow stroke of her tongue, Emma entered Regina without fanfare and curled her fingers against the front wall for good measure. It took no time at all for the brunette's entire body began quaking and curling before she came so hard it pushed Emma's fingers free.

Rather than attempt re-entry, Emma curled around Regina, giving her sweet kisses as she came down from her second high of the evening. When she was able, Regina rolled into Emma's awaiting embrace, kissing over her chest lightly. Reaching the swell of her breast, Regina clamped down with perfect teeth and left her mark upon porcelain skin. Her mouth's departing gift for a job well done.

"My sweet, sweet girl." Regina mused, tasting herself in the kiss they shared.


The dark-haired women knelt and the little girl felt herself breaking. At the time, she had no idea there was a word for the feelings coursing through the fiber of her being. That broken could even be a feeling.

In kindly blue eyes, a little girl had found her home. Those same blue eyes that now belonged to another, more portable child. One of flesh and blood. One that couldn't yet express the joy at snuggling beyond a soft coo. One who would never know they had an older sister. They would never grow up feeling unwanted as their parents had tried for so long to become just that, parents.

No, now, as the woman called Mommy handed Emma her backpack, there was nothing in her blue eyes at all. Nothing but sad goodbyes and words of love to give to another. Love that used to belong to Emma.

"You have to stay here sweetie," Mommy said, eyes trying not to show emotion.

"But what about Braydon? Who is going to tell you when he cries, Mama?" Emma asked, tiny furrowed, worry flaring for her brother.

"You don't have to worry about Braydon anymore."

"But I...he's my brother." For a minute, it looks like the woman will falter. Like she is re-thinking the entire situation. She helps the blonde little girl, she adopted into her backpack and the hopes and dreams she had for a family remind her soon, Emma will begin school. That people know she has a daughter, she's introduced her as such for three years. They will ask questions.

That she and Bill had soothed every fear, changed every diaper, read her every good night story, sometimes twice just to be near her. That she lay next to the girl some nights and thanked God for her. That the scent of baby shampoo had been a reality long-before Braydon, her true flesh and blood had become a reality.

It crushed her that jade eyes are so concerned for her brother, that Emma thought nothing of herself. She still peered up hopefully. Wide-eyed, waiting on her Mother. But Virginia was not her Mother, she never had been. Guilt turned her insides to the weakened soup. Emma, was just a placeholder until the real-deal came along. Virginia wished it had been sooner to save her the pain of rejection.

"No," Mother said, finally settling on her task. Lies would do nothing for the girl. "he isn't."

"What?" Emma asked as the strange lady standing beside her gripped her hand.

"I'm so sorry Emma," Virginia said, standing and nodding to the caseworker. "Make sure she goes to a loving home?"


"Be a good girl Emma,"

"Mommy!" Emma is screaming at her back.

Virginia makes the mistake of turning to see as realization dawns on the little girl. It's more than the tears, it's more than the high-pitched screeching, little hands were reaching for her. But she couldn't focus on that now. She had a son to get to.

Her real son.


Regina has sat up from her dream but there was a little girl, nestling herself in her arms when her senses returned. She felt the trembling and the way Emma was trying to be quiet. Tell Mommy how you feel. It was a rule but Regina thought it didn't imply to wake her from sleeping to do so counted against her blonde. Emma's hot tears landing on her chest.

"Mommy?" Emma said, in a quietly strangled cry, long arms wrapping around Regina's still naked body. Kissing her sweaty forehead, Regina tilted her chin up.

"Not just today, not just tomorrow, every day."

"It's naughty to lie."

"I'm not lying, my sweet girl."

"Other Mommy lied?"

Regina felt her jaw steel to stave off tears. "Yes. Repeat after me, you are my Mama."

"You are my Mama."

"Very good, my Little Swan."

"Very good my..." Regina's fingers interrupted Emma's words to a stifled giggle. "Who do you belong with Emma?"

"You, Mommy."

"Who do I belong with?"

"Henry!" Emma giggled.

"And, who else?"

"I dunno," Emma shrugged, curling into herself.

Regina did not allow it and kissed her lips, softly. "I belong to you, Emma. No matter what anyone may say, we belong with one another. Alright?"

"Alright, Mama."

"You need suckies, don't you my love?"

"Mhmm," Emma said before nestling back in, fingers finding the necklace and running her fingertips over it.

"Go on," Attaching to the chosen nipple, Emma began suckling "that's my sweet girl."

Feeling the smile, sent an overwhelming wave of tenderness for the blonde through Regina. Her tears cascading in silence, into golden tresses. "Once upon a time, there was a Queen, and she had searched the realm once to find the perfect Little Prince. She knew in her heart that there was one out there for her. What the Queen did not know was shortly afterward the Little Prince, would lead her to someone else."

"Who?" Emma asked, around her nipple. Feeling the rumble of Regina's laughter through her lips.

"The Princess of course. It took much time for the Queen to see that she needed another to call her own. But the Princess showed her the way. She always...shows the Queen the way,"

"Mama?" Emma says, nipple still pressed between her lips.

Emotions choked Regina up, and the words weren't where they should be as she began stroking Emma's hair. "I should have been loving you."


"All this time."

"We weren't ready."

"I don't care," Regina stated, as Emma resumed suckling and rested her head on the brunette's side.

"Mama sad?"

As if hearing the words aloud broke the dam of emotions, Regina's tears began to fall. "Mama is angry."

"Don't be angry Mama. Mine now."

Requiring no further encouragement, Regina pulled the suckling blonde securely into her lap. Lavishing her head with kisses. Drawing her fingertips over the soft skin up the backs of Emma's arm, and with every new breath exhaling love. "My sweet Emma."

Flashes of Emma's dream were direct hits inside Regina's heart. The sounds of her screams, and the way her little hands outstretched trying like hell to leave with someone who had undoubtedly shown her love. Three years of that to turn away, to decide that the child you had worked so hard to acquire be giving them away? Regina was unable to imagine what her life would have been like without Henry. From the moment they met, he was everything. Even the times they cried together whether she felt frustrated, or just tired, Henry was worth every fussy night, or morning that came much too soon. Every diaper explosion, or the day someone in elementary taught him how to make fart sounds with his armpits.

Henry was worth all of it. Yet, this woman has washed her hands clean with so little effort. With minimal conflict on her face as she did so. She wasn't looking for a daughter, not really. Just something until something better came along. Something of her own flesh and blood.

How she could push little Emma away, was astonishing. Henry was Regina's. As surely as the sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening. There was never anything beyond the second that met, that her son did not own every piece of her heart. Regina was as certain of that as if she had nourished her body to carry him. As if she had endured the long labor to bear him. As if she had heard his first cries, and cried with him, marveling at the life that emerged from her womb. He was as much her son as any she would have, were she able.

Emma had been such a pretty thing with her large jaded eyes, plump cheeks, tiny pink lips, and sweeping blonde hair. Replaying a snippet of the dream, Regina found herself focusing on the tiny girl and her backpack. That jade sea is full of life.

"Don't cry, Mama." Emma was no longer suckling, and instead of staring at Regina with confused jade eyes.

Expelling a held breath, the brunette willed her eyes to cease the tears as best as possible. Squeezing Emma to her chest, Regina kissed her extra slowly on the head for good measure. "You belong here, Emma."

"Mhmm." Emma hummed into her neck.

"With your family. Me, you, and Henry. Please don't run from us."

"I won't Mama. Running away is bad."

"Very bad."

"Bad girls get spankin's."

"Yes. They do," Regina whispered, pretending to ignore the way Emma's plump little cheeks rose into a grin. "Do not get any ideas my little swan."

Snickering to herself, Emma nestled into further, saying, "I won't Mama."

Her trembling had calmed with every stroke of blonde hair. "You're smiling."

"I'm happy. Mama?"


"When you are sad sometimes can I hold you?"

"I'm not sad around you."

"But...but you were crying," Emma said, running her fingers over the path the tears had taken.

"Sometimes, when Mama gets really angry...she cries."

"I don't want you to be angry neither."

"It's okay Em."

Nuzzling in further, Emma was still smiling. "I love you, Mama."

And there it was, with four little words, Emma brought Regina back to earth. "I love you too."

With the world seemingly righted, the blonde fell asleep cuddled on Regina's lap. Pulling the blanket over the two of them, wrapping the blonde in its warmth Regina could finally breathe. Securing Emma in her embrace, Regina took in the scent of baby shampoo and held her even tighter.

Perhaps one day, even tight enough to love her demons away.


Staring out the living room window, Emma watched as Henry began his walk to school. Each it seemed he grew another inch on her. His shoulders were beginning to broaden, his voice already deepening and there was the tiniest hint of a patchy beard beginning as fuzz on her cheeks. He was not the same little boy who had found her, that much was certain.

Behind her, Regina sat her purse on the ground and took hold of the back of Emma's shoulder with one hand, slipping on each of her heels. "How did you know I needed you last night? I tried really hard to be quiet."

"You were trembling." Regina felt the sinking of Emma's shoulders.


"I want you to wake me if you need me, Emma."

"It wasn't a big deal."

"Not a big..." Regina steadied herself, she was unwilling to confess just what she had experienced alongside her lover. "you need me, that is the best feeling there is. Not because you can't handle things on your own, or you aren't strong, but because you want me to take care of you. You allow me to do something that you don't allow anyone else to do."

Quietly sipping her morning coffee Emma leans back into the pillar of strength behind her. "I don't understand how you always know exactly what to say."

"Many years of soothing fears."

"Henry was a crier, wasn't he?" Emma asked, taking another sip.

"Yes. Hours upon hours of fussing, spitting up, tears, one very runny nose, and red little cheeks."

"That was my fault," Emma confessed, "once the shock of everything with Neal wore off all I did was cry at night."

"You had no income, no support, no home, and nowhere to go."

"I remember it just fine, thanks."

Regina's fingertips brushed her forearm. "You made the best decision given the circumstances."

"I didn't want to be like my parents. I spent the first nine years of Henry's life celebrating his birthday by getting blackout drunk. Mom of the year, right?"

Moving around Emma to stand in front of her, Regina cupped her face. "The day Henry left you, he took a piece of your heart with him. The day I went to meet him, that piece came to me. Being a Mom isn't just making a child. Any idiot can make a child, but it takes someone strong, brave, and selfless to make the best decision for her child. That is exactly what you did."

Though Emma's lip quivered, she didn't respond.

"I didn't even hold him."

"Shh," Regina hushed, pulling the blonde to her. "For the record, your Mother's stubbornness and your Father's appetite are some of the few things you inherited. But those are the very things that brought us together."

"I-I might not have a good day today Mama."

"That's okay, try your best and I will take care of you. When you get home, we will have the dinner of your choice. And before bed, I'll give you a nice long bath, before washing and brushing your hair."

"Can you braid it too?" Emma asked with big eyes to a kiss on her forehead.

"Anything for my Princess."

"Okay, Mama." Emma kissed her cheek, Regina picked up her coffee cup and handed it to her.

"Would you like me to drive you to work this morning?"


"We had better get moving then. I don't want you to be late your boss would be upset with you."

Helping Emma into the red leather jacket, Emma whirled around. "But you're my boss."

"That's right, I am," Regina whispered in Emma's ear, opening the door for her with a smile.


Entering Snow White's classroom, Regina waited for the bell to dismiss the students. It wasn't long ago that her own son would have been among them, listening with rapt attention to every word from Ms. Blanchard. Telling Regina that he would not be switching classrooms and reading the book endlessly for clues to defeat the Evil Queen. No, when she re-entered this classroom it only felt like a hop, skip, and a jump back in time.

"Regina, what can I do for you?" Snow White asked before her smile briefly fell.

"I don't know who else to turn to," Regina admitted, eyes looking anywhere but the wide-eyed expression from the pixie-cut woman before her. "I don't want to consult Rumple, that would go straight to his head."

"You chose me over Rumpelstiltskin?"

"Have you ever had a dream? Specifically, a dream where it's as if you're the other person. Memory-like, in quality."

"You've had this dream before?"

"It's the same one. I'm reliving an event that isn't my own but I'm experiencing it as if I'm Emma. Her feelings, the sensations, everything."

Pumping sanitizer into her hands, Snow White rubs them together slowly as she thinks. "Is it a bad dream?"

"Yes and no."

"Is it something I did to her?"

"You aren't in it at all," Regina responds as Snow breathes a small sigh of relief.

"It still isn't a pleasant one though, is it?"

"It is not. Emma doesn't know," Regina confessed," and I need you to see that it remains that way. At least until I can figure out what it means. I am trusting you to do the right thing for her."

"I know what it means, Regina." Snow went around her desk and sat, motioning for Regina to take the seat she had pulled around for her. "No two loves are the same, do you agree?"


"David and I, have had similar experiences. Time, if anything, has only served to strengthen our connection. We have True Love, share a heart, and we've both been under the Sleeping Curse."

Regina reigned in her smirk, listening intently.

"But before sharing the curse, or the one heart, there was a time that we tapped into our True Love. The day that you handed me the apple and told me the truth about our past. Despite being in a jail cell, David claims that he felt the poison take effect. I believe that you share that with Emma, from what you just described."

Straightening her spine, Regina began connecting the dots. "Do you share those connections consciously?"

"We don't get to choose what, when, or how, it just...happens. At least in our experience. We are connected in our souls. David and I believe that we see what we need to see to keep our love ever-evolving. They aren't always memories,"

"What do you mean?"

"When you sleep the body's, natural defenses melt away. David often dreams of a life with Emma. What it could have been." Snow simply smiled. "I'm glad you dropped by, I wanted to say thank you for helping me with her."

"You're welcome."

"She called me Mom the other day."

"I was there."

"I know..." Snow was tip-toeing around something while she played with the hem of her oversized cardigan. "Could you see if there's a spell to turn me back into Mary Margaret for a day?"

"You want me to curse you again?"

"In a sense,"

"Why?" Regina asked, gathering her purse and standing.

"Emma misses her. You get to curse me. I would say that is a win-win for everyone."

"Cursing you doesn't bring me as much pleasure as it would have, these days."

"She referred to Mary Margaret as her family. I can't imagine how it would feel to go from best friend and roommate to the sudden shift of me being the Mother she was searching for. All these memories. Like waking up to realize the person you thought you knew was someone else."

"Look within, I couldn't make you into anything you weren't. Mary Margaret was what you very well could have been."

Snow White shrugged, "I would have been just another scared, ill-prepared, vulnerable, and weak ruler when my father died. Do you remember what you said to me?"

"I do."

"You were the best teacher that life could have given me." Snow said, tapping the stack of uneven papers on the top of her desk. "Maybe you weren't there for me in the way I wanted but you were there. And, you taught me better than anyone."

"Lessons learned in pain are often the ones that make us the strongest."

"The most memorable perhaps. After all, your love for Henry broke a curse."

"It did," Regina slightly smiled.

"Should the time come, I believe that you and Emma could do the same."

"May we never see that time."

"Agreed. Is there anything else I can answer for you?"

"I believe you covered it. Good day Snow."

"Good day, Regina."


The approaching sound of heels broke through Emma's daydream. Raising the blinds in her office, greeting the sight of Regina with glee. Politely greeting David with a chaste hello, her attention fully on the blonde.

"Did you forget something this morning?" Regina asked, amusedly grinning.

"No..." Emma answered, as she vaguely recalled stumbling through the house this morning. "not that I can think of."

Holding the blonde's lunch bag, Regina merely grinned. "What about this?"

"Oh," Emma laughed, "thanks!"

Pressing a soft kiss to Regina's cheek. David shuffling papers on his desk

"You're welcome. Make sure to share it with your Father. I packed enough for two."

"You did?" Emma and David echoed one another.

"She may have Snow White's chin and stubbornness but I suspect she gets her ravenous appetite from you." Regina jested.

Unzipping her lunch box Emma removed the containers of heavenly meatloaf and fresh vegetables. Honestly, if Regina or Maggiano's didn't prepare them, there was no way in hell she would ever partake. Tossing the containers and accompanying silverware to her Father as he began to dig in.

"Walk with me?" Emma asked, loading her portion back into the bag, wrapping her arm around Regina's waist. "What you did, it was really sweet. Passive-aggressive dig at my mother and okay with it."

"Actually," Regina said turning to Emma. "I know that we will never be a traditional family. But I want what is best for you. It just so happens that what is best for you, will be best for us. Men are slaves to their stomachs."

"You want my Dad to approve of you."

Regina clucked her tongue, "I wouldn't go that far."

"You so do! You're bribing him with food."

"Yes, to the food bribery."

Grinning like the mischievous little she could be Emma simply shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me."

"Worth a shot."

"You make me happy," Emma said, stopping only to conjure a purple violet. The smile rapidly growing on Regina's face was worth saying those four words.

"As you have made me." Again, there was that smile. "Where are you taking us?"

"I thought we could eat under your tree. Is that okay?"

"To the tree it is," Regina said, grinning foolishly when Emma swung their hands a bit as they sauntered through the town to Storybrooke Town Hall.

"No one stares at us."

"Do you want them to?"

Emma was smiling and sharing a sideways glance with the brunette. "Do you remember when we could clear out a room?"

"That makes you smile?"

"It's hard to explain...Sometimes I looked forward to it. Not what it did to our son, but the strife."

"When the fight is all you know, it becomes an addiction."

"I was wrong for putting my hands on you."

"I didn't look worried, did I?"

"Not the point," Emma said, as they rounded Town Hall and she summoned a blanket from home. Studying the slow healing of the apple tree from when she had chainsawed it years ago. "It can weather any storm ."

"What was that?" Regina asked, unpacking the Sherriff's lunch.

"Remembering something you said once," Emma smirked, running her hand where the branch had once been. "Come here."

Taking a stand by the blonde Regina joined her in looking at it. "Admiring your handiwork?"

Grabbing the brunette's hand and placing it on the opposite side of her own. "Admiring yours. Do you remember planting it?"

"Daddy brought the seeds home from the market one evening. I can't tell you how he had convinced Mother to allow us to plant it. We did everything ourselves, just him and I. Something that was rare. He even let me dig the hole," Regina mused, as magic began flowing through her fingertips into the tree.

"How old were you?" Emma asked with a cocked head, feeding their combined magic into the tree.

Shaking her head, Regina shrugged, "I had to be quite young."

"Why? Because the tree is so big?" Emma asked to scoff and playful swat. "I'm kidding!"

"Strike one," Regina heckled with a smirk. "It was unladylike for a Princess to do a task seen as a work. He let me use the little shovel, guiding me through the process, helping me when I needed it. I, of course, wanted to check on it every day but Daddy assured me that in time the rains would come to nourish it. Still, I would use my own drinking water after my lessons to water it if it had not rained. Then, sure enough, life took hold and poked from beneath the dirt."

"You call me old all the time."

"Implying is not the same thing."

"I'm gonna park that conversation for another time but we'll come back to it."

"Why are you suddenly so interested in my tree anyway?" Regina asked, pulling away from it when Emma did to sit and use it as a backrest.

"It makes me think of you. I just...want you to have some good memories with it too."

"Some good memories...Emma, did you use your Mother's tear?"

"Yes," Emma confessed, reaching for the Tupperware.

"She showed you more than the curse, didn't she?" Regina was glowering.

"She did as asked, I think the other stuff was accidental."

"No, she did not do as I had requested. Emma, with that type of magic you must be very deliberate about your intentions. She wanted you to see what you saw."

Emma put her fork down and was reaching for her hand. "She didn't show me anything that you have to worry about. In fact, I can show you."


"Magic is emotion, right? Well, if that emotion is trust...then I think I can share it with you. If seeing it would ease your fear."

Squeezing the pale hand in her grasp, Regina nodded. "Alright."

A white tendril of smoke snaked from Emma's palm and up each woman's arm. Until the smoke was all that remained and their bodies felt free from the weight of gravity. Regina blinked and both she and Emma were standing just off center of the royal bedroom. In Snow White's arms is an infant.

"The wardrobe... It only takes ones."

King David looked at his daughter, fighting heard elsewhere the castle is quickly approaching their chamber. "Then our plan has failed. At least we're together."

"No. You have to take her. Take the baby to the wardrobe."

"Are you out of your mind?" He asked.

"No, it's the only way. You have to save her."

"No, no, no. You don't know what you're saying." He protests.

"No, I do. We have to believe that she'll come back for us. We have to give her, her best chance."

Her parents each kiss Emma before Snow White hands her to David and he makes for the doorway. Taking a sword before his exit and glancing back at his wife one more time. After he is out of sight Snow White whispers, "Goodbye, Emma."

Standing just off to the side, Regina and Emma witness the emotional aftereffect of that situation. For the first time since their journey of healing had begun with therapy, Regina sees Emma experiencing a genuine moment where she appears to want to reach out to her Mother. A tear treks down her face and Emma exits the room, leading her by fingertips to the hallway where David is fighting multiple of the Dark Palaces guards.

He successfully fends off two of the Queen's guards but takes a blow via sword to his shoulder. Despite the injury, he continues toward where the wardrobe is kept. Placing infant Emma inside, he kisses her forehead. "Find us."

Closing the door just as two more guards enter and David receives another wound, sinking to the ground. After the break the lock on the wardrobe, only to discover it empty and the baby is gone.

"Look," Emma directs Regina's attention to the small victorious smile plastered on David's face. Her smile rivaling that on his lips. "That is my favorite part."

Snow White has now made the arduous journey down the hallway to find her husband on the ground, drained of all color. Her pleads fall on deaf ears as she begs for him to return to him. Kissing his lips twice to break a non-existent curse. Strutting into the room The Evil Queen makes her presence known.

"Oh, don't worry dear. In a few moments, you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him."

"Why did you do this?" Snow White begs.

Snapping her cape, "Because this is my happy ending." Behind her, more guards enter. "The child?"

"Gone. It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. It's nowhere to be found."

Growling at Snow White, "Where is she?"

"She got away. You're going to lose. I know that now. Goodwill always win."

Around them, the room begins to break apart as the curse takes hold. Before the memory can go any further, like the channels on a television, Emma switches it to a new scene. One in which Snow White was a bit younger, somewhere in her teenage years and chattering incessantly at Regina's side.

"Father says we're to begin preparations for our journey to the Summer Palace."

"That's nice dear," Regina responded absentmindedly to which Snow had quirked her head to the side. The Queen walked on, lost in thought rather than in that moment with the Princess. Even so, Snow White quickly brushed off the idle response and began chattering once more.

"It's nice to know that you and he were able to find love again." Snow White says as they pause at the Apple Tree. From their viewpoint, the flare of Regina's nostrils, and the way her eyes widen tell Emma everything she needs to know.

"Yes, how fortunate." Snow White is reaching for an apple, Regina plucks one before handing it to the Princess. "For you dear."

"Thank you, Regina." Curtsying before the Queen, Snow dips respectfully.

"Would you like to stop?" Emma asks, stepping to the Queen's side and watching as Snow White looks back on her.

"What are you looking for?" Regina asks as Emma's eyes search the Queen who is smoldering with rage.

"Nothing," Emma answers quickly

"Surely there is something for you to be studying her so intently."

"It hurts to see the life snuffed from behind your eyes." Emma watches the Queen and even holds her breath as she seemingly sees her. Reaching for her, but withholding at the last second. "Without her, Henry and I don't exist."

"Shall I thank her?" Regina asks dryly to a smirk from Emma. "We are done when you've shown me what you think I need to see."

Nodding, Emma and Regina leave the Queen at the tree and are in the middle of a party Regina remembers well. Standing at the front of the room is the King, making a grand speech in celebration of the light of his life. Dearest Snow White, the one and only.

"Like her Mother, truly the fairest of all." He concludes with arduous applause.

Again, Emma's eyes aren't on her Mother, but on the Queen sitting alone at the Royal Table. Clapping like the rest of the kingdom and then disappearing in silence from the table.

"Father, perhaps you should dance with Regina," Snow White suggests to barely concealed irritation.

"Do not worry yourself with her well-being Snow. This is your special day." Leopold responds.

"I cannot name the last time you were seen dancing with the Queen."

"She isn't your Mother, Snow. You must never forget that."

"But she is your..."

"Enough talk of the Queen." He says voice fading as Emma and Regina find themselves at City Hall.

"Did using the tear help you?" Regina diverted before Emma could say anything. Watching as the blonde sat pondering, picking up her fork to have something else to focus on.

"I think so." Emma acknowledged quietly. "It was more about assuaging her guilt, as you would say. It was different, seeing the different incantations of you."

"Does it change anything?" Regina asked point-blank.

"No," And Emma met her eyes, "was my Mother not allowed to touch your beloved tree?"

Regina smirked but shook her head. "It was the one thing in the palace that belonged to me."

Emma's features darkened and she quickly shoveled in more food. "I gathered that."

Tension filled the air, "Did you see other things that you did not show me?"

"His demeanor towards you."

"Emma, that is in the past."

"That doesn't mean that I have to be okay with it."

Grasping the blonde's chin firmly, Regina interrupted her with a kiss." I'm not asking you to be okay with it. What I will ask, is that you consider this instead, without those moments tell me how else I spur Snow White to run away and meet her Prince Charming?" Her eyebrow rose ever so slightly and her chin tilted in just the right way that Emma found beautiful.

"I don't know."

"And if Snow White doesn't meet her Prince Charming, how does she give birth to the prophesized daughter necessary to break the Evil Queen's curse?"

Emma squirmed, "She doesn't."

"If she doesn't have that daughter, then that daughter never grows up to fall in love with the Lost Boy Baelfire. And if she doesn't fall in love with Baelfire, then she never gives birth to the son. The son she lovingly," and Regina steers Emma to look her in the eyes with a tuck under the chin, "sends away, a piece of her heart in tow. That piece never finds a way to Evil Queen's heart and she spends the rest of her days, alone, in a private hell, reliving the same day over and over again. Happy Ending, not ever after."

"Wouldn't you have lived forever?" Emma asks, hand sliding into Regina's.

"The truth is, revenge on your mother was never going to be enough to sustain me. I went from being a prisoner of the past I wouldn't release to being in a custom-built prison I built for myself. For eighteen years, I lived in this prison."

Tears welled in Emma's eyes. "Being a Savior isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"Believe me, I'm familiar with that feeling."

"I know that you and my Mom will always have things that either of you cannot move past, but she always found a way to love you. To see some goodness in you. I'm going to try to find my way back to that for her."

Even after finishing her lunch, Emma rested against Regina and the tree for a bit. Lost in their own thoughts.


After Regina had returned Emma to the Sherriff's Station and made the trek back to her office she was positively fuming. Snow White had one job, and yet even the simplicity of that task had eluded her. Regina was completely capable of handling that level of magic. All Snow had to do was draw on her memories of the evening of the curse. One. Tiny. Thing. Instead, she had put images of her Father into Emma's mind, which would undoubtedly bring further questions.

Emma truly had seen Regina in every light.

It was a risk Regina had known she would take. A risk she would take again should her Swan require it. She was unable to erase the pain that growing up parentless had caused her. Nor would she. No matter how deeply it had stung the blonde, things were better this way. They were mending, as the willingness to attend therapy and running sessions proved.

She had it all with Henry, Emma and, even the town changing her status from Mayor to Queen. None of that mattered without them. This town could burn to the ground and her in it, should that day come. Pouring a glass of fresh cider, Regina took a seat at the hearth as the fire came roaring to life. She was overacting again. She hated herself for it.

Her phone began vibrating.

Picture Message Received.

Filling her screen was a Little Swan Creation that brought with it relief. With memories of the past returning to where they belonged by the drawing of the Queen, Her Princess, lounging beneath the apple.

It is beautiful Emma. I love it.

Not as much as I love you!

Even more.

That must be a lot, huh?

So very much Darling.

Guess what?

Are we out of chocolate milk again?

Nope! When we get home I'm gonna snuggle you!! Would you like that Mama?

Setting the phone in her lap, Regina's heart burst into a million pieces all with Emma's name on them. The blonde was saving her again. Saving her from herself. Saving them from her, as she got it together. Picking the cellphone back up she responded.

I would love nothing more my Little Swan.


Throughout the day at City Hall, Regina returned to Emma's declaration of Mama Snuggles. Living together had been one of the smartest moves decisions they had made. It was the correct move for their family but also, the right one for their relationship. Filled with unexpected moments of joy. Henry was getting older, he wanted to spend, what Regina could only assume were some of his final years with 108 Mifflin Street Storybrooke, Maine as his address with his friends. Emma had insisted on looser reigns but all three had agreed upon certain stipulations regarding the continued allowance of Regina taking steps back.

Now both women could share in the same moments with their son. The unspoken promise that they were a family. Once Regina stepped through the entryway into the house, she didn't have to be anyone other than herself. But with Emma, she could be that and more if the mood struck.

When we get home, I'm gonna snuggle you!! Would you like that Mama?

She had so easily picked up on the change in Regina. Perhaps even anticipating it in response to their lunchtime journey. Arriving home first, the brunette began preparations for the pizza dinner Emma had later requested. Then, she retrieved the blonde's baby blanket, placing it with care into the dryer. In their private oasis upstairs, the brunette tossed the rubber duckies into the empty tub. Glancing up at the ceiling she grinned like a fool, Regina was unable to tamper her excitement at Emma's surprise. Getting the idea from the woman herself from their shared Pinterest Board that sent updates to her phone.

She could envision it now, the instant Emma realized what surprise Regina had carried out just for her and the ensuing reaction. The way plump cheeks would rise and wide jade eyes would find her own. Around the bathroom were teacup candles, awaiting a light to give just enough to carry out bath time but also to relax them for bedtime. Beside the bathtub her bottle of essential oil at the ready.

Placing the box with Emma's next surprise on the bed, lovingly wrapped by Regina's own hand, she smiled. The clock told her the blonde would be home soon from her Tuesday run with Red Riding Hood. Awaiting both women while sipping a glass of wine, and reading Regina's ears perked up at the sound of keys in the front door. Flourishing her hand two ice chilly glasses of water on coasters by the front door as she made way to them.

She can make out the panting before rounding the corner, rather than greeting two women, David was behind them both looking rather worse for wear.

"I never realized how much living life on the run kept me in shape until now," He panted, greedily chugging at the nearest water.

To be fair, Emma was winded as well but her recovery times had rapidly increased judging by the way she took a few sips of water and used her tank top to wipe the sweat from her brow. Red Riding Hood quickly hide her chuckle when she caught amber eyes wandering overexposed pale skin.

"Red doesn't seem to have any issues," Emma sassed to her Father's laughter.

"You did always make it look so easy," David agreed.

"Very few things have the power to take away my breath" Red retorted, nudging at Emma with her elbow. "Although I did enjoy how you tried to throw me off by jumping down that hill."

"Someone has to keep you on your toes, werewolf or not."

"You jumped down a hill?" Regina asked, fingertips fiddling with her necklace. She didn't mean to sound the way she did just now. The way her concern rolled off her tongue while Emma smirked at the bewildered Red and David.

"It was a small one, I was just making sure Red over here wasn't getting too cocky."

"Me?!" Red shrilled, confusion forgotten.

"Yeah, you."

"I could hear you huffing and puffing as if you were still right next to me."

"You are saying huffing and puffing is the greatest thing I've ever heard," Emma said, with laughter.

"Har, har. Anyway," Red stated, rolling her eyes and glancing at the wall clock before looking to David, "my shift starts at the diner soon. Do you need a ride back to your house?"

David's ears perked up. "That would be great, thanks."

"Better luck next time Em," Red said, clapping the blonde on the shoulder and easily exiting the house as if they had not just partaken in a few miles run. Behind her, David was still working on returning his breathing to normal.

"If you have time, maybe we could do mini-runs in between our usual?" He asked, then glanced at Regina. "Unless you, Regina and Henry have plans of course."

"Henry said he wouldn't mind joining us. We could do the easier runs through town for a few weeks until he feels ready to take on the woods." Emma said before a wry grin played at her lips. "Or so his Grandfather can keep up."

And for a few seconds, David just smiled at his daughter and didn't say anything. "I see you've picked up Regina's affection for sarcasm since moving in."

"Yep. Better run and tell Mother Dearest."

"She knows what to say to everyone but you...I think that tears her up inside."

"I used the tear." Emma confided, spinning her bottle cap on the table beside her. "You really didn't want to put me in that wardrobe."

"No," David answered softly. "you were going to be my Little Princ..."

Before he could complete the sentence, Emma stepped into an unoffered but rapidly returned hug. Regina is noting the way that David always cradles the back of her head, not unlike the way he does when he talks about infant Emma. Though they had only a few moments together, Emma much like Henry would always be his baby. "I'm sorry that I failed you, Emma."

To which sniffles answer as she nods into his shoulder. "See you later?"

"Yeah...yeah," Is all he says, pretending to wipe sweat from his face, before kissing her forehead and closing the door behind him.

Waiting until the lights of Red's Camaro exit the driveway and race out of sight, Emma finally smiles as Regina comes to her. "I- uh," Clears her throat and wipes away an errant tear "I'm sorry if that's hard for you to hear all the time because I can't just get over it."

"You don't just 'get over' things like that." Regina kisses her cheek, swiping at the lone tear trailing down Emma's face. "I can't take that pain away without changing who you are, and Emma, I love who you are. The damaged, broken, dark bits that you keep trying to hide because you think no one will ever want you. But I have seen them. And darling, there is nothing on heaven or earth that will stop me from loving you."

"Mama?" she whispered.

"I'm right here Baby Girl," Came Regina's response as Emma took a deep breath of her in. "the pizza is cooling. I don't want you to burn your mouth like you did last time."

"It hurt," Emma whined, to a kiss on her cheek that quickly righted the grievance. "but Mama made it better."

"Emma, do you know that today is very special?" Emma shook her head. "Today is exactly one month from the day that I met my Little Swan."

"Is one month a long time?" Emma asked, twirling hair around her index finger.

"Mhmm, it is." Summoning the wrapped box from upstairs and leading Emma to the couch, Regina handed it to her. "Go on, open it."

Tearing at the wrapping, Emma then opened the handles. "Mama!"

"How did I do?"

Pulling the stuffed animal from the box, Emma gave it Eskimo kisses before squeezing it tightly to her chest. "I love Nemo! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Bracing herself, Regina prepared for the impact of Emma throwing herself into her arms this time around. Nestling securely between them was Nemo. At least he was until her stomach made funny noises causing the blonde to giggle. "Someone needs her pizza."

"I do, Mama. But I need to wash my hands first."

"You're such a good girl. How many slices would you like?"

The little blonde was looking cute as ever with her forehead scrunched in concentration. "Two please!"

Kissing Regina's cheek Emma bounced off the couch and into the hallway bathroom to wash her hands. Rather pleased with the excitement of her little one, Regina set her two slices on a Wonder Woman plate and waited. Even from where she sat she could hear Emma singing Happy Birthday like she had taught her to make sure she washed her hands long enough.


"I'm almost done!"

"Don't forget, tomorrow afternoon we visit the seamstress."

"Awe..." Emma grumbled, song was forgotten. "do I have too?"

"Yes, you do young lady."

"Well, I don't think I can."

"Oh?" Regina stated with an arched brow. "And why is that?"

"Cause I don't have any monies," Emma said with a little grin and mischievousness written all over her. Regina summoning her closer by crooking an index finger and a jovial laugh of her own.

"I have enough money for both of us to get exactly the dresses we want."

Emma huffed, "Can I get a tutu?"

"You may IF you behave yourself and don't argue with Mama. You can get any dress you like."

"Okay..." Emma agreed to look a bit like she was sulking.

"Unless you would like something else."

"Everyone is gonna stare at Emma."

Stroking blonde bangs out of a pouty face, Regina soothingly stroked down her cheek. "Let them stare because everyone, and I do mean everyone is going to adore her."

"I don't care about everyone," Emma says meeting Regina's eyes shyly.

"Neither do I." Regina kissed the tip of Emma's nose until she smiled. "Only you."

The blush took over Emma's plump cheeks just as she spotted the little plate and shrieked. "Wonder Woman! Mama, how did you know I love her?"

"Lucky guess, my love," Regina stated a smile as large as when Emma had unwrapped Nemo.

"Can Nemo eat with us too?" she asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, he can. Nemo is our special guest, in fact, let me get him a plate."

As Regina went for a Marvel plate of Henry's she stopped just shy of the entryway to listen to the little conversation taking place behind her.

"I know Nemo. She is the best Mama ever!" Regina forced herself to swallow over the surging emotions. "She is going to take the bestest care of us. But you hafta be a good boy, okay? A couple of things Mama doesn't like; cursing, the word hate, when you try to give your vegetables to Neal without trying one first, and most of all when I cry. Tomorrow we can draw her pictures for making our pizza." Then Emma giggled. "I think she would like that!"

The look on Emma's face when Nemo got a character plate as well was worth it. Jade's eyes growing large as Regina lovingly served Nemo, but placing a kiss to her head before taking her own seat. "Thank you very much for joining us for dinner Nemo. I hope you like pizza."

Pushing the plushy up to his plate of pizza, Emma made him nod. "He says it's his favorite. Thank you for having him."

"Nemo is welcome anytime."

"Really?!" Emma asks as she Regina nods.


The blonde was buzzing with excitement. "Did you hear that Nemo? You can come with us anytime! See, I told you she was the best."

Regina was picking up her napkin after watching Emma accidentally get pizza sauce all over her chin. Gently dabbing at the mess as Emma squirmed but otherwise allowed the action. "All better,"

"Are we still gonna do bathtime?"

"After you finish your pizza," Regina said, taking a stab at her salad. Halfway to her first bite, she looked up to see Emma had shoved an entire slice of pizza in her mouth. "Emma Swan, I know you are not forgetting your manners at the dinner table."

Frozen in the act, Little Emma merely blinked. "Do not even think about spitting out your food. Nemo came all the way here to eat pizza with us, is this how we behave?"

Emma shook her head. "Chew carefully, and then you may speak."

"I'm sorry Nemo," she said with her head hung. "Bath time is my favorite time of night. I'm sorry Mama. Please don't make me leave."


"D-don't make me go back to them," she says as she turns Nemo around.

Kneeling in front of Emma, Regina took her face in her hands. "Who do I belong with Emma?"

"H-Henry, your apple tree, the horsies..."


Sniffling ensued. "Me."

"Who do you belong with Emma?"


"That is not going to change. I will be your armor because when we're out there you are mine."

"Don't ever list yourself as last, do you understand me?"

"But..." Emma ceased when Regina's eyebrow rose. "Okay, Mama."

"You can't go back to them. I am your Mama, Emma. Always. Now, let's get you cleaned up and ready for our bath."

"I didn't finish it."

"That's okay. I know exactly what you need, we can save it for a late-night snack."

Trailing behind Regina up the stairs Emma hung onto her index and middle fingers, allowing the older woman to pull her to their destination. On the other hand was Nemo. Once inside the bathroom Regina shut off the lights she had left on and the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling and walls of the tub came to life. The faux candles provided just enough light for her to assist Emma in undressing before turning her attentions to her own attire. Emma carefully sat her stuffie on the toilet but facing away because "a gentleman doesn't peek on girls."

Slipping under the water, the heat soothed Regina's knotted stomach. Emma leaning into her, adding her own heart to the mix. "I never saw us coming," Regina said into Emma's ear, kissing her temple.

"I'm glad we didn't."

Regina tensed behind her.

"We would have done what we always do when something good comes along. Allow the damaged parts of us to make all our insecurities come true all over again. Ruining our own happiness and calling that life. And you, you terrified me, to be honest."


"Nothing ever stays good for long. I lived a life of one-night stands and called it love."

"I lived in a world where everyone did exactly as I said and called it a happy ending. But not you Emma Swan. No, you never did anything I said." Regina kissed her shoulder. "Thank you."

"Happy to not oblige." Emma's head leaned back further. "If you took my heart out would you be able to feel all the happy?"

"I could make you tell me," Regina answered but Emma shook her head.

"Anyone can say words, I want you to feel it the way I do," Emma responded, smiling up at the star-filled ceiling. Even so, she pulled Regina's hand from beneath the water and placed it on her chest. "This will have to do for now."

"Let's get my girl cleaned up and ready for bed, hmm?"

Sitting until their bodies were cold and pruned, the two finally emerged a long while later. Emma wrapped in her unicorn bath towel, complete with horn and Regina dressing in her silk pajamas. Side by side, they brushed their teeth. Emma until her tooth tunes went off, though Regina had grabbed her 'magical hairbrush'. Having spotted it during a trip to the Mills Vault, Emma begged to "borrow it from the Queen". Though Regina would have gladly done so, her girl looking up at her with big jade eyes was too much to resist. Now it was another thing becoming a part of their nightly routine.

Sitting Emma at the vanity, Regina yawned as she brushed and sectioned the long hair. Watching through the mirror Emma was giddy at the quick work Regina made of the task. "Are you ready for Mama Snuggles?" She asked, smile bigger than ever.

"Quite ready, little one. If you'll just get in bed we can get a start on those."

"I have to tinkle first."

"Go on," Regina shooed her towards the bathroom as she got under the covers. What happened next was completely surprising but when paired with Mama Snuggles, adorable. When Emma was joining her in bed, Regina had made to put down the book she was reading for herself but the blonde had other ideas. Sliding into Regina's arms, she lies there for a few seconds.

Listening to the steady pace of Regina's heart. "Will you read to me?"

"What book would you like, Little Swan?"

Emma shrugged, then pointed to the one sitting in her lap. "Yours."

"Are you sure?"

"I just want to hear your voice."

"Is everything okay?"


"Are you absolutely sure?"

"I'm sure Mama. Just wanna be close to you."

"Very well then..." And while Regina was reading, Emma tapped on her side as she had that first night. Recalling that night kept her voice steady. Her little girl was silent aside from the occasional telltale deep breath that signaled she was growing weary. Laying on Regina's stomach was Nemo, trapped beneath a pale arm but securely snuggled. Another chapter in, Emma released a quiet yawn, pulling Regina into her further.

"Love you, Mama."

"I love you too," Regina caressed her blonde mane, setting the book above Nemo. "You're feeling sleepy, aren't you?"

Emma nodded in her chest. Regina kissed Emma's forehead and then came face to face with the Nemo Stuffie. Wide jade eyes were ever so serious as she bobbed Nemo back and forth a few times in silent suggestion. The next time the stuffie came closer, Regina pressed a kiss to his plush little lips before Emma snatched him back and curled around her. "Nemo is sleepy too."

"Would you like me to continue reading until you fall asleep?"

"Yes please."

The truth was, Regina, read long after Emma had fallen asleep. She read until her eyes were becoming heavy. Until she could feel the weight of the day taking over. Until Emma had turned away from her for a few minutes before grabby little hands realized Mama was no longer in their grasp and she readjusted to correct the problem. Until she could fight it no longer and succumbed to whatever lie in wait for her in sleeps embrace.

With Emma wrapped around her, Regina slid lower looking over her girl even with sleep threatening to rip them apart. Emma was still firmly holding Nemo, but pressing into the brunette as well. Her soft little snores, more like quiet whistles singing their song. Though the tapping on Regina's side ceased, her fingertips twitching on occasion across the skin of Regina's arm.

This was happiness.

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