Nathan and Sophie Oneshots

By Drive_LikeIDo

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Nathan Sykes (The Wanted) fanfiction Part of the Scarred and Left Me Like a Sunburn series. PLEASE READ Scarr... More

Study Buddies (Sam & Jess)
Vodka (Nathan's POV)
Nightmare (Nathan's POV)
Zoo (Sophie/ Nathan's POV)
Asthma Attack (Nathan's POV)
Top Floor (Nathan's POV)
Beautiful to Me (Top Floor Part II)
The School Run
Lyrics (Nathan's POV)
Fade Into You
100% (Nathan's POV)
Jealous (Nathan's POV)
Cleaning Cupboard
Birth (Nathan's POV)
52 Reasons (Nathan's POV)


1K 20 3
By Drive_LikeIDo

Okay, I've literally just finished writing this and I haven't edited it properly so I'm very sorry for any typos or errors, I'll iron them as soon as I can, but I haven't uploaded for over two weeks and wanted to give you guys a new oneshot

Anyways, there's a bit of moody Sophie in this oneshot, and moody Nathan too haha, the video on the side is the I Found You video which is very significant for this oneshot,

Here's the prompt...

The lads film the I Found You video... It was Nathan's idea after all and I can see so many different scenarios and Sophie remarks - Damonspikebones, TWFanFiction

Hope you like it

"So you guys ready to film this thing?"

"Yeah" the five of them sang in unison.

The boys were filming the I Found You video today at some random street in London, and Nathan and the boys had very nicely invited me to come with them because I wasn't busy. Apparently the video involved the five of them being in this 'gang' (yeah, I laughed too) and they had to beat this other gang of guys up to get some diamonds or something. Whoever thought that having The Wanted beat up a load of guys was in any way realistic or believable, I don't know, but I decided that it would be highly amusing to watch.

And it needed to be amusing, because today I was not in the mood for anything. Last night I was. In fact, last night I was really excited to see them filming a music video, and I wasn't even that bothered about having to get up at half past six in the morning, which for me is like, a miracle.

But then at fifteen minutes to three this morning, I received a phone call from my brother. Now, when somebody rings you at quarter to three in the morning, you can't help but panic and think something really bad has happened, because no one rings you up that early to give you good news. So I answered the call to hear my brother slurring down the phone to me. At first, I thought that he'd got in a fight, got beaten up and he needed to go to the hospital or something, but with the thumping bass and giggling and shouting in the background, I realised he was a house party and had got really drunk. Normally, I wouldn't have minded, but it was really early in the morning and I'd been really worried, plus I had to get up early anyway. I hung up and tried to get back to sleep, but I was so annoyed and had properly woken up so I couldn't. What was even more annoying was that Nathan woke up at the sound of me talking, asked what was going on and then fell back asleep within seconds of me telling him. Lucky bastard. He was flat out whilst I was wide awake, and then after a short while, he flung his arm and leg around me in his sleep. It's fine when he does that when I'm asleep too, but his body heat was making me sweat under the duvet, and combined with his light snoring in my ear, I couldn't take it. I tried to get to sleep on the sofa instead but it was really uncomfortable and my back started to ache a little.

When six o'clock came, Nathan came into the living room, looking incredibly refreshed (unlike some of us) and wondering why I was in the living room. I muttered my reply in about two snappy words, from which he realised I was not in a good mood.

Oh, and to top things off, I'd just come on my period, so my stomach was killing me and the back ache caused by the sofa was amplified by my bleeding uterus.

And it was really heavy too so I knew I end up spending the whole day paranoid that it was gonna leak.

And therefore I had to wear my ugly 'period' knickers instead of a nice pair with lace or bows.

Anyway, you probably didn't care about any of that but I'm telling you anyway.

And if you couldn't be arsed to read all that, basically I'm not in the best of moods, to put it very lightly.

"Cool" the director smiled, "okay, so the first scene we're gonna do once you're all ready is where you're in the bar, and Nathan you can meet Jasmine, because you'll be the one doing most of the scenes with her"

My ears pricked up at the mention of this Jasmine, whoever the fuck she is. I looked up at Nathan to see him nodding at the director. He didn't look surprised so I figured he already knew who Jasmine was.

"You might as well as get to know her now then it's not awkward when you do the kissing scene"

My eyebrows shot up and a couple of the lads wolf-whistled childishly. Rather inappropriate considering I was stood there, but I was more bothered about this whole kissing thing, and why this was the first I'd heard of it.

"What?" I asked,

"Nathan's gotta kiss some girl" Max told me as the director wandered off somewhere else.

"Oh, nice of you to tell me" I muttered sarcastically to Nathan.

"I only found out yesterday" he countered.

"Then you had loads of time to tell me"

"It doesn't mean anything" he shrugged, "it's only a kiss"

"I don't care, Nath, you still should have told me"

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I only kiss her to distract her and get the key to the diamonds" he added jokily. I think he was trying to be funny.

I didn't laugh.

"Don't start, Soph" he sighed.

"'Don't start?'" I scoffed, feeling my blood boil, "don't talk to me like I'm fucking five"

"Soph, I'm not arguing with you"

I opened my mouth to make a snarky comment back but Siva piped up instead.

"Guys, I think we've got to go get ready now" he said quickly, probably just letting us know that they were still there and that we were in public so if I started throwing punches, there would be witnesses.

The lads all made their way to a room in a random derelict building on the street that was being used as their dressing room. A few mirrors had been set up around the room along with a couple of tables that Debs and a couple of other make up artists had set up all the make up and hair products that they needed. The boys were all chatty and laughing as they got their hair and make up done, whilst I just sat in a spare chair and glared at the back of Nathan's head, wondering how many cans of hairspray I would have to throw at it to knock him h. One of the big value cans mind, not those little ones, and maybe a pot of styling gel too, just to make sure he was completely unconscious. That way, I wouldn't have to listen to him being all 'Don't start Soph' with me, and this Jasmine girl wouldn't be able to fucking kiss him.

The lad's make up took slightly longer than usual today because they had to adopt this 'criminal' look. This involves bruises.

Now, I'm not gonna lie, my boyfriend looked kind of hot with a black eye. Had I been in a good mood, I'd have told him that and maybe fantasised about he could have got it (fighting a bear to save me, perhaps - a little overdramatic but you know me).

But I wasn't in a good mood, so I took to fantasising the ways in which I could have given it to him (the can of hairspray again, or possibly my fist would have done a sufficient job).

"Looking good, Sykes" Max smirked, patting Nathan's shoulder.

"He didn't need make up" Tom piped up with a smirk, "I'm sure Sophie could have done that for him"

"I wouldn't put it past her with the mood she's in today" Nathan muttered. I flared my nostrils but bit my lip to stop myself making a comment. I was seriously considering giving him one on the other eye to match.

To be honest, I was really upset that he hadn't told me, especially when he makes a big deal about us telling each other everything. I probably wouldn't have took it as bad if I wasn't in such a shit mood though, but still, he shouldn't be keeping things like that from me.

I don't even know why he didn't tell me. What did he think I was gonna do? Lock him in the bathroom and handcuff him to the towel rail so that he couldn't actually go to the video set or something?

Once they were done, we made our way to the bar they would be filming one of the scenes in. I got stuck sat in a seat next to Scooter who was overlooking everything, which wasn't fun because Scooter doesn't really like me.

Well, I don't think he understands what I'm saying sometimes because of my accent and he doesn't understand my sarcasm. Or any of my jokes for that matter. He's quite a serious bloke.

Also, he keeps hinting that he wants to manage me as a music artist. However, I already have a manager who can understand my accent and laughs at my jokes. Occasionally.

"Hey Nathan" I heard the director call, grabbing my boyfriend's attention, "this is Jasmine, who you'll be working with"

The director approached Nathan with a tall, blonde bombshell of a woman; long tanned legs with every curl of her shiny blonde hair perfectly styled.

Fucking brilliant. For once, can these boys just have an average-looking girl in one of their videos.

Nathan smiled at her as they politely shook hands. I couldn't hear what they were saying but she smiled at him and then said something to make Nathan laugh. I rolled my eyes.


The director then started to position the boys where he wanted, along with the extras in the background. Nathan and this girl had to stand a bit further away from the group whilst they pretended to chat and flirt and then he had to lean in whilst she whispered something seductively in his ear.

"She's pretty, isn't she?"

I turned to Scooter.


"The girl Nathan's gotta act with" he clarified, "she's pretty, isn't she?"

I looked at him with my most irritated, scornful expression.

"Wow Scooter" I began, my voice literally oozing sarcasm, "thank you so much for that incredibly insightful conclusion, I'm sure we'll all sleep better tonight"

For once, I think he actually acknowledged the sarcasm (I mean, you couldn't not) and didn't say anything else. I heard a couple of sniggers from random crew members who had heard me but I was too pissed off to even feel remotely smug.

Another five minutes was spent doing takes of this Jasmine flirting with my boyfriend (by take four, you'd think she'd have got the hang of it) before we all got moved around the corner to some derelict old house where the boys go to 'beat up' this gang and get the key to get the diamonds. It's also where Nathan kisses Jasmine, the kiss that everybody apart from me knew about before they arrived and didn't have to find out from the director instead of from their own fucking boyfriend.

The camera crew were setting up equipment ready for the scene and everyone else was just hanging around. Nathan was talking to Jasmine; clearly she was more interesting to talk to than me seeing as he hadn't actually spoken to me since the whole "don't start, Soph"... thing.

I know I sound like I was jealous of this girl, but I wasn't. Not really. I mean, you can only be jealous of someone who has something you can't have. I already have Nathan. I guess I was just... a little... terrotorial.

But what bothered me most wasn't her, it was Nathan, and the fact that he hadn't told me before. He had plenty of time to tell me since yesterday and I wouldn't have been that bothered about it; in fact we'd have probably had a laugh about it and I'd have jokingly called him a manslut getting off with a girl in front of me.

But no, he had to just not bother telling me at all.

I watched as Nathan said something to her and she laughed, before he glanced around the room and caught my eye. His smile faded, which kind of upset me a bit, before he said something else to her and started to make his way over to me. I kept my eyes trained on him as he did. It was a shame that I was in such a bad mood with him, considering he looked fucking beautiful in the suit he'd been given to wear.

Like really, really beautiful.

And along with the black eye...


But yeah, he's acted like a knobhead so he wouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing that.

I was brought out of my daydream by Nathan's hand grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room into a quiet corner.

"Oh, am I worthy enough to talk to now?" I muttered bitterly, pulling my hand out of his.

"Look Soph" he began, "I don't know why you're getting all jealous-"

"Jealous?" I scoffed, "you think I'm jealous? Nath, I'm fucking pissed off that you didn't tell me"

"It's not that big of a deal"

"You're being such a hypocrite!" I laughed dryly, "you go on and on about how we have to tell each other things, how we can't keep secrets, I've never kept anything from you since we've started the relationship again but you don't even have the balls to let me know when you have to kiss another girl"

"Soph, it's my job, I don't have a choice" he argued.

"I don't care about you kissing this girl, Nath, I get that it's your job and I get that you don't really have a choice" I exclaimed, "what I don't get is that you think it's alright for me to find out information like this from the director and not from you! I wouldn't have been bothered if you'd have told me last night, we'd have had a laugh about it and then I'd have gotten over it. You're right, it's not a big deal, but by not telling me, you're making it into one"

"No, you're making it into one because you're in a bad mood and you just want another reason to be fucking stroppy with me" he countered.

"I'm not being stroppy with you-"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"You are-"


We both turned our heads at the new voice. It was the director, looking a little awkward to be interrupting our argument.

"Erm, we're ready for you to do the scene now"

"Right, yeah, sorry" he nodded, glancing between me and the director, "I'm coming now"

The director turned and stepped back into the room. Nathan turned and followed, saying "we're not done talking about this" without bothering to look back at me.

"Yeah, I know we're not" I replied, my voice flat as I spoke. I watched him disappear through the doorway, before I sighed and returned to the room too. Jasmine had now been positioned on the floor with a rag around her mouth and her hands tied behind her back to make it look like she was being held hostage.

Though why she had to have the shortest fucking dress in whole entire world on whilst she was being held hostage, I don't know, but if Nathan so much as looks at her legs...

"Okay Nathan, so you'll be stood at the door miming to the song" the director began his... directing, "and then you walk over to her, crouch down next to her and take the gag off, keep miming until the chorus kicks in and then you kiss her"

Nathan nodded in understanding.

"I want you to kiss her like, passionately because you are supposed to be distracting her, it doesn't have to be for long but
when you pull away, you take the key from her pocket and leave out the door" he continued, "it might take a couple of takes but we'll get it, don't worry"

A couple of takes? Surely it's not that hard to kiss someone that it takes more than one attempt, I thought, narrowing my eyes at the director. I think Nathan knows how to kiss a fucking girl.

"Okay, so you're both clear on what you're doing, right?"

Nathan and Jasmine both agreed.

"Okay, let's run it!" The director called, clapping his hands. Crew members scurried into position and the five boys made their way through the doorway. The track started to play and the cameras began to roll, before Nathan began to mime to his middle eight section of the song, leaning against the doorway and staring at Jasmine hungrily.

"I said, people

We're all looking for love tonight"

He sauntered into the room, never taking his eyes off her as he advanced towards her.

"But sometimes we can't see it

We're all blinded by the light"

He crouched down next to her.

"And we all get low, all get low

Searching for that piece of mind"

He rested his forehead against hers, gently pulling the gag from around her mouth.

"Just when I'd given up

Looking for some kind of sign

That's when I found you"

He tilted his chin down and pushed his lips down against hers and I'm not gonna lie, it fucking hurt.

I know it wasn't his choice and that it didn't mean anything and that he wasn't exactly cheating on me, but seeing your boyfriend kissing another girl fucking hurts no matter what situation. It's me and only me that gets that privilege because he's my boyfriend.

And I know that the director said it had to look passionate, but maybe he could show some sort of disappointment that it wasn't me he was kissing. My stomach ached and my head began to feel dizzy, but I decided to blame that on my period. I always feel shit when I'm on my period.

But yes, seeing the love of my life making out with another woman was making me feel pretty shit too.

So when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I was actually really appreciative of the distraction and the fact that I could now look away from sickening scene developing before my eyes.

However, when the caller ID read Sam, I channeled all the hurt into anger. The fucking little shit. He better be ringing to apologise for causing my sleepless night.

I chewed my lip, contemplating for a moment whether to answer the call or not, before my gaze flickered up to see Nathan's mouth still moving against Jasmine's.

Would I rather stay here and watch my boyfriend get off with another girl, or go and scream at my hungover little brother who is the entire cause of my bad mood?

Yes, very hard choice.

I slipped out of the room unnoticed and jogged down the stairs, before finally leaving the building; I didn't want to start shouting at my brother whilst I was actually on the set. As I stepped outside into the breezy London air, I spotted a small set of steps leading up to the front entrance another building nearby. The call from my brother had rang out by this time, but as I parked my bum on the second step, it started to ring again.

"What?" I said flatly as I answered the call.

"Erm... hiya..." My brother began hesitantly. I didn't reply, just waited for him to get to the point.

"'Kay, erm, I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"


He hesitated again, probably trying to weigh up if I was joking or not.

"...It's only a small favour"

"I don't care, I'm not doing it"

"Well, I've not even told you what it is yet" he argued, getting a bit annoyed. I'll give him fucking annoyed.

"Well, what is it that you so desperately need me to do?" I seethed, "because if it's not an emergency, I will literally scream"

"Sorry, did I ring at a bad time?"

I bit my lip to stop myself from snarling down to the phone to him.

"A bad time?" I laughed dryly, feeling my anger bubbling over in the form of sarcasm "oh no, a bad time to ring me would be at, ohh, I don't know, quarter to three in the morning when you're pissed out of your fucking mind at a house party. Yes, that would be a bad time, wouldn't it? Because you might wake your sister up, worry her and then she doesn't get any sleep for the rest of the night, making her extremely pissed off" I paused for a moment for added effect, "so it's a good job that didn't happen, isn't it?"

"Right, erm, yeah, I vaguely remember that" he mumbled.

"Oh, how considerate of you" I spat.

"Sorry but I was drunk, okay?" He sighed, "and this group of girls started playing The Wanted and then none of them believed that you were dating Nathan so I said I'd ring you and prove it..."

"Is this the favour you're ringing me for then?" I asked, "you want me to prove that I'm going out with Nathan so you can look good to a bunch of random girls?"

"No, it's nothing to do with that" he countered, "I, erm, I need you to lend me some money"

I was livid. Fucking livid.

"You ruin my entire night's sleep and now you have the audacity to ask me for money?!" I spat through gritted teeth.

"It's just, me and Ben bought some alcohol last night for the party, and I spent more than I'd realised" he began, "and now mum wants me to pay her back for when I-"

"No" I snapped, not even bothering to sit an listen to whatever he was going to say. Had he rang me yesterday asking for money, I may have been nice and sent him some.

But after last night's incident...

Fucking no chance.

"You want money, Sam? Get a fucking job" I continued my ranting, "you want money? You ring me in a weeks' time and maybe, if you're really fucking lucky, I might not still be in a mood with you, okay?"

"But I-"

I hung up, not having the patience or energy to listen to anything else he had to say.

After all of the stuff I do for that kid, all the times I have helped him out with stuff, provided him with food and a bed when he visits, stood up for him, and he thinks that he can wake me up at such an unreasonable hour, cause my shit mood and I'm still going to lend him some of my well-earned money that I probably won't get back for another five years.

Stupid little-

I growled and felt a sudden urge to vent my anger out in the most aggressive manner possible. With my phone being still in my hand, my brain decided that that was going to take the strain. I lobbed it with all the force I could at a nearby brick wall, an angry cry escaping my mouth at the same time.

As soon as the phone collided with the fiery red brick, I instantly regretted the decision. Last time I'd thrown my phone in anger (and nearly hit Nathan in the face) was at a metal wall in an elevator; the phone was in shock but came out of the incident relatively unscathed.

This time, the phone wasn't so lucky. The huge crack that shattered the glass screen was clearly visible from where I was sat three metres away.

I let out a defeated sigh and rested my head on my hands, feeling tears spring to my ears. Today was just a complete write-off. I couldn't wait to go home, go to sleep and wake up the next morning, happy to never even think about this day ever again in my whole life.

Life had been going pretty well over the past few weeks, and then all of sudden every fucking thing that could possibly go wrong went wrong and everything shit that could possibly happen, happened, all on the same fucking day.

I squeezed my eyes shut and dug the heels of my palms against them, willing myself not to cry.

I heard a set of footsteps approach me but I didn't move or even lift my head up to acknowledge the person. I listened to them stop briefly, pick up the miserable excuse of a phone before they sat down to my left. Their hands curled around my left wrist, gently pulling it away from me and began to play with my fingers, lacing his with mine.

"You can punch me if you want" Nathan said, "no one would even be able to tell yet" he added, referring to his black-eye, "but I see your phone's already taken a beating"

"I'm not even in a mood any more" I mumbled as he softly pushed the phone into my hands, "I just want to cry"

I lifted my head to inspect the phone close-up, pressing the lock button and then the home button aggressively, but the cracked screen remained black.

"It won't even fucking switch on" I whined, the tears now beginning to break through and spill down my cheeks as I threw the phone down on the ground in front of me. I'd already broken it so I couldn't give less fucks about causing it any more damage.

Nathan slid his arm around around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

"We'll go into town tomorrow and get you a new one"

"I've broke my fucking phone, I've got a headache, my stomach's fucking killing me" I moaned, wiping my tears. "my brother's just rang me being a dick and asking me for bloody money-"

"Hey, ssh"

He didn't say anything else; just stood up and sat down again on the step behind me, his legs on either side of mine and his chest pressed against my back. He slid his arms around shoulders, pulling me right against him as he buried his face into the side of my neck. I no longer had the energy to be angry with him and so embraced the comfort. We stayed like that for a few moments before I spoke quietly.

"It really upset me that you didn't tell me"

He sighed, his hot breath hitting my skin, "I know, I'm sorry" he mumbled, before lifting his head up, "I just... I wasn't really happy about doing it myself because I didn't want to hurt you, and I wasn't sure how you'd react, and I thought that you might not want to come today if you knew, and I really did want you to come today because I want to spend time with you" he explained, "I know I should have told you, I can see that now, I'm really sorry that I didn't"

He pressed his lips against my temple sweetly.

"Was she a good kisser?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

"You're a better one" he replied smoothly, leaning forward to rest his forehead against mine.

"That's a 'yes' then" I muttered, turning away again.

"It's a 'nothing compares to the way you make me feel when we kiss'" he said softly, gently tilting my head back to face him again.

"That was well fucking cheesy" I scoffed, trying to disguise my red cheeks.

"I tried to think of you" he continued, "I tried to imagine I was kissing you, but it didn't really work because she didn't kiss me like you do"

"Sounds pretty shit then" I shrugged, but he just ignored him.

"She didn't play with my hair like you do" his fingers found a lock of my hair and began twirling it around, "and she didn't nuzzle my nose like you do" his nose nudged mine lightly, "and she didn't bite my lip like you do" he angled his face forwards and gently grazed my lower lip with his teeth, dragging it out slowly.

"Okay, first of all" I began, pulling my face away and poking his forehead with my finger, "I am still in a mood with you, and will happily give you another black eye to match the one you already have"

He smiled, "do you like my black eye? I think it makes me look hard, like James Bond or something"

I could kind of see where he was coming from but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of agreeing with him.

"You've got a way to go before you resemble James Bond" I scoffed.

"The name's Sykes" he teased in my ear, "Nathan Sykes"

"You're a head" I mocked, "dick head"

He chuckled, unfazed by my meanness, and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"You still got stomach ache?" He asked, to which I nodded, "I think I've got some paracetamol in my bag, I'll go get you some in a minute"

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"Why do you think you've got stomach ache?"

"Period" I replied bluntly.

"Oh" he let out a small chuckle, "that explains a lot"

"I'm not in a mood because of that" I argued, "it's just amplifying it, I'm in a mood because of all the other shit that happened today and the fact I've hardly slept"

"Do you wanna go home?" He asked softly.

"How much longer have you got left of filming?" I questioned, turning my head to look up at him.

"A few more hours" he replied, "you can go home if you're really not feeling well, Soph, I'd rather you go to bed and catch up on some on sleep if you don't wanna be here"

I contemplated it for a moment, wondering if I could actually be arsed making my way home.

"Either that, or you can stay and watch us pretend to beat up a load of guys that would probably beat us up in real life"

"I suppose it will probably be quite funny to watch" I shrugged, "and someone's gotta keep an eye on Jasmine, haven't they?"

"Why?" He smirked, "because I'm such a good kisser that she won't be able to stay away now"

"You could have at least looked like you weren't enjoying it" I muttered.

"I had to act like I was!" He argued, "I was supposed to be distracting her"

"You didn't really need to distract her, she was already gagged and tied up, she couldn't have exactly done much if you just walked up to her and took the key" I retorted, "so there wasn't really a point in the kiss at all"

"That's actually a fair point" he mused.

"So I had to stand there and watch you snog some other bird for nothing really"

"I thought you weren't jealous"

"I'm not, there's nothing to be jealous of, I just don't appreciate having to watch it"

"Well, like I said before, she doesn't compare to you" he cooed, adding, "plus, she wore the same perfume that Chelsea used to wear so it felt like I was kissing Chelsea, and that made me want to vomit"

I bit my lip to stop myself laughing


"Oh for God's sake" Nathan groaned, hiding his face in my neck at Scooter's calling.


"I think Scooter wants you" I smirked, glancing over to where Scooter was stood with the other boys and Jasmine.

"If I don't make eye contact, he won't see me" he mumbled into my neck. I kept my eyes on Scooter who was glaring back at us impatiently.

"He puts me in a bad mood just looking at him" I said, making Nathan laugh.

"Come on, Nathan!" Scooter called, "playtime's over!"

"Playtime? What does he think we were doing?" I smirked, feeling Nathan smile against my skin before he lifted his head up and rested his chin against the top of my head.

"Guess I better get back to work" He sighed, before placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing himself up into a standing position, "come on, babe" he stepped around me and grabbed my hands, pulling me along behind him as he began to make his way over to his bandmates, "you can meet Jasmine too" he added mockingly, turning around and smirking at me as he walked backwards.

"No, you're alright, thanks" I replied half-jokingly. She was probably really nice, but it might be really awkward and she probably thinks I'm gonna slap her or something after witnessing any of my behaviour earlier today.

"She said that you're really pretty" he told me, "and that she's heard some of your music and she really likes it"

I perked up a bit at this news. Suddenly, the girl seemed a whole lot more appealing to me.

"...Well, I suppose it won't hurt"

Please let me know what you think :)

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