Completely Attached

By UnconventionalB

14.3K 779 325

Love Comes in Many Forms. Note: none of the characters are mine and any photos are property of their origina... More

1. Alex and Britain
2. Alexandra
3. Alexandra
4. Alexandra
5. Britain
6. Britain
7. Alex
9. Alexandra
10. Britain
11. Britain
12. Britain
13. Britain
14. Britain
15. Alexandra
16. Alex
17. Britain
18. Alex

8. Britain

597 40 28
By UnconventionalB


Britain walked to class rather happy. He was always happy nowadays. Alex made sure that it was so. She never let him go on about his day unhappy,and always found a way to make him cheerful again.

Britain was sitting in class when he felt those eyes again. This time there were multiple pairs, but he knew the pair from yesterday. When he turned, he saw the same girl, and this time she had a clique around her. They all wore looks of disdain and condescension, all directed at him. He quickly turned his head to avoid the undeserved stares. He really wished Alex were here.


Britain sat at lunch eating by himself, but this time he didn't pay much attention to the long stares and glances. Alex had be helping him with his self esteem and he started caring less about them.

Britain's eating was interrupted by a presence placing itself in front of him. It was the same girl from last night and class earlier, and this time her group of friends was still around her. She was a light color with long hair that may or may not have been hers, but it was one of her more noticeable features.

"Can I hel"-

"Hello", she chirped with a rather big smile. But this smile more unsettling, like there was an ulterior motive behind the twin rows of white teeth. The smile silently said, "I expect you to do what I say, and nothing less". Britain hated those smiles, because most people just expected him to take most things just lying down.

See what most people don't understand is that while most people with autism are extremely nice, most of their contemporaries took that as a sign to take advantage of them because they didn't understand some things. Britain had picked up on this but sometimes he couldn't tell if it were happening until it was too late.

Britain also took note of the group of people that was around this off-putting girl. One was obviously gay, her dreads and masculine clothing giving off the general vibe, but he quickly dismissed it. The other three, however, were just as off putting as the girl that spoke to him.

Their clothes were just as girly as the girl's, except they were either not as attractive or more blatantly stuck up. All of them wore flashy nails, leaving Britain to wonder how they did their homework or even take a shower.

"Why do you always hang around that girl, I think her name is Alexandra?"

"Because she's my friend, well, we're more than friends but-"

"Well, how about just staying away from her?"

Britain didn't know that one could be perturbed, angry, and irritated simultaneously until today. His eyebrows began to furrow as he began to analyze the deception that lingered behind her light colored eyes.

The other women around her began to hum subtle remarks of agreement, nodding and sending glances, first at each other before directing them toward Britain, looks of disdain and veiled contempt plastered on their faces.

"I mean, if you stayed away, we won't have to speak again, and we'll be just fine. Ok bye see you later", she said, that smile again creeping onto her face but making plain the fact that it was not genuine or kind.

Britain was further irritated by the fact that before they left, the one with the dreads knocked over his drink, but then uttered an, "I'm sorry, my bad", as if it were an accident.

He just sat there, angry and frustrated that she'd just imposed her will upon him, and secondly because she was looking at his girl.


Alex was livid.

She was currently sitting down with her companion, trying to get out of him whatever had him depressed. Britain had been sitting in his room all day, well for the last two days, alternating between looks of anger, frustration, and sadness. This was coupled with the fact that he was always reading. Alex knew something was wrong if the only thing he did for a day was read.

Britain could sense her growing anger, and he tried to soothe her , by assuring her that whatever happened, meant nothing . And he could say that all she liked, but she could only control herself but so much. Especially after she knew who'd cause this episode.

Alex was trying to follow Britain's example and forget about it, but as she sat there, she couldn't help but become irritated once again. She hoped that she'd never see that girl again or she'd potentially get expelled. She simply rubbed little circles in Britain's hand, softly pecking his cheek occasionally to let him know she was there. Alex was kind cheering up tho, cause Britain was letting her be big spoon, and he usually didn't like being touched, and today he was really affectionate. Plus she really liked being big spoon🙂.

She still felt his frustration though, angry that couldn't do anything because his antagonist was a female and upset because the first time he gets a girlfriend, and someone wanted to ruin that.


Alex was currently walking to her car to go to the store. She wanted to surprise Brit, seeing as he was always doing stuff for her. He'd even gotten her a new beanie and some new earbuds, so she'd decided to return the favor. As she made it to her car, she found that two hands had slipped themselves in her pockets. She turned her head and gained the funkiest look to her face when she saw who it was. It was the Chalayna girl who'd confronted her source of contentment in the cafe.

"Hey Aleeeeex."

Firstly, the greeting made her cringe, and secondly, this girl was really asking for it. Not only was she disrespecting the fact that she was in a relationship, or on the verge of being in one, but she'd made a public spectacle of her significant other, and tried to scare him away. She was really asking to get those rings snatched out of her nose and ears.

"What do you want?"

"So did you think about what I said the other night."

She'd thought about it and politely declined. Alex was even more pissed off at the way that she was smacking that piece of gum in her mouth. It still didn't hide the fact that she'd still had her mouth near somebody's pussy lately. That smell was horrible. Alex only stared back as she tried to keep herself from knocking the girl out.

"Look, you need to stop playing around, I know you like me, so why keep playing games?"

The ding-bat batted her eyes to try and entice her, which in fact only turned her off. But Alex wasn't gonna lie, she did have a nice body. Her figure was curvy enough, her hips being wider than any normal girl. Which brought her to her ass, which was big, she had to admit. (Quite honestly, she liked Britain's too, but it was way to early to tell him that and Alex figured it'd be a while before they'd actually have sex, but that didn't stop her glancing and admiring when he wasn't paying attention). Her chest was also stacked nicely. But none of that really mattered. The rest of her looked extremely artificial.

Her nails were unnecessarily long, then being studded with synthetic gems and unbearably bright colors. She'd seen them the other day, and they were currently scrapping against her own legs. Her hair, while long, obviously wasn't hers, falling down past her waist. Her face was heavily veiled in makeup, making Alex wonder what she actually looked like under all of the paint on her face.

Speaking of her face, it was riddled with various ring and piercings all over the place. Like half her face was covered with metal. All in all, she was somebody that Alex would never be interested in, at least not relationship wise. She wasn't ugly on the outside, but she was definitely hideous on the inside.

"I'm good, now take your fucking hands out of my pockets". Alex was really trying to keep it together with this dumb girl.

"What's wrong, I'm just trying to make conversation. Maybe I could come to your room later?" Alex became even more pissed because the girl had seen her room before.

"Nah, you good. As matter of fact, you can stay very far away from me."

"Whatever, I'll see you later."

Alex was about to lose her composure, tolerating this confrontation that was occurring, but she couldn't stand her. Not to mention how bold she was! She simply slipped the girls hands out of her pocket and finally got into her car. She squeezed the steering wheel really tight, trying her hardest to keep her composure.

She just pulled off, thinking about the things she was about to buy for Britain.


Britain was sitting there thinking to himself. He was still thinking about the other day. He'd never been more humiliated in his life. He'd finally found someone who'd liked him for who he was, and soon as he'd gotten them to himself, there was someone here to take her away. His face furrowed again, trying not to get angry or sad again.

As he sat there in his bed thinking, the tall presence that he'd become accustomed to suddenly appeared next to him, and it came bearing gifts. There were two things, one was obviously clothing, and the other was in a box, and he was trying to piece together what it could possibly be.

"Hey, I got you something".

Britain took both items eagerly and shook the box, amusing Alex because despite Britain's kindly nature, she knew that he was kinda spoiled, he just didn't like to show it.

"Well are you going to open them?"

Britain excitedly ripped the box and bag open, and to his delight it was a blue and black hoodie and a new book, one which he'd been eyeing and talking about lately. Alex watched as his face turned from happiness to deep thought, getting up as the latter expression was still imprinted on his face.

He reached under his bed and brought out a box, looking apprehensively as he handed it to her.

"I meant to give this to you a while ago, I just kept forgetting."

When Alex opened it, she smiled widely. It was a watch, with a light blue face and black band, a just to emphasize its importance, Britain turned off the light to show off its reflective features in the dark.

"Britain how much did this cost?"

"Don't worry about it, I got it a while ago, it's actually one of my favorite things, and I want you to keep it."

Alex beamed as she slipped it on, admiring the way it looked on her wrist. But she thought to herself, 'I've never gotten him anything this nice before'. Alex sat there for a minute before coming back with something small in her hand.

"Here take this."

It was a ring. You know like those class rings that people wear? It was one of those except it a deep blue gem embedded at the top, and inscription in the side in a different language.

"Keep this, my dad gave it to me a when I was twelve."

Britain examined it the same amazement and curiosity with which she treated the watch. Britain leaned over and kissed her cheek, which 1.) made her skin flush into a deep shade of burgundy and 2.) made her want more, inciting her to pull his face toward hers for what she really wanted.

It was long and soft, not necessarily something sexual, but just exchanging mutual affection.

"Thank you".


Alex was thrown off by a question she didn't expect to hear for a long time.

"Alex, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Huh?", she said with surprise.

"I asked if you would be my girlfriend."

On the inside, Alex was beaming. She was actually going to ask him the same question. She'd understood that some people with Autism are slow when it comes to really close relationships, so she was happy when he just came out and said it.

"Yea, I would love to Baby."

Alex turned from her position on the bed with one hand one her stomach and the other behind her head, pulling Britain's face to hers to plant a kiss on it. Even though he kinda didn't like it when she did that, she could care less sometimes. Lol she wanted her kisses. She found it absolutely irritating when he told her she couldn't have any.

A knock at the door interrupted their kiss, and Alex went to answer it, annoyed that their moment was ruined. Her mood soured again when she saw who it was.

"Hiiiiiii", chirped a really annoying voice.


Britain was annoyed himself.

The rather arrogant girl who'd attempted to impose her will on him was at the door, and it was kind of satisfying to see her face immediately sour once she saw that Britain was indeed in the room with her.

They soon caught each other's gazes, both of them quickly gaining looks of contempt and disdain for the other. This girl would be the death of him.

"What's he doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from her", she said turning her attention toward Britain on the bed. Britain began to worry as what she really should have been paying attention to was the girl who'd answered the door.

Britain watched as Alex's whole demeanor changed. Her jaw and fists clenched tightly as the pigment of her skin began to change from light caramel to bright red.

The girl continued to heap insults in Britain's direction, causing her now clenched fists to shake and show the many veins under her light skin. All the while, she focusing on the wrong thing, not paying enough attention to the one who'd opened the door in the first place.

Britain ran door to the door quickly to try and salvage the situation, a situation that had already gone from bad to not recoverable, seeing as Alex was heaving. See, Alex began heaving, that was usually indicative of either a.) she was about to spaz or b.) she was gonna be in a rather sour mood for undetermined amount of time.

     Unfortunately, this situation screamed spazzing out.Britain used all of strength he had to pull Alex away from the door. She was really strong and pulling her away was like pulling a tree up by it's deep seated roots.

As he finally pulled her away, he turned and said a word to the annoying female who was still antagonizing Alex.

"Listen, I don't know what I did to you, but you need to stop trying to do whatever it is you're aiming at, cause next ti-"

"What, you gon' hit a girl?"

"No but she is", Britain said, closing the door just time before Alex got out of his grip and let her fiat lodge itself into the door. Britain was beyond irritated now, because he had to once agin soothe the rather tall giant which he now happily called his girlfriend

He finally pulled Alex to the bed, who now on the verge of blacking out again. She was an even brighter shade of red than the last time he'd seen her this upset. The large fists were clenched so tight that they looked as if they would break under their own pressure.
Britain slowly placed his hand on her arm as he began to slowly calm her down.

He cautiously wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a much needed embrace. They sat there as she slowly came down from her temper flare up. He simply stroked her hair as her body alternated between tensing up and relaxing.

Bro why did she have to come to the door?


     Alex was trying her best to calm down. The way that stupid girl talked about B was enough to make her temper flare up again. Alex hated when people talked about him, it absolutely infuriated her.

As she lay on his chest, she began to take in his scent again. It was stronger than usual, as if he'd put it on recently. Her senses began to overload as she continued to gently take in what he had to offer.

Her complexion slowly faded back to its natural shade of caramel and her fists slowly relaxed until they could finally hold each other's hand. The shoulders that were once hard and tense now melted into a more relaxed form.

Alex didn't know what to think. No one had ever made her feel this way before. Usually when she had one her episodes in the past, she always hated to be touched. Not even her past significant others could come anywhere near her, or they'd risk a potentially broken bone.

But here she was, like putty in Britain's hands. Her steely resolve completely gone, leaving her exposed and emotionally naked. She didn't know what he did, but she liked it. A lot. Alex stayed in this position for awhile, playing with Britain's hands, something that she found that she loved doing, while they lay there in each others' silent embrace.

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