Book of Secrets

By CelticWarriorQueen17

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A tag and rant book. Ye be warned. More

Behold, my tag book hath returned...
Book and Character Tag
Book Thieves, Blogs, Etc.
Fan Music - Is It A Thing
Character Line Tag
So I uh did a thing...
Book-Lover Blog Tag
Another Tag
My Opinions on Pride Month
Five Things Tag
Story Descriptions Tag
Further Elaborations...
The Questions Tag
I need help... [Also in which I question life choices and my sanity]
In Which I Make Up My Mind
Preptober Day #2
Preptober Day #3
Preptober Day #4
Preptober Days #5-7
More Preptober
Mordred Memes a lot to me
Facts and Favorites Tag
Yet Another Tag...
Cinnamon Rolls
Final Song and some Life Updates
Brown Feather
Username Tag
20 Songs Tag
Character Aesthetics Tag
Language Tag
Bestie Tag Pt. 1
Bestie Tag Pt. 2
So I Made a Thing
OTP Tag Version 1. Feat. #LUNID
OTP Tag Version 2. Feat. #FIANGUS
Publishing Announcement + Book Launch Server
Strengths/Weaknesses Tag
PREORDER your copy of my debut, BETWEEN TWO WORLDS
A New Tag
Gwynnedd's Guide to the 50 States
A Very Important Announcement

A Study Tag of Between Two Worlds

28 6 29
By CelticWarriorQueen17

Tagged by autumn_sunfire

For this one, I'm pulling up my current editing WIP, Between Two Worlds, as it hasn't had enough recognition... 

1. Describe the plot in one sentence: 

A young Briton girl is captured and taken to Rome as a slave where she must learn to forgive and love before she can come home. 

Pretty lame, I know. But I gave it my best shot. XD 

2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic of your novel: 

Glorious sunset; the crush of perfumes, body odor, animal and human waste, and spices being sold in a market place; the gentle rush of water in a fountain, soft footsteps and low, murmuring voices; warmth of the sun; bitter sweetness.

Does that work? 

3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for this song? 

Between Two Worlds by Leah McHenry; it's what this whole book is based off in a way. 

Now We Are Free by Indigo Choras

Resurgam from the POLDARK soundtrack

Solstice by Marcus Warner

4. What's the time period and location in which the novel takes place? 

First century A.D.

Britannia and the city of Rome

5. Is this a standalone or part of a series?

A standalone

6. Are there any former titles you've discarded?

Actually... In the very beginning when I first thought of it, it was something like The General's Bride but I quickly tossed it out and Between Two Worlds is what I put on the cover and what stuck to the end. I liked it better anyway. 

7. How many times does the word love appear in the novel?

A whopping 60 times. 

(For the record I almost used the word the.)

8. What's the first line that comes up when you search love?

"Gazing into Brenyn's green-gold eyes in the weeks that had followed after, Justus knew that he could never love another as he did her."

9. What's the first line of your novel?

It began with a whisper. 

(I've actually memorized that since day 1.) 

10. What's a line of dialogue you are particularly proud of? 

Good question. 

Okay, this is more than one line, but whatever. 

'Enid, listen to me. I know all those things which thou sayest, for they are indeed true. In thee I have found a comfort that no one else could give because thou understood what they could not. But thou art wrong about one thing. I do not think little of thee at all.' He sighed before continuing. 'All those things—nay, that is not how I wish to phrase this... All the kindness I have shown to thee, it was not merely for my own pleasure. I did not wish to know of thy lineage, thy family, thy culture and heritage mainly because I desired to know more about the people I had been estranged from by my great uncle. Aye, I wanted to know, but that was not the main reason I asked of it. I did not do those things only for myself. I did them for thee! I did them because I know what it is like never to belong, never to have someone who can understand, never to feel wanted, and I wish to be a friend to thee. No human being should ever feel such loneliness and sorrow, least of all thee.' He released my arm. 'I should not hinder thee longer.'

11. Which line from the novel represents the novel as a whole? 

'I am caught between two worlds; there is no place for me in this, and yet I have no choice.'

12. Who are your character face claims?

I don't really have any face claims for anyone except for Lucius because he was based off of the looks of someone I know. (Also stole the name and made it Romanized. My apologies, Luca.) 

And then of course, Ffionn, Ilar, and Brynmor because they were also based off of real people. 

13.  Sort your characters into Harry Potter houses!

Um, not a fan of HP so no thanks. 

14. Which character's name do you like the most? 

Hmm... I mean, I love them all. Brynmor's is probably my favorite because it sounds so Celtic and mystical. 

Lucius would be second because it rolls off the tongue so well. 

15. Describe each character's daily outfit:

What??? Not every character. I have too many in this. 


Simple slave tunic that goes to the knee and leather sandals for the feet. Except for as a British girl and then a freed woman. 


Simple tunic that goes to the knee and sandals. Occasionally a cloak for colder weather. I'm not describing the armor right now. XD

16. Do any characters have any distinctive birthmarks/scars?

Lucius has a twisted leg at one point, if that counts. Also imagined a slight scar on his temple, but it never really made it into the novel. XD 

17. Pick a color to represent each character: 

Enid - emerald green 

Lucius - crimson and gold

Julia - lavender 

Aurelia - pastel pink 

Honoria - brown 

Rufus - grey and purple 

Agrippina - pale gold

Justus - royal purple 

Brenyn - scarlet and orange 

Might think of more later. 

18. Pick a font to represent each character: 

Enid - sometime simple and inbetween print and cursive; a mix of Trajan Pro and Stonehedge 

Lucius - beautiful to look at, with some Celtic curves slipped into his neat Roman lettering; perhaps Cinzel Decorative, but with more Celtic knots 

Julia - DesirePro all the way 

Aurelia - brush hand calligraphy 

Rufus - Trajan Pro intensified 

Honoria - Times New Roman, probably .12 size font too xD 

Agrippina - probably Cambria 

Justus - Cinzel 

Brenyn - Sláine 

19. Which character most fits a character trope? Which trope? 


Enid might at first seem a Mary Sue, but she's not OP. She is full of weaknesses and is a girly girl at heart. 

*gives up on this question*

20. Which character is the best writer? Worst? 

Obviously Enid, as she's the one writing the story. 

Lucius also, because he's the type to leave love poems everywhere for her. 

Aurelia would be the worst writer. She would lose patience and throw her stylus against the far wall and go something else. 

21. Which character is the best liar? Worst? 

Enid is a terrible liar. Lucius doesn't tell lies as much as avoid telling the truth sometimes. Dunno if that counts. 

22. Which character swears the most? Least?

None of my characters really swear. But I can totally see Agrippina swearing at some lazy slave who upset her kitchen. All of them have potential to swear, except for Julia; they just don't. 

23. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst? 

Lucius takes best prize. 

Agrippina would have the worst, but it doesn't matter as she can't read and write anyway. XD 

24. Which character is most like you? Least like you?

Enid is primarily based off of me in pretty much every way. 

Aurelia is probably the least like me. In some ways I can't stand her, and in other ways I pity her and want to love her, I just struggle to do so. 

...Like Enid...

25. Which character would you most like to be? 

Lucius, I suppose. I mean, he has his fair share of problems. He has a temper; doesn't really blow up in the story, but he struggles with anger management and depression. But he's also such a sweet heart and is really caring for Enid when he first meets her because he pities her and wants her to be happy. He doesn't judge her for her faults, but accepts her for who she is. 

Phew, this took literally an hour. 




and whoever else wants to do this

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