《Wakfu King of Cards》 [Wakfu...

By King_Kado131

129K 3K 3.2K

The World of Twelve! A magnificent world full of Magic, Mystery and Action! Every race living in relative pea... More

The Prideful Sloth
Ace Of Spades
Shopping for Adventure!
Let's read the word princess 104 times
Slime Prime Time
Gloom & Doom With a Side of Ships
Bonta's Game!
The Island That Time Forgot
Tundra's Turn
Amazing Hercules
Waring Heroes Part 1
Waring Heroes Part 2
Reuniting Heroes
Fighting Demons Part 1
[A/N] I'm Sure Special!
Fighting Demons Part 2
Sleeping Suit
Storytelling Eliatrope
Flying Bandits
Rushing Warrior
Rushing DemiShu
The Voice Stealer?
Lake of Everlasting Love
The Conflict of Thirteen
Familiar Friends Found at the Fair
Stupid Little Non-Cannon Thing I Thought of
Payday 2 Enutrof Edition
The Secrets of a Madman's Dream
Songs that Make Men go Mad
The Seal of Love
The Snow Covered Sea of Confliction
The Kingdom of Cards Part 1
[A/N] Wakfu King of Ships!
[A/N] Follow Up + Future Plan!
Kingdom of Cards Part 2
The Legendary Wild Card
Changing an Endless Legend
[A/N] Just some updates.
Aces Kings and Heroes
Aces Kings and Heroes Part 2
The Crimson Claw
Demons, Dragons, and Undead, Oh My!
To Be Loved is to Suffer
Ritza, Rushu and Qilby
The End?
Y/n L/n Spade
Creator God In Action
OVA 1 Ogrest's Tears
OVA 1 The Suricas

Dueling Panda

2.3K 73 74
By King_Kado131

[The Next Few episodes are gonna be either real or fake Progrise Key names that somewhat relate to the episode.]

Cleophee: "So, this is Pandawa country, theres a lot more bamboo than I expected."

Y/n: "Well, it is Pandawa country. And Pandawa's survive off of Bamboo, Beer and Parties."

Stag Beetle: "Kry Kryy!"

Dedan: "We should find this Magnet Undead quickly, I want to fight you at your full power Y/n."

Y/n: "Yeah, whatever you say Tachibana-san."

Dedan glared at Y/n when he said that knowing that Tachibana-san was the Suit's way of calling someone a clown. Y/n then turned towards the blue stag beetle the size of a corgi that to floated next to Y/n with a happy expression on his face. Y/n pet the stag beetle as he spoke to him.

Y/n: "Alright Sayoko. You go and see if there's a village nearby."

Sayoko: "KRY!"

Sayoko yelled before he flew into the distance. Cleophee let out a Sigh as she turned towards Y/n.

Cleophee: "You do know Sayoko's a girl's name, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah, but he likes the name, and I can't really change it. Anyway, we should get moving, there should be some Club Undead that I haven't sealed yet nearby."

Y/n said as he began walking off, meanwhile in the distance, a Pandawa boy watched form afar through a bamboo telescope. He watched Y/n for a moment before he noticed the Absorbe Rouzer on his arm, seeing this caused his eyes to widen as he began turning around scrambling to grab his stuff, before dashing out of the bamboo shack that was his house.

《Wakfu King of Cards》
Episode 12
A Pandawa Pupil's Pride


Dedan: "It's headed your way Cleophee!"

Bombs hit the ground as an Undead drilled through the ground at high speeds. Cleophee ran next to the Undead as it dug through the ground shooting arrows at the Mole Undead, but the Undead was able to dodge all the shots thanks to it's heightened hearing. The Mole Undead then began drilling even further underground, making it disappear from everyone's sight. Cleophee looked around in confusion, for any sight of the Mole Undead, only for a slight rumble to appear behind her.


Mole Undead: "GGGRRRAAAHHH!!!!"

Cleophee: "WOAHOLY CRAP!"

Suddenly the Mole bursted put of the ground, appearing right behind Cleophee with it's claw ready to strike.


Cleophee: "GAH!"

The Mole Undead slammed it's claw into Cleophee, but the Cra was able to block with her arms, only getting a scratch as she was sent flying back.


Cleophee: "H-Huh?"

Y/n: "You Alright Cleo?"

Y/n said as he caught Cleophee in his arms, causing the Cra to blush a bit, that was until she saw the Mole Undead creating large stones and getting ready to fling them at Y/n and herself.

Cleophee: "Yeah! I'm fine! But we should really get moving!"

Mole Undead: "GGGRRRAAAHHH!"

The Mole Undead roared as he shot the rocks at Cleo and Y/n.

Y/n: "This is one of those times where o wish I had a shield."

Y/n said as he bent his legs, getting ready to jump high into the sky... when suddenly a hooded figure appeared infront of Y/n blocking the attack with a large shield that was decorated to look like a Panda's face. That figure then stood up and turned towards Y/n showing the smirk that was on his face.

???: "I wouldn't worry about this thing, I'll take it down in the blink of an eye!"

The figure said as he made the shield disappear while drawing one of the three katanas that were on his waist. He held the blade up and dashed forwards with suprising speed.


The figure then slashed at the Mole Undead's left, causing it to block the attack with it's metal arm, but the swordsman planned for this. He let go of his sword as he appeared on the right of the Undead. He quickly drew one of his blades.





Mole Undead: "BRUUUUAHAHA!"

The Mole Undead screamed in pain as the swordsman slash through his body, slamming the blade of his second sword into the blade of his second one. The Mole Undead stumbled back with a the large injury hindering it's movement. The swordsman then turned towards Y/n while sheathing his swords, he placed his fists on his hips with his chest puffed out with pride.

???: "There you guys go. You can Seal the Undead now."

The swordsman said to Y/n, but as he stood there, he failed to notice that the Undead's seal was still closed, and because of that, the Undead quickly healed it's own wounds using the dirt around him. The mole then jumped up with it's metal arm raised, causing a long and sharp blade to shoot out of the metal arm, ready to slice the clueless swordsman in half.


Y/n yelled as he dropped Cleophee and ran into action, he quickly equipped his Driver and jumped up, before jumping again, using the swordsman's shoulders as a footstool. Y/n faced the Undead mid air as he gripped his Driver's lever.


Blade Driver: "TURN UP."


Mole Undead: "BURRAAHA!"

Y/n pulled his Driver's lever, sending the blue screen flying forwards, causing it to slam into the Mole Undead, sending it flying back as he transformed into his Blade Form. Y/n landed on the ground and quickly drew his Blay Rouzer and took out Rouzer Cards scanning them.


Y/n the did a small hop before jumping high into the air, flew forwards kicking the Mole Undead, freezing it in time. Y/n then appeared behind the Frozen Mole with his blade raised into the air, which was shining with energy and electricity.




Y/n slashed the Mole Undead's back Horizontally before raising his sword high into the air, before he slashed the Mole Undead's back horizontal with all his might.



The Undead was then unfrozen from time, causing the Slashed to take effect, sending the Undead flying back before it exploded into green flames as it's seal opened, revealing a 3 and the Club symbol. Y/n then took out a Blank Rouzer card and tossed it at the Undead, causing it to spin through the air before stabbing into the mole's body. It then turned into a green mist as it was absorbed into the blank card, before the card that was now a 3 of Clubs.

Y/n: "Tch, I was really hoping that this was the Spade I needed."

Y/n said as he transformed back to normal. He then walked over to Cleophee and held his hand out to the Cra who was still on the ground.

Y/n: "Sorry about dropping you. Kinda had to react quickly."

Cleophee: "It's fine. Just drop my on something softer next time."

Y/n: "Noted."

Y/n said as he pulled out the Leangle Driver and placed the new Club Card inside before putting it away.

???: "Ugh! Dammit! I really thought I beat one that time... I really am a weakling."

The swordsman said as he gripped the handle of his sword tightly. Y/n saw this and walked over to the Swordsman. Once he was infront of the mysterious figure, grabbed his swords and observed them closely. Y/n then bit his thumb drawing blood, he then took the blood and placed it on the Blade and Sheath of the swords, causing a Spade, Diamond and Club symbol to appear on them.

Y/n: "Here. The Undead an odd protection that's almost like Magic. You can only open their seals once that protection is destroyed, and Suits like me can break it easily while other races have a much harder time. With this, your swords should be able to break that protection too."

Y/n said as the swordsman began observing his swords with awe. Y/n then began walking away with Dedan and Cleophee following him... when something suddenly stopped them.

???: "W-WAIT!"

Y/n then turned towards the swordsman, only to see him throw off the cloak that covered his body, revealing himself to the traveling trio.


The pandawa boy now known as Jimina said as he got onto his hands and knees bowing to Y/n.


Y/n: "Huh?"

Hearing this sudden begging from the Pandawa asking Y/n go teach him confused Y/n along with Cleophee and Dedan. Y/n thought for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

Y/n: "Yeah, sorry, I'm not looking for a student right now... or ever... go find somebody else to teach you."

Y/n said to Jimina before he began walking away, filling the Pandawa with shock. Jimina didn't know what to do about this, until an idea popped into his head. He quickly drew one of his blades and pointed it at Y/n.

Jimina: "If you're not gonna teach me! Then battle me in an Honorable Duel! And if that doesn't work, I'll pay you to fight or teach me!"

Hearing this caused Y/n to let out another Sigh, as he turned his head towards Jimina.

Y/n: "Listen, I dont give a crap about Honor, nor do I care about money. Sorry kid, but I'm not gonna teach you, not like it would help you anyway. You're already an expert fighter with those blades of yours."

Y/n said to Jimina before he turned and began walking away, confusing the Pandawa immensely.


Y/n: "Why are you following us?"

Y/n said as he kept on walking with Cleophee and Dedan, but now with Jimina following behind all of them.

Jimina: "Because! If I follow you, then i can learn by watching you fight! Then I can become a great swordsman!"

Cleophee: "Why do you even wanna be a swordsman in the first place? There are so many other cool weapons out there. Like a Mace, maybe a Hammer, or a Gun."

Dedan: "Are you sure you're a Cra Cleophee?"

Cleophee: "You have no idea how many times I've been asked that question. Anyway, as I was saying, you could use a Sheild with sharp edges, heck! You could fight with your fists dude!"

Cleophee continued to name weapons while completely dodging Dedan's question making him... maskpalm...

Jimina: "I-I can't use any other weapons! I need to get stronger with my swords... it's the only way I can save my village."

Dedan: "Save your village?"

Dedan asked as he and Cleophee continued to follow Y/n thought the bamboo forest.

Jimina: "... My Village. It's one that thrives off of Swordsmanship and Dueling with our Katanas. If you want something, and don't have the means to get it, then you can Duel to get what you want or need, it was peaceful and we never got into any fights that ruined any of our relationships... but then, one day my childhood friend, Bokun... he changed. He started raving about being a weakling, and to be released from his prison... whatever that means... after that, he started training with his blade like crazy. Until he went off and challenged our Village Chief, Ragna, defeating him in a duel with ease before he just took away his daughter in the blink of an eye... it was so odd. And now that Bokun's in charge, he's put the whole village in chaos. He's a selfish tyrant that puts his own pleasure above everyone else... he's a bastard, and I need to get strong enough so that I can beat him and become Chief myself.",

Jimina said with a saddened yet determined look on his face. Y/n then stopped walking, confusing everyone as he turned towards Jimina with a small smile on his face.

Y/n: "And here I thought you were just some selfish joke like Tachibana-san over here."

Y/n said as he pointed at Dedan, causing the masked rogue to growl before Y/n continued to talk.

Y/n: "But you've got some serious conviction. I can really get behind your heroic will and determination too. So... you wanna get stronger with that sword, huh?"

Jimina stared with wide eyes for a moment before nodding quickly causing Y/n to smile even more as he pulled out his Spade Driver, activating it when he put his Ace Spade card inside said Driver. Seeing this confused the party of travelers, until Y/n quickly spun around and yanked the lever of his Driver, activating it.

Y/n: "Henshin."

Spade Driver: "TURN UP!"




Y/n quickly transformed, causing his Blue Spade Screen to fly out of his Driver, slamming into a monster that tried to sneak attack him. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this monster get countered so easily. The monster then got onto it's feet, revealing itself to the the group.

Y/n chuckled a he stared at the monster with a large smile under his mask.

Y/n: "Heh. I knew I smelt something familiar in this forest. The Buffalo Undead, the one I was looking for!"

Y/n said as he got into a fighting stance ready to fight the monster with his fists. That was until 3 more Buffalo Undead appeared, completely and utterly confusing Y/n, Cleophee, Dedan, and Jimina.

Cleophee: "Waoh! Didn't you say there was only one of every Undead?"

Y/n: "YEAH! And I have the Gemini Zebra! So can somebody tell me what the Hell's going on!?"

Jimina: "Bokun's Magic."

Y/n: "What?"

Jimina: "Bokun, after he took control of my village he's been summoning these weird Buffalo creatures. They've been terrorizing my village ever since Bokun took over."

Y/n: "Tch. So they're fakes. To think, the man second to God Suit himself would have to deal with Fake Undead... but that does bring up a good idea!"

Y/n said with growing excitment as he drew his Blay Rouzer, causing everyone to face eachother back to back in a small circle as more and more Buffalo Undead began to appear around them.

Y/n: "That means this Bokun guy, He's Got the real Buffalo Undead Rouzer Card!"

Y/n roared as he dashed forwards with his blade in hand.


3 Buffalo Undead: "GGGAAAHHH!!!"

Y/n slashed 3 of the Fake Undead, causing them to fall to the ground with green energy coming out of their slash wounds.

Y/n: "Winning Sword Fights with the Buffalo's magnet control, Hypnotizing Ragna's Daughter by messing with the Eletrical Charges in her brain, It all screams the Spade 8, Magnet Buffalo Undead. You know what that means Jimina?"

Jimina stared up at Y/n with awe as he scanned several Rouzer cards into his Blay Rouzer, but Y/n stopped when he took out the card he got from the Trilobite Undead, only to see that it looked different than the other cards, just like the Trilobite Undead looked different than normal Undead.

Y/n thoughts: "This Card... it's Gold? Something's wrong, but I don't give a single crap right now!"


Suddenly, a mass of power was imbued into Y/n's blade as he raised it into the air, the sword was surrounded in a golden light as it transformed into an odd yet new form.



Y/n then slashed forwards with all his might, sending a golden blade of time flying through the all the Buffalo at hyper speed, creating giant green slash marks through all the torsos of the Undead, knocking them all to the ground. Y/n smiled as he took out a Rouzer card and threw it into the air, causing all the green energy to fly into the card as the Buffalo Undeads disappeared with a mass of green smoke. The card then flew into Y/n's hand revealing the Rouzer Card in his hand.

Y/n: "It means you've got my help taking down this Bokun bastard."

Y/n then walked over to his group of traveling friends while holding the card in his hand. Jimina observed the card with squinted eyes, only for them to grow wide.

Jimina: "H-How did you get that!? T-Thats the Card Bokun has!... but it had more gold on It than this card..."

Jimina said causing Y/n to smirk as he transformed back into his normal form.

Y/n: "So, my suspicion was right. There are two kinds of Spade Cards, the normal ones... and these weird ultra powerful Gold Ones. Alright then, guess I've gotta find all of the golden ones then! Starting with the Golden Magnet Buffalo. So you know what that means Pandawa?"

Y/n asked causing Jimina to be slightly confused. That was until Y/n slammed his fists onto his hips and yelled into the sky.


Jimina's eyes widened with joy as he looked up at Y/n with awe.


Jimina said with a mass of excitment... but then he noticed what Y/n said about his village, causing his joy to be replaced with annoyance.


Y/n: "I didn't call it Dumb, I called it stupid!"



After a while of walking, Jimina had lead Cleophee, Dedan, Y/n and his Blue Stag Beetle Sayoko, to his village known as Duvet Village.

The Village was full of people who worked endlessly with empty looks in their eyes as they carried large bamboo barrels and heavy chunks of metal. There were people in blacksmithing shops making swords and armor out of Bamboo and metal, while others took the Bamboo barrels and began mixing the Bamboo milk inside turning It into Pandawa's signature Alchohol.

Cleophee: "Woah, they look like Zombies."

Dedan: "And they're bodies... it looks like they haven't eaten in weeks..."

Jimina: "Yeah... that's what life in Duvet's like now that Bokun's the chief... we all slave away for his enjoyment, and those who fight against him, become his mindless puppets."

Y/n: "So, all these people fought against Bokun and lost?"

Jimina nodded as he pointed towards a scar on one of the mindless villagers bodies.

Jimina: "See that, he puts scars on their body to mark them as slaves, if we lose this fight, then we'll be just like them..."

Y/n: "Heh. Guess we can't loose then."

Y/n said with pride in his voice as he began walking towards the largest building in the village followed by his group of travelers. As they walked through the village, many miserable Pandawa's watched as they walked by, slowly growing hope as they saw Jimina with the Prideful suit and his friends. The four of them now stood infront of the Chief's front door, ready for action. Jimina then threw open the door, revealing a Pandawa man sitting on a throne, next to him were several Pandawa Women who wore revealing clothing, and either served the man fancy alchohol and food, or parading around him like strippers, all with mindless eyes showing that they had been hypnotized by the Pandawa Man.

Jimina: "BOKUN!"

The Pandawa man, now revealed to be Bokun, looked down at the group with an annoyed look on his face, only for that annoyance to turn into amusement when he saw Jimina.

Bokun: "Jimina! It's been a long time old friend. And I see you've brought some form of company. A Masked Rogue, an unusually buff Cra, and a Suit. Now, please tell me I'm wrong when I assume you've gathered these people here to defeat me in a duel?"

Jimina: "Sorry to tell ya! But you're right, you bastard! I'm gonna take you down, and save the village from your Cruelty!"

Jimina said as he gripped the first of his 3 Swords tightly, seeing this caused Bokun to smile as he got off his throne and the Pandawa women left.

Bokun: "You do know Jimina, that in our culture, if you draw that top blade, your intent is to kill. Meaning that I'll have no choice but to go all out, and dice you into pieces."

Bokun said with a glare as he gripped the hilt of his top sword. Jimina shook in fear as he held his sword's hilt, getting ready to draw the blade.

Jimina thoughts: "I-I c-can't do it... why can't I draw my sword? A-Am I scared... he-he did beat Ragna with a single strike, so what chance do I ha-"


Jimina: "H-Huh?"

Jimina suddenly stopped his discouraging thoughts when Y/n's hand landed on his head, calming him down a bit and releasing an odd tension that had appeared in his mind. Y/n took his hand off of Jimina's head and glared at Bokun with a boared look on his face.

Y/n: "The Gold Magnet Bull..."

Y/n then held out his hand towards Bokun.

Y/n: "Hand over the Rouzer Card..."

Y/n said as he punched his fist into his palm, causing a small shockwave that shocked Cleophee, Dedan and Jimina a tiny bit.

Y/n: "Before I literally kick your black and white furry ass. Sorry if I'm being blunt, but I'm more excited to kick the ass of Wakfu Crazy Timelord more than your panda lookin ass."

After hearing this, Bokun glared at Y/n with an sudden rage in his eyes.

Bokun: "TCH! You dare look down at me you filthy Suit! YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON A BEING SUCH AS ME!?"

Bokun began to yell as an odd golden energy began to radiate around the Pandawa, revealing an odd golden silhouette behind Bokun that made the same motions as Bokun as he raged... it was revealed that the figure standing behind Bokun was a large Buffalo man covered in gold armor and weaponry.


Bokun's eyes then lost their pupils as the true Buffalo Undead was revealed to the heroes who watched the Evolved Undead rave in rage.


The zombie of Bokun then drew his sword while Baxus stepped forwards, ready to attack. Jimina quickly drew his blade along with Dedan, Cleophee activated her crossbow, while Y/n rolled his shoulder, pulling out his Blade Driver and equipping it to his waist.

Y/n: "Heh. First time I've run into a Sentient Undead. And you said you were Sealed by God Suit himself, right? THEN KICKING YOUR ASS AND SEALING YOU AWAY FOR GOOD WILL PROVE THAT I'M GOING TO SURPASS HIM! HENSHIN!"

Blade Driver: "TURN UP!"

Y/n quickly transformed and gripped his Blay Rouzer while Baxus huffed.

Baxus: "Come to me! Buffalo Servents!"

Suddenly, a mass of Buffalo Undead appeared getting ready to attack. One of then charged forwards, when an arrow slammed into it's face, causing an explosion that destroyed it. Y/n turned towards Cleophee only to see her standing there with a smile on her face and another arrow ready to fire.

Cleophee: "Don't worry about these fakes, me and Tachibana have got them. You and Jimina take the rest!"


Dedan roared as he dashed forwards cutting 3 Buffalo Undeads in half before shooting and bombing 4 more.

Y/n: "Alright, prove you're stronger than me, and I'll call you by your name, Tachibana-san! Let's go Jimina!"

Jimina: "Right!"




Y/n and Jimina dashed forwards, slashing at Baxus, but the Buffalo was able to block with the Axes on his arms. The Buffalo then knocked the two of them back, only for them to land on their feet.

Baxus: "What the hell? Why won't my magnet powers work on your swords!?"

Y/n: "Isn't it obvious? It's because these blades have been Blessed By God Suit!"

Y/n roared as he dashed forwards and slashed at Baxus several times, only for the Undead to block and dodge each time.



Baxus: "GAH! Dammit, then I'll have someone else deal with the Panda! Bokun! End Him!"

Baxus yelled, causing the Zombified Bokun to charge at Jimina, forcing the two of them to fight. Baxus and Y/n stared each other down, waiting for the right time to strike.

Baxus: "So, it's just you and I now. A battle between Suit and Undead, just like God Jashin 13 and God Suit intended."

Y/n: "So the Undead do have a God. I'm kinda surprised, but you can kiss that faith goodbye, cause I am the man Secons to God Suit himself! And I'll kick your ass into the next Decade! Behold the Endless Power of an Ancient Hero!"

Y/n & Baxus: "GGGRRRAAAHHH!!!"


Y/n and Baxus roared as they dashed forwards and slashed at eachother, causing their blades to clash, creating a small shockwave that sent both of them back. Baxus broke the Axes off of his body, making them float before he sent them flying at Y/n with his magnet powers. The blades flew at Y/n quickly, but Y/n was faster, blocking and parrying the blades with ease before dashing at Baxus once again with his blade raised.



Y/n slashed Baxus, creating a golden cut across the Undead's chest, but Baxus was able to counter at the same time, punching Y/n in the chest as the Suit slashed him. The two sent eachother flying back again, but this time, Y/n was expecting it.




As soon as Y/n landed, he quickly scanned Rouzer Cards into his Garren Rouzer before firing a giant bullet of fire at Baxus, sending him flying into the wall stunning him for a moment. Meanwhile, the Zombified Bokun slashed at Jimina, but the slash was weakened and stopped right before the blade hit.

?Bokun?: "Hu-Huh? What's going on? J-Jimina? Why are we Dueling?"

Bokun said as his pupils reappeared for a moment, causing Jimina's eyes to widen, only for the Pandawa to become possed again and continue attacking. Jimina blocked another slash as he turned towards Y/n.


Y/n heard this and thought for a moment, only for him to realize something.

Y/n: "of course! When exposed to extreme heat, Magnets loose their Magnetism! Meaning theres only one way to beat this Undead!"

Y/n then pulled out his Blay Rouzer and cards and began scanning.


Y/n then dashed forwards at extreme speed with his blade glowing with a mass of power. He then slashed as he dashed past Baxus, appearing behind the Undead in the blink of an eye.


An explosion accured but Y/n wasn't finished yet. He quickly disappeared as time slowed around him, freezing everything in place. While time was frozen, Y/n dashed around at super speed with an Burning and Electrified sword, slashing Baxus left and right before he appeared infront of the Undead, who was frozen in time. Y/n then held up his fist and shook it as the light around him became blinding, making it look like Y/n was in his Garren form as he screamed at the Undead.


Y/n: "


Y/n the did a small hop as he jumped into the air, spinning around as he was cloned by the Gemini Rouzer Card, his feet blazing with fire and electricity, as he spun around, slamming his feet into the Undead as he finished his kick, sending Baxus flying into the ground, exploding into a mass of Golden Mist as his Seal was opened.

Meanwhile, all of the Zombified Villagers fell unconscious, and the Fake Buffalo Undead disappeared as Baxus lost all of his powers, thanks to the heat and electricity imbued into Y/n's kicks.

Y/n: "Time to Seal you away for good."

Y/n said as he took out the Magent Buffalo card he got before. He then spun the card at the Evolved Buffalo Undead, causing him to turn into Golden energy as he was Absorbed into the Card, finishing the Seal once and for all.




It was now night in Duvet Village, but instead of Sleeping, the Villagers did the exact opposite, they all partied and got drunk now that they had been rescued by Y/n and his groups of traveling buddies.

After Baxus was Sealed away, and all the Pandawas regained consciousness, our heroes were quickly celebrated for their liberation of the village. They drank, sang, and danced as the now free Pandawas celebrated their freedom.


In the center of the village, Cleophee and Y/n sat with a bunch of unconscious Pandawas with large mugs in their hands, drinking as much Bamboo Beer as they were poured seeling who could last longer... that was until the two of them picked up Bamboo Barrels and began chugging the beer inside of them like they had been stranded in the desert for a month. Everyone went while at their ability to chug alchohol, until the two of them dropped the empty barrels and let out earth shaking burps. The crowd of Pandas went wild at this while Cleophee and Y/n hugged calling at a draw while they were completely wasted.

Meanwhile Jimina and Dedan sat together watching as Cleophee and Y/n began to make fools out of themselves as they danced together while drunk, which ended in them crashing into and destroying a table or 5.

Everything in the village had returned to its happy form as the singing, drinking, and dancing went on throughout the night.


"UUgghh... my head is killing me..."

In the morning... or afternoon... Y/n woke up inside of a House in Duvet Village. He had a splitting headache... but something else was odd. Y/n didn't remember much after he drank the barrel of beer, so he observed his surroundings... only to quickly find clothes scattered across the room, apon closer inspection he found out that those were his clothes... but, there was also another set of familiar clothes in the room.

Y/n: "W-Wait a second... don't tell me..."

His eyes widened as he slowly turned to his right... only to see Cleophee laying their with her eyes just as wide as his, if not wider... the two stared at each other for a moment as naked as the day they were born, under a single cover, on the same exact messy bed.

Cleophee: ".........."

Y/n: "........."

Cleophee: "...... Agree to forget about this and never bring if up ever again until the day one of us dies?"

Y/n: "... Sounds perfect to me."

Y/n then got our of the bed and quickly began to regain and put his clothes back on, giving Cleophee a small face at his "Blay Rouzer" causing her face to turn as red as a tomato before she quickly looked away.

And that is the most awkward wake up call that the two of them have ever had... and because of this awkwardness, Y/n completely missed the fact that his Cyan Tofu Feather was starting to give off a dim glow.


Have fun with that all that Foreshadowing!

And if you can't tell from the last little scene, I might start write a Lemon or 5 in the future. Those being with,
Fangire again maybe (If you spell again maybe I n c e s t)
And then Spade! Drunk or Sober is Future Rex's problem!

Anyway! I've been watching too much Hentai! And not enough of MHA Season 4!


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Wakfu wings appear on your head at school, and you're suddenly pushed through a portal. You follow the brotherhood, learn stuff you didn't know, and...