Look at me - Bakugou x Reader

Da Yell0wCa1

315K 9.4K 38K

You spent your childhood defending your best friend, Izuku, claiming that one day the two of you will be a pr... Altro

You and Him
Change and Habit
Pride and Feelings
Near and Far
You and I

Heroes and Villains

57.8K 1.7K 7.7K
Da Yell0wCa1

I feel like I need to become more creative when it comes to Katsuki's swearing but since I barely swear myself it is hard to write for him. I will try to become better, though.

"Kacchan, I really don't want to fight you!" Izuku said, pressing his back to the wall of the classroom. The angry blond stood before him, his hand raised in a warning manner as it already released sparks that only meant one thing.

"You will never become a fucking hero. Do you fucking understand? So give the hell up!" the explosion boy growled as he stared the person of his hatred down. The boy quivered, not being able talk back to his childhood "friend".

"Katsu! What do you think you are doing?" a voice sounded behind the other two boys who stood near the door to watch how the angry blond bullied Izuku.

Katsuki sighed, being annoyed when he heard your voice. "Fucking every time" he thought.

You pushed the two boys out of the way, making your way over to your best friend and his bully. Only stopping when you stood right in front the angry male.

"(n/n)" Izuku let out a breath of relieve the moment his best friend arrived. He didn't feel alone and weak when he was with you.

"I told you to stop this already! I get that you don't get along but why not just ignore him instead of making his life living hell?" You crossed your arms in front of your chest as you glared at the boy.

You weren't faced by his anger in the slightest. Even if your relationship weren't the best the blond has never laid a finger on you, so you were sure he would never hurt you.

Truth be told, he has never even directed an explosion your way. It was always only Izuku who was the target of his attacks. You assumed that the reason he wouldn't be violent with you was either because you were a girl or because he only hated Izuku for some reason, which is why he didn't feel the need to pick on you.

"That's not your fucking business so fuck off, flashlight" Katsuki obviously tried to intimidate you but you could only huff at his childish behavior. Also the lovely nickname Katsuki had for you found it's origin in your younger years in which you weren't able to control your quirk. Instead of blushing like normal human beings when being embarrassed or angry, your face had started to glow, making you look like a human flashlight.

"If you are trying to hurt my best friend, it is my business" you retorted, the feeling of protectiveness just grew with every second. Your gazes clashed as neither of you wanted to back down.

"Ah, I forgot. The two of you are glued to the hip since kindergarten. Fucking pathetic" His eyes slightly shifted as he huffed in disgust of how you couldn't do anything without the other. "I am fucking done here. Ain't no fun with his watchdog around" Katsuki snickered as he turned to the door, slowly making his way over to the two boys who didn't dare to say anything.

When you and Katsuki clashed no one really dared to pipe in. They obviously sided with Katsuki but if they insulted you, Katsuki would strangely come at them and since no one wanted to be on his bad side, no one would ever mess with you.

"Having friends isn't pathetic but you were always like that. You've never had friends but only pawns who are supposed to follow after you, mindlessly. Is there even one person you see as your equal?" You spitted. Katsuki flinched at your words. He didn't care about what other people thought about him but you seemed to always hit home.

Funny thing was that there was one person he wanted to be friends with but that person was blinded by someone else and was somewhat unenviable for other people.

"Ah and Deku?" He obviously decided to ignore you. "How about you try jumping off the roof? Maybe you are born with a quirk in your next life" he fired back with an almost evil smirk, deciding to take his anger out on Izuku. You and Izuku could only stare wide-eyed at the taller boy. Katsuki is known to stoop low but this was a whole new level, even for him. It left you speechless.

With such gross words he took his leave, not caring what else you had to say to him.

You soon recovered from what just had happened and immediately looked down to the green haired boy who still sat on the floor.

"Are you alright?" You asked him, kneeing down while checking him for injuries with your eyes.

"I am fine, (n/n). It's just-" he stopped as he broke eye contact with you and looked to the ground. Katsuki's word hit him hard. He went too far this time and even though Izuku would never follow his suggestion, it still hurt to be told to die in order to become stronger.

Knowing your best friend, you saw the sadness in his eyes and it tucked on your heartstrings. How dared Katsuki to say something like that? Anger was bubbling inside of you.

"Izu-chan" you said softly, making him look up again. "Don't listen to him. He is just an idiot! You – We will fulfill our dream, so don't even think about leaving me alone!" you tried to comfort him by rubbing his shoulder with one hand.

"Of course. I would never do something like that. I just didn't expect it" Izuku almost sounded embarrassed and you just wanted him to feel better.

"Come on" you stood up again, offering him your hand to take. Izuku slowly looked up, meeting your bright eyes and soft smile. Immediately a soothing warmth flowed through his body, putting him on ease. He would be alright as long as he had you.

Carefully putting his hand in yours, he let you pull him off the ground. You both smiled at each other as neither moved for a moment.

"How about we go home?" the big eyed boy suggested after some time.

"I have to go somewhere but you can go ahead! I will text you when I am back" you told him already taking a few steps to the door.

"Oh, okay. See you later, (n/n)" Izuku replied, softly waving when you left the room rather fast.

It wasn't like you really had plans but you had to do something. You had a mission. Well, kinda. You wanted to talk to Katsuki and make him apologize to Izuku. He went too far and you could tell how it affected your best friend.

You've actually never really understood why Katsuki hated the green haired male so much. You asked but he wouldn't give a clear answer. He would shout out some curses and then leave it at that. You guessed that Izuku might have done something in the past and Katsuki still held a grudge against him.

A 10 years old grudge? Wasn't too far off considering that this was about Katsuki.

You ran as fast as you could, trying to catch up to the male. Even though you weren't particular close you still knew that Katsuki liked to go to the arcade with his friends. He even kinda invited you a few times. Well, he told you he would be there and that you were "fucking" allowed to show up as well.

You were disappointed when you couldn't spot the blond boy even though you were close to the arcade by now. That was until you heard his loud voice booming from an alley. Katsuki should learn the meaning of an indoors voice but for once you were actually happy he was so loud.

"Katsu!" You called out to him by the nickname you gave him when you were still children. Katsuki, who was complaining to his friends about something, narrowed his eyes when he saw you approaching him.

"What the fuck do you want? Shouldn't you be fucking making out or something with your precious boy? The ass would probably cry, knowing you went after me instead" the red eyed male sounded almost teasing but you dismissed him by a roll of your eyes.

"He is my best friend! I've never made out with him and never will. He is like a brother to me but I am not here to talk about my relationship status" you retorted, frowning.

Katsuki would never admit it but your words put him at ease.

"You sure about it? Wouldn't be surprised when you fooled around behind closed doors" one of the two boys that were with Katsuki spoke up, earning a nasty look from Katsuki which made him shut up immediately.

"Anyway, I want you to apologize to Izu-chan" you came straight to the point. Katsuki's red eyes widened for a moment, disappointed by the reason why you came after him but not surprised. Of course, you would only chase after him because of that green head.

"Did you fucking hit your head or is Deku's stupidity starting to get to you? I won't apologize to that fucker and you can't make me. If that's all, you can the hell leave" Katsuki growled, suddenly not interested in talking to you anymore.

"Katsu!" he hated it when you called him by that name. He didn't even know why you had a nickname for him in the first place and why you would stick to it even now – after so many years. "You have to admit that you went over board with what you said to him and you should own up to it." You tried to reason with him and took a step closer in order to make your point.

Katsuki seemed to lose patient with you, though. His glare became even more intense than before.

"Is Deku all you fucking think about? What is even so fucking special about a shitty quirkless bastard like him? He has nothing on-" he stopped for a second as he seemed to catch himself from blurting out too much. "He has nothing to go for and still you stay by his side like some stupid loyal ass dog. It is fucking disgusting" he shouted and kicked a glass bottle that was close to him. Even though he didn't aim at you – he would never – you were a bit surprised at how outraged he suddenly became.

"It doesn't matter why I am friends with him!" It did matter to Katsuki. More than you would ever know. "My point is that you really went too far, even if you don't like him. Telling him to literally kill himself is just insane" You started your speech again but Katsuki's eyes caught something that was starting to materialize behind you. He didn't pay attention to your words anymore. "-I mean, I get that there is rivalry between boys but-" the thing grew into a gigantic slimy green monster and it was right behind you. Katsuki's eyes grew bigger than ever before as he watched the slim monster.

"Hey, Katsu? Are you even-" You glared at the male as he seemed to completely ignore you.

"What do we have here?" You suddenly heard a voice behind you and you froze. Only now you realized that the eyes of the boys in front of you were focused on whatever was behind you. Fear suddenly took over your senses. You turned around slowly, scared that if you dared to move too fast, that the person or thing would attack you.

You gaped at the monster that towered over you. "What the hell was that?" You thought. You couldn't move a single muscle. It was as if your brain disconnected from your body, leaving you at the mercy of whatever the thing would do next.

You started to shiver. You've never been so scared in your entire life. The only thing you were sure of was the fact that you ran into a villain.

Katsuki's gaze shifted to you as worry started to overcome him. You needed to move away from that monster. He fixed his gaze back on the green villain in order to predict its movements while at the same time trying to think of a plan to get you out of danger.

"Y/N!" Katsuki called out. His voice was steady almost reassuring in your ears. He didn't let on if he was scared or not.

"Come here. Now" He demanded, slowly putting his arm forward so he could grab you when you would come in reach.

"Katsu" it almost sounded like a whimper. You couldn't move. You wanted to but your legs weren't listening at all. You planned to become a hero but up until now you had close to no experience with villains or even fighting. You messed around with your quirk, sure, but you never had to protect yourself or others with it.

"What a beautiful little thing you are! I'm sure it will feel great to take over you" the monster snickered before it moved forward. Everything happened so fast you couldn't even keep up.

In one moment the sluggish villain would reach out to you but before it could devour you, a hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you back and for a second you were embraced against a strong chest but only a second later he was ripped away from you.

Katsuki reacted on instinct. He wouldn't allow anyone to hurt you. His hand shoot out immediately and took a hold of your wrist. He only had enough time to pull you to him and push himself in front of you in order to shield you of whatever the slimy thing was planning to do.

He hugged you tightly to his chest, only thinking about your safety but not even a second later he had to let go of you as the slim swallowed him up.

You stumbled back and the other two boys were already running away. Something you should do as well but you couldn't let Katsuki behind.

"Katsu!" You screamed his name in horror as you couldn't process what was happening.

"Run away, fucking idiot" the boy growled. He was fighting the thing. You scrambled back on your feet tacking steps back. You saw one explosion after another go off.

The situation escalated quickly as the monster started to rage while trying to take control of the blond. You backed away and somehow were able to avoid the monster's attacks as they seemed unfocused. Flames started to surround the area and people screamed but you couldn't escape just like that.

"I think I've got the right person. You and your quirk are strong" the villain almost seemed enlightened by the fight Katsuki put up.

"Leave him alone! Let him go! He did nothing to you!" You yelled, deciding to fight for your friend. You took a deep breath before you started to gather light in your hands.

Your hands started to glow and the two light sources started to form two whips with which you slashed at the monster.

You had to do something. You had to save him. Katsuki could die. He could die. Tears started to gather in your eyes at the thought of losing your childhood "friend" because you were too stupid to get away.

He saved you, so you had to save him.

"Fucking lea-" Katsuki had problems to talk but he couldn't give up. His eyes searched for you and it just sparked the flame inside of him to burn even greater. He couldn't give up when you looked at him like this. When you looked so sad and scared but you were still here, not giving up on him.

Even though he wanted you to just run away and get your ass to safety.

"What are you trying to do?" The slime laughed at you before attacking you now with more focus and hitting you full on. You were flying back, hitting the ground rather painfully. Your body kept rolling over the street.

When you finally stopped, you lay on your stomach and your entire body hurt. Katsuki, who saw the whole thing, couldn't help but worry as you didn't move to stand up. His heart picked up even more speed and he thought it would burst at any second.

"Stand the fuck up before I have to come over and kick your lazy ass" he screamed with all his might. You felt a bit offended by his words but they reached you and you slowly started to move again. You were so weak. It already took you so much effort to even get on your hands and knees.

"Fucking finally" Katsuki grumbled as he watched you move again. "You still don't have enough" another laugh was heard by the annoying voice of the villain but you didn't pay much attention. You wouldn't be able to avoid him anyway.

Katsuki, knowing you were hurt started to blast even more explosions than before in order to break free from this thing. He was stronger than that and wouldn't let this thing eat him up. He didn't need you to save him. He could save himself. He just had to blast even stronger explosions.

Soon the pro heroes were finally here. By then you were already on your feet again but before you could start another attack you were suddenly swept off your feet and brought away from the scene.

You couldn't help but struggle against the hero who was trying to save you.

"Let me go! I have to save him! He is my friend!" You started to panic and your struggling became more aggressive by every second.

"Don't be naïve. The pro heroes are here. We will save your friend, don't worry." He tried to calm you down but that wouldn't happen until Katsuki would be right next to you again and would swear at you for how useless you had been just right now.

You stretched your hand out to the scene that grew smaller but you couldn't escape.

You were brought to an ambulance while the hero who brought you left to try and get the situation under control. They checked you for injuries but you only had a few bruises due to the hit you took.

They gave you a blanket and tried to tell you that everything would be fine. That you were save now.

But how could you feel better when Katsuki was still out there fighting for his life? You pulled the blanket tighter around you as you silently prayed for him to be okay.

It took another 15 minutes to solve the situation and you swore those were the longest 15 minutes in your life. When you heard people saying that the boy was saved you couldn't help but run off, trying to find him.

You were lucky that there were so many people because in any other case the police as well as other heroes probably would have sent you away.

Finally, you saw a head of blond spikes. You already knew he was saved but seeing him sitting there, breathing and being annoyed filled you with relief.

Katsuki couldn't be more unsatisfied with the situation. He couldn't break free on his own and out of all people, Izuku had to come and try and save him.

Now he was annoyed by some pro heroes who wanted him as a sidekick at some point due to his strong quirk but he couldn't care less.

"Katsu!" He peaked up at the voice calling out for him and sooner than later he saw you running up to him, obviously worried out of your mind and with tears in your eyes.

He would lie, if he said that his mood didn't get better at least a little bit.

"Katsu!" You repeated as you reached him. The pro hero next to Katsuki wanted to tell you off since a girl like you shouldn't be at a crime scene but the two of you ignored him completely.

"I was so scared!" You admitted and before Katsuki could even mutter a word you were already jumping into his arms. His eyes went wide and his body tensed since he didn't expect that.

He didn't know what to do at first. He had the urge to push you away and tell you that he wasn't a weakling so he didn't need your concern but at the same time he wanted to pull you closer and enjoy the rare moment of your attention and maybe even affection.

He settled for putting one of his hands on your head, softly stroking your hair. He was hoping this action would calm you down and maybe would be enough to have you keep hugging him because it felt so good to have your arms around him.

Your head was buried in his shoulder and he could feel tears wetting the collar of his jacket. Another indicator for you being a crybaby right now, was the way your shoulders shook like crazy.

"Hey, idiot. I am not good at comforting people so fucking get a grip on yourself" his words sounded harsh but his voice was slightly softer than normal. Only a tinge but since you knew him for so long you could pick up on it.

"I am sorry" you crocked out.

"You should be. You are crying all over my jacket and you make me look like an idiot, sitting here with a crying girl" Katsuki retorted annoyed but didn't make a move to push you away.

"No, I mean-" you let out a soft giggle as this answer was just so like Katsuki "I mean for what happened. It is my fault. I was overcome by fear and you saved me. You are right after all, I guess. I am stupid and because of that you were in danger" you explained, your voice still hoarse from crying.

"That is why you are apologizing? You are a damn idiot but I fucking jumped in front of that shithead to save your sorry ass. No need to feel fucking sorry." He acted annoyed but secretly he was happy you weren't taken in by that villain. "Don't feel special, though. I did it out of instinct. I mean I am fucking stronger than your lame ass. You probably would have died on the spot and I still wanted you get fucked up by the entrance exam of the U.A.. Next time you run into a villain like that I won't fucking do anything. I will just walk away" Katsuki started to blush as he tried to explain his actions without giving himself away.

Right now he was actually reliefed your face was buried into his shoulder, so you couldn't detect how flustered he became. Deep down he knew he would do it again, if it meant to save you but he was the worst at expressing his true feelings. His pride was too strong.

"You are probably right. I am not as strong as you and probably wouldn't have been able to fight him like that" you stated thoughtfully. Every word was spoken with such sincerity, Katsuki couldn't help but feel proud.

"Took you long enough to realize that I am strong, fucking idiot"  he thought.

"But I think even though you are saying that you didn't have any specific motives, I think you did it because you are a true hero at heart"

"You are a true hero – those were the fucking words that you said to Deku. Words I always wanted to be directed to me"  His thoughts went rigged because of what you said.

You threw him of completely. Especially when you suddenly moved back a little bit, so you could smile at him.

And what a smile you gave him. It was one of those radiant ones that he found so infatuating and it was directed at him for the first time.

He gaped at you with wide eyes. You did it. You made Bakugou Katsuki completely speechless.

At least for a moment. He caught himself rather fast, not wanting you to notice what was going on on his mind right now.

"Hero? Of course I am! You will fucking see! Some day I am the strongest of all of them! I will be number one!" he told you confidently with a smirk gracing his lips.

"I wouldn't even be surprised." You admitted and again you surprised him with your positive answer but before he could bath in your praise you opened your mouth again. "That is if you get this horrible temper under control and maybe you should work on your fool language. I mean some people might be scared of you, instead of feeling save being with you. I mean, I know you are deep, deep, deep, extremely deep, bottom of a black hole deep-"

"I get your fucking point, shithead. Would you continue?" he growled as he stared you down. His good mood obviously gone.

"Deep down you are a nice person but people who don't know you won't see that" you finished and he was ready to go off on you but before he could do so, someone else called out to you.

"(N/n)?" You turned your head in the direction of the soft voice and saw Izuku sitting there.

"Izu-chan?" you questioned, surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here?" You added, not sure how to react to see him at the crime scene. Wasn't he on his way home?

"What are you doing?" He countered with a question as he watched the two of you. Suddenly, you realized the position you were in. Your arms were still loosely around Katsuki's back while his hand that originally was placed on your head found it's way to your lower back.

You let go immediately as Katsuki and you made sure to bring some distance between you. Needless to say that you were a blushing mess.

"Well, I was with Katsu before this happened. The villain surprised me and by saving me Katsu got captured. I was saved by a hero shortly after but I was worried about him so I came back." You tried to explain the situation without pointing out how close you have just been to the middle school bad boy.

"You were in danger?! I am so glad you are safe! I don't know what I would have done, if something happened to you!" Izuku admitted as he took in your story.

"I am glad, too. If it wasn't for Katsu, I wouldn't be here" you answered honestly.

"I told you it was nothing, you shitty idiot. If I didn't have to protect you, I probably would have kicked this villain's ass all by myself" he grumbled, looking away from you.

Izuku and you chuckled, being used to his overconfidence.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Izuku asked you, worry was clearly written all over his face. You smiled at him, being thankful that you had such a good best friend.

"Thank you, but I think I will go with Katsuki today. He seems like himself but I wouldn't want him to suddenly collapse due to aftershock or something. I would let you go with us but I am actually scared that he might be trying to murder you, if you two were forced to interact"

Izuku nodded in understanding.

"That's probably for the best! See you tomorrow?" Izuku asked.

"Of course, I will text you right when I am home" you answered with one of your bright smiles. With that Izuku left the two of you alone.

"Hey, who said I would let you walk me home, flashlight? I don't need a fucking weakling like you" Katsuki protested loudly.

"Please, let me at least do this! I really feel guilty for what happened and want to make sure you get home savely. We are practically neighbors. It doesn't make that much of a difference anyway! Besides even if you say no, we almost have the same walk home, so I would go with you either way but it would be nicer to walk beside you instead of behind you" You argued, slightly pleading with him to let you come along.

"Fine" he sighed "Do what the fuck you want. Just don't annoy me with some shitty small talk or something" he warned before he started to walk home. You didn't miss a beat before you were by his side again.

"Is small talk that bad?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at the blond, peering into his face from the side. His red eyes shifted to you, glaring.

"The worst. Especially from someone who has nothing interesting to say" Katsuki said.

"Hey!" You huffed, slightly pouting. "You are the one who only talks crap when you open your mouth" you retorted.

"Shut the fuck up or I will leave you behind" he growled, not pleased by you talking back.

"Katsu, we literally live next to each other. You can't leave me behind because this is my walk home, too. By the way, will you apologize to Izu-chan?"

"Shut the fuck up, flashlight!" 

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