You Clod!(Peridot X Male Peri...

By A_Nobody209

19.3K 362 403

9, the ninth male gem born, and was a happy guy to, but, something in his life happened that made him....emot... More

Small Talk
Earth Mission
I Feel Nothing

Number 9(Short)

3.9K 81 88
By A_Nobody209

[Third Person Pov]

Male gems. Once hated, are now a normal part of gem society. Sure they're rare, but they act like any other gem and they live in harmony. Yellow Diamond is usually not particularly fond of male gems, she sees them as defective pieces of dirt. But one male gem...she grew quite fond of. The ninth male gem made. He was smarter, tougher, maybe overall better. Yellow Diamond became so fond of him, she gave him his own name. He is known as....

Peridot: 9!

Peridot was on a ship trying to fix something.

Peridot: Stupid machine...9!

Peridot kept trying to no avail.

Peridot: Ni-ugh, where is that clod now?

She gave up on trying to fix it and went looking for 9.

Peridot: I swear, he doesn't do anything around here-ugh, there you are.

She finally found 9, who was adding some adjustments to his limb enhancers.

Peridot: Get over here!

She walked away........then came back.

Peridot: I said, get over here!

9 completely ignored her. She walked up next to him.

Peridot: I will not ignored like this!

9 looked at her...than back at his work.

Peridot: THAT'S IT!

Peridot formed an energy ball with her limb enhancers and aimed it at 9.

Peridot: NOTICE ME!

9 inhaled deeply, let out an annoyed sigh, then looked at Peridot.

9: .......What? I'm busy.

Peridot turned off the laser.

Peridot: Finally! The communicator isn't working!

9: Did you try turning it off then back on?

Peridot: I haven't.

She le-

Peridot: Hey wait! You're being sarcastic!

9: *Slow claps* Great observation. Amazing. Wooooooooo......

Peridot: I've had it up to here with you! You always act like your better than me! You-

9 slowly stood up. Even with her limb enhancers, Peridot just barely met him at eye level. He was very intimidating.

Peridot: You...uh....

9: Let's try this again. What do you want?

Peridot: *gulp* M-may you please help me?

9: Much better.

9 left the room to fix the problem.

Peridot: Clod.

She followed behind.

9: What's the problem?

Peridot: No matter how much I try, I can't get the communicator to work!

9 slowly raised his hand...then hit the machine really hard......and it worked.

Peridot: Wait what?

9: Percussive Maintenance. Now, if you'll excuse me.

He want back to work on his limb enhancers.

Peridot: ...I hate him. Why did I have to be his partner?

Peridot typed on the communicator. Meanwhile, 9 was still working on his limb enhancers.

9: I don't understand why Yellow Diamond put me with her. It's not like I need the help. *sigh* Guess I'll deal with it.

He continued working on his improvements. He got up to some more tools and nearly fell face first.

9: Woah! That was close....heh, imagine falling face first. What foolish-fool would do that?

~~~An Alternate Universe

Painite: Why do I feel mocked?

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