Tangled Love : The Day We Wer...

By SharkBaitOhNaNa

47.4K 1.8K 1.7K

|Saiki Kusuo & Toritsuka Reita| Toritsuka has a crush on Saiki. Saiki is oblivious, for he has been wearing t... More

•twelve •


3.3K 119 250
By SharkBaitOhNaNa


Whenever Toritsuka tried to speak with Saiki privately, he found Kaidou glued to his side. At first he let it slide. He thought maybe Saiki just wanted to be around him. But then whenever he would call out and Saiki would turn he would notice Kaidou glare before pulling Saiki into some inconsequential conversation. There was only one thing for Toritsuka to do, he had to show up at the one place Kaidou wouldn't be. Saiki's house.

Toritsuka smiled to himself. Saiki never invited anyone to his house on his own free will. It was the perfect plan. He found himself smiling for the remainder of the day.

He walked nervously to Saiki's house. He'd rung the bell once, not wanting to be rude. He'd internally screamed upon seeing Kaidou on the other side of the door. Toritsuka saw him grimace at his sight before plastering his face with a faux smile.

"Wow Toritsuka, I never expected to see you here. I'm just getting tutored from Saiki. I'm really bad at math." He said, although Toritsuka knew that he was terrible at everything. He could see the smile in the boy's eyes as he said it. Toritsuka felt like he was competing for Saiki again. It made his inhumanly furious.

"Well could you tell him I stopped by then?" Toritsuka asked.

Kaidou nodded, he slammed the door shut and spoke to himself.

"As if I don't need him getting in my way." he heard Kaidou say through the closed door muffling his voice. He sighed and walked away with his fists balled. What an asshole.

When Toritsuka was falling asleep that night, he couldn't help but loathe himself.

Why did he have to be in love with Saiki Kusuo?


Toritsuka took it as a good omen. Kaidou wasn't at school. With a positive mood, he wrote a letter to Saiki.

Dear Saiki,

I would like to come to your house to speak of something important. If it isn't convenient please call me here; 315-756-9086. Afterschool, 3:00.


On his way to lunch he passed Saiki.

"Hey!" he called out and Saiki looked back. Per usual, he wore no expression.

"Please read this." he handed him the note before turning and rushing to lunch.

As the final bell rang he walked out happily towards Saiki's house. His ghost friend came up to him with a smile.

I did as you asked. He is sick in bed.

Her voice filled his mind like cold wind. He thanked her and continued on, if he were lucky Kaidou would be out for a few days.

He came to Saiki's door ringing the bell. It opened and he saw Saiki's parents.

"Oh dear one of his friends actually came back. He's in his room." His mother said surprised. Toritsuka held his laughter upon realized how deathly serious she was.

He was nervous as he climbed the stairs. He knocked on the pink-haired boy's door slowly. There heard a quiet 'come in', and he entered the room. It was clean and spacious, he wasn't sure what he'd expected though. Saiki sat on the bed watching the TV. He turned to Toritsuka as he came and sat down on the bed as well.

"So?" Saiki asked.

Toritsuka took a deep breath and began.

"I am in love with you Saiki, it pains me to know you're not mine. And everyday that goes by where I see you with Kaidou kills me."

Saiki stayed silent for a while and shock racked Toritsuka's body.

"Please say something, the silence is killing me."

"I- didn't expect this." Saiki mumbled, genuinely shocked as the ring remained on his finger, unbeknownst to Toritsuka.

"So that's it, I...' Toritsuka sighed and closed his eyes. Finally, after a moment's pause he opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry I should go, I don't know what made me think I should do this." He stood from the bed and headed for the door.

As he reached for the handle the door was thrown open. Saiki's mother stood on the other side wearing a bright smile.

"I made dinner for you boys and since it's gotten late I wanted to invite you to stay the night. Your mother would probably be worried sick having you walk through the dark streets with thugs lurking!"
She handed him the house phone to call his mother and rushed downstairs to prepare the two boys plates.

Toritsuka cleared his throat and dialed his home number. Within two rings his mother picked up.

"Hey is it alright if I stay at my friends house for the night. Yeah, I can take off my uniform so it doesn't wrinkle. Yes I know... yes I will, no I didn't bring my toothbrush. Okay I'm hanging up now, love you bye." He ended the call with a sigh.

Just as he was about to be forced to endure a painfully awkward conversation with Saiki, his mother reappeared.

"I'll set your plates on the dresser. And I'll take that phone off your hands! Oh, we don't want to ruin your dear uniform! Don't you worry, I'll have it ironed by morning." She rushed to Saiki's closet and rummaged through. After a few minutes, she pulled out a white shirt and grey sweatpants.

Having never seen Saiki so casual, he blushed at the mere thought of him roaming around in it. He hoped that his pinning wasn't too painful for Saiki.

Before his mind could go further, he was pushed into the bathroom. He changed into the softer clothes and folded his uniform neatly on the sink. He shuffled back into the silent room. Saiki had his plate and stared blankly at the television.

Toritsuka grabbed his plate from the dresser and sat on the floor as well. He made sure to sit a safe distance from Saiki. He obviously didn't share the same feelings, so he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

They were watching Cyborg-Cider Man #2. The awful show ended with a few kids running around and drinking the branded soda before it cut off. Full on the delicious food, Toritsuka stood and headed for the door. He turned back to Saiki hesitantly.

"I can grab yours if you want?" He offered, Saiki handed his plate over and turned to the bed to pull back the covers. Toritsuka took that as his sign to go. When he made it to the kitchen he walked in on Saiki's parents serenading each other in front of the sink. Toritsuka cleared his throat and sat the plates on the counter. They turned to him, somehow broken from their trance.

"You too pulling an all nighter?" Saiki's father asked, Toritsuka shook his head.

"No sir, we both worked hard at school today, and we have a test on Monday. Thanks for the food and inviting me to stay. My mother also gave her thanks." Toritsuka said and bowed. The couple waved it off.

"It's our pleasure, I'm sure you're aware of how seldom it is that our dear Kusou makes friends. It warms my heart to know you've liked him despite his differences." Saiki's mother sighed in admiration and turned to the sink of dishes. Loved. Toritsuka thought, I love your son. Saiki's father went to work drying the dishes while complimenting his wife's hair.

Toritsuka walked back upstairs and opened the door to the now dark room. From the street lights shining in the window, sleeping Saiki was visible. His calm, serene, face looked milky under the dim light. Toritsuka felt his heart leap as he slowly walked to the bed.

He pulled the covers back enough to slide in. He was thankful that Saiki was pressed to the wall. If he had to move him he might just have a heart attack.

In one swift motion, Toritsuka was beside the pink haired boy under the thick cover. He faced the sleeping Saiki. A smile crawled upon his lips at the gentle breaths that escaped onto his face from Saiki's dainty nose. His breath was warm and smelled like mint. He must've brushed his teeth, suddenly Toritsuka felt extremely conscious. What if I yawned in my sleep, Saiki would smell my putrid breath and kick me out.

Toritsuka shut his eyes tight and turned the other way. He was determined to keep his face as far away as possible. Even though he wanted the complete opposite. He relaxed into the faint scent of Saiki Kusuo lingering on the sheets.

Just as sleep invaded his lethargic mind, a slender hand made its way to his waist. And he was pulled back into the warm embrace of a certain boy.

Word Count 1384

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