The Adventures of Royce!

By RoyceDeBarry

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This is my FIRST Fanfiction that I've been working my High School years (Freshman) and is still a work in pro... More

Chapter 1: The Adventures of Royce!
Chapter 2: New Characters
Chapter 3: New Dimension, New Home
Chapter 4: Valley of Avalar
Chapter 6: The Adventure Begins
Chapter 7: Present Day
Chapter 9: Strange Things Happen
Chapter 10: "What's Happening?"
Chapter 11: Royce's 19th Birthday
Chapter 12: Time-Dimensionalized!!
Chapter 13: "'Cat' Allergies or Water Sensitivity?"
Chapter 14: Prophecy? (Happy New Year!) 12:02 A.M.
Chapter 15: Back Home?
Chapter 16: A Temporary Vacation
Chapter 17: 4TH Of July Special.
Chapter 18: New Arrivals
Chapter 19: Nova's 19TH Birthday!
Chapter 20: A Royal Dinner. ( A Monster Hunter Chapter.)
Chapter 21: F.P.'s Introduction to the Academy.
Chapter 22: Royce's 20TH Birthday.
Chapter 23: Vaper's Favor!
Chapter 24: Krystal's Experience at the Academy
Chapter 25: Enchante Nergigante! (A Monster Hunter Chapter.)
Chapter 26: Tiffany's 13TH Birthday! (A Monster Hunter Chapter.)
Chapter 27: Royce Becomes Mortal!
Chapter 28: 4th Of July Special II!
Chapter 29: The Experimental Serum!
Chapter 30: The Airport! Part 1: Packing (1)
Chapter 30: The Airport! Part 2: Work.
Chapter 30: The Airport! Part 3: Packing (2)
Chapter 30: The Airport: Actually going to the Airport!
Chapter 31: Paint-ball!!!
Chapter 32: Back To Hopkinsville!
Chapter 33: Back To Astra?
Chapter 34: Setting Up Base Camp...
Chapter 35: Looking For Clues...
Chapter 36: Royce Becomes A (Mindless) Barioth Pup
Part 37: Recovering of The Barioth Pup: Royce.
Chapter 38: Assassination Attempt Against Royce?
Chapter 39: Training Kelly.
Chapter 40: Kelly Gets To Meet The Other Humans!
Chapter 41: Royce's 21'st Birth-Day!
Chapter 42: Royce's FIRST Anniversary!
Chapter 43: Royce's Dream (Malefor Visits Royce).
Chapter 44: Malefor Wants Royce's Help?!
Chapter 45: News For Ember?
Chapter 46: War on Astra & Seliana? Oh No!!
Chapter 47: Ember's Fate.
Chapter 48: In The Defense of War-Fang!
Chapter 49: Ember's Anger Towards Malefor.
Chapter 50: Ember Earns Her Innocence.
Chapter 51: Royal Custody, aww man!
Chapter 52: Song's First Time in the Windy City.
Chapter 53: Life-Saving Research!
Chapter 54: Suite Life Recovery in the Windy City!
Chapter 55: The Dragon Killer makes Friends with Dragons.
Chapter 56: A Father's Day Special
Chapter 57: Returning Back To War-Fang.
Chapter 58: 4TH Of July Special III!
Chapter 59: A Request from Astra...
Chapter 60: Investigating the Rotten Vale for the Mysterious Being...
Chapter 61: "Skin-Stealers"
Chapter 62: "Volteer, you're under arrest!"
Chapter 63: Giri and the War-Fang Academy...
Chapter 64: Helping Giri Settle In...
Chapter 65: Chatting With Cynder.
Chapter 66: Cynder's Corruption
Chapter 67: Royce's 22nd Birth-Day
Chapter 68: The Terror of The Skies' New Commander...
Chapter 69: Royce's New Year's Eve...
Chapter 70: Ember's "Rescue"...
Chapter 71: Royce Turns To The Dark Side?
Chapter 72: An Enemy Now A Friend (4TH of July Special!)
Chapter 73: "Back at War, This Time, Against The Terror of The Skies!!"
Chapter 74: Carmelita Studies War-Fang History... P1: The Terror of The Skies
Chapter 75: A Random Quest Given By Vixie...
Chapter 76: Royce's 23rd B-Day Celebration

Chapter 5: Mating Season. (This is Strange.)

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By RoyceDeBarry

Cyril: "Winter! I thought we've discussed about you using your Scent to... Wait a minute."

Winter: "What is it dad?"

Cyril: "1. It's not even Mating Season, and for the first time in your life, you just started to go into heat. 2. I've never told you this though, but Dragoness Scent commonly makes males hyper-aggressive, basically making them 'extra' dangerous, but never have I once seen Dragoness Scent calm down a panicking male."

Winter: "Daddy, can I keep him, pretty please?" Before giving her father the "Dragon Eyes" look.

Cyril: "Fine, but he's your problem, not mine, and by the name of the Ancestors, if he hurts you. I will personally remove all of his remaining 'fur' from his puny body!" Cyril explained towards his daughter as she didn't say a thing.

5 minutes later...

Royce wakes up and begins to have a "funny" smell in his nose, he then notices that Winter starts staring at him (up in his face).

Royce: "Winter, why does it smells like Strawberries in here? Also, could you please give me some personal space will ya?"

Winter: "What's a Strawberry?" Winter was clueless to what a Strawberry was. He begins grunting and stutters,

Royce: "Never mind, don't worry about it, but seriously though, can you really give me some personal space?" Winter gets out of his face, before reasserting herself. She begins to notice that Royce was starting to leave and asks

Winter: "Hey, where do you think you're going?!"

Royce: "I'm going to see if Kristigia is alright. You're able to join me if you'd like!"

Winter: "You can't do that!" Winter objected.

Royce: "Why? Is there something that you're not telling me?" Getting suspicious of Winters strange behavior and crossing his arms with irritation.

Winter: "Actually, there's plenty that I'm not telling you, like how today's Mating Season. I just went into heat, 'Aggressive hormones' and apparently how my dad has given me full possession of you, he's claimed that you're a problem. I'll tell Kristigia that you're alright and safely returned back, but until he says that you can go anywhere you'd like, you're staying with me and my dad!"

Royce: "Wait, say what?!" Winter hushes Royce.

Winter: "Quiet, if you want to live, listen to me Okay? So what we'll need to do is go to mine and my dads room..."

Royce: "Winter, are you sure that this a good idea? Your dad seems pretty... Unstable." Royce was concerned for of how terrible Winters idea might possibly get his killed.

Winter: "Look, I'll go tell Kristigia that you're alright, then I'll take you to me and my dads room!" She leaves Royce.

1 minute later...

Royce: "I'd suppose that she didn't take the news well?" Seeing Winter enter the room after she left a minute ago.

Winter: "Unfortunately, she didn't take it all so well! *sighs* She's crying as we speak! Also is this yours?" Winter giving a claw towards the mysterious neon-colored backpack. *Royce pauses for a moment*

Royce: "Yeah, thanks" He takes the backpack, and puts it on his back, then Winter gets curious as to what it is, and asks him.

Winter:  "What is that thing?" Giving another claw towards the backpack, Royce realized that Winter was talking to him.

Royce: "Oh, this? This is a backpack!" Royce explained to her, due to the fact that she had absolutely no idea what a backpack was.

Winter: "A 'backpack', what's that?"

Royce: "A backpack is like a pouch that you can wear on your back, and put accessories in like; necessities and entertainment items," and as if on cue, Cyril appears right in front of Royce and Winter, he then glares daggers at Royce, but Winter sees this and prevents him from glaring any more daggers, Cyril grabs Royce's backpack, trying to rip it off his back. "Hey! What is it with you, and what do you have against me!?"*Cyrils talking is muffled*

Cyril: "Nothing at the moment, I just want to see what's in the sack!"

Royce: "Just let me go, and I'll let you see it!" Squirming around like a little bug.

Cyril: "Fine! You win this time Ape!" He releases Royce's backpack with Royce still gripping onto his backpack.

Royce: "Here, like I promised!" Royce takes off the backpack off of his back, then hands it to Cyril, whom asks what the "sack" was.

Cyril: "So, what is this 'thing' on your back called?"

Royce: "This?" Showing Cyril the backpack. "This is... Like I said to your daughter, this is called a 'backpack', but some Humans call these 'book bags,' and these ladies and gentlemen are what they are called!" *Cyril laughs*

Cyril: "For an Ape, you're pretty funny." Not realizing he just offended Royce, without realizing that he was being speciest.

Royce: "HEY!!!" Royce took the offensive comment personally. "What, did I offend you by calling you 'funny,' huh?"

Royce: "No, actually I'd take the 'being funny' thing as a compliment, but what you called me is what I'd take offense to!"

Cyril: "What do you mean exactly, you are an 'Ape,' are you not?"

Royce: "No, not really, but can I talk to someone who's a lot more... 'intelligent' around here so that he or she can explain everything to you without confusing you. I also need the person to be calm, no matter what I'd say, do you know anyone like that around here?" Without hesitation, Cyril sent Royce along with Winter to the Electric Guardian, Volteer. While traveling down the hallway down to Volteer's room, Winter "warns" Royce that Volteer can be "quite a motor-mouth", then Royce replies to Winter with sarcasm.

Royce: "I'm sure it can't be be that bad!"

Winter: "Well, don't say 'I didn't warn you'! Okay?!" After a little bit of traveling down the hall, the duo (Winter & Royce) get to their destination, Winter then begins to, or well she actually starts to brag when they Volteer's nameplate: Volteer, Also. Known. As, Mr. Motor Mouth.

Winter: "See!? I told you so!"

Royce: "I never doubted you one bit, Winter." I said in a calm, yet firm voice.

Royce: "I sure do hope that Volteer won't be... I don't know... so... understanding. Winter, do you think that he'll understand?"

Winter: "Of course I do (trying to sound positive), and if anything 'does' go wrong, I'll help back you up on it, okay, you got my support!" Royce, hearing this, gave him full confidence to hear that one of his friends was willing to help him. Next he goes up to the room Volteer was being 'captivated' in, and knocks on the door.

Volteer: "That's weird, I'm sure that I wasn't supposed to have a visitors, I wonder who these 'visitors' are!" Volteer goes up to his door room, opens his door, and is surprised by who it was.

Winter: "Oh, hi Uncle Volteer, me and my 'friend' here would like to talk to you 'privately', okay Uncle Volteer!?"

Volteer: "Okay, well both of you, come in here now!" Volteer pulls us into his room. "Right!... Now that you two... Wait, why are you here?!" Volteer freaked out, while pointing at Royce.

Royce: "What, are you going to discriminate me from learning Volteer?!" Volteer raised his eyebrows in surprise to how calm Royce to him, he thought to himself, "That's strange, Apes aren't usually this docile," Volteer decided to go on and ask

Volteer: "So... what's your name?"

Royce: "Royce... Why, exactly?" Royce answered.

Volteer: "And what are you, exactly?" Volteer added onto his previous comment.

Royce: "Human... Like I said, 'again', why do you need to know?"

Volteer: "Just taking 'notes', okay?"

Royce: "And by 'notes' you mean cataloging me as a 'new species' perhaps?" Making Royce a bit suspicious of Volteer.

Volteer: "Yes Royce, oh and speaking of humans, I am going to get my secretary; ever since I found her, she'd always told me stories about humans." Volteer immediately leaves to go get his Secretary.

Royce: "Why would 'he' need a secretary?"

Winter: "Maybe it's organizational issues!" Winter suggested, making Royce deny the fact he had organizational issues.

Royce: "Nah, highly unlikely, see look, he's highly organized (giving a finger towards how organized his books were, there's something fishy going on here!"

Winter: "Do you actually smell fish, cause if you do, can you tell me where?!" Winter said, earning a chuckle, as well as a strange look from Royce.

Royce: "Winter."

Winter: "What, is it something I said?"

Royce: "No Winter, when I say 'There's something fishy going on', I usually mean something isn't right." He explained to her, as she got an idea of what the expression meant by now.

Winter: "Oh! Okay, so what are you suggesting about my Uncle Volteer, Royce?"

Royce: "I'm suggesting that he's possibly hiding 'something' from 'us' or you," and as if on cue, Volteer comes through the door with his "assistant," then Winter asked her Uncle

Winter: "Uncle Volteer, what's that!?" Before Volteer could respond, the "assistant" answered with a yelp, saying her name, Vulpix.

Royce: "I'm going to take a 'wild guess' and say that's a 'Vulpix', since that's the first thing 'it' said. I'm also going to believe that's the 'secretary', if I'm not mistaken!"

Volteer: "Yes Royce, she's a Vulpix, she's my secretary and my daughter!" Volteer answered confirming Royce's suspicions, before Winter and Royce freaked out due to the sudden confusion.

Royce & Winter: "Daughter?!"

Volteer: "Yes, is there a problem with adopting this creature of beauty?" Volteer questioned the two teenagers, earning a laugh from Royce.

Royce: "Ha, *laughs* 'beauty' only describes a small portion of her knowledge and power, but it's really what she feels on the inside that counts!"

Winter: "Are you so sure about that Royce? You seem to be pretty confident in your beliefs!" Winter doubted what the somewhat-human was saying, but still respected him, due to the fact there was good in his heart.

Royce: "Of course I'm confident in my beliefs Winter! Hey Vulpix, can I say something about you?"

Vulpix: "Vulpix!" She says happily and excitedly, Royce then looks up at Volteer.

Royce: "Volteer, what's Vulpix saying?" Having no idea what the little 6-tailed fox creature was saying.

Volteer: "She's saying, or rather asking 'What about me, exactly', and that's her answer."

Royce: "What I'm trying to say exactly is that there's the saying 'Looks can be deceiving', but I hope not to offend you, hope you can understand."

Vulpix: "Vulpix," She replies, Royce looks at Volteer, he understands why Royce was looking at him confused.

Volteer: "Oh don't be too embarrassed..., but she is 'a bit' insulted, so next time, choose your words carefully, also when you 'insulted her' you might of gained her best 'possible' interest. Just warning you, not many others, rather it be Dragons, Cheetahs, Adventurers, or others, they never came back 'alive', and were never found (or heard from) again, choose wisely!"

Royce looks at Vulpix, curious to what she'll say, then to his surprise, or rather conscious(ness), Vulpix gave him an ability for "Cross-Species Communication", and "implanted" mental instructions into his brain. While to everyone else, they think she says Vulpix, all of a sudden, she begins "conversing" with him.

"Royce, n..." were the only words that came out of her mouth, before she was interrupted by an astonished Royce.

Royce: "WHOOAA, you can talk Vulpix!?" Making the teenager surprised.

Vixie: "First, call me 'Vixie', when you're talking to me, understood?" He nods his head in understanding.  "They (Vixie giving a paw towards Winter and Vixie's father) will only hear me say 'Vulpix', but I'm actually speaking, and 'only' you will understand me and any other species you might come across during your journey to 'Dantes Freezer.' This 'Cross-Species-Communication,' might be invaluable, and possibly save your life."

Meanwhile, with Winter and Volteer...

Winter: "What are those two talking about," Winter asks with curiosity, the only response she managed to get out of her uncle was a simple shrug of the wings, "What do you mean you don't know, she's your child, how can you not understand her right now?!"

Royce: "Winter, the only reason why he can't 'fully' understand her..., er- well *scratches head*, how can I say this in the 'nicest' way possible; 'She's a different species, that's why it's so hard for him to understand her'!!" Vixie handed him a note, but on the note it said a "few" things on it, then he saw the words "Expedition", more like "Exploration Expedition," as he saw it. "Hey Vixie, can I get some of my 'things', before I head out to Dante's Freezer?"

Vixie: "Yeah, why ask?"

Royce: "Well, you see *scratches head*, I need to not only visit a 'friend', but also get my stuff, and finally I need to also 'inform' her that I might or might not not return."

Vixie: "You must really care about her to tell me that." Vixie looked at Royce with uncertainty.

Royce: *Royce sighs* "I do, but how do think she will react when she sees me?" Asking Vixie with even more uncertainty.

Vixie: "Honestly Royce, I have absolutely no idea, just try to put it in a positive view!" Vixie attempted to put her words into a positive light.

Royce: "Thanks for trying to 'enlighten' me Vixie; well, I must be going," and just before he leaves, he's stopped by Vixie.

Vixie: "Before you leave, do you know what you are after, Royce?"

Royce: "Well..., not really, why?" Royce wanting to know what the catch was.

Vixie: "You'll need to go towards Dantes Freezer, and go get 2 things; an Ice Stone, and a Fire Stone. The only problem that exists would be: I don't know where the Fire Stone would be (Somewhere HOT) Even 'if' you've managed to 'find' the Fire Stone, you got to get past the Fire Pokemon that live there, and also the 'possible' risk of getting burned alive!"

Royce: "Anyway... I'm going to go see Kristigia one last time, before I go out to Dantes Freezer!", He then shoves the note into his pant's pockets, before he leaves Vixie tells him "Good luck" and "be safe", as he's walking out of Volteer's room, he sees Ember. "Oh boy, couldn't this possibly get anywhere worse?!" He thought to himself before Ember notices him and goes up towards Royce to question him.

Ember: "Royce, where have you been all this time?!" He silently stood there, trying to come up with an answer.

Royce: *sigh* "I was being held against my own will by the Guardians, stupid, old Dragons!" Royce begins to darken and turns into the dark, evil, possessed Dragon once more, then Ember became concerned. All of a sudden, a random student screams out in fear, "The Human's possessed!" Before parts of the hallway start erupting and chaos begins.

Ember: "Royce, (directs his attention towards her) are you... alright?" R.D.F. (Royce's Dragon-Form) looks towards her, giving the attention she wanted.

R.D.F.: "If I wasn't then I'd straight up kill you, right here, on the spot!!" The commotion was loud enough to attract the attention of Spyro, Cynder, and the Guardians; they rushed towards the scene of the commotion, only to see a corrupted Royce talking evilly, but calmly at the same time, they were also in time to witness the conversation.

Ember: "So you're not going to kill me?" Ember asked, worried that her life might be at risk.

R.D.F.: "I have no real interests or intentions on killing you, Kristigia, or anyone at this Academy, nor am I satisfied with killing or torturing innocent lives. Anyways, I need to go to my room one last time and see Kristigia before I leave."

Meanwhile, with Spyro & Cynder...

Spyro: "Cynder, be careful, he's even more powerful than us, than me, and you know how strong I am as a Purple Dragon!" Spyro bragged towards Cynder, irritating her as a result.

Cynder: "Spyro, quit your bragging, I'm aware of how powerful he is and you are, I'm also aware of how much of a threat he is while he is in that Dark Dragon Form. I'll need to also talk to him, mother-to-son to calm him down!"

Spyro: "Wait, what?! Are you crazy!? You'll surely get yourself killed attempting to 'talk' to that~ monster!" As a result, Cynder claws Spyro in the face.

Cynder: "How dare you insult me by calling 'our' child a 'monster', you ungrateful Drake!!"

A few minutes later...

Spyro starts feeling the effects of a mild Poison Breath laces with Fear Breath.

Spyro: *Spyro cries out in pain* "What did you... Do to... me!?" Then R.D.F. notices that Spyro & Cynder (his parents) arguing (more like fighting), he decides to go and investigate before going to see Kristigia.

R.D.F.: "Hey mom, hey Da...? What happened to dad!?"

Cynder: "He deserved it, don't feel sympathetic for him!!"

R.D.F.: "What did he do wrong, mom?"

Cynder: "He insulted me by calling you a monster!"

R.D.F.: "Dad, is it true,is that you see me, as a MONSTER, please, don't lie to me."

Cynder: "Well go on Spyro, tell him, tell him the truth!" R.D.F. turns his head towards Spyro, his father.

Spyro: "I... *cough* Did, I did, I called you a 'monster' and at the moment, and that's how I will see you, until you're out of that pathetic form of yours!" R.D.F.'s blood began to boil, hearing how insensitive his father was towards him.

Royce: "YEAH!?! WELL, I HATE YOU, AND I THOUGHT I 'COULD' LOOK UP TO YOU AS MY ROLE MODEL!!" Spyro hearing this, broke his spirit and pride and started crying. Royce changed is form back to normal and went began going to his and Kristigia's Room. *Royce begins knocking three times.*

Kristigia: "Come in!!" Kristigia answers, only for Royce to come in, and having a sad, worrying expression on his face.

Royce: "Did you miss me?!"


Kristigia: "Yes, yes, I missed you, what happened to you, is everything okay, you look depressed!?"

Royce: "Uhmm, 'Guardian Problems'?"

Kristigia: "What do you mean 'Guardian Problems', exactly?" Kristigia looked at Royce confused.

Royce: "By 'Guardian Problems', I mean I'm possibly getting ex~" Then their door starts knocking 3 times, Royce goes up to the door, answers it, and asks "Who's there??"

Alexander: "It's me, Alex, will you let me in?"

Kristigia: "Is that Alexander I hear? Let him in right away!" Royce lets Alexander into their room.

Alexander: "Hey Soldier, hey Kristigia. Soldier, me, Dylan, the Guardians and your parents need to talk before you leave on your journey!"


Kristigia: "Royce, what does Alexander mean by 'journey' exactly?" She asked, having no clue what the Russian Dragon meant when he was talking about Royce. Before Royce explains what Alexander was saying to Kristigia.

Royce: "It means either I leave, or they'll force me to leave, and if that doesn't work, I think they'll possibly kill me!"

Kristigia: "NOO!!! I will not let them do that to you!" Showing her anger to the point to where anyone would notice.


Alexander, ignoring the whole conflict, informed Royce that he needed to "give" a gift to him

Alexander: "This possession is no longer valuable to me, but you'll likely know what it is once you see it!" While the trio leave Royce's room, Royce remembers something.

Royce: "Guys wait, I think I forgot a 'few' things, let me get them!"

Alexander: "Just hurry up!" Alexander told the teen, while becoming impatient.

Kristigia: "Don't worry about him love, take your time." Royce starts running with determination towards his room. Once he was in his room; he desperately looked for his PBA (Portable Breathing Apparatus), and his white jacket that looked perfect for winter expeditions, next Royce grabs his gear and gets back with his friends.

Royce: "Okay, I'm *pant* here *pant*, now let's continue to see everyone before I depart!"


The trio arrive at the 'meeting room,' when he entered the room, he saw everyone; Dylan, Vexx, Winter, Cyril, Terrador, Ember, his parents, Volteer, and finally his new sister Kilat, who was waiting patiently for her brother's return. Before Royce could say "hi" to anyone, Kilat cut him off and started being hysteric.

Kilat: "Big brother, where have you been all this time!?"

Royce: *Royce makes grunting sounds* "HA! 'Where have I been all this time,' how about you ask your 'friendly' Guardians, *crosses his arms, and looks away from Kilat.*


Kilat: "What does my brother mean?" Kilat asks curiously, everyone was silent for a while.

Royce: "The truth is... (He was able to catch the other's attention), I WAS TOO STUBBORN to really think clearly on how you see the real me. I only felt inferior because you saw me for some reason that I wasn't like you, isn't that right?!"


Then Volteer decided to agree to Royce's words, all of a sudden the room becomes lively with words of apologies, regrets and simple conversations, finally Terrador had something to say that was on his mind!

Terrador: "To admit great mistakes, takes great courage, and honestly, by seeing that, I see great trust!" Everyone agrees as a result.

Alexander: "Hey Royce, remember when I said I was going to give you a 'Going-Away-Gift', I said earlier?" Alexander reminded Royce, making sure he was still paying attention.

Royce: "Yeah, I remember, what about it?" Everyone observes the two having a conversation.

Alexander: "'This' was what I was talking about!" Alexander replied, bringing out a Mosin-Nagant.

Royce: "Wow... That's... That's something!!! What type of firearm is it, exactly?"

Alexander: "A Mosin-Nagant." Alexander clarified.

Royce: "Cool! So it's a former Russian bolt-action rifle, right?" Royce said with excitement.

Alexander: "I don't know about 'former', but what I do know is that it's Russian. Fires a 7.52 mm Round, it also comes with my other personal items with my Mosin, they're; a bayonet, a scope, a couple 7.52 mm magazines, and a flash hider."

Volteer: "Why is this 'stick' so fascinating to you Royce?" Volteer asks.


Royce looks at Volteer awkwardly, then the room goes silent, again.

Royce: "Calling this a 'stick' Volteer is dangerous enough. It has a lot more power and strength than your guards crossbows, and it can possibly get through your tough scales, unlike the arrows the guards possess!" Royce explained, while also clarifying the fact that it was a dangerous weapon.

Volteer: "Alexander, why would you trust the boy in using such a powerful weapon?!"


Alexander: "Like you said Volteer, 'Trust'!" Alexander explained, using the Electric Guardians words against him. "So you believe in him?" Volteer was stunned to hear the Fear Dragons words to be used against him.

Royce: *Royce clears his throat* "Okay, okay, we all believe in each other and it's good to know that everyone believes in me, so can I go now!?"

Volteer: "Wait, here take this!"

Alexander: "And this!" Volteer gives Royce a Pokedex, and Alexander gives him his (Alexanders) Mosin-Nagant to Royce.

Royce: "Hey Volteer, what's this 'thing' that you gave me, just now!?"

Volteer: "Oh... That, that's a Pokedex!"

Royce: "Doesn't a Pokedex let you see what type of Pokemon there are, and what type of Pokemon you've encountered?"

Volteer: "Yes, but how did you know that, and how is it that you know how this device works?" Volteer wondered curiously, as the teenager began speaking with a nervous tone.

Royce: "Uhmm... You see *scratches back of his head*, on my world, there's a thing called 'Pokemon', and it's based off a TV show, you see people catch Pokemon are called Trainers, using these interesting little capture devices called 'pokeballs' that allow the Trainers to transport the Pokemon. The Trainers will even 'battle' each other with the Pokemon that they capture!" Volteer went to his "shelf" and picked up a Pokeball, and handed Royce a Pokeball.

Royce: "Thanks... I'm going to leave now, goodbye!" Just about when Royce was about to leave, he is interrupted again, and waits.


Dylan: "Wait!" Dylan said, running towards the waiting teenager.

Royce: "What is it now?!" Royce replied, hating that he was waiting, and for what reason why exactly.

Dylan: "Do you want a 'Welcome Back gift' when you get back?"

Royce: "Actually... Now that you mention it, I would like a Welcome Back gift when I get back... That's if I survive..." Royce answered with a nervous tone, before his father began talking to him.

Spyro: "So what did you have in mind, son?"

Royce: "A PanzerCycle; a combination between a tank and a motorcycle."

Alexander: "So what is it you want? Speed or armor protection, comrade?" Alexander questioned the teenager, before Dylan joined the conversation.

Dylan: "Royce, when you said ' a combination between a tank, and a motorcycle,' did you mean the motorcycle have body of a BMW-R75?" Before Alexander begins making aggressive noises.

Alexander: "Stupid German cycles, now I remember; Those Pigs tore up my comrades with those guns when they caught us by surprise!"

Royce: "Do you mean the MG-42's tore you and your men up?" Royce questioned the Russian, only to bring up a memory Alexander didn't want to remember. (Russian translation for MG-42) Dylan found his normal Soviet-Russian surprised tones annoying, if not really confusing.

Royce: "That's not gibberish (defending Alex), he's probably speaking Russian." Royce claimed, making Dylan look like an idiot out of himself.

Dylan: "Since when can you speak Russian?!" The American Dragon was caught off guard as a result.


Royce: "I got other language nationalities too, you know?!" was Royce's response, earning a confused reaction from Dylan.

Dylan: "So you're not a Full-Blooded-American?"

Royce: "Dylan, there's no such thing as a 'Full-Blooded American', everyone descends from at least one Immigrant, including me, you (Dylan), and Alexander, other than that, I was born in the United States of America, prior to the year 1998, December 6." Royce explained to Dylan, as the year "1998" had him concerned,

Dylan: "So who won the War; the Allies or the Germans?"

Alexander: "Yes Comrade, who won?"

Royce: "The Allies won of course, but at a cost...." Royce explained to the duo as he implied a sense of doom onto the two.

Alexander: "And what cost was that my friend?" Alexander asked nervously, only for Royce to reply with a literal explanation.

Royce: "The alliance between the U.S. and Russia was severed, that was the cost Alex." Dylan's and Alexander's mouths drop wide, due to the result of winning the War and the loss of an alliance of two nations.

Dylan: "Why was the alliance between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (Soviet-Russia) cut off at the end of the War?" Dylan wondered, while asking and pondering to himself out loud, then for Royce to answer him.

Royce: "Differences in how the world should be governed; after Berlin was taken control of!"

Alex(ander): "What happened to Berlin?" Alexander wondered, while also questioning Royce on what happened to Berlin.

Royce: "It was separated into Eastern Berlin & Western Berlin; The Eastern side of Berlin was controlled by the Russians, while the Western side of Berlin was controlled by the Allies."

Dylan: "I don't care what happens, as long as Alex and I are still friends!" Dylan walks up to Alexander and pats him on his back.

Alexander: "Thanks pal!"

Royce: "I'm leaving, bye everyone!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, only for everyone to respond with a "Goodbye, and have a fun time!" Royce runs out the door with his equipment, backpack, Pokeball, and his self esteem, but to be stopped by someone clothes-lining him.

Royce: "OUCH!!! What was that fo..."

Carmelita: "Hey Royce, Long time no see huh?" Carmella(Carmelita) lends him a hand, and pulls him up. "

Royce: Yeah Carmella, anyways thanks, say what are you doing here?"

Carmelita: "The only reason I'm here is to escort you outside the city, oh and sorry that I clothes-lined you!" Carmella told Royce while also apologizing.

Royce: "It's... Alright." Still rubbing the sore spot on his head, "I'll be fine!"


Carmelita: "Okay, I got to do my job and you got places to explore, am I right?"

Royce: "Yes ma'am..." He responded politely.

Carmelita: "Well let's go," while Royce & Carmella were leaving the Academy, a little while later, the two reach the city limits, Royce then comments and asks "Is this where 'we' both part ways?"

Carmelita: "Even though this is where we both will part ways, also, here's a surprise; I've been made the Captain of The City Guard!" Royce's response was the result of his jaw dropping.

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