Allison Riddle & 21st Century...

By BoldAuthorAI

349 16 4

Despite being the youngest girl, the daughter of Voldemort was the best. She fought harder and faster than an... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: Platform Nine & Three Quarters
Chapter 5: Targets
Chapter 6: Halloween
Chapter 7: Answers
Chapter 8: X-Mas
Chapter 9: Realities Bold Return
Chapter 10: Final Exams
Chapter 11: Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 12: Aveline
Chapter 13: Summer

Chapter 3: During Induction

30 1 0
By BoldAuthorAI

Our final exam- the moment all Before's trained towards from age four. The During's- all ranging from 2nd years to N.E.W.T students- stood opposite of us. One stood taller than the rest, his blue eyes malicious and wild as he grinned at the Before's. It took all my patience to keep a neutral expression. Forget the wands- given the chance, I'd plummet Shadow into a fine pulp!

Mirabelle stepped into no-man's land. "Alright. We'll be dueling on the usual rules. No unforgivable's and remember your goal's to either immobilize or knock out your opponent. I will call pairs forward."

Waving her wand, a small, unfurled scroll appeared.

She squinted at the scroll. "Crabbe, you'll duel Rockwood."

The relief on Crabbe's face as he stepped forward was comical. The fight hasn't even started and he's already underestimating his opponent. Admittedly, Brianna Rockwood- a third year- would prove less of a challenge then Kaleb Mulciber, who towered over everyone in the room, but-

"On three. One-"


For once, Crabbe managed to get the first move. Brianna was knocked to the ground in a full 360- up and over- and landed with a large CRACK! Theo, Millicent, and Goyle started cheering. Cameron and the fourth years smirked, but the fight wasn't over. At lightning speed, Brianna was at her feet, clutching at her ribs but pointing her wand. Crabbe wasn't fast enough this time- he was bound from head to toe in long, black cords.

There was a silence for a long moment- the kind that presses in on your eardrums- then:

"Rockwood wins, loser Troll and winner Passing. Nott, get Crabbe out of the way. Next is Goyle and Avery."

There was a round of rowdiness at this news, Cameron, Everett, and Eric at its center. Eric being the 2nd oldest during wasn't helping matters- at this rate, we'd all be ranked as Trolls. Goyle seemed to have realized this- a feat I wouldn't have thought him capable of- so he took his time helping Theo before returning to duel Eric.

"On three."

By the end of the fight, spirits among the Before's were at an all time low. Eric managed to dislodge both Goyle's shoulders without actually touching him- wandless magic at it's finest- and only had a black eye from the one spell Goyle managed to hit him with halfway through. Our best chance was to beat all the second and third  years. I found myself sizing them up as I waited for the next pairing to be called. Maxine, Cameron, and Astoria were the only ones left. So long as someone higher up in the Before's hierarchy- say, Blaise or Theo- got to them, we might have a chance at a Passing rank.

As the fights continued, I found that I spoke far too soon. Millicent went up against 2nd year Maxine Caro, who swept Millicent off her feet and bound her within seconds. Daphne and Theo both lost to fourth years Natalia Caro and Everett Nott respectively, though Theo put up a good fight- he was one of the few with the common sense to try nonverbal magic, but Everett's reflexes were too good and dodging only worked for so long. Theo was bumped to Passing, though he looked more pissed off than normal as he nursed his sprained wrist with the other casualties.

Pansy was the unlucky one- she got Kaleb Mulciber. Against anyone else, her reflexes would've won out. Unfortunately, Kaleb had fist the size of my head- one punch in the ribs and Pansy could barely stand properly. She was made Passing too, though she was barely breathing. Now there was only one more person to fear.

"Zabini and Greengrass."

Blaise was the first to win. Being brighter than most, he watched every fight and figured out how to apply it. Astoria was one of the slower third years, but she focused more on magic than combat, which Blaise used against her. He used Maxine's bounding spell to tie Astoria up as soon as she was on the fell.

"Zabini wins. Someone move Greengrass out of the way. Winner Passing, Loser Troll," Mirabelle snipped, glaring at Astoria's fallen form as Millicent and Maxine dragged her away. "Next is Black and Parkinson."

Wand hidden up my sleeve, I moved forward. Cameron was a whole head taller than me, his expression almost too eager.

"On three. One-"

I dodged a silent spell and fired off a stupefy. He dodged and fired off another charm. As I dodged his attacks, I moved in a circle, getting closer each time. Once within reach, he grabbed me by the hair. Without missing a beat, I jump and kick him in the chest. He didn't let go of my hair- I could feel it tearing from my scalp. Knowing I had seconds before I was bald, I uppercut his jaw. This time, he let go, yelping as his eyes watered.

Ignoring the stinging in my scalp and neck, I raised my wand. "Stupefy! Impedimenta!"

Cameron dodged the first, but the second hit him full force. He fell to the ground on all fours, raising his wand again.

"Ignis cavea!" "Cofundus Totalum!"

Our spells met in mid-air, crossing over each other to meet their targets. The fire hit my right shoulder but didn't create its usual effect- thank Merlin.

Thump! "Argh!"

Cameron lay on the ground, bruised but otherwise conscious. Before he could make to stand, I summoned my spark ropes and bound him.

Silence, then.




The Before's still conscious were cheering. A couple During's eyed me warily.

"Black wins. Winner Passing, Loser Passing."

I grinned, moving back to the Before's. Draco and I high fived, though he looked a little worried.

"Good work." He whispered.

"Alright, last pairing's Malfoy and Lestrange."

It was as though a dementor had snuck into the dungeons. Draco went white, his grey eyes wide as they flickered to someone behind me. I turned to watch Shadow move into no-man's land without a wand. Schooling my face into what I hoped was a neutral expression, I pushed Draco forward.

Once in no-man's land, Draco raised his wand. My stomach churned as Shadow's confident smirk twitched.

"On three, Shadow." Even Mirabelle looked apprehensive at this pairing. "One. Two....Three."


For Draco's sake, I'm glad he put up the shield charm in time. Shadow's spell shattered it, pushing Draco back. The next time, he wasn't so lucky. Purple sparks lashed out like a whip, hitting Draco in the chest. He fell to the ground, looking physically unharmed. Then the blood oozed out of his ears and eyes, black instead of red. Bile rose through my throat, but I swallowed it back.

"Shadow wins. Winner Excellent, Loser Troll."

I helped Maxine move Draco out of the way, tightening my muscles so my hands wouldn't shake. I sat with him, holding his limp hand inmine, waiting for Narcissa. When she arrived, the shock on her face was almost comical.

"Shadow." I muttered as an explanation, my voice surprisingly firm but quiet.

Narcissa gave a start when she realized I was there, then nodded. "Help me pick him up."

Together, we supported Draco and apparated. We landed in the house- odd thing, we normally landed in the grounds- and Narcissa shouted: "Dobby!"


"Yes miss?"

Narcissa careful relieved herself of her son. "Take Draco and Allison to her room. I'll be there in a moment."

Dobby grabbed us and we appeared into my room. Dobby and I laid Draco on my bed. Without his weight in my arms, they started shaking again.

"What happened miss?"

"Shadow was his partner for the initiation. I'm....I'm not sure what he hit Draco with, only that it was nonverbal and Dark magic. You have any ideas?"

"Hmmm...." Dobby moved closer to the bed, studying the black blood oozing from Draco.
"No, miss. Tis is beyond anything Dobby or any elf could do."

Knock. Knock.

I jumped, turning my wand at the door at record speed. Whoever stood outside the door had up their occlumency, because I couldn't hear a thing.

"Get the door." I muttered to Dobby.

Narcissa entered, wand already drawn. Ignoring my tension, she rushed past me to Draco. I stowed my wand and followed, standing at her side as she performed cleaning and diagnostic charms.

"Do you have any idea what Shadow cast?"

I shook my head. "Only that it was nonverbal and likely dark magic."

The crease between her grey eyes deepened.

A scroll appeared and she caught it, holding it high enough that I couldn't see. I resist the urge to perform a nonverbal hover charm, instead clutching my hands in fists and digging my nails in. The sting helped me focus on my breathing.






"Infinite encantem. Repulso." 

And just like that, the blood stopped leaking. Draco lay unconscious, his breathing calm. Narcissa cast a final cleaning charm before turning to me.

"It was an original spell- a combination, I think. I've stopped it, but he'll need some rest."

I nodded. "I'll keep an eye on him today. Can you handle Lucius?"

Her eyes narrowed at her husband's name. "Consider it done."

With that, she left, taking Dobby with her. I stood there a long moment, staring at the window. I slowly released my fists, then sat beside Draco. I focused on my breathing as I watched the peace in his face. Time ticked by sluggishly, a minute feeling like an hour.

I didn't realize I was pacing until I heard a soft groan behind me.

"Ugh," Shifting on the bed, Draco sat up and promptly fell back into the pillows, clutching at his head. "Blood hell, what happened?"

"Shadow happened." I sat beside him on the bed, sweeping hair from his forehead as he squinted up at me. "But you're ok. Or, at least, you will be."

Silence followed. Draco stopped squinting as his eyes readjusted to the mid-afternoon light.

"Did I pass?"

I hesitated, then shook my head. "Shadow rendered you unconscious in less than 3 moves- a record, I can safely say. Mind you, his actions even shocked Mirabelle, so I doubt he's getting away with this-"



"You're rambling. And you know he's getting away with nothing- he's done worse and he always will. Next time, we just need to be better prepared."

I sighed. He was right- I knew it- but, that left a lot to us.

"At least we're heading to Hogwarts tomorrow," Draco smiled up at me. "No Shadow. No father. We can finally-"


Dobby appeared beside the bed, carrying a tray with snacks and two potions. "Hello, master Draco. Dobby hopes you're feeling better."

Draco turned his head towards Dobby. "Much better now that I'm awake, thanks."

I took the tray from Dobby and set it on my lap. The potions were clearly labeled: Strengthening Solution- half now, other half in 6 hours if necessary. Pepper-up Potion- take all AFTER EATING if nauseous or light-headed.

I pick up the Strengthening Solution, turning to Draco as Dobby disappears with a light Pop! "Can you sit up a little?"

He eyed me warily but did as I asked.

I uncorked the potion. "Take half of it, it's strengthening solution."

He did as told. I recorked the potion. Turning back to him, I could already see the color returning to his face. He sat up a bit more. We ate in silence, though I knew neither of us were really hungry- the day's draining events had made it impossible to feel anything. 

Soon, night set and- as we fell asleep- I gazed out the window, hoping that Hogwarts would be a million times better than this. 

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