Faces and masks - (Sally x OC)

By moonwolf220

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Two families moved into the Addison Apartment today.The Fisher family,consisting only of father and son,and M... More

Episode 1 - (Strange neighbors) - Trailer
Strange neighbors - (Part 1)
Strange neighbors - (Part 2)
Strange neighbors - (Part 3)
Strange neighbors - (Part 5)
Between dream and reality - (Part 1)
Between dream and reality - (Part 2)
Between dream and reality - (Part 3)
Episode 2 - (Wretched) - Trailer
Wretched - (Part 1)
Wretched - (Part 2)
Wretched - (Part 3)
Wretched - (Part 4)
Wretched - (Part 5)
Wretched - (Part 6)
Episode 3 - (The bologna incident) - Trailer
The bologna incident - (Part 1)
The bologna incident - (Part 2)
The bologna incident - (Part 3)
The bologna incident - (Part 4)
City of thieves
Loneliness Sally - (Bonus)
Teens vs. aliens - ("Typical morning or how it all started")
Teens vs aliens - ("How we go to school")
Teens vs aliens - ("Normal school day")
Teens vs aliens - ("Heart-to-heart talk")
Teens vs aliens - ("Crazy night-Part 1")
Teens vs aliens - ("Crazy night-Part 2")
Teens vs aliens - ("Crazy night-Part 3")
Teens vs. aliens - ("Conclusion")
Mysterious dream
True colors
Trial - (Part 1)
Trial - (Part 2)
Trial - (Part 3)
Trial - (Part 4)
Trial - (Part 5)
Eternal pain
Episode 5 - (Memories and dreams) - Trailer
Memories and dreams - (Prologue - Part 1)
Memories and dreams - (Prologue-Part 2)
Memories and dreams - (Prologue-Part 3)
Memories and dreams - (Prologue-Part 4)
Memories and dreams - (Prologue-Part 5)
Memories and dreams - (Prologue-Part 6)
Memories and dreams - (Part 1)
Memories and dreams - (Part 2)
Memories and dreams - (Part 3)
Memories and dreams - (Part 4)
Memories and dreams - (Part 5)
Memories and dreams - (Part 6)

Strange neighbors - (Part 4)

126 1 0
By moonwolf220

"Hello, miss Lisa." Emily greeted the cleaner with a smile. The woman looked up, smiling back at her. When she saw the two teenagers holding hands, she smiled even wider. She could not see the expression on Sal's face, which was hidden behind the mask, but she could tell by the dreamy tenderness of his blue eyes, sparkling with happiness, turned toward their clasped hands that He was over the moon with happiness. How much did he like this quiet, sweet girl?

— Hi. You need something? "what is it?" she asked, putting down her MOP.

- Huh? Sally shook his head, out of his thoughts, and blushing, which no one noticed, said a little haltingly, " Yes." We wanted to ask. how can you entertain yourself?

"You know what?" I have a son. He's your age. I think you'll get along very well." He's downstairs in our apartment. Come to visit us, get acquainted! The company is much more fun! Here is a card that will take you to the lower floor. — a warm smile Lisa said, giving the guy a card and he couldn't resist, and patted Emily's hair, to which she blissfully closed her eyes and smiled.

"What's your son like?" Is it good for? I'm just ... a little shy. bluewax said sheepishly, lowering her head and poking her forefingers at each other. Sally, seeing this, patted her shoulder encouragingly.

"Don't worry, he's a good boy and a very creative person. I think he'll like you, " the woman reassured her, to which Emily nodded.

"Come On, Emily. With that, the boy took her hand again, walking confidently toward the Elevator. She felt terribly insecure, fingering her fingers and strands of hair, but she felt better in Sally's presence, and she was not so afraid. After all, if Sally said that as long as he was around, everything would be fine, then so it is. And she believed him implicitly.


The lowest floor was a fairly clean and tidy room. White floor, gray walls, vending machine with all sorts of snacks against the wall. Emily went to him at once, looked him over carefully, and even tapped the glass gently with her finger. When Sally asked if she was hungry, she shook her head, saying she just wanted to see what was inside.

They opened the gray door and stepped inside, into another green-painted corridor. By the look of it you could already tell that someone lived here. There was a green carpet on the floor, a small table cluttered with leftover food and drink, photographs of people they didn't know. One of them showed Lisa with a little boy who looked a lot like her. It looked like Larry.

A little farther on, they went into the kitchen. It was dark, even though it was daylight. Emily immediately grabbed Sally's hand, squeezing it tightly. One of his hands flashed silver again.

"What is it?" Sally asked the girl in surprise as she began to tremble and hide behind him. Her gray eyes widened in horror. A dark shape with glowing scarlet eyes was reflected in the narrowed pupils. With a trembling finger she pointed ahead. The boy looked over and froze. A shiver ran through him, too. There was indeed a shadow before them. Alive, blurry, with blood-red eyes that could literally burn through.

"It's — very dangerous-We mustn't get in his way-I can feel it-Sally, let's get out of here -" the girl said in a trembling voice, stepping back with small steps and leading him involuntarily. Despite her trembling, there was a grim certainty in her voice, as if she really saw and knew more than he did. He didn't know what to say to that, only tightened his grip on her cold hand.

"I think you're right. Let's go to Larry's room.

When he reached the door, it was Sally who knocked first, as was to be expected, for the girl had not the heart to stretch out a trembling fist to the door. Her shyness and a strange irrational fear sometimes stunned him, and sometimes aroused curiosity and incomprehension, as well as a kind of warmth, from the realization that he was the first person in this house to whom she really fully trusted. She was looking for his protection and to some extent she tried to protect, tried to understand and somehow cares. Just like his mother. She looked more and more like her every second, and their eyes were even similar. Beautiful, light gray, like silver, but her mother's hair was blond, and Emily's was blue black.

— "Do not enter". Do you think we should definitely come in? He won't mind our company? she nodded at the note on the door.

"But his mother didn't say anything about it." Besides, we knocked, and we're being polite. I'm sure you'll make a good impression. No need to be afraid of new acquaintances. his words, spoken in a soft and warm voice, reassured her as always, and she nodded to her thoughts, gave herself a quick glance, straightened her skirt, ran her hand through her long straight hair.

"I hope he doesn't mind the Goths." she muttered to herself as they went inside.


Emily let out a gasp of surprise as they went inside. All her fears and misgivings gave way at once to a childish joy and admiration, and even a desire to meet this wizard who had turned his room into such a wonderful place.
The walls of his room were covered with paintings and posters of various designs. Some were grim, others cheerful and unusual, with incomprehensible to her inscriptions. The brunette looked from one to the other, slowing her pace a little and even letting go of Sally's hand. Her gray eyes shone like stars, and a smile and a faint blush spread over her pale face.

- Wow, cool mask! - from prostration its has withdrawn raised a surprised-admiring unfamiliar voice and she, invoking the about how, why they here came, slightly hastened and embraced alongside golubovolosym, albeit has kept all also a bit behind.

Before them stood a tall, lean guy, looks and facial features very similar to Lisa. The same long tangled brown hair, thick dark eyebrows, long nose. He is wearing a light brown t-shirt with the initials "SF" circled in a circle, jeans and brown shoes. He was the same height as Emily, which made her feel a little uneasy about Sally again, since he was half a head shorter than they were.

Sally sighed softly and sadly, his blue eyes a little darkened by the sadness that filled them. Emily remembered how he'd reacted, and how he'd looked when she'd first asked. She didn't know why he wore it, but it didn't look like it was for beauty or because he liked it so much, and it didn't look like the usual cheerful masks.

More like a cast, like the kind you put on your arms and legs. The mere thought gave her a herd of goosebumps and a single question: "What's wrong with his face?»

Involuntarily, the girl gently touched his fingers to his left cheek, usually closed long uneven bangs. She hid half her face, for her own personal reasons, but she wasn't usually asked.

"It's a prosthetic." the boy's soft, even cold voice made her shiver and her eyes widen. She studied the mask again.

- Prosthetic...? — what? " she whispered, almost with her lips. - It means that...

- Oh, man. I'm sorry. immediately embarrassed, brown hair, noticing the glance ^ a b and the reaction of the girl.

"Nothing. I've been told worse things. I'm glad you liked it. Sally said calmly.

"Um ... so you don't, like, have a face under it?" What happened? - even more surprised brown-haired, and threw a questioning glance at the girl, as if hoping that she will give him the answer to this question.

"I don't think that's an appropriate question," bluewax tried to say, but Sally interrupted her, turning to look at her with his usual warmth and friendliness.

"It's all right, Amy. But I don't really want to talk about it.

— Well. Let's start all over again. My name is Emily. Pleased to meet you. the girl said softly, bowing, causing her dark blue hair to rise and cascade down her back again. Her thin fingers lifted the skirts of her plaid skirt, and her lips parted in a shy smile, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh! There is no need so officially, although, this was prikolno. brown-haired grinned. The girl seemed very nice to him, it was evident that it would not be difficult to find a common language with her, especially considering the fact with what amazement she looked at his work when she first entered here. She and this guy made an odd couple, if they were, but they were funny. They can definitely be fun.

"Okay, let's change the subject. My name is Larry. I live down here with my mom.

"I'm Sal." My friends call me " Sally-Shred." Moved here from new York the other day —
Jersey. Fisher introduced himself.

"Sally-Shredded?" — almost in unison asked the guy and the girl, unwittingly exchanging glances with each other.

I Hope it has nothing to do with his face." I, too, sometimes gave offensive nicknames, but not such. I certainly won't call him that. — decided to myself a girl.

"Well, I guess I didn't have any real friends. So when these freaks started calling me that, I decided to keep the name, making it impossible for them to tease me. Sally said with a grin.

— And you like that nickname?" Emily asked in surprise.

"Let's just say I'm used to it.

"You're not easy, Sal. A strange fellow. I like you. We'll get along. You too, Emily. I thought Goths were dark and boring, but you don't seem to be one of them. Larry said with a friendly smile, holding out his hands to both of them, which they smiled back and shook.

"Let's just say I'm one of a kind." That's what they say. - sheepishly cast brunette, on its personified by was joyful smile — I, too, am confident, that we all will become best friends!

— What did I tell you?" — clapped Sal on the shoulder of the girl and turned to dark brown — Your mother said the same thing.

"Mother knows best." the guy quoted her.

"I'm sorry to ask, but why do you live in the basement?" It's quite cozy, just a little unusual. "what is it?" she asked awkwardly, looking down.

— My mother says it's to keep the rats out." But I'm sure they gave her this room for free because she cleans here and everything. It's cool, I like it. I can listen to music to the fullest while mom is away. What apartment do you live in? he asked the boy and the girl.

- In 401/402. they answered in unison.

— We have a big apartment, too. There are many of us and each of us has his own room, so that no one interferes with anyone. — with a warm smile said the girl, remembering her family.

— I like your shirt." Sally nodded at the boy's clothes.

— What's the writing on it?" Emily narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out what the two letters meant.

— Thank You. The inscription on it means... "Sally was Fromsale". he chuckled, causing the girl to drop.

"What a coincidence," she murmured.

"So I have my own brand of clothing." Great, isn't it, Emily? Sally said with a smile, touching the shoulder of the girl, who was still somewhat prostrated by this answer.

— Haha, it's actually the merch of the metal band Semantic falsification. Love metal? Larry smiled gamely.

"Metal?" - face brunette appeared surprised — I don't know. I've never listened to him before. And you, Sally? she turned to him in surprise.

— I don't know either. - he shrugged.

"Then we'll check it out." Check out this song. This is their first single, and the album will be released in a couple of months. — brown turned on the music. The three of them stood in silence, listening to the music grow louder and louder. Emily's face was blank for a few seconds, but the moment a rough male voice shouted "metal" in a hoarse bass voice, she started, almost jumping up and down in surprise. The music became deafeningly loud and beat on his ears, at the same time causing internal activity and some pleasant feeling.

Suddenly Larry began to shake his head violently, waving his long brown hair and making his hands look like he was playing a guitar. At first Sally and Emily looked at each other in silence, and then they began to repeat after him, also shaking their heads and hair.

"Wow! From this music energy in me and gushes! Wow! "Oh, no!" she cried, laughing, and tossing her long dark hair, which gleamed blue in the light. Guys even unwittingly stared at this spectacle. Brown-haired even on moment lost jaw, but overlooking the, as precisely gays eyes look on entered in rhythm girl, with tricky smile pushed his in reduce leverage and pointed out on it, respiration face boy under mask strongly reddened, and eyes rounded, after what he and a new familiar continued shake heads.

After a while the music stopped and the trio, breathing hard and putting in order the tangled thoughts and hair that now brown and brunette cleaned from their faces, continued the conversation. Strangely enough, the music brought them closer together to some extent.

— What happened in 403?" Sally asked his most exciting question. The smile on the brunette's face faded and she looked at Larry intently, waiting for his answer. Sam brown-haired man immediately became tense.

— SH-SH-SH! Keep it down, guys. he put a finger to his lips.

"Why not?" /What is it? — the choir was asked by the guy and the girl.

"The killer is still in this building!" - these words acted on a couple of, as if build cold water, but if on slap blue-haired, hidden for mask, this was not determine, then here is brunette made a few steps ago, putting palm to mouth, dilated from shock eyes despite brown-haired, as if hoping, that he here same will declare this joke.

— How do you know?" — what is it? " she whispered, still holding her hand to her mouth.

— I've seen it. — grimly answered the boy.

"WH-what?" /Are you high? - again in one voice, but with different questions. Emily wasn't sure what Sally meant, but it didn't make her feel any better.

— Ah, if people Tremac full. Larry said grimly. Looking him in the eye, she was convinced that he was not joking and not lying. He really saw it. Her hands clenched involuntarily into fists, one of them giving off a faint, silvery glow, bangs closed her eyes.

— What happened in this house?" "what?" she whispered. Her voice was suddenly icy. Guys I shuddered from the sudden change of mood from the girl. But she only remained silent, still not looking up, and patiently waiting for the story of the brown-haired man.

— I forgave the toilet for Mrs. Sanderson, and then he burst in. screaming like a madman, " I know what you did! Herman told me everything! You stupid bitch! did he change the tone of his voice? She wanted to comfort him, and but word did not, as he slit her throat! I was in shock, I was paralyzed, guys! All he could do was stare through the hole in the bathroom door. In General, everything happened in an instant, he almost immediately froze all tracks. I don't know how, but he didn't see me. I haven't told anyone about this, not even my mom, but I trust you.

After the end of the story, for a few seconds there was silence. Emily still stood with her head down and her face hidden behind her bangs, her arms and shoulders trembling slightly. and it was hard to say from what. From fear or something. Larry was about to ask if she was all right, but Sally forestalled him by touching her shoulder. She shivered and looked up slowly. Larry's brown eyes widened as he looked into the girl's once-gray eyes. For a second they changed, becoming scarlet, and the pupils in them narrowed like a cat's, the face was like a mask, but everything immediately became normal and the eyes again acquired a silver color. Sally shot a surprised glance first at the brown-haired man, and then at the brunette, trying to understand what was happening, then decided to ask:

— Do you know who did it?"

"Yeah, it must be Charlie." Dumb man with 204. He was wearing gloves, so I don't think he left any prints. Emily's face showed disbelief.

- Mr. Charlie...? Is he ... a murderer?" But it can't be! He was so good to us! I don't think he really could have killed anyone! His eyes... were perfectly normal. - the raised voice subsided on the last words and she lowered her head — He could not, could he...?

— That's just my guess. There's just one detail pointing to it. By the way, I have an idea how to test it. he snapped his fingers, drawing Sally and Emily's attention to him. — I can make a false call and distract the cops while you slip into 403." Maybe you'll find some clues for the detectives. Something they missed.

- Quickly you us on hacking persuaded. Sally said in a strange voice, reading her thoughts. The thought of them going into an apartment where a murder had just been committed was not her usual fear. They moved here to forget the darkness and pain of the past, and start a new life as ordinary people, but it seems that they will not succeed. The mark on his arm flashed again.

"Well, I'll just call from here, and —" the brown-haired man began uncertainly, but the blue-haired man's laugh cut him off.

— Yes, I'm kidding. I'm all for it. I wanted to go there anyway. But if Emily doesn't want to, she can stay here with you for a while. — last words the guy said uncertainly. On the one hand, he saw that she was very scared, and besides, he did not want to put her in danger, but on the other, to leave her alone with a yet unfamiliar guy...

"It's all right, Sally. I will go. I want to help you find it. I feel like I just need to look in there. "I'm sorry," she said softly, walking over to him and taking his hand. He started involuntarily, blushing again, and Larry whistled softly behind them. And yet a strange couple comes out of them.

— So what's our plan?" Sal turned to him.

— I'll call and tell them they robbed a Bank and took hostages, and the cops will be blown away." I think it'll give us a few minutes until they realize they've been stabbed. When I call them, you should both be upstairs by now, so there's no time to waste. We can talk on the radio, I have. Since it is one, you will have to share it somehow. That way I can be a beacon to you when I realize the cops are coming back. — with these words Larry gave Fischer the radio. The girl looked at her thoughtfully, as if calculating something in her head.

"Sounds like a good plan to me." — agreed with him Sally.

"As long as we get there before the cops come back." "I'm sorry," she said softly, hiding something else behind the words. Actually, that's not exactly what she really wanted to say. Her hands were still trembling and her eyes were frightened, and the fact that the mark made itself felt from time to time was alarming. There's definitely something wrong with this house. She felt it in every cell of her body, even a drop of cold sweat ran down her forehead and fell from her bangs to the floor.

"Larry's wrong. Mr. Charlie is not a murderer. I didn't see the blood on his hands. It's someone else. But who...? I can't tell them that. I don't think they'll understand. They'll probably say I'm crazy. I don't want to lose my first friends. I was losing too much. I don't want anyone to suffer again because of me. Whatever they're up to, I'll be there to protect them both. she thought, clenching her fists.

— Only can not Bank robbery, and robbery on gas station or a drugstore? It would be more plausible. Sal continued to discuss the matter. The girl once again rolled his eyes that were like two gray plates.

"You have a fantasy," she murmured. Emily doubted she could think of anything like that and play it all over. She's too honest and can't lie at all.

"Hmm, yeah, I think you're right. Cool idea, Sally! You're good too, Emily! I can tell you're strong! Let me know when you're ready. Good luck.

The boy and the girl left the room of the new friend, staying each in his thoughts. Suddenly Emily stopped and turned to him. Sal looked at her questioningly, knowing she had something to say. Her eyes were cold again, and filled with a kind of seriousness and fear. To his surprise, she slowly began to remove the glove from her right hand. His blue eyes widened as he saw the Crescent tattoo on the back of his hand. She looked like a birthmark and didn't look like a drawing, except that it gave off a silvery glow that was reflected in her eyes.

— When we get into that apartment, take my hand, and don't let go until we get out of there." You've helped me a lot, Sally, and I want to pay you back. There's a terrible evil lurking in this house and I don't want you to get hurt. I want to protect you. One day I'll tell you the truth about me and my family. But until - "she took a deep breath and came to him abruptly, lifting the mask slightly and brushing her lips against his cheek —" I will be your shield."

Carefully adjusting the mask and giving it its old position, she firmly squeezed his slightly trembling palm, and, quickly averting his eyes, headed in the direction of the apartment. Sally stared at her, carefully digesting what he had heard and seen. He wasn't sure what she meant, but he wasn't afraid of her. On the contrary, I wanted to know more.

- "Who are you, Emily Manson?" - he thought, squeezing her hand back.

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