
By Music_With_Books

181 2 0

The war is fully starting. Each girl are having to deal with their own decisions when it comes to fighting th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Seven

8 0 0
By Music_With_Books

C pulls out the hot tray of cookies from the oven. She figured that she should make some to help calm the group down. Cause who doesn't love cookies? She has been spending time with the Weasley family a decent amount lately. Everyone has been worried since there is very little communications with the others. 

Jas was able to talk to George briefly. He claimed everyone was safe but students still had to go to Hogwarts. Meaning the younger twins are there. So the others are in the den. Ron and Hermione are playing the piano. The other three are just relaxing. 

There is a crack sound that caused her to jump. Standing there is Kreacher, Mundungus, and Dobby. Though usually the sight of Dobby would make her smile, the sight of the thief makes her beyond angry. She throws the spatula at him in anger, nailing him in the head.

"What was that for?" he snaps.

"You let Mad-Eye die," she yells at him. This causes the other to enter. Jas and Ron pushes the man into a chair, aiming their wands at him. Harry turns to Dobby.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Dobby saw Kreacher in an alley, which Dobby thought was weird. When Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry's name, Dobby decided to help Kreacher with the thief-"

"Oi," Mundungus snaps. "I am not a thief."

"Don't lie," Jas snarls. "You are just lucky C only had a spatula in her hand, she has improved aim this summer."

The man looks at the blonde in horror. 

"Where is the locket?" Belle asks, getting straight to the point. 

"Got rid of it," the man states. "Some official woman was threatening to send me to Azkaban. She liked the locket though, sent me with a slap on the wrist." He looks down, grabbing a paper. "This is her actually."

Jas rips it out of his hand, looking on the image on the front page.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," she mutters, handing the paper to the others. The image is Umbridge when she took over Hogwarts. The group look at each other, frustrated. They let Mundungus go as C lets out a sigh.

"I'll get started on the Polyjuice Potion," she snaps, going to find Hermione's bag. She throws her hands in the air as she leaves the dining area. It would make sense for her to do it since the girl was talented at potions at Hogwarts. Much to Snape's annoyance of course.


Abi, Neville, Luna, and Ginny sneak around the halls, trying to make it to the Headmaster Office. The stone gargoyle is in position. Ginny looks at her twin. The Slytherin had already been called to the office. So when she told the group, Neville came up with the plan. But that means she has to remember the password. She racks her brain, trying to recall it.

"Lilium?" she guesses. The gargoyle creaks and starts turning upwards. The four of them hurry up the stairs and to the office. Neville pokes his head in the office before fully opening the door. The group cast Lumos before entering. Many of the portraits are asleep. The four know not to raise the sources of light in the face of the sleeping former Headmasters. 

The students look around until they find the Sword of Gryffindor hanging on a wall. Neville takes it off the stand. Just as they are about to leave, they see Snape leaving his sleeping chambers. They did not take into account of him moving into the room. 

The professor is not happy to see them. The new people in charge of discipline appear. A brother and sister duo loyal to Voldemort. The four try to run, but quickly turned back around by more Death Eaters. They just keep appearing it seems. No exits.

"Return the sword at once, Longbottom," he snaps. "That will be thirty points from all the houses per person that participated. Also detention. I think Hagrid may have some use for you four in the Forbidden Forest." 

Neville hesitates to put the sword back. The false Headmaster walks over, taking the blade back. He places it on the wall before ordering the group to leave. The four are forced to leave. They hurry to the separate dorms. One thing that nags the back of Abi's mind is she thinks they got off to easy. 

They were trying to steal the Sword of Gryffindor. That should be more than loosing House Points and a night in the forest helping Hagrid. The moment she enters the Slytherin Common Room, all eyes turn to her. She decides to hold her head up and walk straight in. Draco walks out of the crowd.

"Mind your own business," he snaps at the group, grabbing his girlfriend's hand. Most divert their attentions. Except Pansy Parkinson of course. She walks up to the couple, pulling them off to another corner.

"Why is she still here?" the girl asks. Her voice trembling. "She is a danger to us all. No matter the standing of one's family."

For once Abi sees her for what she truly is. Not some cruel bitch that wants to torment her, but a scared girl. Everyone here are still children in a way. They are all scared.

"Is that you acted the way you did?" the red head remarks. "Because if it is for your family, I get it. I would do anything for my family."

The dark hair girl looks angry, glancing to see who is paying attention.

"She should know, Pansy," Draco tells her.

"Yes," she quietly snaps. "My parents are loyal to the Dark Lord. I will do what it takes to protect the people I care about."

"You've been threatened?" Abi asks, shocked. She should have known no one is that spiteful for no reason. The silence answers her question. "Just remember this, we are not our parents."

"Who told you this bullshit?"

"C. You know, the Hufflepuff who's birth parents are Death Eaters. Or Jas, who has the King of the Underworld as a father and was adopted by people that tried to take over Mount Olympus."

This causes Pansy to think for a moment.

"I wish it worked like that," she states. "But to let you know now, if comes between you and people I care for, I will choose them."

"I understand."

The dark hair girl leaves and Abi gives Draco a weak smile. She had to try in her mind.

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