SNK Girls x Male!Reader - My...

By ScarletCavaliere

14.7K 147 53

A little thing poking in my head came into this More

Mai Shiranui
Leona Heidern
Kasumi Todoh
Mature and Vice
Yuri Sakazaki


1.4K 13 9
By ScarletCavaliere

You were studying by yourself at Illusion, occasionally eating some of their food to keep the brain fueled. Though King found her place at the bar, despite being its owner, she got someone to fill her position as she sat on the other side of your booth, seeing if she can't help her favorite customer.

King: Need help there?

You: Nah, I got a handle on this. Thanks for asking though.

King: So, this is it, huh? Hard to imagine you're gonna be graduating so soon.

You: Yeah, I gotta put in the effort to make sure I go out on a bang.

King: Truer words have never been spoken. Got the university planned out?

You: University of Tokyo. If not that, Kyoto University.

King: Prestigious universities. Though, I'm sure you're a shoe-in, from what you've been telling me anyway.

You: Thanks, King. That means a lot from you.

King: *stands up* Anyway, gonna get back to it. Make sure to take a break every now and then. You got an entire week before finals.

After finishing a bit more on maths and finishing your orders, you eventually went back home to get some rest. All that studying wouldn't be worth it if you were so dead tired. As you were watching TV, you were having one of those moments where you were looking back on your life. You had great friends in Kyo and Iori, who would give you jobs in their respective companies if you could graduate college to prove they didn't practice nepotism, kept one of your childhood friendships going with Rock and managed to rekindle a friendship you thought was dead with Leona.

You didn't have a girlfriend, sure, but you were happy. And being happy is a lot better than having a girlfriend. Though, you did harbor a crush for someone and you were crushing quite hard. Was it anyone at your school? No, but it someone you would see after school; King. Sure you had this crush when you were in middle school, but no other girl has ever captured your heart like she did. Falling in love with King fostered an appreciation for tomboys and King was the queen of them all, mainly because she knew how to fight since she was a bouncer before she was an owner/barista.

You couldn't confess to her, you wanted to make sure you could provide for her. Was that idea kind of sexist? Sure, that much you could admit since she could take care of herself, but that didn't stop you. You had the entire confession planned out, from what you would wear, to where you two would be, to even the time of day. You loved her with your heart and soul and you couldn't wait to confess to her. Though, you didn't know what would happen if she said "no", or worse, she had a boyfriend.

Graduation came and your parents took a break from their job to come and see you at one of your most important days. After the ceremony was over, you went out to celebrate with them and your sister back at home, where you had to change out of your suit and into more comfortable clothes to go out again at a later time with Kyo, Iori, and Rock.

Mom: I just can't believe the time has already come! You've already graduated high school and soon moving onto college!

Dad: You are getting a dorm over there, correct?

You: Yeah, of course.

S/n: Does that mean I get his room?

Mom: No, he's coming back on Christmas.

Dad: Or whenever he runs out of laundry detergent.

You: It's probably the laundry detergent running out first.

Mom: Any other plans for today? You're still kinda dressed up to go somewhere.

You: I'm hanging out with my friends at King's place.

Mom: Try not to stay out too late.

After eating a light dinner with your family, you headed over to Illusion where Kyo, Iori, and Rock were sitting in the booth you normally sat in. The table was emptied, so they were probably waiting for you to start the feast. As soon as you entered, you could hear Kyo's voice from the entrance door.

Kyo: Finally, you came!

You: Sorry for being late. You guys wait long?

Rock: I came not too long before, so not really.

Kyo: Now, boys night can begin!

Iori: Are you blind? There's still sunlight.

Kyo: You know what I mean, you redheaded prick! Y/n, can you go get King?

You: Sure thing.

You went up the stairs near the entrance to the door to the second floor, which is where games like billiards tables and darts could be found. Navigating through the patrons, you found yourself in the back room in front of King's office. You took in a deep breath to not appear all nervous and stutter in front of your crush, and after composing yourself, you knocked on her door.

King: Come in. It's unlocked.

You: *opens the door and walks in* Hi King.

King: Hi, Y/n! Should've told me you were coming, I would've had a feast prepared for you!

You: Well, uh, that's what I came here for. Kind of. My friends are here as well.

King: Boys night out, huh?

She got up from her desk and you followed her out of her office. It was really hard not to pop the question right then and there, since it was just you two before you guys would be in a public space. You then saw something that devastated you; a wedding ring. Depressed could not begin to cover how awful you felt. All of your life was dedicated to asking King to be your girlfriend, only to find out she was married. Netorare was a thing, but you weren't that kind of guy, especially since you just became an adult. Still, you decided to ask her about it.

You: You're married? I've only noticed that ring now.

King: This? Oh, no, I'm still a single pringle. Just something to deter any patrons from hitting on me.

The life in your body that once left you was shoved back inside you as a smile formed on your face and couldn't be removed. King was still single, but you had one more obstacle awaiting you. Would she see you more than just a kid? Is she willing to see you as a man, ready to care and comfort her? Provide her love and be her something close to her ideal husband? Does she even want to get married or be in a relationship? Something you wouldn't know until the day you would leave for college where you would ask her the question before you left.

And your summer went through like the blink of an eye, being kept busy with entrance exams and other mandatory stuff for university. You got accepted into the University of Tokyo and your last day was today. Thankfully, Kyo also got accepted since it "looked good to future business partners" and was driving you there since you two shared a dorm room. You suggested the idea of stopping by Illusion one last time for a long while. It was empty, with King probably in her office since happy hour doesn't start until late at night.

You walked up the stairs and to her office, trying to psyche yourself up. "Do it, Y/n!" you told yourself. "Just do it! You'll never know if you don't ask! If you don't ask today, then you might miss out the next time you see her!" You knocked on her door, and after hearing her voice, you opened the door and closed it behind you as she glanced at you after looking at something on her computer and then, turned her attention to you.

King: Oh, hi Y/n. How's tricks?

You: It's going fine. Today's my last day here before Kyo and I go off to uni.

King: And you guys wanted to eat here before you left? No problem.

You: And...I...I wanted to ask you tell you something important.

King: Oh? Okay, I'm listening.

"Here we go. Now or never."

You: King, I...I always had a crush on you as a child. I thought it would go away once I got older, didn't. I had an unhealthy obsession to dream about this day, down to even what I wanted to say. I know it sounds like I'm a creepy person, but that's how I handled it. What I'm asking you is to be my girlfriend, King.

You didn't hear a response from her, so your mind automatically assumed she was saying "no" but hadn't vocalized it yet. King, then let out a slight chuckle as she stood up from her desk and stood in front of you as you looked her in her beautiful blue eyes that paired with her blonde short hair as her lips pursed into a smile.

King: I figured my raising of you would've had some effect on you, but I didn't think you'd full blown go head over heels for me.

You: So, you knew I had a crush on you?

King: I knew you might've liked me for a time, but I didn't think it would turn into this.

You: Great, this became weird.

King: No, I disagree. I'd like to entertain the idea. See where it goes.

You: Y-you mean it?

King: *smiles* Of course. When would you like to take me on our first date?

You: M-my first day away from uni is Christmas.

King: Then, around Christmas, we'll go out on a date. Okay?

You: *smiles* Th-that works. Anywhere you want to go?

King: How about somewhere within your budget? I don't necessarily care about the fancy stuff if you can't afford it, our first date could even be McDonald's for all I care. All I care about is that it means everything to you. Don't bother being someone you're not, buying clothes that don't speak to who you are, or going places you absolutely hate. I love the person you are now, so don't go changing that. Heh, you just got big help on my ideal first date, but in case you don't believe me.

She gave you a kiss on the lips. You were quite shocked, but soon sunk into that deep feeling of passion and kissed her back. Your first kiss being her and life couldn't be any better than this. You wanted the kiss to last longer, but you didn't want to flake out on Kyo.

King: *smiles* Consider that your motivation.

You: Any specific time I should pick you up?

King: Just don't be too late or too early. You'll know, trust me. Anyway, I've kept you here long enough.

You: Does this mean I get a boyfriend discount?

King: You're not my boyfriend yet. Just someone I'm considering for that position.

"Someone I'm considering for that position" was better than getting rejected. Still, it meant she's willing to meet you halfway and all you needed to do was follow through.

~5 years later~

You: Hi mom, dad!

Dad: Long time, no see son.

Mom: Hello, Y/n! So good to see you!

After graduation, Kyo followed through on his promise and hooked you up with a job working at Kusanagi Corporation as his assistant. To prove that it wasn't nepotism, you provided your experience and grades to Kyo's board of directors, to which they approved of. Though the job was tough, its difficulty reflected in its pay since Kusanagi Corporation was one of the three richest companies worldwide, tied with the Yagami Group (headed by Iori Yagami) and Kagura Enterprises (headed by Chizuru Kagura). Life's been good and on this Christmas Eve, you decided to spend it with your parents and give them a rundown of what's been going on in your life since graduation.

You: It's been awhile since I've been here. Where's S/n?

Dad: She's hanging out with friends. We thought it best to enjoy her youth while she has it.

Mom: Anyway, sit down, grab some food.

You mother and father prepared some curry rice and sukiyaki for your return. Nothing like good home cooking, especially a mother's home cooking, to fill one's belly. You put a large portion of both on your plate and began eating after saying 'itadakimasu'.

Dad: So, how's life been for you?

You: I'm getting married in about two months.

Mom: And we didn't get an invite?

You: Might as well tell you myself than give you a stupid piece of paper. Besides, we already knew you were coming. Friends we're invited got one, though.

Dad: He's saving trees hon.

Mom: Congratulations dear! Who's the lucky woman?

You: King.

Dad: King? You're marrying King?

You: Yeah. I figured that might be weird for you, mom, since I'm marrying your best friend.

Mom: Nah, I felt like it was bound to happen when I left you and your sister in her care. Didn't think you'd guys marry though...

Dad: Where was your first date?


Dad: C'mon, it can't be that embarrassing. Was it at Illusion?

You: KFC.

Dad/Mom: KFC?!

Dad: Your first date was at KFC?! What were you thinking?!


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