Kasumi Todoh

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Alongside basketball practice, you would try to catch whatever meetings of Kasumi's aikido club. There was this magnetic aura Kasumi had that just drew you to her, not because she just threw you to the mat like a ragdoll. At South Town High School, a lot of the senior girls garnered a reputation for being the proper woman and it shows. Chizuru Kagura was the student council president that had a modern shrine maiden jacket over the standard uniform, Kasumi Todoh who practiced aikido and loved to dress in kimono, and Elisabeth Blanctorche, a French exchange student that seems to come from nobility, if her words are true. No one questioned it, especially men, but Kasumi was one of the big ones that exuded the word "tradition".

After basketball practice, you tried to see if you could catch a bit of her meetings, but you usually always came at the tail end when everyone was leaving and Kasumi was packing her things away. Today was no different from any other day.

Kasumi: Oh, L/n-kun. Sorry, but aikido class just ended.

You: Crap, I thought the fact that basketball ended early would've helped too.

Kasumi: Do you wish to learn aikido, L/n-kun?

You: Yeah, Todoh-senpai. As the saying goes, "It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."

Kasumi: I never heard of that saying before, but it does part some wisdom. Though, I have to teach you aikido at my home since Aikido Club has the same meeting days as Basketball practice, do they not?

You: Are you sure it's okay to do it at your home?

Kasumi: Don't worry, I have the space available. Would you like to trade contact info?

You: Sure.

You pulled your phone from your pocket and had it opened on the contacts as she fetched her phone from her purse and the two of you exchanged phones, placed your contact info on her phone and she did the same on yours, and gave each other's back.

You: Do you need any help putting stuff away?

Kasumi: Only if it doesn't intrude in what you're doing. If not, then I would greatly appreciate it.

You helped her roll up the mats, put away dummies, and whatever tasks she told you to do. With the area cleaned up nicely, she locked up the room and pocketed the key in her purse as the two of you walked outside the school's entrance doors and walked towards the gate.

You: Todoh-senpai, would you like to grab some dinner? My treat.

Kasumi: No thank you, but I appreciate the offer, L/n-kun. Maybe some other time.

You: Oh, okay. See you tomorrow then.

Your path split from hers as she went to the train station and you went back to your apartment. Once she was out of ear shot, you silently cursed yourself and the world for denying you. You then pulled out your phone and pulled up the group chat between you, Kyo, Rock, and Iori.

She said another time.

Kyo: Another time? It's better than "no".

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