Return to Riverdale {Bughead}...

By Sleepykitten13

131K 3.6K 1K

"What is going on with you?" she practically yelled. I looked at her and shrugged. "Seriously, Juggie. You're... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not a Chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not a Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 17

3.5K 104 17
By Sleepykitten13

POV Betty

I managed to avoid both Archie and Jughead for the rest of the day. When the last bell rang, I sighed. I still hadn't decided what to do about the situation with Dilton. I was pissed that he played me but I liked that he stood up to Jug and didn't mind that I was using him to get Jughead to leave me alone. As I walked to my locker I decided that I would go with him to Pop's but call him out on the 'homework help' bs.

"Hey, Betty! You ready to go?" I looked up to see Dilton waiting at my locker already.

"Sure, let me just get my stuff" I replied.

"Do you need to find Veronica or Cheryl to let them know that you've got a ride?" he asked as I opened my locker.

"Nope. I already told them" I responded, smiling at the memory of their shocked faces when I told them who I was going out with. V recovered quickly but I think both Cheryl and Kevin still looked surprised. I shut my locker and we hurried to the door. Or rather, I hurried and Dilton rushed to keep up. I was trying to avoid both Jughead and Archie. I didn't need more drama to add to this day. I let out a breath of relief when we made it out the door. Of course, I should have known that I wasn't going to be that lucky.

"Shit" I muttered as I looked at the parking lot. Archie was at his truck with his football goon squad and Jughead and his Serpents were next to him with their bikes. They were both right in front and they had both spotted me the second I opened the door.

"It'll be ok" Dilton said but even he looked nervous. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs and towards the parking lot.

"Just ignore them" he added but I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or himself.

"Where did you park?" I asked and he pointed to his car which was two rows behind Archie.

"Shit" I said again and he nodded.

"Just keep talking and maybe they'll get the hint" I suggested.

"Sounds good. So.... why did you move back to Riverdale?" he began as we reached the lot. I told him about my mom's new job but was cut off halfway thru when Jughead and Archie stepped in front of us.

"Excuse us, we need to get past you" I tried, knowing that it wouldn't work. Jug chuckled and Archie glared.

"Where are you two going?" Archie demanded.

"I told you at lunch, we're headed to Pop's, remember? You really should make sure to wear your helmet at all times on the field. Those hard hits seem to be hurting you memory" I snapped. Everyone else chuckled while Archie scoffed.

"Whatever, Betty. We all know that you're only going with Dilton because you feel sorry for him. This is a pity date." Archie snapped. That's when I lost my patience.

"No, a pity date is the one I agreed to go on with you, but you know what? Forget it. I don't even feel sorry for you anymore. Leave me alone, Archie. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't even think about me. I wanted to still be friends with you but now I see that isn't possible. I have a strict no douchebags for friends rule that I need to adhere to." I yelled making sure that everyone outside could hear me. By the next hour, everyone that went to Riverdale High would know what I said. Archie looked livid and stepped up close to me.

"You will regret that, you bitch" he snarled as he leaned into my face. I opened my mouth to say something else but suddenly, Archie was gone. I looked around and saw him on the ground with Jughead standing over him.

"Threaten her or call her something again and I will end you, understand?" Jughead spat as Archie sat up with a dazed look and a bleeding nose.

"What do you care, Jug? She's not with you either. She's just playing all of us" Archie whined. I was about to yell something when Dilton pulled me away.

"Come on! Let's get out of here before they realize we're gone" he whispered and we ran to his car. He opened the door and I hopped in. I looked over right as we pulled out to see Jughead look around and spot us.

After we drove in silence for a few minutes, I calmed down and thought.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to Pop's. They will follow us" I said and Dilton nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing. There's a good coffee shop on the other side of town, is that ok?" he offered.

"Perfect" I sighed and he smiled.

"By the way, don't think that I'm not mad at you too" I began. Dilton looked confused.

"Why?" he asked.

"Oh, Betty I need your help with homework even though I'm a freaking genius" I mocked and he grinned sheepishly. I stared at him and he ducked his head.

"Ok. I admit it. I didn't need help, I just wanted to talk to you alone. I want an excuse to hang out with you" he blushed.

"Look, Dilton. I think you're a great guy but I really just want to be friends. Nothing more" I said, kindly but firmly.

He looked sad for a moment, "I'm not going to say that I'm not disappointed but I get it and I can live with being friends."

"Really?" I pressed.

"Really" he agreed as he pulled into a parking lot. I surveyed the quirky little coffee shop in front of us and grinned.

"This is so cute" I gushed and he smiled.

"I thought that you would like it" he said as he got out of the car. We both hurried inside and hung out for a few hours together. While we both had fun, it was painfully obvious that we didn't have much in common and by the end, we were running out of things to talk about. Even Dilton looked bored.

"I should probably start heading home" I began and he nodded.

"I'll give you a ride" he insisted and we hurried on our way. I gave him directions to my house and we were there in no time.

"Thanks, Dilton. This was nice. And thanks again for helping me out with Archie and Jughead." I called as I got out of the car.

"Anytime, Cooper. Just let me know" he yelled back as I opened the door to the house.

I walked in and greeted Mom and Hermione but V pulled my up to her room as soon as possible.

"Where did you and Dilton go?" she asked.

"Just a coffee shop, why?" I replied and she chuckled.

"Jughead is livid. He was raging around in Pop's waiting for you for like an hour. When it became obvious that you weren't going to show up, he started grilling Kevin, C and I on where you were. He even tried to demand that I track your phone." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Did he finally leave?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nope. Last I saw him, he was still there but ordering Serpents to be on the lookout for you everywhere. I'm surprised that he didn't find you." she explained as I pulled out my phone and smiled.

"Well, one good thing about changing my phone number is that Archie and Jughead don't have it now" I smirked and V shook her head.

"Oh, yeah. He figured that out too. He's super pissed about it and demanded to know why you changed your number. Don't worry, C and I didn't crack though. We just said that it's not his business" she added and I hugged her.

"You are the best" I said and she nodded.

"Yep, but you still have to go to the dance with him tomorrow. No way am I going with Sweet Pea without you" she replied as I pulled away.

I groaned, "Fine." I was not looking forward to tomorrow.

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