The Unexpected

By Elle_Ryan

396K 8.6K 1.1K

What happens when you put 2 real people in a fictional situation and let them respond as they naturally would... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

18.6K 445 80
By Elle_Ryan

Elle lay in her bed, her mind busy. She was having trouble getting to sleep, so she stared at the shadows on the ceiling. For some reason Jack's question kept playing through her mind, and Tim's comments weren't helping either. What kind of man am I looking for? IF I was looking, which I'm not, but if I was, what would I want? She tossed charactersitics around in her mind and although many of them seemed obvious, none were enough for her to add to a definitive list. Was she too picky, too jaded? Probably. Maybe if he ever shows up, I'll just know. Maybe. She rolled over and closed her eyes, finally drifting off.


Jack had woken early and gone for a run as the sun was coming up. Now, he was sitting at the computer in his usual spot as he read Elle's response; he found himself smiling for the first time in days. He sat and read her discription of what had caused the quick rise in her temper and he realized that had she been in his shoes the day before, it sounded like she might have done the same thing.

As he typed his response he decided to leave out what had happened the previous day. He wanted to try and put it behind him, the punishment he'd been given was eating at him and he was afraid if he began discussing it he might do nothing more than vent his problems to her and that's not what he wanted to discuss with her anyway.

"Hi sweet lady,

I can't wait to read the article and see what it was that set you off. I agree with you though, disrespect is a pretty hard thing to overlook, well for me anyay, sounds like maybe you too. I'll be sure to mind my p's and q's around you. J

You're not really looking for somoeone? Someone once told me that its when you stop looking that the person finally comes into your life. Maybe he's right around the corner; you may want to think about it so you recognize him when he shows up. And giving me a taste of my own merdicine are you? Okay, I'll play. I'm not looking for anyone right now either, but if I were on the lookout, I'd want someone who's kind, adventurous, strong willed, but who also appreciates being treated like a lady. There's no one waiting for me back at home, but I prefer to keep my options open and sample ladies that catch my eye once in a while, if you know what I mean. Sorry if that sounds crude, just being honest about the reality of my life right now. Just no desire to settle down; I have my reasons, but we'll leave that for another time.

Now, for your other really are the questions master aren't you, but I like it!

    I've been in the RAF for almost 20 years, right out of school. I'm a SGT as I think you know and I work in tactical communications. Bascially, I help make sure that all forms of communication are up and running properly so that anyone out in the field can get the information they need in order to safely complete their missions. I sometimes get to travel to other bases and complete courses, either take them or teach them. So far I've been to DC, Vegas, The Netherlands, and of course various places in the UK. For pleasure travel I've gone to Florida, France, and a few other places. I'd like to see Italy and maybe the Caribbean. The water looks so blue and clear.

As far as family, I have a brother and a sister; I'm the eldest. Mum and dad are gone already, unfortunately.

Sports for participating, snowboarding of course, and I like watching football, but European, not American. It's very stop and go yours, isn't it? I also like cricket although its very complicated and sometimes hard to follow everything that's going on.

I think I got all of them, LOL. But what about your family, have you always been in Toronto or did you move there for work? Do you enjoy any sports, ever been snowboarding?

More importantly, how was your day yesterday and any big plans for the one you'll be waking up to soon?  I need to say that I do enjoy your letters, they're lovely written btw.

Have a wonderful day you.

Jack xx"   

He logged off the computer and made his way back outside with the intent of hitting the showers.

"Hey, Morgan!" Jack saw the serviceman that had been on his patrol the day before walking towards him. Jack nodded his acknowledgement as he continued and the soldier fell in step with him. "Look, we didn't get a chance to talk after the patrol yesterday, and I just wanted to say thanks."

Jack wasn't following, and it must have shown on his face.

"You haven't heard!" the soldier exclaimed.

"Sorry, heard what?"

"You were bang on yesterday. I talked to one of the Apache gunners and the shots we heard? Well, it turns out that there were insurgents on the roof of the building we were in, waiting for us to come out the back. We were completely set up. We would've been sitting ducks. Going out the front gave us cover under the market tarps. So, thanks. I'll follow you into combat any day mate. " He slapped Jack on his arm in appreciation before he continued on his way.

Jack's expression was one of satisfied resignation and the news lifted his spirits a bit, at least knowing he could trust his instincts. He knew too that his commanders would have been made aware of that information as well, and even though he knew his punishment of being restricted to the base wouldn't be lifted because he had disobeyed orders and that couldn't be overlooked; he knew they would make note of his ability to make decisions under pressure and would acknowledge his leadership abilities.

Feeling much better about the day ahead, Jack made his way to the showers. 


Her inbox was flooded with emails from readers commenting on her first article. Most of it was positive and generally seen as a good way for men to learn what not to do. Some, and all of them male, saw what she was doing as a manipulative and bitchy thing to do. They must all be perfect I guess and couldn't possibly be helped by any advice I might have to give.

"Good first column, Elle." Carol from accounts said as she walked by. "I especially like the 'some advice' bit you threw in at the end to summarize everything that he did wrong." She smiled her appreciation at Elle's efforts to educate the male gender on what was attractive to women and what was not.

"Thanks," Elle smiled, feeling glad that her piece had struck a chord with people. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all.

She returned to her computer and logged back on to the site to message Mark, wanting to confirm their date for that evening. Instead she found the message from Jack, and became distracted by his playful and sincere manner. She caught herself smiling as she read his message and then became even more intrigued. What's put him off from dating, I wonder? She smiled again. Well at least someone appreciates my nosy nature!  She began her response.

"Hi Sgt. Morgan,

You can read the article on our website if you like, it ran today. I'm already getting a flood of emails on it, some of them are obviously not from fans. LOL

Let's see, my mum and dad are gone too, I'm afraid. And I moved to Toronto, shortly after to go to school and then I just stayed. I'm from Calgary, originally and mum and dad were both from England, actually.

Do I snowboard? No, but I do know how to ski. TBH it's not my favorite thing to do. I like the rush of it, but despise the cold; which is why I go to Florida whenever I have the chance (I lived there for a bit as a kid) and spend time exploring the beaches. Don't really play any sports, but I do enjoy football, and yes, I guess it is stop and go, but that's part of the strategy; it's miniature assualts on the opposing team, yards gained are a victory until the touchdown is scored; can be really exciting really. I don't quite get Europe's fascination with your version of football; it's just a bunch of people running up and down a massive field until one of them eventually scores. What's the big deal? And Cricket? Heard of it and I think I've seen some footage of guys dressed up like jockeys spinning their arm around ferosciously before launching an under hand throw towards some other guy in an equally funny outfit, but that's about it.

Oh, and the bit about me not looking so he's probably right around the corner; couldn't the same be said for you? Maybe you should be more alert yourself! LOL

And thanks for your kind words wishing me a good day. So far, it's been alright, nothing special, although tonight is my first date with a guy named Mark. We're going to the Raptor's game, did I tell you that already? (Sometimes I spend so much time writing that I can't remember who I've already told what to.)

Anyway, have to run for now and start responding to all my non-existant fans. I'll try and come up with more questions for you later.

Elle xx"

She spent the rest of the afternoon responding to some of the more intelligently written emails that she'd received, and then retreived her tickets from Heath.

"These are great seats for one of the best games of the year you know," he held the tickets out to her, but wasn't releasing his grip on them easily.

Elle smiled, "Yes, I know Heath, and I seriously appreciate it. I owe you one."

Heath forced a smile out of the corner of his mouth and sighed before he reluctantly relaesed the tickets to the Raptor's VS Heat game for that night.


Although it was late, Jack couldn't sleep. His first few days of being confined to the base were pretty tough. He was still doing a lot of the things that he'd been responsible for prior to his discipline, but the idea that he wouldn't be in the field again for the rest of his tour, made him restless.

 He sat down at the computer same that he had come to prefer and checked to see if he had a message from Elle. He was pleased to see that she had responded and quickly read through it before referring back to it here and there as he replied to her.

"Hey you!

What's with the formalities? Are you looking to be ordered around a bit? That might be a fun game to try sometime. ;)

You're  from the mountains! I've never been to Canada, but since I've discovered boarding I really should. I've looked at Banff online and it looks amazing; would love to board there one day.I'm sure it's better than the indoor hill we have in England. But if you get the chance, you should try it. I can't really explain what it is about it, but it's really become my passion. I've even quit golfing so I can put my time and money towards snowboarding instead. If you enjoy the rush from skiing downhill, you'd probably love boarding.

And again, with my own medicine! LOL. Even if she showed up, and I recognized her as a potential GF, I would not pursue her. I was hurt badly in my last relationship and so now my commitment is to my job and my love is for boarding I guess.Just really not keen on the thought of putting myself in that position again.

And I just read your article too. Hard to believe that he would be so rude, and so willingly show it on a first date! Loved the bit at the end where you advised men that if they're stuck for something to say, it's best to remain quiet than to talk for the sake of talking and end up looking like a jackass. Brilliant! And so true. I'm surprised at how many blokes don't know the basics.

Well Miss Ryan, you've provided a pleasant distraction to my day and I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Hope your date tonight goes better than the last!

Jack xx

PS Our football's better because of all that running up and down the field; the action is constant, you never know what's going to happen! J

Goodnight you. Xx"


Elle sat in her seat and intently watched the game. She had met Mark for a quick bite to eat before the game and he had been quite good at keeping the conversation going, but had an annoying habit of patting himself on the back when Elle would ask him any questions about himself. She had inquired about his family and he went on to talk about how he was lucky to have gotten his mother's genes because his brother, who's 8 years younger looks older than him apparently, which was followed by his question to her about whether or not she agreed he still looked good for his age. Then, later in the conversation he had let it slip about an upcoming important birthday; the big 4-O. Elle had to disguise her laughter as having choked a bit on her drink. Did he not recall that his profile had stated he was 6 years younger than that? 

So now, she focused on the game as she sipped her vodka cooler. She was quite enjoying it actually and their seats were amazing. Only about 10 rows back, near center court. They had even caught a glimpse of Ryan Gosling sitting courtside; to which of course, Mark had asked whether or not she thought that he was better looking than the movie star. She had pretended not to hear the question.

Elle couldn't help but cheer for The Heat given her love for Florida and they managed to take the lead at just the right time, as Mark's hand had found her thigh, and she used Dwayne Wade's 3 pointer as an excuse to jump from her seat and cheer.  When she sat down again, she was startled back out of her seat when she had sat on Mark's open hand underneath her. She looked at him, completely disgusted with his antics and he brushed it off in mock surrender.

"Sorry, my bad." He had laughed.

Elle sat down cautiously, giving him a look that made it clear that he'd best not try that again.

When the game was eventually over, she found it hard to rejoice in her team's victory, still disgusted by Mark's rudeness and as she moved out of the row they were in, she had to admit that she was hoping to lose him in the crowd. He caught her hand though just outside the main doors and spun her around.

"Hey," he smiled creeepily at her. "What's the rush?"

Oh –my-God! He has no idea I'm trying to ditch him!  "Well, Mark, I've got work in the morning so I really need to catch a cab and get home." She was trying to be as nice as she could.

"Oh." He looked a little disappointed. "Well, I had a great time. Do you wanna give me your number?"

"Uhm, no I don't think so, actually." She tried to let him down easily.

"Right, maybe a bit early in the process for your number. I'll just message you on the site then." He smiled in a confident smirk. "Had a great time though." He still had her wrist and he closed his eyes and leaned towards her as his mouth opened and he came at her, tongue first.

She leaned back away from him as her expression turned to one of disgusted shock as she mouthed 'Wow.'  Just when she was sure he was going to open his eyes and see she was resisting his charms, a couple of overzealous and liquored fans walked by and one of them, having assessed the situation, grabbed Mark by the face and planted a kiss on him before he continued on his way with his friends in hysterics. When Mark opened his eyes he was smiling from ear to ear and so was Elle, but for completely different reasons.

"Well goodnight Mark."

"Goodnight, Elle. I'll message you."

Elle just continued to smile broadly as she nodded and turned away from him before she skipped down the steps to hail a cab.

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