The Two Worlds That Collided

Oleh ashburns0233

189 38 32

College. It isn't what people think it is. Most think that it's about finding that one true person, or at l... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

8 4 0
Oleh ashburns0233


Waking up Monday morning at 12 in the afternoon was one of the best things yet this morning.  I look at my phone to see if I have anything important, but all I have is Natalie blowing up my phone to see if I'm going to this stupid psychology class.  I text her yes just so she can leave me alone and stop annoying me.  When I get out of the message that I have with her I see that I also have a text from Britney the class slut.  

Britney: Hey Jace, my practice ends at 1:30.  Can you meet me at the girls locker room so we can have a good time like we always do?

Me: Sure

Texting her that and getting up to go to my bathroom, after I do my business I look in the mirror.  All I see is a man with an eight pack and tattooed arms and a soon to be chest piece, black hair and nice tanned skin.  To be honest I'm basically every girls dream guy, that's if they can make it a night with me.  After deciding what I was looking at I brushed my teeth and shaved my face.  I always try to look my best and not like trash.  After I'm done with that I grab a T-shirt, jeans socks and underwear from my dresser.  As soon as I make it to the kitchen my phone starts ringing, I look at it and see that it's my mother and I decline the call, because I don't want to talk to her at the moment.  Going to my kitchen and getting breakfast out of the freezer because I can't cook to save my life, and pop that in the microwave.  When the microwave goes off I grab my food and go out the door with my keys to my 2018 new Chevrolet Camaro.  When I pull into a parking spot at school I see that my friend Michael has pulled up next to me in his 2017 Dodge Charger.  He rolls down his window as  I'm stepping out of my car.
"Hey, I didn't think you would show up today, what made you change your mind and get out of bed?"
" I got a booty call at 1:30 and I'm running late."  I say almost jogging always until I hear my name being called from Michael. 
"You better not be late for that class Nat was talking about last night." 
"Whatever dude I'm a grown man and I can make my own decisions," I say jogging towards the locker rooms.  As soon as I saw Britney sitting down beside the doors she looked up and saw me. 

"Your late," she says and before I know it her slimy lips are all over me just like they always are when she needs me.  The way she kisses reminds me of a dog trying to eat my face.  Before I know it we are making out hard core and she is sucking my neck and really trying to give me a hickey.  We are interrupted by my phone ringing and by the ringtone I can hear that it's Natalie's ringtone that she set up for herself. 

I give Britney a little shove to get her off of me so I can decline the call, but when I do that I look at the time and realized that I'm late for this class that she wanted me to go to. 
"Hey we are going to have to finish this some other time, because I have to get to class."
That's when I feel like something hits me hard in the face.  This bitch justed slapped me for no reason.   I push her up against the wall very hard because she falls and then she starts crying.  At this point I could care less about this bitch crying after she just slapped me for going to a class that I'm being forced to go to by my best friend's girl.  I do my best to give her my best fuck you smile and walk away rushing to my class at the other end of the campus. 

When I finally reach the room that I need to be in I take a deep breath and open the door.  When I do in bombarded by eyes and when I spot Natalie I go for the seat next to her, but that's when I get caught I the action.  I realized that Mr. Richards has stopped talking and now the room is silent with eyes still on me. 

"Mr. Morgan you're late to my class.  Would you like to give me an explanation as to why?"  I'm looking around the room and that's when I spot a blonde girl with glasses with blue eyes that matches her shirt, but what comes out of my mouth next gets her to stop looking at me. 

"Sorry Richards, I was just fucking Britney in the girls locker room.  I thought I might have some fun before I have to come here and bore myself out of my mind."  I know what I say isn't even close to the truth because I didn't even make it passed the kissing to get hard.  

"Sit down and pay attention in my class, and if you ever come into my class with that attitude again then don't show up."  And with that comment I take off my jacket and slide into the seat next to Natalie.  When I get comfortable in my seat I look down the isles and find the blonde chick that I made eye contact with.  She has long hair enough to have going down her back that's wavy, but her eyes were the things I wanted to see again.

"Like I was saying before Mr. Morgan disrupted is that we will be eating people in this class and ...". That's all I hear before I start staring at this blonde chic again, except now she's staring right back at me and I'm not going to let down my guard and neither is she. 

"Someone seems to have her eyes on you."  I'm confused when Natalie says this, because all I notice is that the blonde girls eyes are just roaming over my body.  I'm tall for an average man, being six feet five I kind of tower everyone.  When she turns around she starts paying attention to what Mr. Richards is saying.  Before I know it, I'm being asked by some chick that brings me back to reality.

"Will we be working with those who we are close to, or do we have to work with these other people that we have no idea of who they are?"

Just when Richards is answering her question, I go back to the blonde and the boy sitting next to her notices and bumps her arm.  He leans in and whispers something to her that makes her turn around, but just as she made eye contact with me she turned around just as fast to the front of the room.   She leans over to him and is saying something then she goes back to paying attention to the professor.  When the syllabus is being passed out I grab two.  One so I can get this shit over with and then one I can draw on.   I ask Natalie for a pen and she gives me one and I just start drawing and I don't sto until I'm finished with it.  It's a compass with an anchor on it saying that in whatever direction you go something will always be there to hold you down.  When I look up I see most people one their phones, so I take mine out and check my notifications.  That's when I see that I'm getting invited to a party this weekend which I'm totally, in for, but just as I'm about to answer the professor gets all our attention. 

"Okay everyone stand up right now" he yells across the room and I greatly roll my eyes and stand up.  When I and fully standing I see that the blonde is standing with her hand bandaged up.  What the fuck did that fucker do to her.  Does he hurt her and she just doesn't know what to do?  That's when in really confused because I have never felt like this towards anyone.  The feeling of jealousy and anger is just so unusual for me and it never happens.  Before I realize it's she's looking at me too.   "We are going to introduce ourselves and tell us your full name what you go by, where you're from and your age."   Mr. Richards points to the dude in a row of us first. By the time natalie is done, it's my turn. Lots of fun to look at me more and I don't know why. My name is Jace Morgan I go by Jace I don't go by someone elses name or I won't answer I am from Los Angeles California and I'm twenty four. When I'm done I look at her with a dark stare because she needs to stay the hellaway from me. I zone out with everyone but when it's her friend Mason it's done then it is her turn. Her face is a little bit red before she speaks, "My name is Christina Jackson I go by Chris and I am from here as in Tennessee and I'm twenty one.  Chris that's what her name is what she speaks it makes me absolutely want to give my all attention to her. What I thought was cute was when her face was all red from talking.

When Richard start talking about the stupid project that's for Natalie hands me a paper with 150 questions to ask our partner. Good luck for them because I am not answering shit. When Richards announces the class is over and partners in the back of the classroom posted in the back of the room.  When Mason, Chris's friend pulls her to the back, that's when I notice she drop her book next to my seat. I didn't think before grabbed her arm was like a electricity, and so I saw the terrified look on her face.   "You drop this" I said as I handed her the book she dropped. She stutters a thank you and I knew she was scared of me I let go of her arm because I didn't know it was still holding onto you she bolted towards the exit. "Well she is definitely scared of you now"  Natalie laughs as I mutter a shut up to her.  What you do  have a reputation and your probably a foot taller than her."   were talking about it I got a big boy right. When the class finally starts to die down I make a way up there to see who we have for the stupid project. "It looks like you get a chance to change her mind," Natalie says. She said my little sister but wants me to find that one person. Like I said before, I love being free but I'm not worrying about anyone. "What do you mean, " I said and that's when I notice what she's talking about.

Christina Jackson - Jace Morgan

I took my phone out and snapped a picture of her phone number.  When I see everyone else's name on the list it looks like they got who they wanted.  By the time we leave class I decide to call up Michael and see if he is able to get me in for a tattoo.  When he says yes I'm already at my car and turning the key and driving out of the parking lot.  When I reach the tattoo parlor I walk in and hand him the drawing of the one on the syllabus and take off my shirt and lay on my chest in the chair.  "What made you want to get luck tattoo number fourteen?"  He asks while doing his work.  " I got bored in class and it has some meaning behind it and so it looked neat and now I'm here."  I said not really giving a fuck with what he has to say about it or not.  I love the way that the needle feels going against my skin, it's almost like therapy but not. 

"Nat, called and said that you have a girl for a project that is completely terrified of you,". He says giggling. 
"Look I really don't want to talk about it right now, okay?"  He gave a slight nod to his head and finished up what he was doing.  Two hours passed later and it was getting late and I didn't know it.  When Michael finished my tattoo I went to my work station and closed the door and started drawing.  I guess I let time get ahead of me until I saw it was ten at night.  When I was done shutting the parlor down I drove home and when I got there it was ten-thirty and I texted Chris.

Me: It's Jace

After I texted her that I stripped down to my boxers and layed in bed thinking of Chris.  I don't know why I was thinking about her, she wasn't even my type yet I found her so fascinating.  Total opposites and now paired up to do this project with her will be my worst nightmare, not to see her open up to my, but seeing as an innocent girl will be with me till the end of the semester.  Thinking of that I got up out of bed and went outside to my patio and smoked a blunt to get my mind off of her

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