A World of Her Own

By StoryJen16

275 22 10

A shy hard of hearing girl struggles to connect with those around her. Living inside her head, she creates he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

19 1 0
By StoryJen16

Liora was deep into another Nancy Drew novel when she was startled by a tap on her shoulder. She winced, thinking it was the librarian coming to chide her for eating her lunch. Food was not supposed to be brought into the library, though Liora did it nearly every day. She had been careful to hide in the back corner, hoping no one would notice her. She was a bit disgruntled to have been found out.

When she looked up, she saw to her surprise that Jason was standing there. Did he track her down in the library? Her cheeks reddened but she remembered her resolution to be more open. When he indicated the chair in front of her, she nodded, giving her assent for him to join her. She was bewildered when she realized that he looked uncomfortable. Jason had always seemed at ease with the world around him and she had never seen him at loss for words. He chatted just as comfortably with the Principal as he did with his friends on the tennis team. She had even seen him joking around with the janitors.  A feeling of trepidation came over her. Why did he want to talk to her?

Jason cleared his throat and his cheeks reddened. "Hi, Liora. I...uh....well, I wanted to ask you a favor. It's totally fine if you say no. I don't want you to feel pressured at all." Jason hesitated and then blurted out, " You have some trouble hearing, right?" Liora's face grew redder. Jason hastened to add, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. This isn't any of my business and you can tell me to go away if you want. No hard feelings. It's just that my church runs an after-school camp for kids that have recently immigrated here. There's a young boy from Indonesia who recently lost some of his hearing. His parents aren't sure how to help him and the volunteers at the camp are having trouble communicating with him. He can speak some English but he's really shy. I wondered if you would be willing to talk to him. He needs help reading and I know you like to read....." Jason's voice trailed off and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. 

It was on the tip of Liora's tongue to tell Jason 'no'. She hadn't realized that he knew she was hard of hearing. She always wore her hair down, covering her hearing aids. She thought she had been able to hide her hearing loss pretty well. Apparently not.

Then she thought of the little boy. He was probably lonely, even lonelier than she was. She couldn't imagine being a little kid in a new place far away from everything she knew and was familiar with. Liora had often dreamed of running away to a new place but that was a choice that she wanted to make for herself. She wanted to have the freedom to leave and start over but that was her own dream. No one else had decided that she needed to leave everything she knew and loved behind. She wondered if this boy's parents could communicate with him. Liora had been hard of hearing for as long as she could remember and her parents and siblings still had some problems communicating with her. She imagined the confusion and insecurity that little boy was experiencing, having recently lost his hearing and struggling to communicate while having to adjust to a new culture and a new environment at the same time. Liora felt a wave of compassion envelop her.

"Okay, I will do it. I can help him with his reading and talk with him. And I can help his parents make an appointment for him with my audiologist. Does he go to Pineview Elementary? The speech therapist I went to is still there. And Dr. Bronsky, my audiologist, can help make sure he gets what he needs to do well in school, whether hearing aids or anything else."

Jason's face cleared. He smiled in relief. "Thanks, Liora. I'm glad you can help. I know they will really appreciate it. That's really nice of you. And I hope I didn't embarrass you with my questions. Can I get your phone number? I can text you the directions to the church and the time the camp meets. I help out there as well when I don't have tennis practice. I will be there today. I will let the other volunteers know you are coming and they can introduce you to Ranga and his family."

Liora gave Jason her phone number and he quickly texted her the address and directions to the church. It was close to her home and Liora knew she would have no problems getting there. "Text me when you get to the church," Jason said. "I will introduce you to the volunteers that work in the reading camp. I mostly help the kids with their math but I can join you and Ranga if you want. I've met him before so he knows me a little bit. It might make things more comfortable."

The bell rang. Jason smiled and shrugged a little awkwardly. "Thanks again for doing this. I feel like I took up all your free time. You didn't even get to finish your lunch. But I am grateful you are willing to help."

Liora assured him that she was fine and she was happy to help. Jason stood up. "Let me know if you are able to come this afternoon. I know you probably need to ask your parents first. If you can make it, I'll meet you in front of the church and introduce you to everyone. They will be happy to meet you." He gave her one more smile and headed off to his next class.

Liora texted her mom, asking her if she could go to the church after school. She was sure her mom would say yes. She was always pushing Liora to interact more with others and get out and socialize. Jason's church always held a live Nativity scene every Christmas and Liora and her family had gone to see it in the past. Liora knew her mom would be comfortable with her going to the church and would be happy to hear that she was helping others. 

After school, Liora was in her car, getting ready to head to the church. Her mom had happily given her permission. Liora ran a comb through her curly hair and applied lipgloss. She usually didn't make much effort with her appearance but she wanted to look nice, not bedraggled from a long day at school. She still wasn't sure why Jason was reaching out to her but she appreciated his effort. Liora was still a bit embarrassed that he had asked her about her hearing but she resolved to put it out of her mind for now. She wanted to focus on helping Ranga. Liora realized that she spent most of her time focusing on herself. She wasn't vain or overly focused on her looks but in her loneliness, she had shut others out. Giving her time to help others who were just as lonely as she was would help her change her focus. And hopefully, she could make some friends while doing so.

Liora soon pulled into the church parking lot. She texted Jason and he came out, smiling happily. He walked over to where she was getting out of her car. "I am so glad you could make it. Let me show you around and introduce you to everyone. They are all looking forward to meeting you."

Jason led her into the church building and into a small Sunday school classroom. Kids were scattered all over the room reading books, many with adults by their side. A maternal looking older woman came over, smiling kindly at Liora. "Hi, Jason. Is this your friend?" she asked. 

"Yes," replied Jason. He faced Liora as he made the introductions, making sure she could read his lips. "Liora, this is Ms. Ellen. She is the head of the reading camp. She will introduce you to Ranga."

Ms. Ellen turned and faced Liora, a warm expression on her face. "I am so glad you were able to come. Thank you for doing this. When we first met Ranga, we weren't sure who could help him. Jason said he knew just the right person. We are so happy you are willing to help and so glad to finally meet you. We look forward to getting to know you. And Ranga will be delighted. He needs a friend." 

Ms. Ellen led them over to where a small boy who looked to be about five sat in a corner. He looked overwhelmed and somewhat frightened. Liora could tell the noise of the other kids reading in the background made it harder for him to hear. She turned to Ms. Ellen.

"Is there another room that's a little quieter? It's probably hard for him to hear with all the background noise."

Ms. Ellen looked surprised but recovered quickly, the same warm expression still on her face. "Of course. You can use the church study just down the hall. Jason, would you mind taking them there? You know where it is." She handed Liora a simple storybook. "Liora, if you want to help Ranga with his reading, you can use this book. He has made good progress with it so far."

Liora knelt by Ranga and looked directly at him when she was speaking. "Let's go find a quieter place to read." Ranga got up and walked with her. Together they followed Jason down the hall to the secluded study. It was quiet in there and Liora felt that she could hear herself think for the first time since walking into the church. 

Jason looked at them and hesitated for a moment before speaking to Liora. "Do you want me to stay with you? I know you could handle teaching him to read on your own but since this is your first meeting and you haven't met Ranga's parents yet, it might be better if I was in the room as well. When we volunteered to work at the church camp, the leaders admonished us not to be alone with the children. There are enough volunteers in the math room. They won't miss me. I promise not to eavesdrop if you want to talk privately with Ranga. I know he might open up to you in a way that he wouldn't with any of the other volunteers."  

Liora agreed and thanked him. She sat on the couch with Ranga and they opened the book together. Ranga watched her face as she read to him, reading her lips. She would read the first line of the story and then he would repeat it. Slowly, they turned the pages. If Ranga stumbled on a word, Liora would give him a chance to sound it out before repeating the word again. Jason sat in the chair opposite them, reading a book that he had taken from the study, giving the two of them some privacy. Liora sensed his presence as she read and was grateful for it. She could feel that he was silently offering his support while at the same time, letting her be in charge. Liora was rarely the leader in any situation and she often felt like she went along with what others deemed was best. In helping Ranga, she found her voice. Liora  started feeling like this was what she was meant to do. The two of them slowly read through the book together. By the time they finished, the reading camp was over for the day.

Jason stood up and put his book back. He spoke to Liora again. "Let's go to the lobby. I will introduce you to Ranga's parents." The three of them walked back to the lobby. Ranga was noticeably more comfortable though Liora noticed that he seemed a bit overwhelmed as they entered the noisy lobby. Jason led the two of them to an attractive Indonesian couple. "Liora, this is Mr. and Mrs. Sukarno. Mr. and Mrs. Sukarno, this is Liora, my friend whom I told you about. She was teaching Ranga to read today."

Mr. and Mrs. Sukarno smiled. Mrs. Sukarno looked at Liora. "We are glad to meet you, Liora. My name is Kartika and this is my husband, Rizky. Jason has told us a lot about you. We are happy that you want to help our son. Hopefully, we can soon make an appointment for him with your audiologist." Kartika was beautiful and only looked to be in her mid-twenties. Liora would have felt intimidated by her if she hadn't been so sweet. At 5'6, Liora had never felt particularly tall but she towered over the petite Kartika. Kartika was graceful and delicate and moved as if she was floating. It looked as if she could be wafted away by even the slightest breeze. Liora felt every inch of her curves at that moment. Never had she felt so rooted to the ground, so solid and sturdy. Then Kartika smiled again and Liora felt all her insecurities disappear. There was acceptance in Kartika's eyes, not judgment. Liora instantly felt that this was someone she could trust with her deepest secrets.

Liora smiled back, drawn into this woman's warmth. "I am happy to help. Ranga seems very sweet and he's a good learner.  I know you will like Dr. Bronsky, the audiologist. I started going to him when I was even younger than Ranga. This will all be a big adjustment for Ranga but it will get easier with time. I am always available if you or Ranga have any questions or need any help, especially with going to the audiologist or getting used to wearing hearing aids or the assistance he will receive in school. I went to Pineview Elementary when I was younger. My mom would also love to help, especially with getting Ranga everything he needs to succeed in school. She can help you fill out the IEP forms and make sure he gets all the assistance he needs. My mom knows all the teachers and school staff there.  She asked me to give you her phone number."

Liora gave Kartika her mom's number as well as her own. Kartika thanked her and the family said goodbye. Liora had to bend down to hear Ranga's half-whispered goodbye. He was such a sweet child and Liora felt protective of him as if he were her little brother.  She knew he was going through a rough time but she hoped he would get the help he needed and be able to do well in school and make friends. Liora felt a little sad when he walked away. She was glad that she would see him again at the reading camp the next day. 

Jason walked Liora to her car. It was getting late and the shadows stretched across the parking lot. Liora realized she was hungry. She hadn't eaten much of her lunch and was glad dinner would be ready when she got home. 

Jason smiled at Liora. "Thanks for coming. Ranga is a nice kid, isn't he? The whole family is really nice. I'm glad you will be helping them. I have tennis practice tomorrow so I won't be here. My younger sister Christina will be coming, though. I texted her while you were talking to Ranga's mom. She said she can join you and Ranga in the study. She's met Ranga before. Ms. Ellen will find her if you don't see her when you come in."  Jason smiled wryly. "Christina's a talker though. She will probably want to know your entire life story. She's just that kind of a person. But she means well. She's very bubbly and friendly. She always manages to win everyone over so I have no doubt the two of you will soon be fast friends. She's only a freshman but she already knows half the school."

Liora smiled but winced inwardly. 'Bubbly' usually meant 'fast talker'. Liora hoped that she would be able to understand Christina and that Christina wouldn't overwhelm her with a flood of questions. Liora appreciated that Jason had stepped back and let her interact with Ranga privately. She hoped that Christina would do the same. 

Liora said goodbye and dove out of the parking lot. She shook her head. Her life had changed quite a bit since this morning. She was  already becoming a big sister, of sorts, to a little boy. She was meeting new people and making new friends. The person she had always admired was reaching out to her and introducing her to his family and part of his life. Liora thought of the resolution she had made only the day before to be more open. Was her resolution the reason why all these changes were happening? What other changes would this bring about? Liora sensed that her life was about to be drastically different. 

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