Long Time ( Deidara Love Stor...

By EryaRozalia

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When a childhood friend of Deidara's move to Konoha High, what happen to their friendship after they've chang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 : Deidara POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Deidara POV
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : Deidara POV
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Deidara's POV
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

2.1K 56 8
By EryaRozalia


I woke up at around 9 in the morning. I did my usual routine; crawl to the toilet, shower, change, and eat breakfast. Now, it's 12pm. I was standing in front of my closet, looking through my clothes for a presentable dress. I heard my phone ringtone playing. I grabbed my phone and unlock it. The caller ID was Temari. I answered the call.

"Hello? Temari?" I answered.

"Yo, Kasumi!! Are you going to Sasuke's birthday party tonight?" she asked.

"Erm, yeah. Why?" I asked.

"Have you got your dress yet?" Temari asks.

"Nope." I answered.

"Ask her if she wants to go dress shopping with us." I heard Ten Ten in the background.

"Do you want to go dress shopping with Ten Ten and I?" Temari asks.

"Sure, I'd love to." I answer.

"Cool... we'll be at your house in about fifteen minutes!"


Temari hung up the phone. I changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans, and a blue plaid long sleeve shirt. I wore my black sneakers. I took my messenger bag. I tied my hair in a high ponytail.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard a honk outside of the house. It was Temari's white convertible car. I walked to the passenger seat and opened the door. During the ride to the mall, it was kinda quiet, except the music that was blaring out from the radio.

"So, don't mind me asking but, where's Ino, Sakura and Hinata?" I asked.

"Ino, Sakura and Hinata are like a clique, just the three of them. The two of us are like, the fourth and fifth wheelers among them." Ten Ten scoffed.

"Ah, now I know why..." I say to myself.

"What do you mean?" Temari asks.

The light turned red and Temari stopped the car. She turned back and looked at me.

"Well, I've noticed that the two of you don't eat lunch with Ino, Sakura, Hinata and I anymore." I explain.

"I, too, feel like an extra whenever I'm with them." I added.

"Temari! Green light!" Ten Ten shook Temari.

Temari turned around and begun driving again.

"Well, you know, you could always have lunch with us!" Ten Ten says.

"Sure! I'd love to!" I smiled.

A few minutes later, Temari, Ten Ten and I are walking around the mall, looking for a dress shop. About half an hour later, we found a dress shop named 'Lady Miko's'. As we entered the shop, we were greeted by the sales person. At the sides of the shop were dresses - all color coded - of many designs, short and long. I've never seen many dresses in my life!

We were browsing through the racks. About fifteen minutes later, we found our own dresses. Surprise, surprise... I didn't know I could find a dress that I'd like in such a short time. We went to the dressing room.

"Okay, once you've finished changing, go out of your changing room once I call the signal, yeah?" Ten Ten says, as she was about to enter her dressing room.

Temari and I nodded. About five minutes later, I was finished changing.

"I'm done..." I told Temari and Ten Ten while I was hoping for a reply.

"I'm done too." I heard Temari reply.

"Hold on! Wait a sec!!" Ten Ten called out.

"Okay, now!!" Ten Ten exclaimed.

I opened the dressing room door. We were looking at each other's dresses in awe.

 Ten Ten wore a white sleeveless dress that stopped right above her knees. The dress was tight around her chest, but it flowed down. It seems like one a princess would wear.

Temari wore a light green dress that stopped right above her knees. The dress had thin spaghetti straps, its top was tight around the chest, the skirt flowed and it had mini black sequins on it.

I wore a satin one shoulder golden dress. At the top of sleeve, there's a big ribbon, there's a belt like material wrapped around the waist of the dress, making the top part a little tight and the bottom part flowing. 

"So?" Ten Ten twirled in her dress.

"So princess like. Awesome!" Temari gave a thumbs up and winked.

"I agree! You look like a princess, really." I smiled.

"I'm getting this then!" Ten Ten smiled.

"How about me?" Temari twirled.

"It fits you." I say.

"Mmhmm... It fits your personality." Ten Ten added.

Temari nodded to herself.

"Me?" I asked.

"Beautiful!" Ten Ten squealed.

"I agree!" Temari smiled.

Temari and Ten Ten sent me back home at around 3:30pm. They said that they'll pick me up at 5:30pm. I walked up to my room and stripped to take a hot, relaxing bath. I got out of the bath at around 4:30pm. 

Shit... only an hour till Temari and Ten Ten arrives.

I went dried myself and wore my bra and panties. I wore my dress underneath my robes. I applied a little bit of mascara, eyeliner and a little bit of powder, because I was too lazy to wear eye shadow. I applied a deep red lipstick. I curled my hair, I didn't do anything to my fringe. I tied my hair to the bottom right side. By the time I was done, it was fifteen minutes before Temari and Ten Ten would arrive. I grabbed my purse, that's filled with my eyeliner, mascara, house keys and cell phone. I put on my favourite black chocker. Apparently, I found a pair of black ballet flats in my closet. 

When I took off my robes, I heard my cell phone ringing. The caller ID was Ten Ten. I answered the call, obviously.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Kasumi! We're outside of your house already."

"I'm coming."


I hung up. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs.

"Not so late." my uncle calls out, as I walked past him in the living room. 

"Yeah." I opened the house door. 

I walked down the steps of my house. Temari and Ten Ten had their usual hairstyle. I opened the passenger door and entered the car. About half an hour later, we reached Sasuke's house. It was already packed! We saw many cars in the parking lot, which may I say is huge. The Uchiha Mansion was huge. It was like a castle. We walked up to the main door, but was stopped by guards.

"Invitation?" one of the guards asked.

Temari, Ten Ten and I showed our invitations. The guards let us into the house. As we walked into the foyer, there was a mini booth, saying 'MASKS'. 

Oh yeah... in the invitation, it said masks were to be provided.

I took a golden mask that covered half of my face. It had a feather sticking out near my left eye. The guy at the booth told us that the party would be at the ballroom.

"Whoa... the Uchiha's are rich..." Temari muttered softly, only allowing Ten Ten and I to hear.

"Mmhmm... like who could own a ballroom in their own house?" Ten Ten exclaimed softly.

I nodded in agreement. When we reached the doors of the ballroom, the door guy opened it for us. We muttered our 'thanks'. As we entered, the scene of the ballroom made me gasp a little. The whole scene reminds me of those clubs you see in movies. There were a few tables and tables for food and drinks were at the sides of the ballroom. There was a stage at one side of the corner. There was banner at the stage saying 'HAPPY SWEET 16TH, SASUKE!'. 

"I didn't know Sasuke would be this popular..." I thought to myself, while looking at the number of people that showed up.

Teenagers were grinding against each other. Some were dancing to the beat of the music. When I turned my head to the side, I saw Temari and Ten Ten gone from their spots. I looked around for them. I saw them dancing with their boyfriends.

I sighed and walked over to the drinks table. Alcohol... Are we old enough to drink? I looked around the table for something non-alcoholic. Alas, I found... fruit juice. I poured myself a cup of that fruit juice, which I think might be spiked with alcohol. I found a seat an empty table, near the back exit of the stage.

The backstage was near my seat, meaning I could hear whatever conversation whoever was having in there. I heard that there was a band playing. I turned to face the backstage. I saw a four guys discussing something. They had shocked, disappointed and worried looks on their faces. One of them had red hair, that was spiked up, his fringe covered his left eye. Another had jet black hair, his fringe covered both his eyes. Another guy had jet black hair that was spiked up at the back and his fringe covered his right eye. The last guy seemed like the youngest among them. He was a brunette, he had a bandana on top of his head, he kinda spiked up his hair at the back.

A few minutes later, Sasuke was on stage.

"Err, hey guys!" Sasuke tried sounding excited.

The crowd cheered.

"So, today's my birthday, as you all may have known." Sasuke looked at his banner.

"Sixteen years is quite a long time, yet it seems like a train ride." Sasuke looked at the crowd.

"So, I kinda have a band playing tonight. Well, it's my cousin's band." he smiled.

"Here they are! Introducing 'Underground Curse'." Sasuke exclaimed.

The four guys walked onto stage as the crowd cheered. The guy with the fringe covering his eyes walked up to the microphone stand and stood there, while waiting for the rest of his band members to set up. I recognise some of them from my classes. The guy with the fringe covering his eyes was the vocalist, the guy with the bandana was the guitarist, the guy with the red hair was the bassist while the guy with his fringe covering his right eye was the drummer.

"What's up? I'm Jun Uchiha. I'm Sasuke's cousin, I go to Konoha high but you guys just don't realise me. So, we'll be playing 'Reverse This Curse' by Escape the Fate." Jun says into the microphone.

The band started playing the beginning part of the song. I bobbed my head to the rhythm of the song. Jun started singing.

~ Song at the side cos I'm too lazy to type in the lyrics ~

When the song was over, the band played a few more songs, but I wasn't paying attention because someone sat beside me.

"Didn't know you'd be the type to be into parties, un."

Without looking, I knew the owner of the voice is Deidara.

"Same to you."

How the hell did he recognise me?!

"I came because of Itachi, yeah."

I turned to him.

"You're into guys now?" I asked.

"What, un?! I'm not, yeah!" 


"I'm not dating, at this moment, yeah. I just came because Itachi wanted me to come, un."

"You look stunning tonight, by the way, un."

"Uh, thanks." I blushed slightly.

"You wanna ditch this place, yeah?"


WAIT!! Did I just agree to ditch this place with the guy I tried to despise for years?! Oh my gosh, WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!?!

Well... you can't back down now.

I texted Temari and Ten Ten that I didn't need a ride home. Hopefully, they'll receive the text. We returned our masks at the booth in the foyer. Once we exited the house, we walked towards the gates to exit. 

"There's a park nearby, yeah. Do you wanna go there, un?"

"Are you trying to rape me?"

"Well, it isn't rape unless you enjoy it, yeah." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Perv..." I walked ahead of him.

"Hey, I just wanna catch up with you, un." he appeared beside me.

"What does that mean?" I looked at him.

"I wanna know what life has been like for you these past few years, un."

"It's been great." I gritted my teeth, clenched my fist, when I remembered a phone call I received a few days I left Iwa.

"Hmmm maybe I shouldn't ask you that, un." 

"What do you mean?"

"You don't seem comfortable, un." 

We reached the park in a few minutes.

"Well, let's talk about random things, yeah?" he asks.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"How are you going to go home?" I asked.

"My house isn't far from Sasuke's, un."

"You, un?" he asked.

"Well, my house is like a ten minute walk from Sasuke's." I answered.

"We live nearby, I guess, yeah." he says.

"We do?"

Deidara nodded his head. We walked until I stopped in front a playground that looked nostalgic. I sighed as I looked at the slide, the sandbox and the swings. Deidara was ahead of me. He turned back and asked;

"What's wrong, un?"

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Nothing, just... remembered something that happened at a playground."

"Wanna seat on the swings, yeah?"

I nodded my head. I sat on the swing, while Deidara sat next to me. I swung a little bit. 

"I remember sitting on the swings back in Iwa..." I said, while remembering the days Deidara and I hung out together in Iwa.

"May I ask?" I looked at Deidara.


"Why are you here in Konoha?" I asked.

Deidara chuckled to himself.

"I was found out by one of the teachers for attempting arson of the school, un." he smirked.

"Arson?" my eyes widened.

Deidara nodded.

"Yup, they expelled me, un. My mother couldn't move her job so she sent me to live with my grandparents in Konoha, yeah." he stated.

"I see..." I looked to the ground.

We sat at the swings for a few minutes, accompanying each other. 

"I think we should go now, un. It's getting late, yeah." Deidara stood up from the swing he was on.

I looked at my watch, it was 11:30pm. I nodded my head and stood up. I begun walking ahead of Deidara when suddenly, I felt a grip on my left wrist. I was pulled closer to the person. It was Deidara.

He snaked his left arm around my waist. His fingers on his right hand lifted my chin. The thing he did to me, brought back many memories. He kissed me. My eyes widened for a moment, I kissed back. I wrapped my arounds around his neck. He somehow had a gentle grip of my chin. He pulled my chin a little bit, not tpo roughly, making my mouth open, and his tongue explored my mouth. He was controlling my actions. The kiss was sweet, but not too rough. It was just... I can't believe I'm saying this... but, it was just right.

We pulled back a few moments later. I took a big step back, shock of what had happened. I touched my lips lightly. My eyes wide with shock and disbelief. 


"Deidara... sorry... I gotta go..." 

With that, I ran back home, leaving a shouting Deidara behind. A few minutes later, I arrived home, running past my uncle, who was asking questions. I didn't know I was crying until I felt my cheeks were wet. Did I enjoy that kiss?!

I quickly went into my bathroom and cleaned off my make up, changed into my pyjamas later. I walked into my bedroom, not crying anymore, and checked up my cellphone. I received a text message from an unknown number. It says;

Hey, I'm sorry for just now. I didn't know what I was thinking. I'm really sorry :(


I ignored the text and fell asleep.

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