The Icicles

By samdaisy06

319 69 3

There are the blue eyed and the brown eyed, I am a blue. The blues rule and I knew what we did wasn't right... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 58

1 1 0
By samdaisy06

1 week. 1 week until we will be in battle. Tonight is the party. The celebration in thanks of everyone being apart of this 'revolution' of the Icicles. I've spent the past 2 weeks training and planning this. It is perfectly planned down to the last detail. Whenever I'm not in training I'm planning this, or the wedding. One or the other. Hazel and Maya have been helping with it, but Hazel less and less lately. I can't help but wonder whether this med-school thing is putting stress on her and she is stress eating again. She used to always do that, eat up all the food I would bring her in one sitting when she's stressed. After the battle I can help her with the stress, but for now I would just stress her out more. She's been putting on a bit of weight, but I guess it's good for her, before she was as thin as a stick, especially from the lack of food back in Rayfield.

As I hang up the last of the decorations for tonight, a snowflake for our winter wonderland, I sigh and climb down the ladder. Maya and Hazel put the last of the table cloths on the table, and quickly set it. I stare around our winter wonderland and smile with our good work. Everyone has the day off today from training, before our non-stop training up until the day before the battle.
"We should grab a bite to eat and rest before the party tonight," Maya says as we all walk out of the room. I nod in agreement. Hunter and Logan have been out all day doing stuff for the wedding while the three of us and the rest of the Penley's have been here helping set up. I am determined today to get some sleep, finally.

After I go for lunch with Hazel and Maya I excuse myself back to the room, where I lie down and try to sleep for as long as I can.

When I wake up a few hours later it's almost time for dinner. I rush up to find Hunter already taking up the shower. I sigh and instead go to a nail appointment with Hazel. We each get our toes and fingernails painted. I get mine done in a silver, to go with the dress I have bought.

As soon as we are done there I rush back home to quickly wetten my hair before my hair appointment. Hunter already sits on the bed combing his hair in a nice light grey suit, that hugs him in just the right places. I smile at him and kiss him,

"Don't you look nice," I tease. He smiles,
"You too," he laughs. I playfully shove him. I myself am in sweatpants and a tshirt, just until I can put on my dress. He smiles.
"I have to go get my hair done, I will see you later," I say not even giving him a second look. My hair appointment was quick, the hair stylist just curling my hair into perfect spirals. I didn't want anything too showy, since my dress is pretty extravagant.

By the time I get back to my room, I have under an hour to do my makeup and get to the party on time. Hunter has now gone again, to do who knows what with my brother, while I start on my own makeup. I put on eyeliner, mascara, blush, lipstick (a neutral pink colour), as well as some concealer for the little remnant of the pimple in between my nose and my upper lip.

Soon enough I'm putting on my beautiful dress perfect for tonight. The dress at the top is purple fabric all pulled into one sleeve, my right hip filled with a spiralling jeweled snowflake. The snowflake turns into two parts. One part of it is kind of like a purple skirt, but it only goes through the back, and reached the floor. In the front is a skirt that reaches about 5 inches above my knees, and is tight. It is silver sparkles at the top and it ombres into a blue sparkle part, then into purple sparkles. The shoes are silver sandals, and heels, with two straps around my foot, that are also sparkly. I finish the look off with two diamond earrings, and a diamond necklace, with 3 diamonds going vertically down.

I walk out into my room and sit down checking the clock. I have 10 minutes until I have to be their, and Hunter still isn't back from whatever his wedding job is. I call his cell.

"Where are you!" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Give me a minute then come out in front of the building," he says mischievously. I had assumed we would just take the limo to the venue a few blocks down. I countdown 60 seconds out loud. Then start down the stairs. As I reach the entrance to the building I hold back a laugh. Hunter stands there next to 2 big horses, white ones, attaches to a carriage, a literally sparkling Cinderella carriage. For me. Hunter holds his hands out,
"Surprise!" he says beaming. I walk down the steps and go to join him,
"You know, you really are my prince charming, I say leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. The kiss lasts a little longer than expected and it is ended by the horses neighing. I smile at him as he gives me a hand up to the carriage. I sit as the horses start to move someone at the front controlling where they go. I smile at Hunter, my hands placed in his as we make our way towards the party.

When we arrive Maya whistles under her breath at our entrance. Almost everyone else walked or took a limo, so ours was kind of interesting.

Inside the party I watch all of our soldiers enjoying themselves, dancing, and partying. I even notice Amber and Alexander dancing together. Who knows maybe me putting them both in my group may have introduced a new couple. I smile as Hunter grabs me hand and drags me onto the dance floor pulling me in and slow dancing with me as the slow song comes on.

"So you excited?" Hunter whispers in my ear as my head rests on his shoulder,

"For the battle?" I question. I pull my head away and instead rest my arms on his shoulders so I can stare into his blue eyes.

"No," he chuckles, "for our wedding, it's in a month." He says. I smile,

"Of course, as soon as the battle is over, that's all I'll be thinking about,"I lie. I will obviously have other things to worry about like managing Rayfield, but I will also focus on the wedding.

"Sure," he says sarcastically knowing me too well. I smirk and let my head rest back on his shoulder.

Soon enough we are all sitting at tables being served our first course, a caesar salad. My table is Maya and Daniel, Hazel and Logan, and Hunter and I. As everyone starts to eat I go up to the front to give my beginning speech, before my other millions of speeches later.

"Hello everyone, welcome to our Winter Wonderland!" I exclaim holding my arms our as everyone applauds,

"So first off we would like to thank you in advance for helping us out in Rayfield, and for all the time and effort you are spending on preparing for it. So tonight is our thank you, so try and enjoy yourself, and your morning off training tomorrow!" I say explaining how everyone gets another morning off training. Everyone applauds again and I sit back down and enjoy my salad, as some people go back to the dance floor until the next course.

I barely finish my salad before they bring the second course, a steak for everyone, except the vegetarians (me), and I eat pasta. By the time the second course is done, I'm already stuffed and make my way to the dance floor instead. I join the others on the floor and motion for Hunter to come with me. He shakes his head, but a smile is playing at his lips.
"Come on Hunter, enjoy yourself," I say laughing grabbing his hand attempting to have fun before lots of training then the battle. Hunter sighs then eventually pulls himself up and joins me dancing the night away on the floor.

"Hello everyone, before everyone leaves we would like to thank you for coming I hope you enjoyed the party and we will see you all tomorrow at 1pm, enjoy the sleep in, and keep on dancing!" Maya exclaims as people either keep dancing or gather their belongings. Hunter and I stay right until the end when everyone else leaves with the exception of a few who still dance. As I lean my tired head against Hunter's chest as we sway back and forth, I realize it may be time to go back to the room and sleep, we hired people to clean up for a reason, I don't need to do it.

As Hunter basically carries me back to the room (I think I may have had one too many glasses of champagne), I lay there lazily in his arms I watch as he says goodbye to everyone and subtly carries me out.

"You know, you are really strong," I say, my voice not coming out as my own.

"Thank you Brooke," I catch him chuckle as he places me on a warm soft things that I sink into,
"I think I'm going to close my eyes," I say smiling and playing with Hunter's hair.

"Okay honey," he says, but then either I close my eyes, or I black out. Either way everything fades into black.

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