๐“๐Ž | The Trickster

By Luna_Uchiha1

103K 2.4K 332

When klaus hears about how Hayley is pregnant he calls for help from a certain sibling. More

Important Author's Note
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12.9K 290 25
By Luna_Uchiha1

"I sent 4 nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the quarter. I haven't heard from them since." Thierry said.

"That makes 10 dead nightwalkers in the last week. You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble?" Marcel asked.

Thierry hesitatingly looked at Marcel and continued. "Look. I know you and Klaus are friends, but the fact is...since the Originals showed up..."

"Oh, come now, Thierry. You're not still upset about that little, toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you?" Klaus said as he stepped into the room. "I thought we were at bygone."

Thierry looked at Marcel, annoyed. "I see you've given him free rein of your compound now, too."

"Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here, built the place, in fact-"Before Klaus could finish he was cut off by Marcel

"All right." Marcel interrupted. "Come on." Marcel said, defusing the tension. "You both know the drill. Thierry is my guy, inner circle. Klaus is my old-time friend and sire. He's also a guest here. Peace, all right? All right? What you need, my brother?"

Klaus sighed and looked at Marcel. "I'm afraid my sister Rebekah is insisting I demand Elijah's return. She's quite worked up about it."

"We're not gonna have 3 Originals walking around town, are we? Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers." Thierry said.

"Is that an accusation against an original?" Klaus asked Thierry coldly.

Thierry shrugged. "Eh."

Klaus lunged at Thierry; however, he was stopped by Marcel. "What did I say about peace? Come on. Walk with me."

Klaus smiled smugly at Thierry, who looked annoyed.

"Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor." Klaus said to Marcel.

"He's a little overprotective but loyal to a fault. I saved his life back in the forties, found him dying of a war wound outside a VA hospital. He'd kill for me and die for me. Plus, that boy can play the trumpet like you would not believe. Maybe I'll see if he can play a little tonight at the party. You're coming, right?"

"How can I miss my chance to meet the city councilman as he accepts your gigantic charitable donation?"

"Oh, he's a schmuck, but he lets us do our thing in exchange for certain community services, like keeping our fangs out of the locals. Listen. About your brother, I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. They see the original family moving in, vampires dying, it makes them nervous. If I hand Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression about who's really in charge here. You know what I mean?

"You understand, I had to ask. Plus, someone else was interested in knowing as well."

Marcel narrowed his eyes. "Who?"

"My little brother, of course." Klaus said, knowingly.

Marcel frowned."Kol? I thought he was daggered."

Klaus smirked. "He is. I wasn't talking about him."

Realization dawned on Marcel as he shivered slightly. "H-Henrik?"

Klaus's smirk widened.




"Hey, Klaus, for the love of Mary Magdalene, how long does it take to ask a simple question?" Rebekah asked.

"Much longer than you'd think, considering the answer was, as expected, no. Marcel's man Thierry is suspicious."

"He thinks you killed."

"Well, that's a lie."

"I only killed 8."

"Not sure how many I killed. Although unlike Bekah here we got rid of the evidence." Henrik shrugged.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Should I make Thierry the ninth?"

"Marcel is playing friendly. We can't kill the favorite son, or he'll catch onto us." Klaus said.

"So war it is, then. Fantastic!" Henrik smiled darkly.

"Indeed. Do you know what to do with the witch?"

"I believe I do."

"Good. And Henrik, we need the witch alive."

"Yeah yeah," Henrik said nonchalantly.

"You manage Sophie Deveraux. I'll take care of the next step." Klaus said.



"I ordered you to drain him of blood. What's taking so long?" Klaus said as he looked at Josh.

"Sorry. I'm not medieval torture expert guy. Ah, what did he do to you, anyway? " Josh said, nervously.

"It's not about what he did. It's about what he's going to do when we're done here, which is whatever I want him to, just like you. For example, drive this through his torso." Klaus said as he handed the pitchfork to Josh.

Josh took the pitchwork and stabbed the vampire in the torso. "That is crazy. I didn't want to do it, but I did it anyway."

"It's called mind compulsion. Vampires can compel humans. Originals like my siblings and I can also compel vampires, and no one can compel Originals. You following?"

Josh nodded.

"Good. That is how a brand-new nightwalker such as yourself is here doing my bidding with no one the wiser."

"But, I never had my guts drained out of me."

"Yes. That, young Joshua, is because I got to you before you had even a drop of herbal vervain in your system. You see, it prevents compulsion. Marcel has had his whole crew taking it since I returned to town, and that is why our friend here needs to be bled dry of it so I can compel him to follow my every command. With my brother currently in captivity awaiting rescue, we can't afford to be gentle about it. Come here."




"Oh, so glad you could make it. Elijah only lies daggered and rotting whilst you dillydally."

"You're lucky I came at all. What do you want?"

"Hayley was attacked last night by Marcel's crew because somebody told him there was a werewolf in the quarter. She only made one stop. Whoever saw her here ratted her out. Watch and learn."

"Hey, Soph." Katie said.

"Hey, Katie." Sophie said.

"That's filled with marigold, great for attracting the opposite sex, would look awesome on you."

Rebekah snorted. "I very seriously doubt that. Do you have any others, one with, say I don't know Wolfsbane, perhaps?"

"Wolfsbane? Why would you want that?" Katie said, nervously.

"Please do not play dumb with me." Rebekah said as he slammed Katie to the desk while holding her in a chokehold.

"Rebekah!" Sophie exclaimed at the blonde.

"I just sold the werewolf some herbs. That's all." Katie said, hoarsely.

"Are you lying to me, Katie? I suggest you answer my question honestly." Rebekah tightened her hold.


"Just answer the question, Katie, please." Sophie said nervously.

"Yes. I told someone, but you don't understand. I-I love him." Katie said.

"Then tell me, who is this vampire Romeo of yours? Shall I count to 3? Be quick about it."


"I have an army to build, and one compelled minion does not an army make. Well?"

"You were right about the traitor. Luckily, she's just a kid, and she doesn't know anything about us and what we're up to. Do you want to hear the part that's gonna please you the most?"

"Oh, do tell." Klaus said curiously.

"She's in love with someone in Marcel's inner circle. Guess who it is." Rebekah said.

"Right-hand-man type, favors silly caps?" Kai said.

"Two points for you. Thierry is fraternizing with the enemy."

"Well, that means he just unwittingly became the key to our entire plan." Klaus said.

"I told you you'd be pleased." Rebekah said.

"Oh, to be young and in love in a city where witches and vampires are at war. How very tragic." Henrik said, smirking.



"Are you out of your mind?!" Sophie exclaimed. "No way."

"It's very simple. We need you to perform a teeny, tiny locator spell to help us find our brother." Rebekah said as she looked at Sophie.

"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and they get killed."

"Yes. About that, it seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic." Klaus said.

"Girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebekah said, holding her hand up.

"Davina? Where have you seen her?" Sophie said, shocked.

"I don't know. The little brat erased my memory right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind."

"I could give your memory back, you know." Kai interrupted. Before anyone could say anything, he continued. "Then again, it would be too easy, and Mischief wouldn't let me anyways cause he loves chaos. On the bright side, we can kill witches before I get their powers pf course." Kai said, smiling innocently.

Henrik chuckled amused while the others looked at him, annoyed.

"Let me cut to the chase." Klaus cut in. "Davina has Elijah. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic."

"Davina would sense it." Sophie said.

"Unless, of course, another witch say, a traitor to the cause, Katie, for example, was to perform much more powerful magic at the same time. That would create a smokescreen concealing your very small spell from Davina." Henrik said while smirking deviously.

"Katie doesn't deserve to die." Sophie said as she glanced nervously at the youngest Mikaelson.

"Sophie Deveraux! You're in no position to be so principled." Klaus said impatiently. "You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be. How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't, your sister executed in the public square for practicing magic who knew she'd be caught? Did she even attempt to flee?"

"She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." Sophie said.

"And who, pray tell, in Marcel's valued inner circle manages his business at the docks?" Henrik pointed out.

"Katie's boyfriend Thierry." Sophie said while frowning.

"Are you seeing a pattern here witch?" Kai said, amused.




"You're right. He's good." Klaus said as he looked at Thierry playing the trumpet.

"Right? Music man I call him. Ladies love him, but he's spoken for. He knocks around with this pretty, little witch, says he loves her, but I don't know." Marcel said.

"Your brightest soldier is fraternizing with your enemy, and you don't care." Klaus said, amused.

"Well, of course, I care, but Thierry is a grown man. He makes his own choices, and I get some good intel. Besides, he's not gonna do anything to jeopardize what we're doing here. I mean, check this out, a vampire hosting a ritzy charity event. We have a community here. No one is gonna mess that up. Still-"

"You don't want the witches to get too bold, given that a witch's tip about a werewolf in town led to the disappearance of your nightwalkers. I'm sure you've considered the possibility that it could've been a trap."

"Maybe I'll send a little message. Thierry, take a team of nightwalkers to the cauldron tonight, do a little rousting. Oh, and, Thierry, make it nasty."

"Haven't seen your brother around. Where is he?" Marcel asked the blonde Mikaelson.

Klaus smirked. "Well, what's the fun in telling you, Marcel. You'll see him soon enough."

Marcel frowned. "Well, do keep him in line."

"You do realize that's impossible even for me. Henrik does not follow orders, and he most certainly will get nasty when someone plans on ordering him around. He's not someone you want to piss off, Marcellus." Klaus said before leaving Marcel.

"This isn't going to end well." Marcel mumbled.

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