The Talk

By 227bomba

28.5K 365 31

When Natalie's mom comes to visit her and David in Los Angeles, she talks to Natalie about something that has... More

End (18)
New Book!!


1.2K 15 2
By 227bomba

David's POV

It had been a week and a half since Natalie officially became my girlfriend and we are still at the honeymoon stage where we just want to enjoy time with each other. That's why we haven't told anyone yet. We just want it to be us and enjoy the quality time that we have together and know that because we have to hide it from our friends, the small time that we have alone is that much more special. However, it also makes everything so much harder. Lately I've been very off with posting. The past few weeks I've only put up one video a week because of how long it takes to edit them by myself and because I don't get as much footage because I want to be with Natalie. Also, because our friends and Taylor come over every single day, we each go to different bed at the end of the night, then, when everyone is gone, Nat comes over to my bed and she has an alarm on to go back to her bed at 7 in the morning just in case. 

Right now the both of us are sitting on the bed and the rest of the group left like an hour ago. "Hey, do you think we should start telling the others about us? I know it will make things so much less complicated".

She looked over at me and thought for a couple of second what she was going to respond and then she said it, "I think we should. But at the same time, I don't want to make a big deal out of it. Like, I think the best way to do it is just be around each other and share a peck or two with around them. Or, if they start to get suspicious and they ask us just say yes but not make anything esle out of it. That way, you can film their reactions if you want to use it for footage in the future but it won't change the dynamic of the group too much and it wont bring so much attention to us"

"I agree, but I still think that the first person to know should be your mom and your sisters if you want"

"Yeah, I guess. Here, let me facetime her"

She took out her phone and called her mom "Hey mom"

"hey honey, what's up?"

"Are Lauren and Isa there?"

"yeah, one sec, let me go get them" a few second later, the three of them were in shot. I had my camera recording for us but I wasn't going to post this footage because fo Nat's family and their privacy. The camera could not be seen from their point of view so they didn't get suspicious. Her mom started talking again "So, why did you call? and is David there, I think I saw his arm"

"Oh, yeah, he's here" She panned around so they could see me but still keeping the camera hidden.

"Hey" I said while waving

"So, we sort of had something to tell you and we wanted you to be the first to know because we don't think it would have happened if it weren't for you. We also want you to know that we don't want to make a big deal out of it and don't tell anyone else please?"

Her mom started to get slightly exited.

"Ok, so, umm..." I moved in closer to her so that they could now see us both and to comfort Natalie so that she didn't feel like she was doing this alone. She then started up again "We called to tell you that thanks, to you, and although Isa more or less already knows, we are now officially dating". As soon as she said that we heard screams of excitement come from the three girls and that honestly made the both of us really happy too. I lifted up my arm and rubbed Natalies back. She turned her head to me while the others were still sort of distracted and gave me a peck. I guess the others seemed to have caught it because they started to scream again. Once they were calm again, Lauren wanted to know how it all happened so we told them the whole story. Well, Nat told them the whole story while I sat there rubbing her back. Eventually we ended the call and Natalie suggested we call my family next. Nat facetimed my mom from her phone and she picked up almost immediately. The call went similar to the previous one. We asked them all to come by the phone and this time it was me telling them, although, half way through, Natalie had to step in and help. They were all really happy for us, specially Ester who had seen us kiss but she now had proper confirmation. The call ended and I thought that we should call Ilya because it was only fair, seeing as I had lied to him in Chicago. 

"Hey, what's up?" He said "You guys dating already?" And he laughed at the joke. Me and Natalie on the other hand only chuckled at the fact that he had said that because it was so ironic.

"well..." I said

"wait you guys are finally dating?" We both nodded in response "No fucking way dud, no fucking way..." And he laughed

"Well I'm really happy that David finally had the balls to ask you out Nat" the three of us laughed at this. The we proceeded to tell him that we were sort of already a thing in Chicago but only made it official a week ago.

The last person we called was Reggie. We were both excited about his one because we were so close to him. He had stayed with us in LA multiple times and he was the one that knew about our thing back in Chicago but he didn't know that it was official yet.

"Hey guys! Hows life?" He said with a cheeky grin that we both knew meant that he was referring to our romance life. 

Natalie jumped in and said "Well, about that... He finally asked and made it official" This made me seriously blush and Reggie scream. As a result, Nat started laughing and grabbed my cheek and kissed me. We sort of forgot that Reggie was still there until he interrupted us with the fakes cough ever. We both took that as a sign to stop the kiss but he said "don't worry, I get it, honeymoon stage is the best" 

We talked to him for a bit longer and finished the call. That night, the both of us went to bed knowing that there wouldn't be another alarm at 7 in the morning to wake us up.


The next day, we both woke up, engulfed in each other's arms, to the sound of Taylor knocking on my door. I yelled "Come in" So she did but took a step back when she saw the both of us there "Am I ... uh... Interrupting something?" 

"No, don't worry, it's fine" I said with a smile and Nat smiled too

She then asked confused "So, are you guys a thing now?"

Nat jumped in and said "Yeah, we have been for about a week or so but we've decided to stop hiding it"

"well, I'm really happy for you guys. Now, do you want breakfast or anything?"

"Yeah, sure" We both said at the same time which caused us to laugh. Taylor then left and Nat asked me "Did you get that on camera?"


About an hour later me Nat was sitting on the couch with Jason and Joe talking about the podcast. I came in half way through the conversation and laid on the couch with my head on Nat's legs and she started to play with my hair. Neither of them were fazed by this because it just seemed like normal behaviour for the both of us. When I laid down. I had put my camera on the table and hit record without them knowing. At the sight of us, Joe couldn't help himself and made a joke "So, whens the wedding?" we all laughed and I responded "Woah, don't you think it's still early, she only became my girlfriend about a week ago" We all laughed and Jason sort of passed it off as one of my comebacks but Joe caught my intention and said "Wait, really?" and Nat responded with a "yeah, we're finally dating". Both, Jason and Joe sat there, not knowing what to say and Nat just leaned her head down and gave me a small peck which confirmed it to them and they suddenly went nuts with the questions. We told them the story and that we didn't want to make a big deal out of it and that no one else knew. They agreed to keep their mouths shut and I stoped recording.

After lunch, more of our friends were coming over including: Matt, Zane, Carly, Erin, Todd, Jeff, Jonah, Corrina and Josh. We were out in the backyard filming some bits but it was still wet from the rain so we decided to come back inside. We were gathered around the couch once again but Natalie was out. She had gone shopping with Taylor and they were coming back in 5 minutes. I started recording with the camera which was normal for us and eventually placed it on the table still recording. Nat and Taylor came in and Nat came straight to the love sac that I was sitting on. She laid there with me with her head on my chest and I just felt the urge to kiss her on the top of her head. This seemed too much for our friends to just dismiss as our natural behaviour so once again, Zane jumped in and made a joke about it. "David, what are you doing? Are you trying to steal my girlfriend?". We all started laughing because we all knew that Zane had the biggest crush on Natalie. I mean, It's not like he kept it quiet. Natalie then jumped in "Who said I was you girlfriend?" This earned Zane a whole lot of ohhs with laughter behind it. Zane then said "Nat, come on, you know I love you!!" he said in a joking and begging tone. They all chucked and waited for Nat's response. She said "Sorry Zane, you're late to the party, David already claimed me". When I heard her say that I just felt the need to kiss her but I knew it would be too much so I just kissed the top of her head again. Everyone jumped and started to ask what was going on and they all went crazy. Nat and I just laughed and told them that we had been dating for about 3 weeks and official for a week and a half. They all screamed in excitement. Carly and Erin said "Oh my god Cute" At the same time and the rest sort of went crazy for a minute.

When they had all calmed down, they asked how it had happened and how come none of them had known about it for so long so we told them the story and not to make a big deal out of it. We also said not to tell anyone that wasn't in the group because we still didn't want the fans to know.

Suddenly Jonah, with a sandwich in his mouth jumped in and said, "Wait, who's together?" We all laughed because it was such a Jonah type thing to do. Jeff took it as the perfect opportunity to make fun of him and say "you and that sandwich, although, at the pace you're eating it, I'm not sure it'll last a lot longer". This comment sent us all in to laughter.


The last people to find out were Heath and Mariah. The next day, they came over to my house and we were outside looking at Nat's new Ford Bronco. We all know Heath loves his cars. Heath and Mariah were sat inside as they had just taken it out for a spin while the others were in the house talking and filming. The Car was parked but they were still inside. Nat and I were right outside the car. Heath then said "Nat, this is one of the coolest rides I have been in. He must really like you" We all sort of chuckled at this and I was filming all of it. I got closer to Natalie, but my arm around the her back and said "like her? I love her and she deserves it" I ended it with a peck and both Heath and Mariah sat still and in shock for a couple of second. Mariah then jumped in and said "Wait when did this happen? And honestly, you guys are so cute". Nat suddenly became sort of shy about it so I took over and told them. They were so happy for us.

I was so happy that it was know out in the open. We were all sitting in the living room once again and Jason said "Well, thats one more thing that we'll have to hide in the vlogs" and we all laughed. Nat turned to me and we shared a quick peck.

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