Ruthless Winds and Raging Sea...

By Fantasyandromance516

38.3K 1.6K 837

Fairy Tail is the wackiest pirate crew in the seven seas. With their fearless Captain Natsu Dragneel leading... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Friend's Story
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
My Friend's YouTube Page
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Videos of Inspiration
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 1

2.3K 45 28
By Fantasyandromance516

Natsu followed his father Igneel as they walked to the port. There were many fine ships docked at the port and Igneel began examining them all. Trying to pick out the best one to steal.

"What are we doing here Father?" The boy asked.

"We are going to get a ship." Igneel replied.

"But Father I thought that we couldn't afford a ship."

"We can't but I'm afraid we'll have to steal one. Now you wait here until I get back and no wandering off."

Igneel left his son by the docks and hurried off somewhere else. As he waited for his father to return, Natsu watched local ships leave and come to the ports. For as long as he could remember the sea had always been apart of his life. In fact he had been born on a ship that was sailing over seas, his father was the captain of that ship or at least he was until his first mate started a mutiny against him. He had stolen the ship and the crew and had marooned Natsu and his father on an island. They later sneaked onto  an expedition ship that came to the island in search of precious materials. Ever since then they had been moving from town to town, stealing what they needed to live. His father was one of the best pirates known through out the seas because he was a man of honor who respected the pirate code. Natsu hoped to be just like him when he became a man.

Suddenly he heard his stomach growl. It had been so long since he had eaten a sensible meal and heaven knows how long it had been since his father had eaten period. Igneel could only get his hands on scraps found in the garage and he always gave whatever he found to Natsu, never eating any of it at all. Now Igneel had told him not to move from that exact spot where he had left him but he was so hungry at the moment that he decided that there would be no harm in just leaving for a little while to look for something to eat.

The first place he started to search for food was in the trash pits, that was where he normally got his meals. He scrounged around in the garbage, desperately seeking food but found nothing edible unless you count a rotten apple core. His strong sense of smell then picked up the marvelous aroma of a hot meal which was coming from the open window of an elegant manor.

Listening only to the desires of own his stomach, he found himself climbing through the window and entering a dining room. The table was set with silver wear and a magnificent feast. Roasted chicken, steamed vegetables, baked bread, and so much more wonderful food. Blinded by hunger he started to take a few bites of the loaf of bread then he began to help himself to the chicken.

"What are you doing here?"

He turned around to see a blonde girl with doe brown eyes, about the same age as him standing just a few steps from him. She was clean, obviously well fed, and wearing a dress and shoes that were worth a fortune. She picked up a book with hard cover and held it up in attack position.

"No wait!" He said. "I won't hurt you! I...I was just hungry."

She looked at him and took in his appearance. He was dirty, his body so skinny and thin that you could almost see his rib cage, and his clothes were all tattered. Looking into his eyes she saw starvation and agony.

"You poor boy." She put the book down, grabbed a plate, and started to put portions of each food item on the table. She then offered it to him.

"For me?" He asked skeptically.

"Have as much as you'd like." She smiled.


"Well I'm not about to let you starve to death."

He waited a few seconds in hesitation then started devouring the food on the plate using nothing but his bare hands.

"Could I take some with me?" He asked. "For my father? He hasn't eaten in days."

"Of course. Here." She grabbed a napkin and started wrapping some food in it.

"You don't mind me taking it?" He asked.

"Not at all. I have more than enough to eat."

"Thank you."

"Tell me, how come you can't afford food? Doesn't your father work?"

"Uh...Sort of."

"What kind of work is he in?"

"Um....It involves a lot of sailing.'

"You get to sail on ships?"

"Yep but I've only been on two ships in my life."

"I've always dreamed of sailing on a ship across the sea, going to far off places, having adventures, seeing the world, and meeting new people. Even meeting pirates."

"You want to meet pirates?"

"Yes. I've read books about them and they seem so exciting."

"Well congratulations girly, because you've just met a pirate."

"You're a pirate?"


"Aren't you a little small to be a pirate?" She giggled.

"No I am not! And someday I'm going to be a pirate captain like my father."

"You look a little young too me."

"Hmmph! I'll have you know that I've been training to become a pirate ever since I could walk. My father says you're never too old or too young to become a pirate."

"Do you think I could be a pirate someday?"

"No way!"

"Why not?"

"Because you're a girl and everyone knows it's bad luck to have a woman on board a ship."

"Well that's a stupid rule."

"Hey I didn't make the rules."

"Natsu! Where the devil are you?!" Shouted the concerned voice of Igneel.

"That's my father. He's looking for me, I have to go now."

"Wait! Will I ever see you again?"

"Sorry but I don't think I'll see you again anytime soon. Thanks for the food though."

He grabbed the bundle of napkins and jumped out the window. However as he was leaving something had fallen from his neck and landed on to the floor. 
The girl bent down and picked it up. It was a pirate medallion on a chain. 

"Boy!" She called. "Boy come back! You dropped this!"

But he was already long gone, leaving the girl to wonder if she would ever see that pirate boy again.


"Natsu if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times!" Igneel scolded at the boy. "Don't wander off!"

"I'm sorry Father."

"Why won't you listen to me?! You're so stubborn and bull headed just like your mother. Thank God those were the only traits you inherited from her."

"I'm really sorry Father but look! I have food!"

He unwrapped the napkin exposing the chicken leg, slices of bread, and vegetables inside.

"Where did you get this?" Igneel asked in amazement.

"A girl gave it to me."

"Hmmm...Well that's awfully generous of her. Eat up son."

"But this is for you."

"No Natsu, a true father never eats until his children have had their fill."

"But I've already had my fill. These are the leftovers, I ate plenty. I swear."

"I don't know."

"Please Father. I know you're more hungry than I am."

"Very well."

Igneel ate some of the food but made sure to leave enough behind for Natsu to eat later. After that he took his son to the port where he was hiding a stolen ship. When the moment was right they got on the ship and sailed away. Later in the evening Igneel took Natsu below deck and tucked him into bed.

"Time to get some sleep Natsu." He said.

"But I'm not tired yet." His son complained.

"You will be eventually. Now go to sleep."

"Tell me a story first."

"Alright what kind of story?"

"A story that's exciting and dangerous."

Igneel thought for a moment then smiled.

"I got a story for you. It's about the most valuable thing in the world, the one treasure that every pirate longs to find, the book of E.N.D."

"What's that?"

"Legend tells that centuries ago the devil locked all of his most dangerous and monsterous creatures inside of a book which he planned to unleash upon the world but they say that before he could open the book it was stolen by a monastery who hid the book."


"No one knows but the reason why all the pirates are after it is because kings and emperors would pay a fortune to keep that book from being opened so some pirates think that they could hold it for ransom."

"Have you ever gone after it Father?"

"I thought about doing it once or twice but I realized it was a fool's errand."

"Well I'm gonna find it someday."

"Sure you are." He said. "Okay you've heard your story, now go to sleep."

"Okay but can I ask you something?"

"What son?"

"Do you think Mother is ever going to come back?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Did she leave because of me?"

"No and don't you ever think that. Your mother left because she was a tramp. Was married to that woman for ten years, loyal and loving to her since our wedding day, and how does she repay me? By abandoning our only child and running off with my first mate? Well she could rot in Davy Jones locker for all I care!...But vengeance is not the way of an honorable pirate of course it will take me some time to forgive that unfaithful shrew."

"Father you won't leave me like she did right?"

"No Natsu. I would never leave you."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

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