Please Love Me (Shy! Yandere...

By lolyme1234

495K 18.5K 36K

You thought he was cute. At first. But he soon became more clingy towards you, more obsessive. A phone call... More

Chapter 1 - Late For School!
Chapter 2 - Leave Him Alone
Chapter 3 - The Harts Family
Chapter 4 - The Best Friend
Chapter 5 - If I Could Tell Him
Chapter 6 - The Amusement Park
Chapter 7 - Yellow Carnations
Chapter 8 - The Dreaded Feeling
Chapter 9 - Broken Bottles
Chapter 10 - Comfort Cuddles
Chapter 11 - Agatha's Antiques
Chapter 12 - Makeup
Chapter 13 - Acceptance
Chapter 14 - Stupid
Chapter 15 - Party Time
Chapter 16 - A Love Letter?
Chapter 17 - A New Love Interest?!
Chapter 18 - High Expectations
Chapter 19 - What's Your Answer?
Chapter 20 - Mother
Chapter 21 - One Week Anniversary
Chapter 22 - Oops...?
Chapter 23 - Do You Love Me?
Chapter 24 - One Little Stalker
Chapter 25 - Phone Calls
Chapter 26 - A Plan?
Chapter 27 - Over To His Place
Chapter 29 - A Contract
Chapter 30 - Breakfast In Bed
Chapter 31 - Dear Diary...
Chapter 32 - Working Together
Chapter 33 - Sharing?!
Chapter 34 - Birthday Girl
Chapter 35 - Aspirations
Chapter 36 - Escape Me
Chapter 37 - Betrayal
Chapter 38 - Compromise
Chapter 39 - Out Of The Basement
Chapter 40 - What Do I Do?
Chapter 41 - Test Of Loyalty
Chapter 42 - Hope
Chapter 43 - A Life For A Life
Chapter 44 - As Tensions Arise

Chapter 28 - Awake

8K 292 510
By lolyme1234

...what's the difference between Disney World and Disneyland?


What... was happening?

Where were you?

You woke up groggily in a cold area with a blindfold wrapped around your eyes. The coldness of the air around you rendered your nose and sense of touch useless. Your limbs were tied to the chair and the kidnapper seemed to have used multiple ropes to tie to make sure you can't move at all.

You could also feel something sticky that you were assuming to be extra duct tape around the rope. You noticed that your mouth wasn't taped so you presume that the kidnapper either 1) wanted you to scream for some sick reason or 2) they're confident enough to let you scream because nobody could hear you.

You were scared out of your mind. In fact, scared was only a tiny fraction of what you felt right now. The last thing you remembered was walking with... with... Leon?

'Fuck, is Leon alright?' You hoped he called for help. Was he even there when you got kidnapped? What happened? Who kidnapped you? What did they want with you? There were so many questions flying around your head; it hurts so much. Did they hit your head?

'Oh my god.' You paled. 'Is it the murderer?'

You tried to recall what happened before...

You've never been to Disneyland before.

For the first time ever, all of you decided that it would be fun to go to the newly opened Disney amusement park as a group. The reason for this was because it was almost the end of school year and after these few weeks and the summer holiday, all of you will officially be on your last year of high school. This meant more studying and less relaxation so Alec suggested to go out. On Saturday, the plan was to meet at the side of the entrance, where Alec and Gabriel already bought the tickets for everyone.

Except one person. What everyone didn't expect was when Grace asked if she could bring her boyfriend over to the amusement park as well. At first, there was an awkward pause and everyone looked at you.

"I guess I don't mind..." Even though you preferred that he didn't go. You still had a grudge on him and was quite hurt on what he said and what he did to Leon when you first met him, but if Grace wanted to bring him, then fine. You knew your friends were curious anyways.

"Fine, but neither Gabriel or I will be paying for his ticket." Alec huffed. Gabriel pursed his lips. It does seem like a little matter, considering how it wasn't a book that you really wanted to borrow. However not only did Gabriel heard about this guy from rumours since a long time ago, he just didn't like his personality in general. And for once, Gabriel agreed with Alec.

As of now, everyone was present except Grace and her date. From what you've learnt so far from your friend, the jerk's name was Lucas Carter. Not that you cared. Your petty plan was to glare at him behind his back and hope for something to go wrong.

About 5 minutes later, the pair finally arrived. Grace was wearing a loose white shirt with short pants and casual brown sandals. She looked as cute as ever. Beside her was Lucas, wearing a sleeveless hoodie with black pants and sneakers. The way he styled his hair, the arrogant smirk on his face, the way he does everything in general-

Your face soured. Your impression of him has already gone off to a bad start. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover,' You reminded yourself. Maybe he wasn't a bad person? If he was decent enough for Grace to date, then maybe you just don't know him as well.

"Hey! What's that ugly bitch doing here?" Lucas sneered and pointed directly at you.

"Excuse me?" You gaped. You didn't think that he'd say it so loudly. Did he have no shame?

Grace growled. "Lucas, that ugly bitch you just called is my friend. I'd appreciate if you don't call her that."

His personality did a 180 turn in a split second, his face becoming sweet. "Only for you, Gracie." He pecked her on the forehead. Still, Grace's mood has already gone bad because of him. She pushed him away, making her way towards Gabriel, who handed her her ticket.

"We'll be getting a ticket for Lucas. Go on without us." With that, Grace dragged her jerk of a boyfriend away from your group.

"Well," Melody spoke up first. "That was unexpected."

"Indeed. My disdain for him grows larger with every passing second." Gabriel scowled.

"Ugh, I don't even want to think about it," You groaned. "Let's just enjoy ourselves and ignore him."

Leon was in deep thought. 'This isn't safe. The world is safe enough for my beloved.' It must be a sign. An indicator that it was now time to take you. It was earlier than he thought, but it's time.

Meanwhile, Grace and Lucas were arguing over his first impression on the group. Everyone already had their own thoughts on him, but he just made it even worse by calling you an ugly bitch.

"I was hoping that you'd get along with my friends, Lucas! You don't just suddenly call people bitches!"

"Well, I'm sorry! But I still stand by what I say. She may not be ugly, but she's a bitch." Lucas argued.

"And where the fuck did you get that from? She hasn't done anything to you."

"It's because of her, me and my sister needed to attend detention sessions! That friend of yours ruined our perfect record. We didn't even do anything wrong!"

"And who is your sister?"

Lucas sighed. "Didn't you know? Her name is Annalise."

"...Annalise Bozzelli?"

"Yes! I'm surprised you didn't know. We share the same last names." Well... Grace still didn't see the resemblance.

"I thought Carter was your last name. And you have blonde hair, unlike Annalise."

"No, stupid. Carter is my middle name. The Bozzelli's adopted me. But that's not the point."

"What did you guys do?" Grace asked him, curious to why they got in trouble.

"It wasn't a big deal." Lucas uttered, shrugging. "We were just trying to talk to Leon, since he was pretty smart. We wanted to borrow his notes. It was at lunch, and your bitch of a friend came along and created a commotion. Then Ms. Rayes came and punished us for nothing."

"Borrow his notes? Now I remember. You were the group of people that broke Leon's laptop and blackmailed him to do all your assignments. That's bullshit! You and your sister deserved detention. I can't believe you were one of the people who thought of yourself superior to others." Grace furiously shouted at him. "Never mind the Disneyland date, you can leave right now."

Lucas took his girlfriend's hand and kept her from storming off.

"C'mon, I'm a changed man. Well, since Monika died, I've decided to lay off on those things. If you're there to guide me, Grace, I can be better than you imagine. So let's continue our date, shall we?"

Grace's anger slowly deteriorated and sighed, linking his arms with hers. "Let's go buy your tickets."

When Grace and Lucas finally caught up, all of you started chattering on what to go on first. When you entered the world of Disney, you were overwhelmed with such an enchanting sight. Up ahead, you could see a beautiful castle which you were definitely going to visit, you could hear the happy laughter of children all around you and the smell of caramel popcorn filled your nose as you walked deeper into the park.

"I heard that the Space Mountain roller coaster is the best ride. Should we go on that one first?"

"Wait! But it says that Princess Belle is located right next to the Sleeping Beauty Castle right now! Can we please go take a picture with her? Pretty pretty please?" Alec squealed. Belle was one of Alec's favourite Disney princesses. And since this was the first time he's been to Disneyland, everything is so new and exciting to him! "I even brought a regular notebook for them to autograph."

"Dammit!" You groaned. You were so hyped up you forgot you to bring one as well. "I forgot my book at home!"

"It's okay! I heard you can buy one in the store over there." Alec dragged you into the shop. "Might as well buy one for myself too."

The rest followed along, Lucas buying one for Grace as well. You and him didn't interact much, but you were glad that he seemed to be treating Grace well. The shop was full of merchandise like cups, pencil cases, clothes, stuff toys, and way more. Your favourite part of the shop were the big tsum tsums. Unfortunately, you hadn't brought enough to buy a large tsum tsum and pay for everything else at the same time.

You ended up getting a f/c autograph book with your favourite Disney character on it. When you were about to pay, Alec insisted he bought it for you.

"We're going to get so many autographs today!" He cheered like a little boy.

You giggled at his immaturity and turned to Leon. "After we go visit Belle, where do you wanna go?"

"A-Anywhere is f-fine. It's my first time so I don't know w-where to go."

"Then let's just follow Alec since he did do some rese-"

"Actually, the J-Jungle Cruise looks fun. L-Let's go after we meet Belle."

All seven of you, including Lucas, headed towards the castle to take a picture with the princesses. There you saw beautiful princesses and characters from your childhood. It felt so nostalgic. You gasped excitedly. "Is that Tinker Bell?"

It took at least 30 minutes for you and Alec to calm down and collect all the signatures of the characters there. When everyone was satisfied, all of you grouped together and went purchase sweets to eat.

"I think we should all split up and join back together at 4 o'clock, since we enjoy different rides and all." Gabriel declared when he finally finished eating his chocolate ice cream. "Melody and I will be a pair, and I'm assuming Lucas will be with Grace and both Leon and Alec will be with Y/N. Any problems?"

'In the end, Alec's still with us,' Leon sulked.

There were no protests, so all of you split up. Alec was animatedly discussing the history of Disney, as well as bringing up random facts on each character as you listened carefully. Leon clung to your side at all times, his back hunched nervously as he walked. You thought it was extremely cute, so you allowed him to do so and kissed him on the cheek.

'I wish my cheek was blessed with that many kisses....' Alec thought jealously at Leon. Suddenly, an Idea to provoke your boyfriend came to mind. Alec wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, kissing you on the cheek.

"Hey!" Leon gritted his teeth in anger. This was why he didn't like going outside with people other than you. He needed to get you away from Alec as soon as possible. Leon pulled you back to his side, and clung onto you even tighter than before.

You laughed embarrassingly at their little banter as others around you looked. Smacking both of them in the head, you hissed at them, "Not in public!"

"So we can do it in private?" Alec wiggled his eyebrows. You smacked him again.

Time passed by so quickly, by the time you've finished your fifth ride, it was already half past three. This amusement park was just so big...! There's so much to do...

"Y-Y/N?" Leon shyly tugged on the edge of your shirt, then mumbling, "I don't feel so well..."

You gazed at Leon in concern. "What's wrong?"

"My stomach is hurting..." He mumbled as he massaged his abdomen. "And I feel like vomiting."

"Oh dear," You put a hand over your mouth. "Let's get you home then."

"I-It's fine, Y/N," He closed his eyes shut in pain. "I don't want t-to ruin your fun day."

"No, I insist." You gently squeezed his arm. "I'll tell Alec that I need to get you home."


"No buts. I'll go get him now." Before he could say anything else, you quickly head towards Alec who was admiring the magical view of Disney.


"Yes, darling?" He turned towards you and smiled sweetly.

"Leon isn't feeling well, so I'm going to take him back home."

"Oh. That's not good." Well no shit, Sherlock. "Shall I call the limo for you?" Alec pulled out his phone, ready to call when you stopped him.

"It's fine, I'll take him home by cab. Please go enjoy the rest of the day without worrying."

"Okay then. I'll just join the others."

You looked at your best friend guiltily. "Sorry for having to leave you in such a good day..."

Alec waved his hand dismissively. "It's fine. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Aw, you're the best bestie ever." You have Alec a massive bear hug. "Bye~"

After calling a cab, you waited outside of the amusement park while mumbling some comforting words. Your boyfriend whimpered in discomfort as you impatiently waited for the cab to come. When it finally did, you and Leon clambered in and he gave the address to the driver.

You couldn't remember anything after that.

"Holy shit..." You mumbled, eyes tearing up. "Holy shit... I'm gonna die here. I'm gonna fucking die here."

Your heart beat erratically at the though. Lizzy and Monika... how did they die?

"-heavily mutilated in an abandoned warehouse-"

You choked back a sob. This is it, you were gonna fucking die and nobody will ever know who killed you.

"-all limbs detached from their bodies-"

No! This cannot be happening!

"-and organs taken out of their bodies and laid next to them."

"F-Fuck." You struggled against the rough hemp rope, attempting to get out of the chair. "No, no, no. I don't want to die!" But alas, your struggles didn't help you get out.

You wanted to scream, but you knew that it would only attract attention from the killer. You were probably in the abandoned warehouse right now, so no one could hear you except them. Did they wait to kill Lizzy and Monika like they did with you?

Before you could think any further, you heard gentle and light footsteps coming close and closer. But for some reason... they seem to be above you? That probably means you are underground somewhere instead. The footsteps stopped, and you heard the clinks of keys bumping against each other as the person unlocks the door. When they did, the door creaked heavily as if to emphasize the eeriness of the situation. The person walked closer to you and went down the stairs, judging by the rhythmic sound of feet that are slowly dropping down to your level.

"Fuck." You whispered to yourself. This was it.

'I love you, mom and dad. I'm sorry if I've ever disappointed you in any way. If I had another chance, I would be the best daughter there is and I promise I'll never fight with you again.' You whimpered as tears streamed uncontrollably down your eyes. 'Grace, Gabriel, Melody and Alec, you guys are the best friends I could've ever had and I truly regret not meeting you sooner. I hoped that I lived up to your expectation in the time I was your friends. Fuck, I'm making sounds. Shut up, Y/N.'

'And Leon-'

The footsteps stopped in front of you. You stilled and steadied your breath unsuccessfully, in hopes that you would be passed off as unconscious. It was so silent that you could hear the kidnapper breathe.

"Y-You're finally awake!"


finally the chapter i've been waiting for... now we can unlock new doors (*o*)

1) any flaws in this chapter (plot doesn't make sense, erros, what you don't get, etc)?

2) any feedback? (should i try to describe the surroundings more? try to describe the reader's feelings more? etc)

3) what would you like to see more of?

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