Dying Tears (Unfinished)

By sky_loves_nutella

3K 66 26

Life isn't always as fun as it seems.....once you lose that special..that special light. Everything chan... More

Chapters 1 - 12 (not rewritten)
~• 13 •~
~• 14 •~
~• 16 •~
~• 17 •~
~• 18 •~
~• 19 •~
~• 20 •~
~• 21 •~
~• 22 •~
~• 23 •~
~• 24 •~
~• Christmas Special •~
Chapters 1 - 12 (rewritten)
Quick Explanation
Its was happening eventually
The whole idea of this book

~• 15 •~

66 6 1
By sky_loves_nutella

With a swift kick, Cory was able to push Ghetto back, getting the others meaty hands away from him. Then falling to the floor with a small 'thump', pain overwhelming his face, as he tried to say something to Ghetto. A small 'fuck you', or 'leave', was all he wanted to get out, yet he couldn't.
During that time Ghetto began to see what he had done to the other, seeing the bigger picture, the consequences. To which he panicked at, he had done this multiple times in the past, but that wasn't him, this isn't him. The blood that ran off of his hands, and to the floor only showed him the others broken state. His emotions where everywhere, anger was one as well as frightened. He wanted to check on the other, but he still had this anger in him that he didn't want to let out of him again. His only option was to hope for the best, or that was the only option to him. With a rigid and panicked voice, Ghetto spoke quickly.
"Don't-dont tell anyone about this, alright? I'm so fucking sorry.." He left the room, the last bit of his sentence being said only to himself.
It took some time for Cory to gather what just happened, but all he knew was that he wasn't wanted here. He had snapped out of his state by the blood that dripped off of his chin, the remembrance of what just happened coming back again. He needed to get rid of the fact that any of this had happened, or else Ghetto would be on his ass.
It took a few tries, the fact that he was tired and the stomach pain he thought was gone had come back did not help at all, but he eventually stood up using the wall as support. Thus began walking over to the bathroom, pain somehow reaching everywhere in his body.
The fact that no one had come in once during the time it took him to clean the mess up, surprised him. He was now looking back to his normal self, tired and numb. And with that he flopped into his bed, once again, heading off into the sweet dream realm.
Uni came in, at least an hour later, looking over at the dozed off male, and smiled. He didn't want to sound as if he were complaining, but the guys had kept him a bit longer than he thought they would. He still had fun, not saying that he didn't, getting to see everyone, and learning about what he had missed out on. A lot, he missed a lot.
He layed in his bed, and rethought everything he had been told. Supposedly, the next mission they had, after he had left, they successfully finished off Red. That mission was at least a month or two in the works, from what he was informed on. Then they had found some more info about the antidote, for this vile disease, from raiding one of Ross's old labs. Doctors tried stuff out, while they explored more and also looked for Ross. Ever since they killed Red they haven't been able to find him, and it was very suspicious, but all they could do was prepare. He mainly remembers how everyone described they wanted to end 'that motherfucker' , that was their code name for Ross, and everyone had a long and detailed way of how they would do it. It was hilarious, until you remember that some of these people are serious.
As the sky became darker, only really guessing since from where Uni was it was all a blur, Uni decided to sleep. Lot of things would be happening soon, even if he didn't know what. Before he drifted off to sleep, he gave one more quick glance at Cory, letting that be the final thing he saw until the morning.
Nightmares are the pinochle of a bad sleep. Anything could truly happen, and yet you couldn't truly tell it apart from nonsense or the real world. And with a small gasp, Cory awoke from a nightmare. It wasn't a simple falling off a building, or a jumpscare nightmare. It was events that had happened, and that would happen. So with that mess over and done with the next step was to fall back asleep, right? Wrong, Cory had tried and the result was failure. Looking outside showed that it was almost sunrise, give it an hour maybe. With that in mind, he decided to go to his favorite place in the base.
As he reached the final step of the staircase, he was presented with a metallic door. To which he opened, stepping foot onto the rooftop of the White House, even though it couldn't be considered its old color anymore. Taking in a breath of air from above the ground level, feeling a bit better after what he just went through. He began walking towards the ledge pointing towards the horizon, wanting to see the sunrise, knowing this would probably be the only time he could. He was relaxing, something else that he had always done. Always doing it when nobody was looking, getting the whole rooftop to himself.
With it now being the morning sun being up, and birds chirping, it was time for Uni to get up. Giving a small yawn, and a soft rub to his working eye, he began to get reading for the day. Doing so without ever noticing the missing presence of the other. It took a while until he did notice, but when he did, he was furious. He calmed himself down enough to at least think of where he could have gone, being the little brat that he is. He had checked almost everywhere, keyword almost. As he too reached the final step of the staircase, and opened the door. Looking about the deserted rooftop, eye finally landing a still sitting figure that was perched on the ledge of the crumbled building.

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