The Talk

By 227bomba

28.5K 365 31

When Natalie's mom comes to visit her and David in Los Angeles, she talks to Natalie about something that has... More

End (18)
New Book!!


1.4K 25 1
By 227bomba

David's POV

It was thanks giving today. I had woken up next to Nat in her bed; my arm still wrapped around her waist from last light but she was now facing me. The light streaming through the windows in her room had woken me up and as I was adjusting my eyes to the light, I felt her slightly shuffle and get closer to me. As she opened her eyes I smiled at the fact that I had woken up beside her and how beautiful she looked. "Good morning" I said with a raspy voice "morning" she responded and she pecked me on the lips. "what was that?" I asked complaining at how short it was "hove we now reached the point where you only give me pecks? If you don't mind, I would like a proper kiss" I said this in a slightly jokey manner which made her chuckle and respond, "is this what you wanted?" while approaching me, placing her lips on mine very slowly to tease me and I deepened the kiss. When we pulled away I responded satisfied "yes, that was more like it". I slowly get up from the bed and she says "no, don't leave me...". "I'm sorry, but it's thanksgiving and I have to go see my family. I promise that I will make it up to you later tonight". "But you're not even american, they don't celebrate thanks giving in Slovakia" She responded with a smile and watched me get dressed in front of her. I realized that she didn't take her eyes off of me for one second and while I was only in my underwear, her eyes slowly came down and stayed there for a few seconds without her realizing. To snap her out of her daze I said "take a picture, it'll last longer". As she hear this she blushed and took her phone out and took a picture. "you know I didn't mean it literally". "I know but now I can look at you in you underwear whenever I want. But it's only for me". "It better be" I said as I finished getting ready and closing my suitcase once again. I approached her and have her one last kiss before heading off. "I'll call you later ok? My sisters and Toby will want to see you anyways" "Okey" she replied and I left. 

I walked in to my house and I was received with an abundance of yelling and hugs from my parents and my siblings, specially Toby. Me and him have the closest relationship because my two sisters are closer in age and I always felt like he was left to the side so he now shares everything with me, including girl problems, which I have to admit I was never any good at, specially at his age. Although, now that me and Natalie had a thing, I might be of some use. We were all sitting around the kitchen eating breakfast when Toby asked, "hey, weren't you supposed to arrive yesterday night?". I replied with "Yeah but I forgot my keys back in LA. Yeez i'm so stupid. So Nat and her mom offered for me to stay the night because it was 3AM and I din't want to wake any of you up". My mom and Ester suddenly because interested in the conversation when I mentioned Natalie so my mom asked "So, you were with Nat all night? That wis nice of them. How is she by the way, I've seen her mom around from time to time but I feel like I haven't heard or seen her in ages". "Well, yeah, it was really nice of them but it felt like old times when we had sleepovers all the time. She is doing really good, she has gotten much more confident in the group and she is a lot more in my vlogs. I'm sure you've seen her. Also, because it's her birthday in two days, I gave her a present but I'm not telling you what it is. You will have to see for yourself in the video. Oh, and as for seeing her, I told her that she should come around later today to say hi". "Oh great" she replied. Toby then asked "Hey, what about me, I'm still not allowed to watch the videos, how am I gonna watch the surprise?". "Don't worry, I'll show you that bit separately because it doesn't have anything bad in it". He smiled and be all returned to eating.

I had been lazying around the whole day, just spending some time with my family. I even did a TikTok with Toby which I sent to Natalie and she sent me back the same one that she had done with her sister. We kept talking the whole day as if be hadn't seen each other in forever until she returned from her dads house along with her sisters. She texted me that she was back and asked if she should come over. I replied telling her yeah with two black heart emojis and told her to bring her sisters too because I knew that they got on really well with my sisters and that way they would leave us alone. Not even 5 minutes later, I heard a knock at the door which my mom opened and received the three Mariduena girls with a hug. My sisters than jumped up with excitement and went to greet their friends and Nat came to the living room where my dad, Toby and I were. She first greeted my dad with a hug and then approached me and Toby on the sofa. Toby got up and gave her a huge hug and told her "I've missed you as my babysitter" and she replied with "me too". She then came up to me at the corner of the couch and said "long time no see" and we both laughed. I patted the spot on the sofa right next to mine and she sat there. 

We were all now sat around the living room. My parents kept on asking questions to Natalie about how I was treating her and whether she liked it or not. I noticed that she started out very stiff and quite far away from me on the couch. As time went by, she became more relaxed but still a bit far away from me on the couch. I knew that my mom, just like Nat's mom, wanted us to be together so badly, and honestly, so did our sisters because they thought that it would be so cool that they could somehow be related. As the conversation started to die down, I told them that I had put the vlog up. They were all eager to see it so I set it up on their TV. This time, my parents didn't mention anything about Toby not being able to see it but I still skipped the previous bits until the friends-giving scene came up. We all laughed at Zane burning the mistletoe and the Both Zane and Heath falling. I was glad that they were enjoying it. Nat hadn't even seen the vlog herself so I was excited for her reaction. It came on and they all screamed in disbelief that I had gotten Natalie the baby blue bronco. I Noticed how, although Nat was not so shy anymore on camera, seeing herself on the video made her get closer to me on the couch and lean her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her back for comfort. As the video ended, they all turned to congratulate the both of us and from my mom's expression, I knew that she was slightly suspicious at our position but she didn't question it.

Later in the evening, Nat's sisters had gone back home as it had gotten late but Nat and I had decided to meet up with Ilya, Alex and Dima to catch up. As we left the house together and got in to my dad's car that he had let me borrow (although I had been the one to buy it for him), we shut the doors and I immediately turned to Nat and kissed her. "I wanted to kiss you so badly in there" I said and she agreed. We went to my favorite Ice-cream shop in Chicago that had a blue flavour with was my favorite. We sat there for a good 45 minutes just talking and catching up. Ilya kept on asking if there was anything between me and Nat but every time, we both denied it. It sort of made me feel guilty that I was lying to my best friends but throughout the whole time I had been holding Nat's hand under the table which helped me. Honestly, I don't know how they didn't look at our hands once but I was relieved. As we finished, we all said our goodbyes until tomorrow and we each went our separate ways except for Nat and I because I was giving her a ride home. In the car she said "I hate that we can't share a bed and cuddle tonight". "I agree, but otherwise the others would find out". "I know, she replied". We pulled up in front of my house, got out of the car and before we each headed back to ur houses, I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. With that we shared a long and passionate kiss and said goodbye. Little did I know that somebody was watching us.

That night, as soon as I got in to bed, me and Natalie facetimed for two and a half hours talking about anything and everything. Honestly, I just wanted to be with her as she turned 23. When the clock stroke midnight, I said "Happy birthday Nat" and she thanked me. That night, we talked about our life back in LA, where it would go, us and where we could go together and finally how thankful the both of us were for having the other in our lives. I made sure that the conversation was very quiet as I didn't want anyone finding out.

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