Dream and Fate

By oneryosuke

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Kingdom of Hakumei was in a fragile state as the King's health deteriorated by days. In the same time, the ro... More

Chapter 1: To Choose
Chapter 2: To Ask
Chapter 3: To Escape
Chapter 4: To Betray
Chapter 5: The End?
Chapter 6: Starting Anew
Chapter 7. The Long First Step
Chapter 8: In the Eyes of Beholder
Chapter 9: Sidestepping
Chapter 10: The First Sincerity
Chapter 11: Mending the Broken Bonds
Chapter 13. A Step Further

Chapter 12: Willing to Believe

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By oneryosuke

The third morning after their arrival came. Mirai yawned lazily. It would be the last day of her stay in Shida manor. Her smile appeared. The dreadful visit had turned out to be a family reunion, thanks to that crazy scenario Ryosuke played out. Remembering him, she looked around the chamber. Once she did not find the person, she frowned.

He did not return again last night.

Ryosuke had been missing every night. He always said that he had to do something and would return later. He did return, but only in the morning after. She had wondered where he was sleeping the last three nights.

Was he avoiding her again? Why should he? She thought that after the birthday surprise, something had changed between them. At least, he had been a bit more talkative. Or he might felt uncomfortable to stay in the same chamber with her? He could just tell her about that. And it was not like they never encounter the same problem before. So, why should he feel uncomfortable?

The questions went on until Mirai ruffled her hair in annoyance. He was just too mysterious. And he is just unpredictable. She remembered her conversation the evening after her sudden sparring with Ryosuke.

"Are you alright?" Hikaru asked after sheathing his sword. He reached out to Mirai and pulled her to her feet.

Still in her trance, Mirai could only nod.

"Did he hurt you?" Hikaru searched for any sign of wound on her.

Mirai shook her head. "No."

Hikaru eyed the sword on her hand. "Whose sword is that?"

"It's mine, Sir," a third voice suddenly spoke. Yuto had approached them to retrieve his sword. Mirai handed it to him without any word.

"Your prince was so careless! How could he attack Mirai when she was not ready?" Anger was still evident in Hikaru's voice.

Mirai shot her head up, surprised that her brother took the scene wrong. "Nii-chan..."

"Please don't misunderstand His Highness' intention, Sir. He only did it to help." Yuto defended.


"It's alright, Nakajima-kun," Mirai interrupted Hikaru. "I will explain it to my brother."

Yuto bowed and left them after that.


Hikaru turned to her, the fierce still in his eyes but now tinted with confusion. "I don't understand. What would attacking you be a help?"

"But it did help."



Hikaru blinked. "Us?"

Mirai put her arms around Hikaru. Hikaru tensed all of a sudden.

"Thank you, Nii-chan."

"For what?" He was confused.

"For not deceiving me all this time. I thought that all your care was just a lie when you... when that happened."

Understanding what she referred to, Hikaru analyzed the recent event. After put it together, he finally caught up. "So, that's why he asked me to come here. What happened just now was done purposely for this?"

Mirai pulled away and looked up to her brother, smiling. "It seemed that he did it so we could make up."

Seeing Mirai smiled, Hikaru realized how long it had been since the last time he saw her smile like that.

"Oh no!" Hikaru exclaimed suddenly, dreadful.

"What's wrong, Nii-chan?" Mirai grew worry.

"Should I be scare, Mi-chan? I have just threatened to kill a prince!" A mischievous glint was in Hikaru's eyes.

Mirai giggled before faking a cry, "And it would be my fault. How is it, Nii-chan? We just made up, should we separate again so soon?"

And with that, they laughed together.

Mirai giggled remembering that scene. She took a deep breath. It was really good to have her brother back as usual. Seeing how he had defended her against the prince of their kingdom, she had been sure of something.

They are hurt as badly as you are. What Ryosuke said was right. When she encouraged herself to look them on their eyes, she could tell that they mirrored her sorrow. Father, brother, mother; they had indeed broken one of their promises, but they never faked their love for her.

Mirai buried her face onto her pillow. Ryosuke just met her family for a short time, but he could figure them out clearly. Did he always like that? Had he read her, too, that he planned such unpredictable act just to prove her about her brother's true feeling?

The eyes tell us what's inside a person's heart.

Ryosuke had said that. But why she could not see anything in his eyes? His eyes only showed her darkness and cold, like a limitless depth that she would not be able to dive in. It frustrated her. Though he said that they did not need to be friends, she still needed to understand him. He said that he had known everything about her, but she did not know anything about him. It was just unfair. And the way he behaved...

"No need to thank me. I just gave you a little push because you were too afraid to admit the truth," Ryosuke dismissed her gratitude when she talked to him after the dinner two days ago.

"But still, I thank you for everything."

"You know, I didn't do it for you." He coldly said.

Seeing Mirai's confused look, he added, "My lady, I have ever warned you to not jump into conclusion with everything I do, haven't I?"

"If not to help me, then what was your reason?"

He looked into her eyes, "I don't have to tell you. Beside, you still have your father to think of. "

She frowned, "You don't need to tell me. I know."

"Good then," he started to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

He halted and turned his head to look at her, "Just need to do something."

"When will you return?"

"Later. No need to wait me." He strode away completely.

He always denied the gratitude. He always convinced her that he did everything for his own advantages. Why was he so bothered if she thought that he was kind?

"My lady," Miru's voice interrupted her thought.

Mirai pushed herself to get up from the bed, "Come in."

Miru entered carrying the usual stuff. Seeing her, Mirai narrowed her eyes. Why did she not think about it before? Miru knew a lot about Ryosuke, right? Why didn't she ask her?

"Eh, why do you look at me like that?" Miru noticing the unusual look Mirai gave her.

"Miru-chan, tell me about him," she asked straightforwardly.

"Who do you mean?"

"Prince Ryosuke."

"Eh, didn't I give you his profile report back then?"

"Really? I don't remember anything about it," Mirai tried recalling.

"I gave it to you two weeks before the wedding."

Mirai hardly remember anything from that period of time because she was too upset about the wedding to care about any other things. She suspected that she threw the report away even without reading it.

"Can you hand me a copy of that?"

"Of course. But it may take a day to finish it."

"Just make sure it's finished before we depart tomorrow," Mirai instructed.

"Alright. Do you need anything else?"

Mirai thought for a while before answering, "Do you know where my brother is?"

Before Miru answered, they heard someone knocked.

"May I come in?" That was Ryosuke's voice.

"A minute, please," Mirai bellowed while quickly fixing her attire.

When Mirai gave her approval, Miru opened the door. Mirai gasped once she saw Ryosuke's state.

He walked in looking... dishevelled. Mud was on all over his attire, even on his hair. His sleeves were ripped on some parts.

"What happened?" She hurriedly approached him.

He placed his sword on the nearby table and stripped off his outer vest. "Just training."

"Could you prepare a bath for me?" he turned to Miru while rolling up his sleeves.

"Yes, Your Highness," Miru bowed and left.

Mirai observed the cut on his left forearm. "I'll get a remedy."

"No need," he stopped her. "It's just a small cut. I'm use to it."

Catching a glimpse of the tray Miru brought previously, she offered, "At least, let me clean your wound. It may get infected."

Ryosuke stared at her for a while. "Just give me that, I'll do it myself."

Mirai handed him the water basin and the towel. She was watching him when Ryosuke suddenly spoke, "Your father has never changed."

Mirai blinked in confusion before a comprehension came, "You were training with Father just now?"

"Aa. With your brother, too." He answered without stopping his ministrations to his arm.

"Eh?" She widened her eyes. "But, weren't you going too far for training?" She indicated to his wound.

Ryosuke looked up, his brow went up. "You sound like it is such a big deal." He had finished cleaning the wound and walked to retrieve a change for his attire.

Before he stepped outside toward the bathhouse, he looked back to Mirai, a smirk on his face, "It was worth it anyway, because I won through in the end."

That was the first time Mirai saw the smirk on his face was pure of joy, not a mockery or smugness. Unfortunately, Ryosuke did not see that he drew a smile from Mirai in return.


"That boy is surprisingly strong," Hikaru sank on the chair in exhaustion.

General Shida wiped his dirty sword, "He has been my best student not for nothing."

"Unfortunately I didn't cross path with him during his study under you, Father. It's when I preparing my council debut, wasn't it?"

"Yes, and if I'm being honest, he has grown beyond my expectation."

Hikaru exhaled, "At least, we won't have to worry about Mirai's safety."

"I'm not worried about her physical safety. It's more about her mental state."

Hikaru frowned hearing his father words. "You said that you believe in Mirai, Father."

"Of course. I believe in her. But we can't be careless. You saw them yourself, didn't you?"

Hikaru recalled how Mirai and Ryosuke interacted during their stay. They had acted like they got along well, but the stiffness between them denied all their acts. "Yes, Father."

"The marriage hasn't work as we expected. More important, our intelligent reported that Okamoto have made a move, though we can't decipher their plan till now."

"Is Kota being Prince Ryosuke mentor for his council debut has anything to do with it?"

"We don't know for sure." General Shida reflected, "Okamoto Kota. He will be one of the strongest pillars of this kingdom if only he doesn't put his loyalty to his family."

Hikaru mulled over his father's words. Indeed, Kota had been the brightest among his peers.

"But," General Shida added, "Ryosuke will be the strongest among all if we succeed in this plan."

"Father," Hikaru dawdled. "You have always told me that the marriage is for Hakumei's sake. I believe in your judgment though you never tell me the real reason. But please tell me one thing, if Mirai's marriage doesn't work, how bad the effect will be?"

General Shida delayed his answer to take a breath. Once he opened his mouth, the light of his eyes turned darker. "The worst is....it may cause Hakumei's fall."


Ryosuke had just finished taking a bath and on his way back to the chamber when suddenly someone bumped into him. He had not even staggered, but the other person fell on her butt. Ryosuke looked down to the figure. She was a child, not more than eight he assumed. By the outfit she wore, he was sure that the child was one of the maids or the maids' child in the manor. Seeing her struggling to stand, Ryosuke reached out. She only stared at his hand for a moment, but grabbed it eventually.

"Are you alright?" Ryosuke crouched down in front of her after she stood, observing the possibilities of her injured.

The little girl seemed nervous. She nodded shyly. "Forgive me, Sir."

Standing, Ryosuke put a hand on her head, his eyes softened. "Be careful next time."

The girl bowed before running away and Ryosuke resumed his walk.

A few distances from the spot, Lady Akemi was watching the scene since the beginning. A small smile appeared on her face. He may have turned colder, but I still can see Lady Umi's warmth in his eyes.


A voice called and she turned to face the person. She could see her daughter run to her direction. Yet, seeing Mirai's appearance, a frowned formed.

"Mirai, what did Mother tell you?"

Not understanding why her mother scolded her, Mirai tilted her head in confusion.

Lady Akemi sighed at her daughter denseness. "Look at your appearance! Tracksuits? Pale face? Untidy hair?"

Mirai scowled, "Mother, I have just been jogging. What else would I wear?"

"Mirai, your husband has finished prepare for the morning, how could you still in this state? You are a wife now, so you should be ready even before your husband wakes up."

Mirai's scowled deepened. He would not care anyway.

"Mother," Mirai whined cutely, "If you continue to lecture me, it will get even longer for me to prepare. Come with me, please? It's been long since you comb my hair. How? How?"

Lady Akemi sighed and smiled at the same time. "You're really hopeless, you know."

Mirai grinned, "It's not everyday I get to be spoiled by Mother after all."

The two ladies walked arm in arm toward the chamber Mirai shared with Ryosuke. Just when they about to turned to the hallway, Mirai halted, causing her mother to stop as well.

"What's wrong?" her mother asked.

Mirai put a finger in front of her lips then pointed to a direction. Lady Akemi followed where Mirai's finger pointed. There she saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of Mirai's chamber. When she looked more carefully, she recognized that the figure was Ryosuke and a cat comfortably curled on his lap.

"This is the first time I see him like that," Mirai muttered to herself, but Lady Akemi heard it nonetheless.

While watching Ryosuke stroked the cat's fur, Lady Akemi chanted, "Sure, there will be a lot of firsts between you and him, dear."


After the dinner, Mirai followed Ryosuke returned to their chamber. She saw him placed his sword on the table and retrieved his sleeping robe.

"Are you going to sleep outside again?" Mirai could not help asking when he walked toward the door.

He halted in his steps and looked back at her over his shoulder. "No. I'm giving you the time to prepare for bed."

"Oh," was the only response Mirai gave.

True be told, before Ryosuke could exited the chamber, Miru came bringing the usual stuff Mirai needed. Seeing Ryosuke, Miru was surprised. It was because when she came usually Ryosuke would have gone and left Mirai all alone in the chamber.

"Your Highness, forgive me, I don't know that Lady Mirai is with you," Miru indicated to the tray she brought. "I will prepare your need immediately."

Ryosuke dismissed her, "No need for that. Just help your lady. I'll be back in a moment."

Miru would usually stay in the chamber for longer to give Mirai a company or just have a talk with her. But knowing that Ryosuke would return sooner or later, she made a quick service to Mirai then left the chamber.

Not long after Miru left, Ryosuke returned.

"Would you have the bed?" Mirai offered.

"No, I'll take the couch," he declined while grabbing a book from the shelf in the corner of the chamber then sat on the said couch.

Mirai had been grateful but guilty at the same time. As a prince, Ryosuke must be used to the comfort of luxury, but he had to endure the uncomfortable couch just for the sake of their pretense.

Don't jump into conclusion with everything I do.

"Then, I'm going to sleep now." She eventually said.

"Aa." He replied without even looked up from the book he was reading.

Turning her back on him, she pulled the blanket on herself. "Good night."

"Good night."

It was a little after midnight when Mirai stirred in her sleep. She felt her throat dry and needed to drink. From where she sat on the bed, she hardly made out Ryosuke's form sleeping on the couch in the dim light of the chamber. The water was on the table near the couch so when she finished drinking and took a glance at her side, she could see him clearer. He was laying on his back, arms folded above his chest while the armrest served as his pillow, his sword propped beside the couch, just within his reach. He looked uncomfortable. The guilt returned to Mirai.

She took a reserve blanket from the wardrobe. Yet, as she was putting it on him, his hand shot up grabbing her wrist. She froze. His grip was hard that she thought it would bruise. And as her eyes traveled to his face, she realized that his eyes were opened. He stared at her without loosening his grip.

"Ai... I'm sorry," Mirai stuttered, nervous and scared at the same time. "I... I just want to put it on you."

His eyes shifted to her hand. Noticing the blanket, he let go of her wrist.

"Don't touch me all of a sudden," he warned.

"So-sorry. I will back to sleep." Mirai rushed to the bed.

She had to calm her heartbeat before resuming her sleep. Drawing her blanket tighter, she was about to close her eyes when his voice reached her ears.

"Thank you."


An hour after they departed from Shida manor, early in the morning, they reached the village where the other members of the royal campaign were waiting. This time Mirai and Miru had no choice but to sit in the carriage because some of the council members would join in the way. Ryosuke had told her that the campaign was only to promote him as the new council member. Thus it would be short as they did not need to stay long in each place.

Mirai watched the view outside through the carriage window. Shifted her gaze toward the front of the groups, she could see Ryosuke's back. He was riding between Yuto and Okamoto Kota. She continued to stare and sometimes she could also see his side profile whenever he talked to Yuto. Remembering his profile report Miru gave in the early morning before, Mirai pondered.

How could a person be near to perfect as you? Don't you have a flaw? Or is it just a façade to hide your weakness?

As if hearing her questions, Ryosuke looked back. For a brief moment their eyes met and Mirai blushed knowing that she had been caught on staring. She retreated inside immediately.

"What's wrong?" Miru noticed the change in Mirai's face.

"No-nothing," she had not been fully recovered from the surprise contact with Ryosuke.

She was relief as Miru did not pursue further.

After another hour of riding, they arrived at their first destination, Seisan. It was a district where most of the citizen lived by making pottery. Mirai had been several times visited the district with Hikaru as they searched for their parents' birthday gifts in the past. She could see the city was as busy as she remembered. Upon seeing their arrival people immediately lined at both side of the street.

When they reached the governmental building of Seisan and she stepped out from the carriage, Ryosuke approached her. Still nervous about the previous contact, Mirai's heart beat faster. But Ryosuke did not mention anything about it. The government officers of Seisan welcomed them warmly and Ryosuke introduced her to them. They had bowed in sync, presented her the honor of a princess. After exchanging introductions, Kota had suggested them to get in the real business of their visit. She had been hesitated about what she would be doing in their meeting, until Ryosuke with his flat tone, asked her:

"It's going to be several hours meeting. Do you want to come inside or what?"

Weighing up her choices, Mirai tried to sound calm. "May I just take a walk in the town?"

"Fine," he said before beckoning Yuto to come over.

When Yuto arrived at his side, Ryosuke said more to her, "Take Captain Nakajima with you and don't stray too far." And then he left to join the other council members.

"Shall we go, my lady?" Yuto gestured her to walk ahead.


Mirai marveled at the beauty of arts presented by every shop she visited. She had ever visited one of the places where they produced the pottery with Hikaru several years ago. It had been mesmerized to see how they formed the clay to a particular shape, burnt the raw in high temperature then layered it with glasses and burnt it once more. To simply said, it was a painful and complicated process. No wonder that the price was high.

In one of the shops, Mirai halted. A piece of art caught her eyes. It was a calligraphy tools: an inkstand and a quill, beautifully painted tendril graced its porcelain surface. Seeing them reminded her of something.

"Nakajima-kun, does Prince Ryosuke like writing calligraphy?" Because she saw a set of these tool on his desk.

"Yes, my lady. He likes it."

'Maybe I can give it as gift for him?' She thought to herself.

If she recalled, she did not give Ryosuke anything for his birthday. The ceremony had taken all of her time that she did not even think about it. She only realized it when she joined in his birthday surprise. And that was not good at all. Not for her standard, according to what she had been taught all her life by her family. Giving a present on someone's important days was a custom, almost a duty, in Shida household.

'How if he doesn't like me doing this friendly gesture? He said he didn't want to be friends, didn't he?'

But then, he did not throw away the blanket she put on him last night. So, maybe he would not throw this away, too. He would not be that rude. Right?

He has just not been use to your presence, that's all, dear. He has been alone for too long after all.

Her mother said that when Mirai indirectly told her about Ryosuke's indifference. She did not understand. Why had he been alone? He had Yuto and those three—Keito, Daiki, and Yuri—to keep him company. But after she thought it over, just four persons as friends were not sufficient. He had also lost his mother since he was seven, and his father must be busy with all the king's duties. So her mother might be true eventually; that Ryosuke was just lonely.

At last, she had the gift wrapped up.

"Ne, Nakajima-kun," Mirai spoke after strolling around for almost an hour. Mirai had requested a break by sitting on a vacant bench. Miru right on her side while Yuto standing closed by.

"Yes, my lady?"

"You have known Prince Ryosuke since you were ten, right?"

Yuto's eyes slightly widened, "You knew?"

Mirai shook her head, "He told me."

"He told you about our childhood?" The fact seemed surprising for Yuto as she noticed.

"He only told me that and that he was training under your father."

Hearing that, Yuto presented her a smile. "Yes. We met accidentally somewhere at my family's resident. That was a time before we started training under my father together, along with Chinen."

"Then how about Prince Keito and Arioka-san?"

"Prince Keito is a crown prince, so he had his private training. And Arioka-kun is older than us, thus he had been in different education. But Prince Keito often brought Arioka-kun to visit Ryosuke. Not only when we're under my father, but even when we're trained under General Shida and General Chinen after that. That was how we all get acquainted."

Mirai noted, "The two princes seem close to each other."

Yuto nodded, "Yes, they are."

A short silence engulfed them.

"How was Prince Ryosuke?" Mirai broke the silence.

Yuto needed a time to answer and when he spoke, his eyes softened, "He was just like any other kid; fooled around, made pranks, run away from hard trainings, and... smiled a lot."

Lady Maeko had told the same before. And that description was absolutely the reverse of how Ryosuke looked right now.

"So what happened?"

When Yuto sent her a questioning look, Mirai added, "I mean, what caused the great change in his personality?"

"A lot had happened, my lady." Yuto's smiled was somehow bitter. "But that's not my story to tell."

"Was it involving a relationship with a certain maiden?"

The smile on Yuto's face turned to a frown. "There are a lot of rumor about him. Which one do you mean?"

"I heard that he ever had a relationship with a woman, that's all."

"If you mean he had a lover, then you heard it wrong, my lady."

Mirai noticed the mischievous glint in Yuto's eyes when he continued, "So, please be at ease. I assure you, my lady, that you are currently the only woman in his life."

Mirai blushed in embarrassment.


Ryosuke's meeting ended slightly after lunch break. He immediately ordered to leave for their next destination which was about five hours riding from Seisan. If nothing went wrong, with once or twice break on their medium speed, they would reach the village of shipwrights, Kurofune, at the dusk. Kurofune was a small town near the west coast of Hakumei and the nearest to the port. Goods for trade, such as the potteries of Seisan, were sent toward others regions or kingdoms from that port.

The caravan arrived at the village gate just as the sun set. Mirai was slightly disoriented from her nap when Miru woke her up. When she opened the curtain of the carriage, she saw that they stopped in front of a two story building. She peered at where Ryosuke and the men stood. It seemed that they were talking to a nobleman, judging from his appearance. A young nobleman. After some times of waiting, a guard opened the carriage door, signing her to step out.

Ryosuke took a careful glance at Mirai when she was guided towards his direction, catching her hiding a yawn with her hand. She looked tired. He started to doubt whether bringing her with him was a wise decision. Yet, the thought had to be pushed aside as Mirai arrived. He noticed the curious gaze from their host, Morimoto Ryutaro, the head officer in Kurofune, directed to Mirai. He concluded that the gaze was quite disturbing.

"Morimoto-san," he spoke to pull Ryutaro's attention. And when the said man turned to him, Ryosuke added, "Let me introduce my wife, your princess, Lady Mirai."

Ryutaro seemed to notice the emphasize he put on the princess part and chuckled. Ryosuke gritted his teeth in annoyance. The nerve of this boy!

"Greetings, my lady. Welcome to Kurofune," the bow was proper but his grin was mischievous. Ryosuke never let it go unnoticed.

Mirai curtsied just enough, "Thank you... Morimoto-san," she recalled how Ryosuke called him.

"My name is Morimoto Ryutaro. It's nice to finally meeting you in person, my lady. I hope my prince hasn't tired you out with the long trip here," the grin never ceased.

Quite surprised by the vague meaning of his words, Mirai tried to stay calm,"The pleasure is mine, Sir. Since it's my first time visiting, it seems the excitement has won over my fatigue."

Ryutaro chuckled lightly much to Ryosuke annoyance. "I'm glad that you've found such a match, my lord."

"If you don't mind, Morimoto-san," Ryosuke prevented further talk. "We have matters to attend tomorrow morning. It would be better if we all rest early."

Still in his laid back manner, the host apologized for being thoughtless and invited them to the mansion before assigning them to their respective room. Just as he expected, Ryosuke had to share a chamber with Mirai, as a normal couple did.

Mirai had been silence while Miru and the maids of the mansion set the bed and their belongings. Ryosuke had ignored them since he entered the chamber, busying himself with his sword and piles of reports. But he had noted, seeing how many tasks the maid should handle, to assign two or more maids for Mirai later when they returned to the palace.

"Your Highness, please have a tea." Miru presented him a cup of tea. He just realized that the other maids had gone.

He wasn't fond of tea, but he accepted it nonetheless.

"May I ask something?" he heard Mirai in the middle of sipping his tea.

"What?" He looked at her across the room.

"Who is Morimoto-san?"

"The head officer assigned to this district."

"Isn't he so young?"

Ryosuke raised a brow, "At least he has reached nineteen, so it's legitimate." He hardly admitted the next explanation. "And he is competent for this job as he passed the examination."

Mirai nodded in understanding. "And the way he behaves..." She trailed, but he caught her question.

"He is annoying, I know."

Mirai stared at him, eyes widened. She was surprised hearing the hostile in his voice.

"Just bear with it for a while."

Seeing her still staring at him, he frowned. "What?"

Mirai shook her head, "I was just thinking, why you let him be... disrespectful?"

Ryosuke finished his cup off. "No need to make it such a big deal as long as he carries his duties out well."

He grabbed his sword and walked toward the door, "I need to see Captain Nakajima. No need to wait me."

He had not expected any answer from her, but she did. And it was not the answer he wanted.

"I will wait," she said. "Honor husband."

He did not look back, instead resumed his steps. Inside, he flinched at the way she addressed him just now. She never used that word before, or if she had ever he might not paid attention, as he believed it was the first time she called him a husband; and he decided that he did not like it.


She did not know why she addressed Ryosuke the way she did. It was an impulse. When he started to walk away and gave her his excuse, she understood what he was doing. He said he would see Yuto, though it should be the other way around. Ryosuke should just summon Yuto if he really needed to see him; and he also told her not to wait which she took as the sign that he would not return until morning. Why should he be the only one to suffer?

He made her felt guilty. With every self-sacrifice he did, the guilt accumulated; and she did not like it. They had a deal in this marriage. So they should act it together. Yet, he always went on his own.

Simply put the sleeping arrangement to point at. It was more likely that outside the palace, they would have to stay in the same chamber. If he always run away by sleeping somewhere outside or chose the couch, it would not be good for both of them. It sure would affect his health and it would increase the guilt on her. They should have discussed it, looked together for another solution.

Mirai had set her mind and she would not have it dulled once more.

Slight after midnight, Ryosuke returned. She knew he had expected to see her awake once he saw the light of the chamber was still on. True, he walked in, eyes demanded an answer. Stripped off his royal cloak and put his sword beside, he sat on the chair in front of her; a table between them.

"You want to talk?" He asked without further ado.


He saw her eyes glinted with determination. Honestly, though she had said she would wait, he did not expect her to be awake since the night had been so late. But once he saw the light in the chamber, he knew he should prepare himself for everything she might want.

"Yes," she answered.


"About our deal."

He narrowed his eyes, anticipated, "What of it?"

"I think you're unfair." Ryosuke frowned hearing this.

"You always leave me behind, and you always do things on your own. I think that in a deal, we have to work together. Be an alliance, in your word."

"So what do you want?"

He saw the glint in her eyes shifted. The determination remained, but another emotion flickered. It was like she was weighing up from one decision to another one.

"Let me participate in the decision making."

Honestly, he was amused. The woman before him had such a nerve.

"Elaborate," he demanded.

"As a start, let me take a part in deciding our sleeping arrangement."

He could not help to chuckle. He had thought she would ask something more... serious, not the trivial thing like... sleeping arrangement.

Her eyes widened, but then she frowned, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he receded. "Go on."

She cleared her throat before continuing, "Let's take turns on where we sleep... when we have to stay in the same chamber. If tonight you sleep on the couch, then next time you will have the bed."

He considered the option.

"Don't think to do what you did, either," she added.

His brow went up, "What I did?"

"You moved me to the bed while I was sleeping on the couch." There was slight annoyance in her voice.

He folded his arms, analyzing. He sensed she was fidgeting under his stare.

"Alright," he said in the end. "But with a condition."

The smile had not formed fully, "What is it?"

"I agree if we take turns, but when I don't stay in the room for the night, you should take the bed."

She frowned. "No. If I agree, you would always find an excuse to not stay in the room."

He snorted. "Then I decline your suggestion. I'll take the couch every time we stay in the same chamber."

Her frown deepened.

"Why should you concern about such trivial thing?" He asked on impulse.

She looked up, hesitating, "You would be sick if you continue what you're doing now. And it makes me feel guilty."

He sighed. "Don't bother yourself. Guilt is unnecessary. I know my limit."

He rose to his feet. "And mind you, I will never do anything to harm myself."

Just as he about to walk away, she grabbed his arm.

"Fine!" She half-shouted. "I agree with your condition."


She let go of his arm. "Tonight I'll take the couch."

Ryosuke did not answer right away, instead walking to take his cloak. Once he secured his royal cloak and sword, he turned to look at Mirai.

"No. I still have something to attend." And then he left the chamber before Mirai could form a coherent reply.


That crafty prince! He's cheating!

Mirai stomped her feet in frustration. Ryosuke outwitted her. She should have known it would come. Staring at the open door, she sighed in defeat.

I will never win an argument against him.

After closing and locking the door, she climbed the bed. She laid motionless, but sleep had yet to come. Staring at the white ceiling of her chamber, she started building a train of thought.

Ryosuke had showed other emotion she had never seen before. The hostile in his voice when talking about Morimoto-san and the fact that he knew his age, it seemed that tonight was not the first time he met the young officer. She should ask him in the morning. Or she should ask Yuto instead. Then he had chuckled. It was annoying that he did it at her cost, but at least she understood now. She believed that he might be indifferent and stoic, but...

He is definitely not coldhearted. He can feel.

A smile bloomed on her face before she finally dozed off.


The anguished cry and the joy of smile

Keeps the sprout of hope growing

In the spring, I want to believe

The end also means the beginning


posted on AFF: January 29, 2014
Posted on Wattpad: December 05, 2019

A/N.: It's long... I put hints for the coming conflict, can you guess it? Well, just enjoy this chapter XD

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